Hey Matthis! Got some bad news for you bud!

| May 1, 2009

Matthis last week:

Yesterday was a great victory for me, the entire peace movement and for troops and civilians all over the world. I faced the military for my refusal to deploy to Iraq, and I walked away a free man with a general discharge from the Army’s Individual Ready Reserve.

This does not affect my discharge from Active Duty Service, however, which is the term of enlistment from which my G.I. Bill does derive. My benefits are mine, and I will use them to attain education, as all people have the right to do and should not have to fight in any armies to realize.

Oh, I’m sorry, thanks for playing. See, I contacted the VA. Talked to their people. Contacted some lawyers there. Also contected State VA personnel who administer the program. See, your statement is not an accurate one. Turns out, if you have a General after the honorable one, the honorable one won’t work. See, you will turn that one in, and the VA might never know. Only problem is, I’ll know where you are applying, and I have already filed a FOIA for your NEW DD214. And what will be fun will be me walking in and showing the VA that other one. See, what happens then is they will have to research it. Then, a bit down the road, you’ll get a bill for the full amount sent to you.

In the immortal words of that great philosopher Shaq, Tell me how my ass tastes!

All I have wanted since Day 1 of hearing your name is to screw your chickenshit ass to the ground, and guess what bud, I am within a mile of home.

How does it feel to be my Filipino prostitute?

Jonn added: See the chart below – notice how in the third group, the sixth entry, where I put a black mark, that it says that people with a General Discharge are Not Eligible (NE) for education benefits.

Category: Politics

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Hey, looks like we got a cat toy! Yesss!


Spork? Hang in there, bro….zones might be different but….Games the same. Prop ’em up, knock ’em down. NEXT!

lol be safe, Spork!


Thanks, will do.


I didn’t! Where can I find it?


I just emailed it to you bud.


I don’t think matthia is personally calling all of you genocidal, it’s moreso the war on terror itself and the orders that soldiers are being forced to do; you mist follow orders but if you know deep down that what you’re doing is wrong, you should have the courage to refuse. I think that is a fair statment to make.

NR Pax

“Knowing deep down what you’re doing is wrong” is NOT grounds for refusing lawful orders. And anyone who joins the military during a time of hostilities has no right to act surprised when they suddenly have to obey the oath that they swore.


Except that I have yet to hear or been ordered to do anything that would fit into that description. Consider this as a counter point; there are too many people that use that logic as a excuse to not deploy because they would have to face risks. But it seems to me that the anti-war groups never consider that until they get called on it. Such is the case with our ‘friend’ Matthis.

Airborne Injun

Sporkmaster…you are not only in another time zone,but another world.You were sooooo prophetic in post #2.Be safe Bro.

The Sniper

Wow. Just wow. Intelligent discourse peppered with rants from retards. The post was great. The intelligent commentary was great. The peanut gallery flinging f-bombs like monkies fling turds was almost too much to bear… only because monkies are smarter.


Maybe Chiroux can get a job in the Obamadministration as a community organizer or sign up as a Code Pink protester and start over…or he could go down to the bus station and,..er, uh, “clean toilets” for a couple of weeks to get his self respect back…you might be thinking of the “country version” of that saying…..


mileysmyhomegirl- I doubt Hanna Montana would approve of your potty mouth. Since you are a grown up and all you might want to choose a new screen name…just a suggestion. Also along the lines of helpful suggestions, arguments such as: “do you seriously know who your talking to?” and “all of you go to fucking hell” Only make us picture you as an angst ridden teenager who gathers her arguments from Cartman on South Park.

Why not tell us why you like Matthis? I’d actually like to know why a young woman would share a home with a self proclaimed rapist.

Gitta Lyfe

Caroline, Mileysmyhomegirl is my 13 year old sister. She isn’t Matthis’ roomie, someone misread something she wrote. Why would Matthis have a teenager as a roomie? She knows about Matthis’ case, but more than anything she likes to push peoples’ buttons, which I think she did successfully here. Glad you pictured a angst ridden teen-you hit the nail on the head, good job!

And you must have misread something, too: Matthis never called himself a rapist, that was someone taking something Matthis had said out of context and making it sound much worse than the truth.

Airborne Injun

Gitty Laff…Why does your 13 year old sister 1.have a filthy mouth (proof of a poor upbringing) and 2.Why does she have a Russian accent? As for misreading what she said,read post #25


wonderful, we have a 13 year old talking like a drunken sailor, in support of Matthis of all the people. I forgot how ‘wonderful’ Brooklyn could be.


didn’t I read someplace that Matthis’ current GF has a Russian last name??

Jonn wrote: Her name is Alexandra Mikhailoff.

Airborne Injun

olga darling…It’s my understanding that she is a Russian National.

Airborne Injun

olga darling…chirouxs girlfriends name is Alexandra Mikhailoff.She sounds just like a pissed off little girl about 13 years old.


if this is the same girl, she was a high school student in 2006 (LAB School in Chelsea) http://www.nyclabschool.org/www/nyclabschool/site/hosting/Lab%20Reports/Newsletter%20March%202006.pdf

Airborne Injun

olga,if it is her, he should be shot…she is just a baby! Also,mommy and daddy got money,that explains chirouxs intrest.


Yeah, I noticed how “smart” and “mature” you are, there Mileysmyhomegirl, that’s why every other word you type is the f word. If you’re sooooo much smarter and mature than us dumb Veterans, then I would suggest that you act mature, because cussing every other word doesn’t make you look mature, just stupid and juvenile.