Meet Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn, the youngest Marine SGM

| May 19, 2013

Bumped back up to the top because Mailahn wants us to take it down. He threatened us with a law suit until I sent him our attorney’s email address and now he just wants me to be cool (You used to be cool). Just some background; he’s ALLEGEDLY behind on child support, he ALLEGEDLY stole $12k from his daughter’s Little League Association. He ALLEGEDLY got fired for making $800 worth of phone calls from the fire station where he worked for phone sex – but I’m the reason he can’t find a job.

Lately, every time I try to be a nice guy, I get it stuck right in my ass, so those days have passed and Mailman is a fixture here. I think he started in again because the Stolen Valor Tournament is gearing up this week and he’s shooting for another one seed. But he even failed at winning the tourney last year.

Yeah, that’s Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn who claims to be the youngest sergeant major in the Marine Corps. He’d have to be with only nine years in the Corps, according to his hash marks on the sleeve. The good folks at POW Network decided that he needed broader exposure so they sent him to us.

They tell us he’s a 43-year-old car salesman who lives in his mother’s basement. He was a fireman until he ran up the firehouse phonebill with more than $800 in telephone calls to phone sex numbers and they fired his horny ass. According to his own profiles, he graduated from high school when he was 20 years old – a real over-achiever.

Did I mention that he was arrested for embezzling over $12,000 from the Barrington New Jersey girls little league association? Well, he did – that over-achiever thing working for him again. his defense in that case? He’s a Marine and he’d never violate his code of ethics and do something like that.

Well except that the NPRC has no record of him ever serving. Ever.

He has a philosophy that the more websites that he posts this information, the more credibility he has. So here’s his information posted on yet another website. let’s see how that philosophy works for him.

Oh, by the way, he just sent the good folks at POW Network an email threatening to…guess what…sue if they don’t remove the information from their website that he himself posted on the internet;

U have my info on your site I want it removed asap I gave no permission to have any of my info pix or anything on your site I would also like to have the name of whoever put my name on there I have the collingswood police dept looking into to who put it up there but I want it removed forthwith

I’m sure that “forthwith” had Chuck and Mary shaking in their shoes. I know it gave me a feeling.

I will keep sending u my request till u do oh and I contacted my lawer if its not down with in 2s hrs I will sue u

If I ever start typing like a twelve-year-old girl, I’d hope that one of you fine people would put me out of my misery.

So, now his “info pix” are posted on yet another website…I wonder what his “lawer” will advise. I’d better call my “lawer” and tell him that there will be one more in the “I’m here to sue TAH” line at the Mineral County Courthouse next Tuesday.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Virtual Insanity

Guys, I gotta say it…Nichevo gets my vote for this guy’s handle when the Ballduster competition reconvenes. “Gunny Driveway” is a classic. It’s just too good.

Yat Yas 1833

@357 Virtual, I second your motion!

Yat Yas 1833

@356 gi_janearng, what ya gotta remember is, these guys n girls are so delusional they are…I don’t even know a word for it. Someone in another post said it perfectly, (and I’m paraphrasing) “In this day and age, with everything available, internet, tweeter, Facebook, etc. how can’t they think they won’t get caught?” SgtMaj dungheap w/a RED t-shirt under his Charlies? Soup sandwich? Gen Ballduster? Like I said, I don’t know the right word for their mental illness, not to disparage the mentally I’ll.


@346, Gunny Driveway it is. That is fricken hilarious.

Old Trooper

Yep, time to put “mailman” to bed and bring out the new and improved moniker “Gunny Driveway”!

That’s a keeper.

ex wifes friend

i noticed the assclown changed his status on FB, he no longer has listed that his employer is USMC,from 1988 to 2008,and he also took it off his fetlife site, where he listed that he is a sgt.major, also he figured if he tells everyone that he moved to Newark NJ, that no one will find him,he still lives in Collingswood NJ, on Taylor st. with his mommy,you can run but you cant hid,i noticed that he is going to propose tomorrow to big foot,he has no job,no motive to look for one,no money,behind on child support yet he feels the need to marry someone that he met on a fetish site on line 4 months ago,what a smart man,i have no clue where he gets his smarts,ebay?,who will his best man be, his mom?

ex wifes friend

loving @353

Knows the truth

Spoke to his parole officer on Friday as well as filed a complaint with the Mantua NJ police department about threats he made. The police department was also going to contact his parole officer. I also let the parole officer know how he was bragging about how tight he was with him. Ronnie Ronnie what a fantasy life you lead. Maybe they will pick your dumb ass up tomorrow and you can spend your Valentines Day with Bubba instead of The Moose.

a X relative

OMG, LMAO@ Bubba instead of moose

a X relative

this was posted on Ronnie’s fetlife fetish site,i laugh,he wants to give her everything,how bout starting with a job first,then paying child support,and get your head out of your ass and stop playing all those games you play, there is more to life then playstation,at 43 years old,you would think its about time to grow up ,to be a Marine,first you need guts,and nerves of steal,and a pair of balls,so put on your big boy panties ,act like a man and get a job,instead of having your mommy support you,now for the post of ronnie,on fetlife

Jigsaw34x posted a journal entry on his profile titled “13 FEB 2012”:about 7 hours ago
Well I have everything ready for tomorrow I’m a bit nerves I want everthing to go off right. I love Jenny so much I want her to have everthing she ever wanted I would right more but I can’t right now but I will on wed after our big night out.


