Somehow you just knew it was our fault

| December 31, 2007

Jay Solomon in the Wall Street Journal reports that Bhutto’s group are blaming the US, specifically the Bush Administration, for her death last week;

In the wake of Ms. Bhutto’s death, some of her aides are charging the U.S. didn’t do enough to protect the former prime minister after she returned to Pakistan.

They note that the Bush administration played a central role in brokering an agreement with Mr. Musharraf that allowed her return after an eight-year exile. And they say Washington should have done more to guarantee her safety once she was on the ground and facing numerous threats.

Husain Haqqani, a longtime aide to Ms. Bhutto based in Boston, said he twice held talks with senior State Department officials in recent weeks concerning the former prime minister’s safety. He said Ms. Bhutto specifically wanted Washington to pressure Mr. Musharraf to allow her to hire a private security company, similar to the one used by Afghan President Hamid Karzai upon his return in Kabul. Mr. Haqqani said that Ms. Bhutto’s aides had sent a letter to Pakistan’s Interior Ministry requesting permission to hire such a firm, but hadn’t obtained clearance.

Now, I watched the video that was released today, I saw a whole butt-load of Pakistanis standing there looking at a guy with a gun while he fired at Mrs. Bhutto. None made a move towards him, one guy right next to him ducked instead of knocking the gun away after the first shot. Pakistani authorities stopped two other homicide bombers from reaching Bhutto’s rally.

I guess it’s just fashionable to feed crap to the American Left to use in their campaign against common sense – even in Pakistan where the American Left would gladly surrender the Pakistanis to Islamofacism.

AP weighs in with;

The United States provided a steady stream of intelligence to Benazir Bhutto about threats against her before the former Pakistani prime minister was assassinated and advised her aides on how to boost security, although key suggestions appear to have gone unheeded, U.S. officials said Monday.

So I guess we should have just assigned the 82d Airborne Division to her.

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics, Terror War

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