All Chiroux, all week long

| April 23, 2009

In keeping with this week’s theme “All Chiroux, All the Time” I bring you the reaction of some of the IVAW folks. The prize for best comment goes to Jason Lemieux;

Ward Reilly tries to warn Kris Goldsmith that we’re meanies over here at This Ain’t Hell because we were mean to him;

Yeah, we were mean to you, Ward, but not as mean as Mother nature was to you. Besides, I don’t like liars and fakers. Send me that picture of your sign again so I can point out the toilet paper you used to cover up the word “Iron”. The only people I call commies are real admitted commies. I’ve never used those other terms – that’s the voices in your empty head.

And then Goldsmith starts questioning Reilly’s service (which he should do) and Reilly starts his standard “I never said…” line.

Then Amy Baxter chimes in wondering why Reilly’s service is being questioned;

Someone should have questioned his service a long time ago, Amy

In another conversation Goldsmith had with Chiroux last month, Goldsmith tried to explain to Chiroux that he was proud of his service and proud of the day he first put on a uniform. Chiroux proceeded to shit all over him;

Matthis Chiroux at 1:18pm March 12
Whatever, dude. If I’m in left field, you’re in right. I’m sorry you’ve slid back into the glorification of your service and your motivations for joining. Whatever your intent, you were tooled, and so was I, and so were all of us.

While to you, that uniform represents sacrifice, honor and all that stuff, to most of the people of the world it represents terror, repression and American Exceptionalism. It represents a failure of the American people treat others as we would be treated ourselves.

Even from a constitutionalist perspective, the founding fathers would be very uncomfortable with your pride serving in a STANDING ARMY. That’s on of the things they were really wary of, you know.

Anyway, I’ve got to get to Chinese class. y? hu?r jiàn!

Later, Chiroux continues to crap on the VETERANS of the wars by trying to drag them all down to his level. Saying that his “resistance” is more courageous than doing duty.

Matthis Chiroux at 6:11pm March 12
Fair enough, Kris. You’re right. This organization has opened doors for me, or better, shut ones I shouldn’t have been walking through. IVAW will always be the organization that gave me the strength to say no to the crimes of my government when it was my turn to jump in.

However, combat experience in the Global War on Terror is NOT A BADGE OF HONOR, it’s wrong. Repeated deployments to GWOT is not heroic, it’s even more wrong. Unfortunately, it does seem to be the prevailing trend.

AGAIN, I will ALWAYS wear my resistance as my badge of courage, honor and integrity because you folks had the courage to speak truth to power and I had the good sense to act on it.

But we mustn’t dilute ourselves. Combat doesn’t make a man or woman. The military doesn’t produce heroes. And this isn’t a “war.” It’s genocide, and I refuse to bow down to it any longer or allow it to define my honor.

Any more issues?

I wish I had this shit a month ago.

Oh, I’ve got lots more. But I think that’s enough for now.

Added: We’ll give Kokesh the last word;

And who is out there calling this a big victory? Um, The Truthers and Socialist Worker.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Where the fuck does he get off saying that a Combat Deployment doesn’t make a man or woman what we are? WTF? And how dare he use the Badge of Courage reference! As a direct descendant of a Soldier from the Regiment that Stephen Crane patterned RED BADGE OF COURAGE on, I take mad offense at his remarks! How the fuck would he know anything about combat if he was in the ‘Stan for exactly six days as a FOBBIT, and I bet the only thing he knows about the phrase “Embrace the Suck” isn’t printable on this blog!


This is a must see/hear!!


This is a must see/hear!!


This just in…the Vinegar and Water Dispensers Against War have issued a press release asking not to be associated with Matthis Chiroux, stating that “we at least have a secondary purpose in the world; cleansing despoiled vaginas as opposed to acting like them.” The Colostomy Bag Anti-Defamation Alliance For Ending Colostomy Bag Defamation has likewise stated, “Dude, don’t lump us in with that douchebag. Go talk to Keith Olbermann or that butt-ugly Garafalo chick.” More as this story develops…


This is good shiite. Someone pass the popcorn.



I think he’s saying that everytime a Soldier deploys again the the war zone, he’s like another sin.

The little sack of crap has really gone whole hog with the anti-American thing.

Rat Bastard.


Cool! I’m a sinner! Lol, what a fraking tool!



Matthis was trying his best to be “profound”.


What Matthis has done is going to destroy the IVAW. His background simply does not hold up to scrutiny. He seems to be trying to instigate the next big legal battle with his accusations. Perhaps he needs more legal defense funds? Heaven help the anti-war movement if the media picks up on him and runs an expose on IVAW’s “leading statesman”.


I think all that can be said about Chicken-roux has been said… & his quotes merely confirm the 4th rate ass hat that he truly is.
Looking forward to seeing him on “Cops” being hauled off the streets in drag after being caught peddling his arse for his next crack hit whilst screeching about how the Army and his 6 days of hell in the ‘Ghan did it to him.
Sic Semper Clostonomy bags or something to that effect.


Profound Raoul? He is probably just tripping balls when he comes up with this Guius Baltar Messianic Bull Crap!


See, this is the problem with cults…eventually someone has to die for the cause, or Tom Cruise joins and the next damn thing you know, everyone is drinking Kool-aid and waiting on the next passing comet to breeze in from Alpha Centauri.


Claymore…have you been watching Lost in Space, again? 🙂


HAHAHAHAHAHA! Claymore, thats next week, this week, they gotta go buy the same pair of Addidas shoes to wear.


Would a gag reflex be appropriate here? lol