The left celebrates the death of another conservative

| August 16, 2020

With the sad news of the passing of Robert Trump, the president’s younger brother, the left wasted no time in sinking to a new low.

A day after the Trump family’s loss, The hashtag “#wrongtrump” is the second highest trending tag on Twitter right now, with 77,000 and counting tweets.

“Dear Grim Reaper, You took the #wrongtrump,” tweeted Bishop Talbert Swan, who is a pastor, radio host, and president of the Springfield, Mass., branch of the NAACP.

I’m not even sure of Robert Trump’s political positions or opinions. I guess it’s enough that he is the sibling of Orange Man Bad though. At least some of the use of the tag is in disgust and against the level of despicable vitriol that drives someone to be so consumed with hate;
“I dislike trump with my whole heart & he will never get my vote but the #wrongtrump hashtag makes me so uncomfortable as a human being with a heart and compassion for life,” said mental health advocate Kenidra Wood.
A tip o’ the hat to ninja for this one as well. Source; Fox News

Category: Guest Link, Liberals suck, Politics, Trolls, Trump!

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RBG death mocking will have prosecutions and be banned from Twitter

And what a POS pastor and leader.


I’m no fan of her, but I certainly won’t celebrate her death.

I couldn’t even bring myself to celebrate the demise if Dan Bernath, who if anyone in my experience was worthy of such an act, it was certainly him.


We all know the Left News Media would be all over this if BHO’s Siblings had passed away when he was in Office.

Wow, what kind of “Pastor” is Talbert Swan?

Whoops, I completely forgot about “Reverand” Wright.

Some Folks Are So Uncouth.

5th/77th FA

It is not Donald Trump that the domestic enemies of our Republic are after. It’s us! He just happens to be in their way!

God has a special place in Hell for these types of “Pastors.” One reason why Sharpton is not paying his taxes. He knows he’s gonna need the money to try and buy air conditioning. Heh Heh. Not gonna happen Al.

So odd that so many of the people were praising or sucking up to Trump just a few short years ago sunk to such low levels of inhuman actions just because the Bitch of Benghazi didn’t get her turn.

Rest in Peace Robert Trump.

5th/77th FA

very very mildly. DAAAAAAAAAYYUUUUUUUM!!!

Page after page after page after page.

Guess he got his tax advice from Al, child support dodging hints from Hunter, and attention whoring skilz from Lieawatha.

Thanks for the info…I think?


Holy f**ing s**t! That PoS is a turd with cheese!
If I ever spot that clown in my AO I’ll be sure to ‘breach his peace’ by hurling four-letter words in his direction.
An $88 ticket would be MORE than worth it!

Green Thumb

Bishop Talbert Swan is a loser and a fool.

What a clown.

Hate has no color or flavor.

What a fool.

Dude needs his ass kicked. But I imagine he would try to hide behind God.

Is this clown even ordained through divinity and the seminary? Or self-ordained to beat the tax man?


The left has always been this level of hateful, immature, and dispicable. They are simply making it more difficult to ignore these days. They used to have enough sense to at least pretend to be otherwise.

Sad, pitiful characters. Dangerous, of course. But mostly just unhappy people disappointed by their own choices who can’t be stisfied until the rest of us are punished for not being as loathsome as they are.


You have zero self awareness about your partisan identity.

You stand for nothing at this point except fear, loathing, and wounded privilege.

Have you ever genuinely tried to figure out if what you stand for right now has any coherence to it? If your favored politicians represent any values you claim to believe…

And if they do, which they might, then at the very least you can admit they don’t represent the bullshit narrative the right likes to claim republicans represent. Trump represents none of the values that the republicans have tried to associate themselves with over the last 50 years.

He does however represent true classical conservatism; an imperial despot with no accountability. Driven to concentrate power and wealth in the hands of the few for the benefit of the fewer. And ultimately for the purpose the despot determines is best for the himself, because he is the embodiment of the nation.

That is classical conservatism. Absolute obedience and loyalty to a tyrant.

That is explicitly was classical conservatism has always represented.

And Trump is the closest America has come to the leviathan.

And you all love him for it.

Absolutely pathetic. Appalling.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not only does your claptrap sound funnier in “Chef-Speak”, it makes more sense!!

