Bernath’s CPO claim
Editor’s Note: Apparently someone has broken into TAH past our multiple levels of defense. I assume it is satire, but we are looking into it. I only know that none of us did this. And Satire is apparently an absolute defense to all libels and slanders. One of the greatest legal minds of any generation told us that, so it must be true.
We’ll work on finding out who it is.
NOTE: Do not say anything that could even conceivably considered threatening. Bernath is allegedly filing restraining orders under this statute that Oregon has to protect disabled people. You could have a restraining order issued before you even get a chance at due process, and that could cause problems especially for anyone in the military if there is a Lautenburg problem. So, be careful in word selection.
I’ve received probably 100 emails from Daniel Bernath in the past 3 days. He’s threatening lawsuits that will go all the way to the Supreme Court. He’s alleged everything under the sun, including that we put a hit out on him. (Newsflash: we didn’t.) But some things are coming into focus.
He’s clearly a deeply troubled guy. Like, more than we even imagined. His wife filed a declaration that may put some light on it:
32. I sort out his VA supplied medication and give him 4 pain pills each day. Even with the many pain medications, Mr. Bernath fells such strong pain that he at times will fold his arms and rock back and forth until he can take the next course of pain meds and the results kick-in.
34. Many of the medication he takes warn him that they will affect his mental abilities and warn him about driving, using machinery and making important decisions while on the medication. As he is so disabled, he has depended on me. I saw the need to step into his law office practice, educated myself to law office procedure, disability law and procedure and took over for him.
Now, ignore those issues, I only bring them up to point out this observation. I’ve actually come to the conclusion that he isn’t lying about being named an honorary Chief Petty Officer in the conventional sense. But only because he has such a tenuous grasp of reality that he actually believes it. (NOTE: Others are telling me that is bullshit and he’s just acting. I don’t know the dude, I can only base it on these erratic emails. You guys may be right and he’s just acting crazy. Sort of a retarded Murdock from the A-Team. Only Murdock usually checks fuel levels. I seen him do it.)
He’s not an honorary CPO, that is clear from what I will show you. No rational person could believe that he actually is an honorary CPO. Which is why when confronted with all this info, he can’t even recognize it for what it says, leaving me to conclude that he’s just not rational.
Over and over he keeps saying the he will prove in court that he’s an honorary CPO. He can’t. And I’m not overly eager to either wait for that to happen, or get dragged into a court halfway around the country. So, I am going to prove it now for all of you, with Bernath’s own documentation. I fully suspect he’ll delete all his stuff, so I’ve screen capped it. He’ll still drag us into court probably, but it will give me some peace of mind while I wait.
The graphic above shows that he is claiming to be a Chief Petty Officer (Honorary.) Additionally, he sent me pictures of a plaque to prove it. Here’s the problem, NONE OF IT SHOWS HE WAS NAMED AN HONORARY CHIEF PETTY OFFICER. As noted before, the only one with the authority to do so would be the MCPON, and he hasn’t done it. So, let’s go to the videotape here:
In 2006, Daniel A. Bernath was named “Photographer’s Mate Chief Petty Officer” (Honorary) by the US Naval Photography Association for his contribution to United States Navy Photography through the years. US Naval Photography Association
Both the plaque that he sent a picture of to me, and the memo from the US Naval Photography Association don’t use that language. Instead they SPECIFICALLY STATE that he was named an “Honorary Chief PHOTOGRAPHERS MATE.” You see what he’s done? Everywhere it says “Photographers mate” his mind translates it as “Petty Officer.”
What I am going to do now is highlight the stuff that proves what I am saying. Everything in bold is what Bernath self-identifies a document as. And then everything in italics is what the document from the person ACTUALLY says. So, Bold = Bernath, italics = actual document. Bold + Italics = prove he’s not in touch with the objective truth. All this currently located AT THIS LINK. I encourage you to click through and look at the original documentation before it gets deep sixed.
Chief Petty Officer Putnam Nominates Bernath to Chief Petty Officer
Because of all that Photographer’s Mate Bernath has done to support and honor our Country, our Navy, Naval Photography and Photographer‘s Mates, I unhesitatingly recommend him for selection as an Honorary Chief Photographer’s Mate.
