Open blog Saturdays

| April 24, 2009

I’m sitting here thinking of ways to push my work load off on someone and I think I’ve hit on an idea everyone might like. The three of us will all be at the Milblog Conference this weekend so we’ll be occupied in learning about blogging from our betters…and not blogging.

So here’s what I’m going to start doing; those of you who want to can blog here on weekends. All you have to do is register (at the bottom of the sidebar click register) and then email me, tell me you want to blog and I’ll change your permissions to “contributor” and you can write about anything that you think anyone else would want to read.

Any takers?

Category: Politics

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Ahh, a chance to blog on TAH, how can I resist?

Southern Democrat

A chance to blog at TAH, how can I resist???


..I’m your Huckleberry.


I’m not a writer but it should be interesting reading what some here have to say.


I will be with you learning from your betters :o)




Do I get a piece of that $1.36 a month you guys make on Google AdSense?


you are actually giving us keys to the place??? woot!


I’m just gonna make an assumption here that I’d have to change my identity in order for you to give me permission?

I WILL out drink you tonight!

Jonn wrote: You might have to change your identity if you try to out drink me.


btw…did we win our bid war?

Jonn wrote: I’ve got two volunteers so far; Skye and Claymore (I’m trying to convince Skye to do a bikini vlog). There’s room for more, but do it soon because I’m leaving for the conference at about 4PM (EST).

Marooned in Marin

Jonn: I’d be happy to contribute something.

Jonn wrote: Go ahead and register and I’ll hook you up.


Okay, I’m here…. where the hell IS everyone???

Jonn wrote: I’m still in Maryland. Meet me at the bar at about 5.

Airborne Injun

Uhmmmm…Won’t Claymore need adult supervision?


Bwaha….Poor Claymore, he gets no respect!!! 🙂




Remember, TSO has to be able to speak tomorrow morning at his panel, so keep an eye on him tonight :o)