OK People, time to pay up for the charity date

| May 1, 2009

So, as I mentioned earlier, the wounded warriors had an awesome date with Jamie.  And now comes the time to pay up if you offerred some cashola, and if you didn’t, please still consider offering some.  As my internet spouse states:

First of all I just want to thank everyone who participated, commented, and linked to our little date auction. I was really hoping to make $140 so we could sponsor a service member and you all overwhelmed us with support from our count we had $620 in bids and Tankerbabe panhandled the last $80 from everyone hanging out at O’Sullivans.

Defenders of Freedom is a wonderful organization that supports our service members in many ways, many of the same women that founded the organization also organize the DFW Welcome Home a Hero.

Anyway, please go to the Defenders of Freedom website and contribute. I’m doing it right now. And besides, how sweet is this picture:

Category: Politics

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Thanks to everyone! My dates were awesome. Even though I was a total cougar!


It was so sweet Jamie, and you were the best possibly date ever! 🙂

Just so glad the guys had a good time.


it’s a very sweet picture… money well spent!