Captain Potts Recomends Daniel Bernath to Chief Petty Officer
[Memo regarding] Honorary Chief Photographer’s Mate Nomination
Petty Officer Freund recommends Daniel Bernath to Chief Petty Officer
I heartily endorse the nomination to make Photographers Mate Daniel Alan Bernath, “Honorary Chief Photographer’s Mate.”
Lt. Commander Ralph Lewis Nominates Daniel Bernath to Chief Petty Officer
At the request of PHC Milt Putnam I heartily second Daniel Bernath’s nomination as Honorary Chief Photographers Mate.
Chief Petty Officer Giberson Nominates Daniel Bernath to Chief Petty Officer
His efforts with the USS Yorktown website, alone are enough to qualify him for the high honor of Honorary Photographer’s Mate.
But let’s even assume that these recommendations were for “Chief Petty Officer” which one of them appears to do, that honorific not only doesn’t come from the recommendations themselves, but doesn’t appear to have actually been awarded. Leaving aside the issue that the Naval Photographers Association doesn’t have the ability to actually grant honorary CPO status, both the plaque and the letter allegedly awarding the honorific specifically state that he’s being awarded status as “Honorary Chief Photographers Mate.”
In case you needed further proof, as if your lying eyes deceived you, here is CDR John W. White, USN (Ret), President of the National Association of Naval Photography:
The National Association of Naval Photography (NANP) has never conferred the title of “Honorary Chief Petty Officer” upon anyone. Therefore, we would have no official records substantiating Mr. Bernath’s claim concerning the title. Please note that only the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy has the authority to confer such a title.
Further, as we’ve shown before, Bernath then took another guy’s picture, and photoshopped his head on it. He is correct when he notes he doesn’t have a copyright problem (since the copyright is probably the US Navy’s, and the Gov’t can’t copyright pictures) but he later argued that the photoshop was a sort of joke which he only posted to a private blog to share with family. Except that is not what Bernath’s website is. in fact, what it does is shill various sight-seeing excursions in Portland Oregon. It’s not a private thing to keep family members in the loop, it is a commercial enterprise.
Bernath is a public person by his own admission on his website. He appeared on TV shows, was a radio talk show host, a hero who stands up for the little guy in Social Security Hearings in Oregon, and has been in the paper numerous times. (Usually for stuff like being a monumental jackass.) He’s also engaged in Stolen Valor (he’s pimping a fake military honorific on a commercial website) which is an issue in the public sphere.
But he’s also CLEARLY a very troubled individual. Enough so that in any other circumstance I might take pity on him. But he’s sending me the most truly bizarre and ridiculous demands that any pity has fallen by the way side. For instance, today he emailed to ask if I would accept service on a lawsuit against someone I have never heard of. He’s accused me of sending letters/emails to the VFW when I’ve never contacted them. He says we threatened to kill him, he’s allegedly filed restraining orders, he keeps calling me a “dickless lawyer” and says I will be disbarred:
You and others defamed me, committed the criminal act of solitation to murder or harm and you did it by sending a mail through your computer.
VFW is cooperative.
I’m filing a police complaint now as you and Hyatt encouraged murder/harming me. You admit the wanted poster is yours as part of the threat and menacing.
Wow, you didn’t stay a lawyer very long.
So, pity is running a little short.
I know people hate lawyers, and Bernath would be proof positive that some of them really do suck. But I’ve been on the phone with nothing but lawyers for two days now, and not a one of them has been anything but fully supportive. Not a one is asking for any payment, and all of them are offering their support.
I’d be tempted to just let this fade away, in fact, I wish it would. But Bernath sends me new legal threats every time I turn around. I’m pretty much done playing with him. I asked him repeatedly to stop contacting me, and to do his talking through the courts, but that didn’t work.
Some lady in the Oregon article I linked above refused to go in a room with him anymore. And she pegged him perfectly:
“His outbursts are unprovoked, explosive, and disproportionate to the proceedings,” she wrote. “He appears to have difficulty gaining control once his emotions escalate, and the escalation is rapid.”
Well, he’s forced us to fight now. Because if we cave on even one lunatic like Bernath, it will only give license to the rest of these Stolen Valor guys to act insane.
Category: Phony soldiers
Why Does Bernath wear a neck tie?
To Keep his foreskin from smothering him.
What the Difference between Bernath and a bucket of manure?