Yuou hefe-a zeru selff ivereness ibuout yuour pertisuon identity. Yuou stuond fur nuzeeng it zees puint ixcept feer, luezeeng, und vuounded prifilege-a. Hefe-a yuou ifer genuoinely tried tu feeguore-a ouout iff vhet yuou stuond fur right nuo hes uny cuherence-a tu it? Iff yuour fefured puleeticeeuons represent uny feluoes yuou cleem tu beleefe-a… Und iff zeey du, vheech zeey meeght, zee-a it zee-a fery leest yuou cuon idmeet zeey dun’t represent zee-a buollsheet nerretife-a zee-a right leekes tu cleem repuobleecuons represent. Truomp represents nune-a ouff zee-a feluoes zeet zee-a repuobleecuons hefe-a tried tu issuceete-a zeemselfes vit oufer zee-a lest 50 yeers. He-a dues huoefer represent truoe-a clessicel cunserfetism; un imperiel desput vit nu iccuountebeeleety. Drifee-a tu cuncentrete-a puoer und veelt in zee-a huonds ouff zee-a fuo fur zee-a beneffeet ouff zee-a fuoer. Und ultimetely fur zee-a puorpuse-a zee-a desput determeenes is best fur zee-a heemselff, becuose-a he-a is zee-a imbudeement ouff zee-a netiun. Zeet is clessicel cunserfetism. Ibsuluote-a oubedeence-a und luyelty tu a tyruont. Zeet is ixpleeceetly ves clessicel cunserfetism hes ilveys represented. Und Truomp is zee-a clusest Imerica hes cume-a tu zee-a lefiethuon. Und yuou ill lufe-a heem fur it. Ibsuluotely pezeetic. Ippelleeng. Bork Bork Bork!




I do have to admit that I appreciate Commissar’s feedback, even though the majority of the time, I do not agree with his assessments, especially when it comes to President Trump.

Again, if we all agree 100% with one another on a topic, TAH would be a boring Blog (IMHO).

There IS a difference how he and LC communicate their different views on a subject….but then again, we communicate in various forms as well even though we may be on the same sheet of music.


A Proud Infidel®™

Major Moonbat, is that the best of your cult propaganda that you see fit to regurgitate right now?


Not propaganda. I have read the works of all the major classical conservative theorists.

Maybe you should as well.

Assuming they publish them in coloring book form.


If you read all those major classical conservative theorists with the same degree of comprehension that you employ in your reading here, no wonder you have everything ass-backwards.

Just sayin’…


You couldn’t read Dr. Seuss with any sort of comprehension, and you’d probably declare it pro-Trump propaganda. And how are you celebrating the demise of Robert Trump? Sharing a cup of cocoa with your onesie-wearing comrades?


Explain your compatriots here… not happy with looting, they now want to take peoples’ homes now:

A Proud Infidel®™

Let them try that shit in Red State America and see how many of them end up in body bags!

Roger in Republic

I’ll give them my house when I am out of ammo. My stocks of ammo are measured by the ton. It might be a long wait for me to run out.



So do you agree with what Talbert Swan and David Leavitt posted on their Twitter account?

They took a man’s death and made it politicaly, all because that man was President Trump’s Brother.

IMHO, that was immature, childish and LOW for them to do that. Especially coming from a Bishop of a church.

Which makes me wonder about his Faith and if he truly IS a Christian or just plays one for political purposes.

You know. As in the Pharisees and Sadducees during my favorite carpenter’s time on Earth.



I agree that God took the wrong Trump.

I don’t agree that saying “wrong Trump” is an attack on Robert Trump.

It is clearly an attack on Donald Trump. It is explicitly saying that people would rather Donald die than Robert.

Spinning this as an attack on Robert is just another bad faith disingenuous political talking point. The same exact partisan political bullshit you all are acting outraged about in this blog post.

There is a talking point the right is conspicuously ducking and pretending does not exist in their list of daily outrage messages; that Robert likely died of blood clots associated with Covid-19.

They are not addressing it and the administration is refusing to release the cause of death. The only reason to hide the cause of death is if it embarrasses the Trump administration or the Trump family. We know it has something to do with blood clots. So it was not suicide.

