TAH Photoshop contest

| May 1, 2009

Looks like everyone is doing them, and so I asked my buddy Sniper to kick it off.  The only requirement is that you put AirForce 1 in the picture.

Anyway, I give you the “Imperial Economy Destroyer”:

Please email your addition to our public email address.  We’ll come up with some award for the winner.

From Claymore;

Category: Politics

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may be because I am not a Star Wars fan, I like Claymore’s better :o)

Airborne Injun

Cool stuff TSO,Maybe one day I’ll learn how to Photoshop.

The Sniper

Olga, I’m disappointed. ?? ??? ??? ???????.

The Sniper

Apparently this doesn’t support cyrilic.


“Fleeing from the Debt Star inflation, the last Air Force One leads a rag-tag communist fleet on a lonely quest — a shining Animal Farm, known as Politically Correct.”

White House Press Secretary, Gibbs: What the teleprompter meant to say was Battlestar Galactica is not part of Star Wars, and each will be taxed accordingly because, as VP Joe Biden can attest, inflation leads to global warming, and as a white male, I wont be allowed to live with those worthy of the new world order.