The Bucket
For those of you keeping score, he’s updated his pages again. (Which I’ve downloaded for history’s sake.)
^^^^On that CTSW, he’s trying to make it sound like every CTSW plane crash is due to some sort of defect.
You’ve downloaded it all?
So then, I don’t have to keep updating that disgusting crapweasel’s crap?
Well, that’s a relief! My computer was beginning to object to having to retain it in its memory banks. I got ‘WHAT?!?!?’ several times.
Yep, but I think I’m not the only one who’s downloading the pages either. But hey, the more the merrier. It never hurts to have extra copies elsewhere.
For those keeping score, he’s updated those pages I posted yesterday.
Sigh, sometimes I hate my computer.
seen and captured, He is adding the word satire in several places.
He’s also putting some of the text in almost the same shade of gray as the background.
Send me an email!
Keep up the work!
I have it on good authority, Master Chief, that you will be getting an eyeful of stuff.
Make sure you have eyewash and adult beverages on hand.
Sticks and stones my boys! Sticks and stones!
Email sent!
Not received.
Oh hell, then who did I just email lol
Ok, lets see if this one works.
Alright, I thought I could “message to garcia” this one. But short of emailing every email related to your name could you ask Jonn to send it to me? Or vice versa, Jonn can pass my email to you.
Yes, but I have the screen shots that do NOT have the ‘satire’ included.
He must think we’re dumb or something.
Thanks all for the support.
Keep up the work.
“It matters”.
Did you want that stuff we discussed earlier this PM sent to you or to someone else?
LOL … I don’t think we have met!
Oh, yes we have.
You should have rec’d my msg2u already.
OVER. MEOW. =^..^=
Rog wilco!
I am watching Dances With Wolves!
Bernath still hasn’t figured out who the idiot is in this little comedy. It’s kind of like my buddies used to tell me about playing poker, “If you can’t figure out who the sucker is….it’s you!”
Whazza matta, Danny-boi? Finding out that just because you’re a “lawer” we’re not exactly impressed or intimidated?
Or did someone finally sit you down an explain to you that it would be a really good idea for you if you just STFU?
Or maybe someone told them to their idiot faces that they are as boring as wet cardboard, and none of them are smart enough to get out of bed without written instructions… and even then, they’d mess up.
It seems that Q-Tip and Dildo-head *may*, in view of their recent actions (and this is just conjecture, speculation and opinion) have some sort of Yin Yang circular cranial rectal infarction because, it appears they can’t see what either of them are doing or what direction either of them, are headed.
Too busy looking at themselves in the mirror?
Just in case you’re not monitoring the FaceBook posts above, Dallas somebody made the following comment 14 hours ago:
Wha…. Wha…. Wha….. Look at all the cry babies here…. Seems the “Artistic Satirist” is copying your shit hole here. How funny is that. The “Stolen Valor Reich” band of bastards is actually getting EXACTLY what they put out.
Now ol’ “Clara-Belle Hoey” is about to take a swim in the New York Hudson River…. compliments of the U.S. Government…
Now I know why you punks have to keep HIM under wraps…. secret squirrel …. with a government pension and New York Militia leadership volunteer. Chief Hoey is NOT allowed to do what he does to the combat disabled Vietnam War Veterans of the elite Airborne Rangers, either.
His big freaking ears are going to burning after 9:ooam today… Same for Lilyea & Seavey too. How does it feel to be cyber/victims yourselves… Absorb it…. It is the NEW NORM… punks…
That’s what you get for screwing around with the real deal military PTSD nut cases….. Now live with it…
Yes, good ol’ dumbass whipitnflogit strikes again.
I guess the local po-po let him out for fresh air.
He was in the slammer?
Yes, a short while ago. He was picked up for being falling down drunk and urinating on a wall or some such object in public. Somewhere, there is a mug shot of the purplejumpsuit guy in an orange jumpsuit. 🙂
Did he also defend the little pretty mommie’s boy seal wannabe? I think I get some grown up sodas if he does…
Now all we need is psul the uncool to show up and the party can start!
Best not to invoke the name of the servants of dumbness lest those servants appear.
This has been referred for action. The content of the message has been noted.
Master Chief kicks @$$ …. again!!
This page has been changed again..
I can’t screenie any more, so maybe one of you can.
Got it screenied/saved.