The right wing blogosphere has obediently carried the outrage over #wrongtrump while completely ignoring the Covid-19 discussion.



Appreciate your feedback even though you and I view the tweets in a different light.

This may come across to some as also being political, but I do give credit to Biden and Harris for being Grown Ups as well as offering condolences and prayers to President Trump on Robert’s passing:

“Biden, Harris Offer Condolences, Prayers For ‘Entire Trump Family’ After Passing of Robert Trump”

IMHO, the “Bishop” and the “Journalist” who made those childish remarks need to refresh their personality and “professional” skills.

There is a time and place for everything.

And we all know the Liberal Left News Media would have a field day if this happened to BHO during his Presidential term.


The fact that you celebrate and defend the people who rejoice in a political bystander’s death says it all. You’re a despicable disgrace to MI and have sunk to a new low.


Well, when you wish for Boomers to die of COVID so the Free Shit Army can get their “fair share”… you get a picture of his mindset.


You keep saying that even though you know it is a lie. Because you have zero integrity.

I never said I wished for boomers to die. I tried to tell you dumbshits to wear a mask, wash your hands, and follow social distancing rules. The exact opposite of wishing your deaths. Dipshit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yuou keep seying zeet ifee-a thuough yuou knuo it is a lee-a. Becuose-a yuou hefe-a zeru integrity. I nefer seed I vished fur buomers tu dee-a. I tried tu tell yuou duombsheets tu veer a mesk, vesh yuour huonds, und fulluo suceel deestuonceeng ruoles. Zee-a ixect ouppusite-a ouff visheeng yuour deeths. DEEpsheet. Bork Bork Bork!


Wrong again, assclown….


Dear Dickweed,

How many times do your own words have to be posted before you finally own up to that shit?


And your continued denial of that fiasco, despite repeated citing of your statement, is why you have zero credibility.


You are a liar. You first made the claim that boomers would be the most affected by COVID-19, then celebrated the fact that it would reduce opposition to your progressive ideals.


“I was never banned” – LIE
“I never said that I was
for Sanders” – LIE
“I never said that I hoped Boomers catch COVID and die” – LIE

I see a pattern, don’t you, SFC D?


Really a pattern, it’s more of a constant.


I never said I wished for boomers to die.

Technically true, but misleading as hell.
Because it’s pretty damn close to something you provably did say, Commissar (AKA Koalemos AKA Poodle AKA Seagull AKA Cthulhu).

You stated outright that you were thankful that the Wuhan Coronavirus would target people older than your generation (X) because they were more likely to oppose one of your favorite political goals: single-payer, government-managed healthcare. (Quote follows; I’ve added emphasis.)

I am thankful it will impact the generation most to blame politically for not letting our country prepare of it.

Lest you forget: the “it” in the quote above refers to the Wuhan coronavirus.

Here’s the proof that the above quote is accurate:

Elsewhere in comments, you obliquely identified those of the “baby boom” and earlier generations as those most likely to opposed nationalized healthcare. The context of the discussion also highlighted the fact that the Wuhan coronavirus is disproportionately deadly to those over 65.

Given the latter, to anyone who has a reasonable command of standard English the first portion of that sentence clearly says that its author is thankful that the Wuhan coronavirus is disproportionately lethal to the elderly. Further, the italicized portion clearly identifies your motivation for that ghoulish thanks.

Those are your words. They’re not negated by the semi-obligatory “I don’t want them to die” boilerplate you included at the beginning of the original comment. Including that merely makes you look disingenuous or a fool – because it means you’re either being insincere or contradicting yourself. You’re effectively saying, “I don’t want them to die, but since they opposed me politically I’m glad they will.”

Again: your words. Own them, or disavow them. But don’t waste our time claiming you never said them, or that they mean something besides what they clearly say to anyone who can read and comprehend standard English.


The claim that #wrongtrump is celebrating Robert’s death is complete disengenous bullshit.

And you know it. But yet, you persist.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, just like when you said that China isn’t communist.


And National Socialists weren’t socialists.

As some wag wrote elsewhere,

“The only people who seem to be confused about what socialism is are socialists.”

Short Round is a living example of that…


Well said David.I dont get into these political pissing matches,but what you said about Trump is a new low even for you commissar


He hasn’t been MI for a long time; he is a Civil Affairs cunt. Even more remote from the tip of the spear.


