More Hysterics – We’re Doomed! Doomed, I Tellya!!!
This is another sample of people operating of out fear, rather than common sense. This California store manager locked no-mask customers in his store and had them arrested.
Now, if he’s truly that worried about the communicable liability of the disease through this group of people, doesn’t he have to (logically) dump everything on his shelves, sterilize the store from floor to ceiling, and stay on lockdown himself for the foreseeable future?
From the article:
Costa Mesa recently threatened to issue $100 fines for being in public without a mask.
“They locked the front door and I was already in the building! And then they locked us in!” the cuffed woman screamed as police escorted her to the cruiser.
Bystanders screamed at police officers: “You support tyranny!” – article
Note that the article specifically says “threatened to issue $100 fines”, not that such an ordinance was in place. So we’re back in the Middle Ages already?
There are many venues of research going on about the durability of CV-19, as well as whether or not one acquires immunity from having it and surviving. That has to do with antibodies found in blood plasma, which is why there is a request for plasma donations in various areas. The smart thing to do, as usual, is avoid personal contact with other people unless it’s necessary, and keep yourself occupied as well as aware.
The media have, for decades now, tried to turn every potential communicable disease into a killer epidemic that will wipe out gazillions, including ebola fever (people have survived it and there’s a vaccine for it now), typhoid (vaccine available), influenza’s various strains from swine flu to avian flu (vaccines for all those strains now, but the viruses exchange particles with each other and form new strains every year), and West Nile fever (total to date since 1999 is 2,300 and about 130 people die from it per year).
Since CDC and NIH and other research entities are working on developing a vaccine for Covid-19, it’s difficult to understand why anyone needs to go into spasms of fear. The morbidity rate is dropping and has been for some time now. If the media mavens, who like to stir the pot with their witch hunts, could shut up about it and report facts (which they frequently don’t) instead of their own delusions (depends on the news station or network) , their medieval attempts to stir up hysterics (and get attention for themselves) might not be so ridiculous.
They even went comically over the top when Comet Hale-Bopp appeared in the skies. The media projections were that it could slam into the Earth, causing a complete destruction of civilization. Unfortunately for them, that magnificent sky surfer – which I saw every morning on my way to the rink – never came near us…. but then Comet Shoemake-Levy was aiming at Earth and would destroy us all… until it got caught in Jupiter’s gravity field, broke into a long “string of pearls” pieces and ended up being swallowed by our solar system’s giant vacuum-cleaner planet. They don’t call Jupiter the King of Planets for nothing, you know.
It’s almost like they want an “end of civilization” disaster. They should be careful what they wish for. A giant asteroid just missed Earth a few weeks ago.
Happens all the time. Probably would have put CNN out of business.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", COVID-19
What a Turbo-Karen of a manager, that’s some 24K chickenshit!
Dumbasses! Yeah all of them! The politicians for trying to make a fine/law like that; the store keeper for attempting to “do their part” in enforcing said law, and the people that elected the politician and elected to go in the store.
Screw it, play the game, stick a damn mask in your pocket and if you have no other choice, put the damn thing on, go in, do your business, and GTFO.
We’ve been on the way to being DOOOOOOOOOOMMEED all of our life and if we are to be DOOOOOOOOMEED now let it be here. Least we won’t go out hungry. Grab m r geese, turn them upside down in a cock pot…err, crock pit, let’s cook that goose, put it on ice man and fly out of this danger zone. We can have a ball at the beach.
Oh…wait…m r ducks?
I had a wild hair up my ass after a few beers and wrote “COMMUNIST CHINA SUCKS” on a black cloth mask with a silver Sharpie. I wore it while doing some shopping with my Mrs. and got compliments on it from a few who worked in the store!
I wonder if this is applicable, and if those locked i the store will pursue.
Penal Code 236 PC is the California statute that defines the crime of false imprisonment. Under this code section, false imprisonment is “the unlawful violation of the personal liberty of another.”1
The commission of the crime means that one person restrains, detains, or confines another person without his/her consent. The crime can be committed with or without force or violence.
Here are examples of that was listed. I wonder if this would be another example.???
Examples of false imprisonment are when:
During a heated spousal argument, the husband grabs his wife by the shoulders and prevents her from leaving a room;
An employee, while upset with a co-worker on the job, locks the co-worker in a closet; or
A police officer arrests and detains a suspect without a warrant and with no legal authority.
Oh, yeah. If anyone locked me in a store for any reason, they would be facing criminal charges. Of course, there would likely be a broken window/door from my attempt to escape being unlawfully detained.
Worst. Fucking. State. In. The. Union.
‘Nuff said.
Oregon is currently in the process of asking them to hold their beer.
Shame too… when I was a wee lad I often had dreams of living in the quiet of the Pacific NW.
“Do you remember the Y2K hysteria of the late 90’s?”
“Leonard Nimoy did.”
“As government officials and computer programmers were thinking about what to do when the century changed and all digital dates would roll over to 00’s, the press made a big deal out of it.”
“Some people got worried, as middle Americans are want to do, and bought up lots of canned food, water, batteries, and other things you would need in the case of the apocalypse…. or if power was out for a few days.”
“Contributing to the hysteria, and possibly profiting off of it, were so-called experts in emergency preparedness.”
“A group of them got together and made this video, and somehow convinced Leonard Nimoy to host and narrate it. Apparently, he was available.”
“This video is perpetrating fear with the nonchalance of an office safety training short. Nimoy calmly explains that a disaster might be coming as cheap graphics tell you “people will die.”