I can’t decide if his new content is more or less slanderous.
TC (and any out here who know the law about these things please read my post and comment if you have any facts about this to share)…
Reference post above linking to:
I am not sure of the law on this at all. However, on that page, in the photo under the title “safari adventure”, did he/they not post the photos of young children in underwear? Is that not or could that not be considered the possession of, publication of and distribution of child pornography? I believe it is in a lot of states. They can add “Satire” to the bottom all they want but that does not negate the posting and disseminating of possible child pornography. I think law enforcement would take a dim view of this web page, call it “Satire” or not. I am glad someone screen captured that page. This page of “Satire”, all be it completely defamatory, insulting and accusatory lies is one thing. The posting of children wearing next to nothing is a whole other, very serious issue! In my mind anyway.
Interesting point.
I find it disgusting, disturbing and offensive.
I believe they just sealed their fate.
Wow, that is some sick crap. I’m a submarine qualified infantryman, and I feel like I need to take a shower after looking through that.
Birdbath is such an asshat. That crap should be plenty enough to get him ejected/ rejected from any veterans group. The State VFW need to deep six his ass, as wll as the Yorktown group nd Navy Photographers.
In my opinion, it would be entirely fit and proper if the NANP were to declare that, in light of Bernath’s recent behavior, any “honors” that they may or may not have given him are now revoked. It would also be fit and proper if the California bar were to disbar his sorry butt.
Mr. Bill,
It is funny you should mention that, although I have zero involvement in such matters, I can assure you with 100 percent confidence the reach, power and influence of the entire CPO Mess has been called into action.
Let’s see what happens over the next few days, weeks and months.
I am as indicated below just a casual observer at this point!
I just had a thought. If everyone went to his website and clicked on every link multiple times a day, would that raise his internet bill up?
You know, if this guy doesn’t win the Ballduster McSoulpatch Award, I’m going to set fire to something.
Oh … trust me he is GOING to win!
I do not know. The competition this year is fierce. A lot of talent out there.
I will pay you 1000 dollars to vote for my man. See Hondo for payment.
Sure, MCPO. I have a Monopoly game somewhere. (smile)
It’s Q-Tip here and Dildo-head.
1 & 2.
No one else is close.
Waddline Willie the Wotund Wanger gave it a good effort early on, but unbelievably he has been overshadowed… and that was incredible given his girth combined with that of his best sock puppet and blushing bride. Alas, they just did not have the staying power to remain in the fight.
They got winded 😀
Or hungry.
Dennis stole all their cheezes….
I have done more screenies. He’s a busy little root weevil, isn’t he?
I am adding this again for records sake.
Reference post above:
Toasty Coastie©™ says:
March 26, 2014 at 12:34 am
This page has been changed again..
My Response:
Sparks says:
March 26, 2014 at 3:01 pm
TC (and any out here who know the law about these things please read my post and comment if you have any facts about this to share)…
Reference post above linking to:
I am not sure of the law on this at all. However, on that page, in the photo under the title “safari adventure”, did he/they not post the photos of young children in underwear? Is that not or could that not be considered the possession of, publication of and distribution of child pornography? I believe it is in a lot of states. They can add “Satire” to the bottom all they want but that does not negate the posting and disseminating of possible child pornography. I think law enforcement would take a dim view of this web page, call it “Satire” or not. I am glad someone screen captured that page. This page of “Satire”, all be it completely defamatory, insulting and accusatory lies is one thing. The posting of children wearing next to nothing is a whole other, very serious issue! In my mind anyway.
I hope the right people see this and either tell me I am wrong or confirm my thoughts on this. I am seriously upset by this! If it is believed to be even possibly that this is the possession, transmission and distribution of child pornography in any way, I will notify law enforcement.
Ah … Correct Sir!
To be exact, the proper law enforcement will be the FBI because it would be interstate disto on his web site. I am sure Bernie will not enjoy that visit. Not sure what Oregon law is on it.
He/it has gone off the cliff, I wonder how much he/it will be hurting once he/it hits bottom?
I worked in the local Federal Building before retiring. The local office of the FBI is there. If I get done with doc appointments and physical therapy today in time, I will give them a call and ask their advice. If not it will be tomorrow morning. Thanks for the info MT FAO.
Sparks, I sent you an e-mail.