I wonder what Bullwinkle will think when she sees what he wrote in her name on this site?

Knows the truth

Someone buy this loser a dictionary or teach him how to use spell check please! My 8 year old can write better sentences. He’s not even qualified to work at a car wash! So I guess he’s gonna ask the moose to marry him? Oh boy if she says yes do they live in the 1 bedroom rent controlled apartment with his mommy and share the recliner where they can teach her the fine art of credit card fraud? Or do they move into the 2 bedroom apartment with her mommy where they can teach him the fine art of how to collect social security? She claims to have a bad back and makes jewelry that she sells at craft shows. Hmmm wonder if she is claiming that jewelry on her income taxes? Jenny Jenny Jenny if you say yes you sure didn’t set your life expectation bar high did you.


Well, this is now the #2 all-time thread on the site, surpassing “soup”. Wonder how long it’s “legs” will last.


So why haven’t we seen the booking photos yet?

Oh yeah–SV is “victimless”.

Old Trooper

@369: Yeah, Gunny Driveway may have a higher post count, but Soup Sammich still has bigger balls for walking onto Ft. Benning dressed like that. Gunny Driveway was only on the interwebs.


As much as I hope they lock this douche bag up Im sure someone will find some way to say he has the right to be a douche bag poser.


Old Trooper: Not sure if what Soup did took bigger balls – or just less working brain cells. Given Soup’s apparent history of inhalants abuse, I’d bet on the latter.


well this is going to be a “special” day for him, wondering where they will live,and dont forget,he said we are all invited and he is going to wear his dress blues,what a disrespectful ass he is , this is from his fetlife kink site,where he met the new bride to be only 4 months ago,read as follow

Jigsaw34x Well today is the day I ask Jenny a very important question plus I have a special gift for her about 18 hours ago• comment


hey all just saw on FB she said yes–where are they gonna live? Mommy’s house? Oh my gosh this whole thing is a frickin joke. 4 months with amazon woman and they are getting hitched. Ew.


They will live in her vagina. Lord knows that frigign parade float is big enough. Christ I almost threw up all over my laptop typing this.


She’d better taste that ring to make sure it’s not made out of rock candy.



Yat Yas 1833

What’s the joke? “Help me find my flashlight and we’ll walk out. Help me find my keys and we’ll DRIVE out”!?

Knows the truth

Well I hear Ronnie and the Moose are engaged. Amazing was able to afford to get engaged but still has not paid his child support. What a joke.


Knows the Truth, that can actually be brought before a judge if Gunny Driveway is actually in arrears.

friend of the ex's

With Jenny’s great credit, Ronnie and his mom got it made!!


he didn’t have to pay a dime for the ring he got it from his mommy!!!!! It was her ring.

Knows the truth

He is about 11 weeks in arrears. I don’t get why he is not before a judge yet. His probation officer is aware of all the bullshit he has been pulling.

ex wifes friend

well from all that I have heard of the legal actions in New Jersey if you are a criminal and want to get away with out paying child support that is the state to live in. I find it really sad that a POS like Gunny Driveway can brag about how wonderful it is to be engaged. I think instead of being so happy about that he should be looking for a job and a way to support his child. OH ya that’s right Jenny is on Social Security Disability . So he has found him self yet another free ride…. Way to go Ronnie freeloading off another woman what a way to show your so called manhood and code of honor ….LOL

Yat Yas 1833

I don’t get it! About 15 yrs ago, here in Maricopa county, they instituted a program where EVERYONE paying child support was garnished! I hadn’t missed a payment, hell, even been late in two years and I got garnished! They went after everything. Unemployment, SSI, any type of payment you were recieving, they got your kid’s child support first.


That cow is on SSD? For what, rope burn? Fuck that. If she can bend her arms and legs behind her while Gunny Driveway (great name, btw) practices for the hog tie comp at the rodeo, then she can get a fucking job. Fuck both of those half-witted mouth breathers.

ex wifes friend

well Ron would have to work in order for that to happen. When he was working it was taken right out of his check. But since he is to lazy to work they have no check to take it out of . He lives with his mom and she pays all of the bills out of her money. Half of the time that his daughter is going to see him the ex has to feed her before she takes her over or she would go hungry.
You see Yat Yas 1833 douche bag Ron only worries about what he wants and no one else matters , not even his daughter. Really really sad how a person can be so self centered. Not to mention so delusional as to think that as long as he says that he is something that it is the truth.

ex wifes friend

@ teddy996 yes the cow is on SSD really amazing how none of that roping bothers her back at all. Thinking they are a match made in hell.


oh yea one time when he was with the cow and his daughter he made her carry her chair while he carried the cow’s! Nice, huh? Something really needs to be done to put his butt in jail!!!!

