Congrats to the 2009 Best Ranger Competition Winners

| May 11, 2009

Serious congrats to all of these young men.

Notice anything about the top five teams?

24 teams completed the 2009 David E. Grange Best Ranger Competition.
Final team standings are –

1st – Team 21 – 2483 points – Sgt 1st Class Blake A. Simms and Sgt 1st Class Chad E.W. Stackpole, 4th Ranger Training Battalion, Ranger Training Brigade, Fort Benning, GA

2nd – Team 22- 2396 points – Master Sgt Walter J. Zajkowski and Master Sgt Daniel E. Jenkins, US Army Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, NC

3rd – Team 7 – 2165 points – Sgt Michael A. Malchow and Sgt Jesse A. Collins, 75th Ranger Regiment

4th – Team 8 – 2151 points – Staff Sgt Brandon K. Farmer and Staff Sgt Luke R. McDowell, 75th Ranger Regiment

5th – Team 31 – 2138 points – Staff Sgt Michael C. Mutchie and Staff Sgt Miguel A. Antia, 4th Ranger Training Battalion, Ranger Training Brigade, Fort Benning, GA

Couple of interesting points:

The Simms/Stackpole team won by almost 100 points. This was a big reason for that.

Team 21, Sgt 1st Class Blake A. Simms and Sgt 1st Class Chad E.W. Stackpole, are the winners of the Capt. Russell B. Rippetoe Trophy for their first place finish in the road march Friday night.

Simms and Stackpole also won the Richard A. Leandri Award for winning the night orienteering course on Saturday night.

The third place team was made up of two E-5s. I realize that an E5 is in fact an NCO but these two young bucks were like tadpoles in a sea of sharks and showed very well. I imagine we’ll be seeing them again.

Oh yeah, about the first thing I noticed?

No officers.

Category: Politics

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First thing I noticed:

Ft Benning Rgr School
Ft Brag SFHQs
Ft Benning Rgr HQs
Ft Benning Rgr HQs
Ft Benning Rgr School

Hmmm…I wonder where everyone else is?

BUT- congrats to the winners, this event isn’t for the weak- willed or physically.


Yep, and as we use to call them “Shake and Bakes” or “Thirty Day Wonders”. Semper Fi.


95 CAB fielded three teams this year B-) Net year, I hope to see more CA competitors. I do love how the winning teams were all NCOs, says something huh TSO 😉

Mr Wolf

Does NSW get a team in on this? Surprised they don’t try to win it…



Looks like 2nd place was OMFG D3LTA! Otherwise I can’t see why they’d have REMFs from ARSOC headquarters…


I don’t think so Anon, and AFSOC isn’t there either. The Marine Corps is the only other service who sends their Joes to Ranger School. I have an Uncle who was an honor grad asa Jarhead. While that would be an interesting contest, I really don’t think there would be a contest, the Army and Marine Corps would come out on top 😉


I wonder where Robert Ward Reilly was????

Jonn wrote: He got tuckered out walking to the porta-potty at the “Worst Phony Ranger Competition” at Seneca Army Depot and missed the start while smoking a joint. Guess what? He won!

True North

Re: Officers

It’s not our fault, there was Land Nav involved.


True North, whats the most dangerous thing in the Army? A 2LT with a map and a compass!


Yep. That was the first thing I noticed also. All NCOs. 🙂

And, roger your last, Lucky. LOL


Just about every other year an O wins it…enjoy your time with 5 top NCO teams 🙂

el Capitan

No officers? That’s because we didn’t get 4-5 months of SD time to train specifically for the comp. The Army doesn’t want to pay a captain to train solely for the comp for that long, unless you are in the WCAP or AMU. Didn’t really matter though, those top 5 teams were amazing athletes and warriors.

keith wooten

Lucky, Marine Recon team was in this competition and did not place.

Former Marine Cpl

I’m watching the episodes since they put them on the playstation store for free and in the first episode there are two Marines in the background, did they not compete?

Good job son............

good job Chad,from your father……..

Jason goth

Chad Stackpole is a mf machine son!

Ed Johnston

great job to my son Chad…………………..