Did He Leave His Brain In San Francisco As Well?

| May 2, 2009

CNSNews caught up with crooner Tony Bennett last week at the Smithsonian Museum, where he donated a painting he did of Duke Ellington, in commemoration of the jazz legend’s 110th birthday.  Many artists, musicians, actors, etc, are great at what they do.  But with rare exceptions, when it comes to the real world, many of them don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground, as Bennett proves in story below.

Grammy-award winning musician Tony Bennett told CNSNews.com he “loves everything” Barack Obama has done in his first 100 days as president and thinks every American should “give him all-out support for anything he wants to do.”
Bennett further said that Americans should imitate the other countries of the world that support Obama. “I really hope that every citizen of the United States would imitate the rest of the world because they’re all for Obama,” said Bennett. “Every other country adores what happened – in our great country – to have him as president.”

Since when do Americans ever have to follow what the rest of the world thinks?  Only in the minds of liberals like Bennett, who have this fascination with Europeans. We know Tony Bennett has conempt for America, calling us “culturally void” back in 2006, while stating Europe and Asia have contributed more to the world than America. 

He also told CNSNews.

  “…I love everything he’s done and everything he’s doing,” Bennett said of Obama. “I think we should give him all-out support for anything he wants to do. We should all help. He’s giving our country back to us, and that’s the laws of the land – the citizens own the country.” 

Oh great!  Mortgage the future of our children and grandchildren, close Gitmo, put the security of al-Qaeda ahead of the safety of Americans.  Yes, Tony, let’s all be good little sheeple, repeating YES-WE-CAN-HOPE-AND-CHANGE-O-BA-MA, while Obama, Reid and Pelosi take our nation from us. But the next response is telling, when Bennett is asked name just one thing he likes that Obama has done.

His answer?

First of all, I think he’s one of the great orators of all time,” said Bennett. “I was impressed with Governor Cuomo and Martin Luther King and the way they spoke, and he [Obama] is so intelligent, and he’s such a great orator.
“He has such a great way of communicating, and his thoughts and his philosophies are just astounding,” said Bennett. “He’s impressing the rest of the world. I wish that everybody in America would realize that we really have a great president.”

Bennett can’t name one single thing Obama’s done, except that he can read a teleprompter and that somehow qualifies him as being “intelligent” and “a great President.”  Big deal!  Some of the worst despots in the world were great orators, and they used that ability to sway the masses and themselves into power.  It’s commonly known as the Cult of Personality.  What’s next?  If Obama were to fart “Zip A De Doo Dah” in perfect pitch, would that make him a virtuoso musician in the eyes of Tony Bennett?

I wonder if Tony said the same thing about George W. Bush.   Probably not, because back then, patriotism equalled dissent in the minds of liberals.  Never mind the fact that those of us who supported Bush at the ballot box and online were also intellectually honest enough to disagree with him from time to time.

Hey Tony, as is commonly said to wanna-be singers, “Don’t quit your day job!”

Category: Politics

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Just A Grunt

It pains me to see someone struggling with the onset of Alzheimer’s.

Airborne Injun

Well, he may be a sad ,whacked out, kool-aid drinking moonbat,but Damn that man could sing!!!


Airborne, operative word is “could”. Unfortunately, the mind went with the voice. He and Harry Belafonte have been inhaling from the same cylinder.


I am glad you commented on this. It really shows how empty of thought and totally devoid of critical thinking skills obama’s supporters are.

The “he is a great orator” line made me laugh and gag simutaneously….Obama is a TERRIBLE speaker, and I am constantly floored that anyone could think otherwise. One line says it all
“the wizard of uuuuuuughs”, lol.

damn those celebrities are the dumbest turds around.


Strange that the intellectual probity of “artists” are in inverse proportion to their singing abilities.