Well, after all, Robert Trump was a Boomer. So that’s one for your scorecard, Commissar. And yes, before you claim other, you did celebrate the death of boomers.


No, clotting is a bona fide issue related to COVID – there are numerous reports on this, one linked below:

Lots of places are prescribing blood thinners to anyone being treated, and heart/vascular damage is considered a widespread issue even in survivors. A recent study of people who survived severe cases in Spain also showed a high rate of neurological issues:


The lethal “third stage” of SARS-cov-2 involves an inflammation reaction that causes all sorts of damage. It is also somewhat random as everyone’s immune system has “preferences” when it goes berserk.

“Auto-immune disorder” is a similar but less severe occurance, and is similar to picking three to seven cards from a deck of symptoms. One set is “lupus” , another “rheumatoid arthritis”, another “psoriasis”.

In the case of SARS-cov-2, there are some distinct tendencies for that third stage crisis, but it can be different in final lethality. This is often based on what already wrong with the person.

Anti-inflammatory drugs, administered early, seem to help. Some folks were going to die of the first thing that came along, and often from a whole bunch of things.

If he was sick with three infectious things, would anything other than SARS-cov-2 be reported?

SARS-cov-2 tends to be an opportunistic killer of the elderly. So is run-of-the-mill pneumonia.

The Other Whitey

It’s hilariously pathetic, Lars, that you, the asshole who said that it was “good” that the Chinese Bat Flu would “kill off the boomers” (i.e. anybody who doesn’t toe your line), has made personal threats against several people here over the years (myself included), lies your ass off about it when called on it, and does so with such consistency that you appear to have a pathological tendency to believe your own bullshit, would accuse anyone of lacking self-awareness. It’s hardly surprising, as you’ve proven yourself to be nothing if not a toxic, partisan hypocrite, but it is hilarious in a really pathetic kind of way.


Eat a dick, Lars.

Pretty please.


He likely had some of his antifa soybois over tonight, so he has prolly already chowed down on a few.


Did somebody say something????

Thought I mighta heard some sort of noise…


A post about mindless hatred the Left, and you post mindless hatred.


It’s how the Commissar of Cuck rolls….


Not hatred; disgust. It was disgust.


Yes, your statement was also disgusting.


While enjoying your outrage high consider this; Trump knew his brother was dying, He went golfing.

That is the kind of stuff that makes people say things like #wrongtrump.


I certainly hope your ignorant impotent rage hasn’t alienated you from your family.

Best get a handle on that impotent rage crap. You may not realize how much damage you are doing, and what it will ultimately cost you.


Gee Whiz, Commisssar.

How little we forget:


“Terrorist Horror, Then Golf: Incongruity Fuels Obama Critics”

“He had just hung up the telephone with the devastated parents before heading in front of the cameras. Unusually emotional, President Obama declared himself “heartbroken” by the brutal murder of an American journalist, James Foley, and vowed to “be relentless” against Islamic radicals threatening to kill another American.”

But as soon as the cameras went off, Mr. Obama headed to his favorite golf course on Martha’s Vineyard, where he is on vacation, seemingly able to put the savagery out of his mind. He spent the rest of the afternoon on the links even as a firestorm of criticism erupted over what many saw as a callous indifference to the slaughter he had just condemned”.



There is a difference between feeling devastating grief over a strange, and devastating grief over a brother.

I think you know that. But, yet, you still chose this disingenuous whataboutism to justify Trump.

At best, Trump is at least as bad as Obama on this issue. At best.

Though Trump also golfs every weekend and forces the US government to pay his properties millions per week to accommodate his Gold habit. Trump profits off his golfing to the tune of millions of dollars.

So I guess that explains why he would rather golf than see his dying brother.

A Proud Infidel®™

YOUR hero B. Hussein 0bama went golfing more than any other US President.


As anyone knows who reads here, I am NOT a Trump fan. However, you might note Trump visited his brother Friday in the hospital. What would you have had him do? His brother died a day later on Saturday; cause of death was not specified nor was he even listed in intensive care (he was in intensive care earlier in the summer.) Again, trying to make political points off his death paints you as a sad, little person. I would say ‘little man’ but you lack essential attributes.



