Weekend Open Thread

| July 17, 2020

The red rectangle shows the portion of Antarctica the media cares about when it comes to weather. Notice the rest of the continent. (earth.nullschool.net)

Antarctica set a new record high? There’s a good chance that a station located in the red rectangle had just reported that high. It’s close to the southernmost portion of South America. The rest of Antarctica told a different story. The above snapshot occurred in February 2020. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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5th/77th FA


5th/77th FA

Triple threat, TRIPLE ACE. It was meant to be! A 3 pete ACE on the Coveted Friday TAH Weekend Open Thread! Secure the Guns, the Fire Mission is on Target and Complete! The Gun Bunnied King of Battle has rolled those caissons along and blasted everybody all over hell and half of Missouri (HT to Josey Wales)

An Official Ruling from the Keeper of The Book of FIRST may be in order, but in the meantime…The Bar is open, layout the Buffet, snaks, drinks, and rentable female companionship is on me. (the latter for those who have to rent female companionship)

I literally just walked in from the doggie doctor, unloaded the provisions from the Ark, tuned in Gunsmoke and opened up this laptop. Now I got to go back and see what all has happened since I left this morning, besides an 80 mile ride, $800+ Vet Bill and $300+ of provisions.


Got a mystery here. The US Treasury sent me a check, which I received today. There is no accompanying paperwork. Printed on the check are the words “Tax Refund” and the numerals “12/2018.” So, evidently I overpaid for 2018, but I was otherwise unaware of that.

Enough for a very nice dinner out, except that I just sent them even more to finish out 2019 taxes. Oh, well.

Hack Stone

In Maryland your 2019 tax refund for what was overpaid in 2018 counts as income on your 2020 taxes. Conversely, if you have to pay in 2019 for what you owed in 2018, it is a deduction in 2020. Hack usually cuts a check in the neighborhood of $300 to them every year. Want to make sure that they have enough money to keep those corrupt politicians behind bars.


Yes, because state and federal governments are doing such a great job incarcerating corrupt politicians and keeping them locked up. Who knew that was why I have to send them more money every year when taxes are due?


Auto insurance company sent me a refund because I am
not driving my car to the job I lost because of Corona.

I haven’t driven to work in over ten years.
Can I get back ten years worth?



Then again, now that our company shifted over from rentals and lease trucks for work, I’m putting in excess of 30k miles a year on “my” truck.

And the insurance reflects that.

Slow Joe




Wilted Willy

I have not even tried for the coveted first on the WOT, if I ever get back to myself, I will beat your ass if I just put in the effort. I am not myself since I just got out of the hospital yesterday. I had a seizure on Tuesday and my wife had to call 911, come to find out I have epilepsy! What else could go wrong? I already had a kidney removed in February and now this?
I am running our of spare parts, I don’t have much more to lose!!
Take care all my Dickweeds and weedets
Love you all

Commissioner Wretched

Damn, Willy! The hits just keep on coming, don’t they?

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend!


Good to hear from you, brother!

FWIW, my urologist has be back on 6-month checkups for my prostate cancer.

Been keeping you in my prayers, WW. Hang in there!


“if I ever get back to myself, I will beat your ass”

Now that’s a healing attitude right there Willy.
The KOB said he wasn’t going to be around for WOT this
week but I suspected otherwise a ruse and sure enough
he is First again.

Congrats to the KOB but I didn’t take the bait.


WW, thanks for posting today.
God Bless You and all yours.
We miss you and love you. I believe that you should be awarded the highly coveted WOT, Titanium SR-71 Stealth Star and given true WOT Honorary Firsts with all the Lording over Dickweeds privileges for as long as you wish !!!
Seriously, good to see you posting. Prayers to you my friend.


Thinking of you and sending prayers your way, WW…

Combat Historian

The Lord’s blessings to you, WW…

A Proud Infidel®™️

Prayers out for you, WW!


Prayers out WW, keep fighting the good fight, KoB needs some competition on these threads!

Wilted Willy

Thanks for all the good prayers sent my way, I really do love all of you!!
Take care,

Commissioner Wretched

A triple ace for the King of Battle! I tell you, they may as well retire the coveted, always-earned, never-given FIRST because it now belongs to KoB! Magnificent, my main man! To honor the achievement (and because it’s Friday), here’s this week’s trivia. Enjoy, all! DID YOU KNOW…? Was one of the most popular characters in “Star Wars” supposed to be killed off in the third movie? By Commissioner Wretched A few months ago, in a move to honor the graduates of the high school class of 2020, there was a project on Facebook asking people to post their own senior portraits, no matter when one graduated. I’m not sure how posting my senior portrait honors those who didn’t get a traditional graduation due to the Corona virus, though. It’s kind of like honoring the unemployed by sharing a picture of your paycheck. Anyway, I posted my 1975 picture, and some old, old friends came out of the woodwork to tell me “you haven’t changed a bit.” This is patently untrue. I am more than 100 pounds heavier than I was 45 years ago; my hair is thinner and all white; there are lines in my face where there weren’t any before. In other words, I’ve gotten old. Anyway, let’s get to the trivia, before I get really depressed. Did you know … … the sport of volleyball was invented in 1895? The sport was invented by William G. Morgan (1870-1942) and was originally called “Mintonette,” which he derived from the game of badminton. After a while, he changed the name to better reflect the nature of the sport. Morgan was inspired by the work of Dr. James Naismith (1861-1939), who three years earlier had invented a new indoor game he called “basketball.” (I have a hard time picturing straight-faced announcers calling an Olympic game of Mintonette, don’t you?) … the Roman emperor Claudius (10 BC-54 AD), who was the fourth person to serve in the position, was the first to be born outside Italy? He was born in Roman Gaul, what is now France. He also had a limp,… Read more »