“A few various “experts” are brought on, from an obscure congressman to a British military man who calls himself “the hand of man” or something cryptic like that.”
“He gives some of the best extreme ideas, such as reusing water in many ways, and tells us that we must all “live like squirrels” in the case of an emergency. Well said.”
One hour in length. A 3 minute video summary of the video is attached as well in case one does not want to spend an hour watching the video
“Y2K Family Survival Guide With Leonard Nimoy”:
The 3 minute video summary of the above video:
“Leonard Nimoy Stirs the Y2K Conspiracy Pot”
Remember all of this ninja. Another big nothing burger. I had only been with Ma Bell since Feb of 99, forget exactly what prep we made for outside plant purposes. The Company wasn’t overly concerned, but they did ask around if anybody had any old rotary dial phones handy. I made sure that my ’62 Ford Falcon Station wagon was full of gas, bought an extry case of Yuengling and pulled what little bit of money I had in the bank out, leaving just enough to keep the account open.
I wonder if this is where Elaine got her start with that proud but humble woman owned company selling software to the federal government?
😉 😛 😆
Well at least folks did not stock up on toilet paper!
A 2 Minute NBC News Video with Tom Brokaw on 31 December 1999 reference folks preparing for the Y2K
And I imagine folks bought these Y2K Survival kits as well (1 minute video).
In reviewing video tapes from 31 December 1999, I discovered this 2 minute gem of Tom Brokaw interviewing President Trump before the ball dropped on Times Square.
President Trump was asked if he had any plans to run for President and what he thought our economy was going to be in the New Millennium:
I remember seeing a Y2K store in a smaller town that hawked all kinds of stuff like wind up powered radios and flashlights, etcetera and it was closed and empty by January 2, 2000 after a chunk of the local populace had spent good chunks of money in there, *OOPS!*, no refunds in the event of no apocalypse!
Farmer’s Insurance Group even paid for me to go to a two-day legal seminar on how we were going to deal with the Y2K disaster and all the claims and litigation that would result from it. The presenters were convinced it would be a world-wide computer based disaster. Turned out, it was just another disaster hoax hyped by the media. George Noory even had that remote viewing phony Ed Dames on air predicting the extent of the impending end of civilization as we know it. I thought at the time: Welp, it is a good thing I have a manual typewriter and plenty of pencils and legal pads. I don’t recall a run on toilet paper, which would have made more sense than the recent one.
I remember thinking how funny it was that people were waiting for midnight to strike here in the US, because THAT would be when it happens. By the time 0000L 01Jan2001 hit, it had already been 01Jan2001 for several hours across the rest of the globe. If New Zealand and all parts east were doing fine, I knew we were gonna be good.
I had Staff Duty on December 31st 1999. No end of the world stuff happened obviously, but the amount of craziness that happened that night was memorable. I had 2 guys on suicide watch, and AWOL turned himself into me, and I lost count of how many trips I took to the MP station.
Don’t you have to ask why the media have to fan the flames of this kind of hysterical crap?
The answer is that, without a looming disaster such as a reversion to 1900 or a comet that “might be” heading toward Earth, they literally do not have anything to say.
Do you realize that all those retired COBOL coders had to come back to work out of retirement, search for every line of code that had a 2-digit 00 in the end of the 00/00/00 line – EVERY CONFOUNDED LINE!!!! – and turn all of those into 00/00/0000?
And it was simply because no one thought COBOL would still be in use by AD 2000. Geezo Pete, think what will happen when we reach the year AD 10000!!!
We gots to make it past here FIRST, M’Lady!
I keep a mask in my pocket. Ive had it in my truck for 4 months. Its falling apart. I tuck it in my back pocket in CASE someone says something. If they do, I put it around my ears and wear it as a chin hammock. They governor’s order says a facemask. It never says to wear it CORRECTLY.
I’m finding that those blue filter masks don’t aggravate my seasonal allergies, but they do block things like dust when I’m housecleaning, so I am stocking up on them wherever I can find them.
Cheap, too, and I don’t have to hide them from anyone except my cat. She thinks they make great naptime spots.
Remember reading a story of a motorcyclist pulled over by the CHP for wearing his helmet… on his knee. He protested that the law didn’t specify WHERE it had to be worn to no avail, and the cop ordered him to wear it on his head or get ticketed. A few miles down the road the biker was run off the road, wrecked, and shattered his kneecap.
For everyone that’s wondering what would really happen if there was a massive Beto/Biden-like gun confiscation ordered. For all the bluster of the cops that say they’d never enforce an unconstitutional law, the “I’d quit before I violate the 2A!”, you’re seeing the truth of it. Every person being forced at gunpoint to wear a mask is a person that would be disarmed if the law was passed.
There’s no legal basis to force healthy people to wear a mask. There’s no legal basis to quarantine the healthy. Anyone enforcing this stuff is just going with the flow and doesn’t want to make waves to lose their job.
One thing for certain, if we don’t re-elect Trump, America as a country truly is doomed…..
D-O-O-O-O-O-O-M-M-M-E-E-E-D-D-D !!!!!
Aw, jeez, is there going to be panic buying of toilet paper again?!
Just get the 12-roll packs at Walmart. Store them in the hall closet with the coats. You’ll be fine.
I’ve stocked upon maple syrup, and stuff to make pancakes this fall and winter, and bacon – lots of bacon – but every time I try to get teabags at any store, someone was there ahead of me and nearly cleaned out the shelves. I thought coffee was the big deal. Coffee and toilet paper….
Coffee is an issue??? Better stock up, then. The world really, really, REALLY doesn’t want to deal with the uncoffeesaturated version of OWB.