You NAILED it.




Ok, fair enough. I was not aware of his Friday visit.

I retract my criticism of Trump on this point.

His profiting From taxpayer funds so substantially off his weekly golf trips is still outrageous though.

5th/77th FA

Herein lies your biggest problem, spapos seagull. You are so Hell bent for leather to screech out your ORANGE MAN BAD, that you do not take the time to read AND comprehend the article in question. And this info is not just now being posted only to TAH readers. This info was showing up on news feeds all over the inherwebz within just a very few minutes after the death of Robert Trump. You apparently have no clue what happens when someone loses a loved one. Probably because (a) who could love you and (b) you’ve never loved anything but yourself and Bernie’s Ideals.

I have struggled to keep from wasting any keyboard ribbon ink on your self centered, egotistical, grandstanding spapos self, but, again, you have taken the “how low can he go” to be not only a challenge, but to a new level.

Mommy called, she has you a fresh cream pie for dinner.

I’ll just leave this here:


You ruined the correction with another irrelevancy.

Makes suspect your motive. Again.

You simply won’t learn.


You are not aware of the truth because all you do is drink the Progda Kool-aide.


Well, that and he’s too lazy – or too afraid, or both – to do any significant background research before running his yap.

Why? That takes some effort, and it might also might show him some, er, “uncomfortable” truths that could cause him to question his Communist Marxist Leftist/Socialist worldview.

Plus, he’s infallible – remember?

Take, for instance, the PRC. It’s an authoritarian dictatorship run by the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. Political dissent is stifled with an iron hand, and those who fail to “fall in line” with the Chinese Communist Party’s wishes end up as factory slave laborers (or worse). Private ownership of real estate is banned, and their Constitution declares the PRC to be a Communist nation.

To most people, the proper term for such a state would be “Communist dictatorship”. It’s what we called the USSR, the GDR, the PRVN, the DPRK, Democratic Kampuchea, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Romania, and all the other former Communist dictatorships in the Warsaw Pact and elsewhere. And it’s also what most people call the PRC today, for that matter.

But no – according to Commissar, China isn’t Communist because he says they’re not. Why? He’s infallible, you know.

A Proud Infidel®™

Major Moonbat, just like when you get your ass handed to you here, here’s some of your antifa fleabags getting Police protection from getting their asses torn to bits by the Bikers they decided to mess with. Your compatriots scream “F the Police”, but WHO do they run to for protection from getting their asses kicked?


This may be the first time they had any awareness that so many normal Americans do not share their views. Silly, delusional children.

Who was the guy the cops took down?


Don’t know who, but it looked like a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater to me./s


Well, we have to admit the Pantyfa’s are dedicated. Who else would drive all the way from Portland or Seattle to Sturgis for a beat down and ass whipping that requires dozens of armed police to protect you from a trip to the ER.

I’ve only been to Sturgis once for Bike Week but I can’t see how that Hate America shit will ever sell there.


A little snippet and commentary from a very cute young lady.
I haven’t said it enough in my lifetime, so here it go:


She is a sweetheart and she gets it. One wouldn’t think anyone in his/her right mind would want to go to an event where there were over 250K bikers who love the USA and attempt a march with their hate America, crypto-commie flags. I guess “what were they thinking?” is really an understatement here.

A Proud Infidel®™

And they hide behind the local Police while smugly spewing their idiocy, the same Police that they cuss at elsewhere. Just let them try their shit when no Law Enforcement is around and see just how many pieces they’ll get torn into!


Lars says, “While enjoying your outrage high…”

He fails to realize that conservatives aren’t permitted to be “outraged.”

That would be “culturally appropriating” from the snowflakes and very un-woke of us…😜😂😜


Inraged? Supposedly we’re all bombs, fixin to explode.
All that Right Wing violence all over the place…. in the 90’s (it’s a joke, those weren’t conservatives. Gotcha!)

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, ALL THAT violent rioting at the Tea Party Rallies…


UH, OH… new COVID standards for Lars to follow!!!

comment image


Senior Chief, you coulda posted a spew warning, for Pete’s sake!


That cartoon needs to go on Boomer’s Sunday funnies.