Commissioner Wretched, your last trivia item gives a new meaning to the phrase “Get your ass in gear!”

5th/77th FA

CW, The Man! Another fine job for us today, and Thanks Muchly for the accolades. As commented, I had no clue, and as commented earlier, wasn’t sure if I would even be around this afternoon. When I FIRST opened the TAH Link, there was the WOT. I scratched my watch and wound my azz thinking “daHell? Is this from last week? Is it that late? Did the time change? When I typed in the 1st I was doing it just to say I did, and was figuring that the F5 strokers were flailing away. thebesig throwed a curve by the time change. I understand why he may have done so. Maybe to throw me off (tho I posted I wouldn’t be around, or it could be, the later posting of the WOT may have affected the comment count? Who knows? Not my monkey, not my organ.

It is good to see Wilted Willy around tho sad to hear of his worsend medical condition. Those old former phone men start falling completely apart upon retirement. I think it has a lot to do with the exposure of various chemicals and lead related products that we had to deal with.

Good to see The Chipster is getting to be his old self more and more. I look forward to being the FIRST to call for multiple deployments of the HoI for all of the upcoming Valor Thieves.

I do have a question on the volleyball invention. Do you think he ever foresaw it being played on a beach? By people that had lost their loving feelings? By calling the game the Mintonette, do you think he was considering that it would be played on said beach by a bunch of Marionettes that considered themselves to be Top in Aerial Artillery Platform Guns? Possibly that goose was cooked, and was such an upside down idea that it just wouldn’t fly?

On the subject of the thread, we’re having a cold snap locally. The high was only 92 today.


I’m here.
Damn Willy, duct tape that shit or spray it with WD-40.
Keep it together.
I’m great. It’s Friday.
Workin’, it’s gonna get nasty hot I hear here in MD and the Mid-Atlantic so buckle up.
Hollar at you cats as needed.
Still catching up on TAH threads from this last Week and then some.


Just came in from working outside around the house to wet my whistle when Air Force One just flew low over my house (out here in the sticks in Cheesehead Land)carrying Vice President Pence.

He was visiting a small nearby college.

Never saw AF1 in person, so it was quite a sight.

Now, back to your regular programming. (smile)


Technically, what you saw was not Air Force One. It’s only that when the prez is aboard. But we knew what you meant. 😉

Agree that the first time you see any of the fleet, particularly in the air, it’s amazing. Fortunately, have seen a lot of them over the years. Even had Marine 1 fly over my house a few times.


I was driving on the highway that intersects the intl airport here once and had Air Force One fly right overheard as it came in. Sure is a pretty bird. Sparkly clean.


FIRST in the hearts and minds of my grandkids!

Been out pushing a lawnmower through thigh-high grass (let it go a little long). Heat index is only 100 right now, so it’s not too bad if you take it easy and drink lots of water & Gatoraide.

Fixin’ to celebrate #1 granddaughters HS graduation tomorrow. Proud of that young lady.

All quiet around the GB AO. Hope y’all enjoy a great weekend, stay safe and healthy.


5 hours cutting grass today… yep, it’s warm. Gotta get something bigger’n 42″.


This week’s “CPO’s Gone Wild” story involves a guy from NMC Portsmouth giving classified info to a Russian national:


Buried at the end of the article is the tidbit that he’s also facing charges for child pornography.


LC… that should be “E-7’s run wild”.

Don’t lump me in with that POS…



Agree 100%. Another flaming boil tarnishing the Chiefs Mess.

ITC Charles Timothy Briggs was pinned in September 2013. Would have had 22 years of “good” active service in October. Guess he got frustrated on the path to his star, started acting stupid, and flushed his career. Also saw on the link that he lied on his security clearance. So old Charlie totally screwed in all aspects of life now.

What a winner. Sentence him to cleaning barnacles off the Constitution forever.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Was he doing it for, the money, did they get him in a “Honey Trap” or something else?


The Chiefs Mess at most of my commands was (overall) a pretty solid group of leaders I would follow anywhere.