Yat Yas 1833

@388 ex wifes friend, un-forkin’-believable! I paid CS until my baby graduated from college and I didn’t even have to! The tribe picked up the tab, she’s got some Choctaw on her mom’s side. Now my grand babies are getting it! The four y/o has $5’500+ in her account and the 6 mo old has $700 in his! I can’t imagine doing anything less.

Knows the truth

Breaks my heart that little girl deserves a REAL father. Not the piece of shit she has now! When he moved out he took the furniture and didn’t care that his daughter was crying as he was taking it out the door. Tried to talk her out of playing softball because HE is not allowed at the games after HE stole 12,000 for his own daughters little league. Didn’t give a shit about the embarrassment he caused his wife and daughter.


Why doesnt he do his daughter a favor and sign over his rights, have the mom tell her he died in a fire and move on!


Better yet, he should suck-start a 9mm.


Have to disagree, TSO. What the jerkwad should do is grab himself by the stacking swivel, grow up, get an honest job, pay his freaking child support, and in general be a productive citizen.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t look likely. So your suggestion might be the best we can hope for.


When does he get his probation revoked and when does he get locked up? There must be some action by now.

Knows the truth

Nothing yet. Don’t know what the hell this probation officer is waiting for. He’s been called and a complaint was filed with the police department. did anyone else reach his PO?


TSO–why waste a perfectly good bullet? Maybe a drop test off the Delaware River Bridge. See if the water can handle him hitting it.


Maybe its true what the pos days, that he is “tight” with the PO, i know someone else who called also on him,this pos is at least staying away from im a sgt major, now he is posting everywhere that he is engaged and getting married, and he is inviting EVERYONE to his wedding,but bigfoot is not saying a word to anyone,the pos even took pictures of the ring and posted them on his fetlife site and FB, he is so proud, no job,not even thinking of one,getting married, behind in his child support,living with mom,you think at 43 your priorities are more focused,what an idiot

ex wifes friend

well since we have not heard from Gunny Driveway in a while I just thought maybe we could get the real Jenny to chime in on her reasons for wanting to marry that POS so I sent her the link to this thread this morning …. Jennifer Campbell I hope that you take all of this information to heart and really consider what you are planning on doing


Ron Mailahn

DOB: Oct 19th, 1968 (43 years old)

Barrington, NJ 08007

(856) 858-**** or (856) 547-****

Give him a call and let him know what you guys think.

Edited to remove false information – Jonn

Just me Wonder if his PO or anyone of importance saw this pic of his (presumable) daughter holding an open beer bottle


just want to give the right info,that sweet little child is not being raised by the pos,she is just a sweet innocent victim,being raised by her wonderful mom,pos put that picture up not the childed mother,and just so everyone knows ron mailahn DOES NOT live in Barrington, he use to, till his wife divorce him and threw him out, he live in Collingswood New Jersey with HIS MOTHER,

ex wife

Ok yes I do not agree what he does but stop posting shit that isn’t true such as address. When it is threatening the safety of my child I will get PISSED off. That I will not stand for. He has not lived in Barrington for over a year. The phone numbers and addresses posted are all wrong. Let the law hopefully handle the shit. I have my daughter 96% of the time and she is well cared for by me. Apparently the law isn’t gonna do anything. I hope that no one would be stupid enough to go handle this on their own as you never know when my daughter will be there. If she is ever harmed I will handle you and that is no joke. Yes he is a joke and that is why I divorced him and moved on. I do get a kick out of some of the false information people have posted on here as they swear they have good info and I know they don’t. I do not want to see addresses, phone #’s or personal information that involves my daughter or I on here. I have consulted my attorney with regards to this. I don’t play games like him and blow smoke up your ass. I will protect my child as she is an innocent victim in all of this. Go and talk about him all you want. I don’t care about that just as I don’t care about him.


Dear Ex Wife,

No one hear wants to hurt you or your child. Having to deal with him at all is enough of a cross for anyone to bear. I am sure Jonn is making every effort to ensure that the wrong information does not remain posted. If you see something, just email Jonn and I know he will take it down.

I am sure I speak for most if not all in wishing nothing but the best for you and your daughter. I probably shouldn’t, but I just have to ask…WHAT WERE YOU THINKING when you married him?

Colleen Harding

she was legit delusional.

So am I the only one that gets the Forrest Gump “Jennayy” version stuck in their head after hearing this bull?
He posted pix on his facebook profile of him in Korea. LMAO. I really doubt it’s even him.

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