However, one command (cough-recruiting-cough) the E-7+ community was as useless as a football bat. I saw more Chiefs go to mast in barely 2 years for stupid shit than I saw on both my boats over 6 years total, blueshirt, etc.


Just finished watching “The Long Grey Line.” Had quite forgotten about that movie. It’s been a very long time.

Lots of names we all know were minor characters. Or maybe, a biopic about MSgt Marty Maher (an instructor at West Point) was just a vehicle to tell many tales of those attending West Point leading up to WWI and through WWII. Great movie.

Special request: for those so inclined, I would appreciate prayers this week, and for others, a good thought will do quite nicely. Finally having that “elective” surgery to get out the bad gall bladder. No biggy in the scheme of things, but these things can always get a little dicey. Going to a small private hospital. My surgeon is among the best in the region. So, everything looks good. Yes, I am looking forward to getting it done. Mostly, getting past the recovery, of course.


5th/77th FA

Some “knee mails” will be lifted up for you OWB. May the Great Healer guide the hands of the Earthly Surgeon and His Comfort bring you quick healing. We are here for you.

In re the motion picture, yepper an oldie and a goodie. Always was partial to Maureen O’Hara, and yepper, a passel of old school favorites in there. Lots of them back in the ’50s were contract actors that played in everything. One of my broadcast Digital UHF sub channels is GRIT TV. They show a lot of the classic westerns and when I’m not pounding them over the historical inaccuracies, I’m Google Fooing the different cast members. Keeps me busy and out of AW1Ed’s hair.

Lot of us getting like Wilted Willy commented. Warranty is expired, no spare parts, and we’re high mileage in addition to being older models. Hang tuff!


Prayer posse, saddle up.


Prayers out OWB


Prayers out, OWB…

A Proud Infidel®™

Twentysomething and Honorary First once again.



TOMORROW (July 19)
is the 1 year anniversary
of the MP page, and the public outing of
If you all remember,
he was initially nailed for newspaper combat and rank lies
and Stolen Valor territory (CIB) bling on his
phony badass black leather vest.

In the 5, and then 10 days after,
it just got worse and worse for ol’ Les,
what with the BDU’s (with CIB and plenty more)in a parade…..
and hugging schoolchildren wearing these phony BDUs.

This certainly calls for some type of commemoration,
or a moment of silence,
or even some chili (but not from Elko).

Let’s not forget the Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass.,
who went out of their way
as phony defenders and newly exposed phony enablers,
to lie, pretend, and counter with false accusations.
O, and 1 more member also getting outed for being a phony.

Truth prevailed, nationwide,
and in MOST (but not all) of Elko County.



July 18 (not 19).
Geez, my typing.


Next week, July 24-25
Pocatello, Idaho POW*MIA Awareness Rally.

Since it’s really always been about the Harleys.
And the vests.
Surely, Elko vests (possibly BDUs?) are heading up there.
Can’t wait to see this year’s photos.


A Proud Infidel®™️

Are they having another cheap Chili feed again as well?


Every February.
2020 was their first DECLINE.
Here’s some old bluster from 2013.


A Proud Infidel*,
For Pocatello next week, here is the schedule of events.
No chili.



Everyone should be made aware of the “awareness” scam.


Support Awareness Awareness!

Send your dollars now to…

Combat Historian

Greetings from the Louisiana gulf coast border region. Just arrived after a long roadtrip, and catching up on the news here on TAH. Chats with additional relatives indicate that not only are they motivated to get involved and vote in this year’s elections, but their usually apolitical friends and coworkers are as well. Something is definitely happening across this land that is not being picked up by the pollsters and prognosticators. The anti-American campaign by the demonrat left may be causing an unprecedented backlash that will shake the establishment to its core…

Just returned from a traditional meal at a classic Southern eatery. My relatives ordered up fried catfish, fried chicken, fried okra, and fried green tomatoes. Am currently experiencing fried overload in my tummy; it is something I will have to get used to once I retire and we move down to the Deep South…


Never had so much fried food in my life until New Hampshire.


Ever tried fried lobster?

You really should.

Combat Historian

Will try fried lobster next time we make it to Maine; it sounds good…


I know the answer to my question but would like someone else to verify this.
Does a TOW TRUCK DRIVER help remove crash victims from a vehicle with Firefighters, put body parts in body bags and remove biological material from accident sites?
I told the dude bullshit because firefighters are trained for this and only the medical examiner remove bodies, parts and if its fatal nothing gets moved without pictures.
This driver is a thief who steals out victims cars if the officer didn’t log the contents…


Around heah,

The tow truck is not called until the LEO asks for it.
There is an ordered list of companies they go by unless
the owner requests a specific one.

Upon arrival the truck driver stands by until needed
to remove the vehicle. That’s all they do unless
directed otherwise.


Brandon Tatum’s new website. Officially launches Monday.


Green Thumb

Another day and yet another lie by the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) in his felonious pursuit of taxpayer-funded contracts using his less-than-credible military, Native American and Law Enforcement claims.

Protest denied!