The links are down…So it seems either his host or he himself yanked the pages.
I’m not a lawyer Sparks, so my knowledge is pretty limited.
But giving the circumstances, I would say that he has definately crossed the line on child pornography. I checked with some Leo friends here in Florida that work in Internet Sex Crimes Against Children and they said “Any picture of a child nude or nearly nude posted on a website can be considered child pornography and is subject to investigation and charges”.
That’s the nutshell…Yes I think he went head first off the diving board into a pool of cement.
Thank you TC! I am absolutely ignorant on the subject so any and all help/info is appreciated.
I wonder if this bloated skunk testicle knows what a libel lawsuit is? Since he is apparently God’s Gift to the Courtroom, I’d think he would have at least half a squirrel fart of a brain when it comes to libel and defamation.
Sparks, MCPO, et al,
All joking and silliness aside, this has taken a really *dark* turn I have never expected and I honestly don’t think this is going to end well. (Not that any of *us* have anything to worry about but for “Crash” there. )
I believe that we have speculated that some folks have subconsciously exhibited some references to this type of behavior but I *NEVER* have seen anyone turn the corner and be so unbelievably *overt* in their exhibition of such proclivities.
/I mean, Damn. 🙁
This is sick.
But I am not really surprised. This is the type of man Bernath is unfortunately.
He has truly gone beyond the bounds with this stuff.
To do it to a complete stranger is beyond the pale.
Bernath deserves whatever ills befall him.
Regarding the photo I referenced about the “possibility” of child pornography, there is a web site listed on the image. It is of a valid company called Alibaba. They are a legitimate import/export firm of many things, clothing for adults and children to be included.
However, my concern arises from using “any” photo, acquired from “any” source, of near nude, young children and placing that photo on a web page such as the one he/they created and transmitting that page. Then, to make it more damning, to reference that photo to the web page’s main subject, the commission of “child molestation”.
If I can find out more, I will contact local authorities and ask if they can give me direction and advice about the appropriateness, right or wrong of this photo being used in this manner. Also to guide me as to whether I am on or off base about this issue.
Sparks … BULLS EYE …
I can’t get it to open. Maybe that’s a good thing.
Some little birdie may have taken a page from posers and contacted his provider about the possibility of child pornography being hosted on their site…
Hmmm…. I wonder who that could possibly be?
Don’t know, but like a good little soldier, I’ll help look for the rat bastard with everyone else. 🙂
This guy totally lost it. It’s one thing to speculate that someone is a moral and social peice of shit, and quite another to cut N Paste news items about pedophiles and put the names and images of others in on a website.
Not that anyone other then him reads his drivel.
Your day is coming Birdbath. You can only hide and weasel so much from the long arm of the law. I’m sure you have worn out the patience of the Oregon Legal system with your ignorance and arrogance.
Justice will be served by you having every thing you own seized and you being thrown out of your “squat and gobble” and forced to live in an even lower income area among those minorities who you look down on so much.
I can see a doddering old prick like you being another statistic of random youth violence. You give off that vibe of arrogance and have that look about you.
I would laugh my ass off if I saw you were another statistic.
Link to Federal Law on child pornography. He can’t claim 1st amendment on this and since he posted it on the internet it falls in Federal Jurisdiction.
Patience, my children. Patience.
same topic different tangent,
Everyone who visited his site please run a good virus scan. I personally will not try to look there again.
Enigma4you is correct. Run a virus scan to be sure. We have it screen captured so that should be sufficient.
I did run a virus scan while visiting the suspect web page and it found no threats using 3 different scanners. So…that’s a plus.
Email me please
Enigma4you I know you have posted you address but for the life of me I can’t find it now. Please either post it again or ask Jonn to give you mine. Thank you.
I just received 3 “Connection Timeouts” while trying to access the referenced, suspect web page from today. So either, the server being used is busy (doubt it) or it has been taken down now. Guess other people do read and keep up with this thread after all. Funny thing about covering one’s tracks though…screen capture is a great tool.
Let’s just say that someone finally had one of those ‘come to Jesus’ moments we occasionally hear about.
I checked the reports for my software and it says nothing, but I had the screenies done and I never do downloads, so I’m good.
Ex- you hit that nail on the head…and countersunk it as well!
Well, well, well.
I know what happened …
Figure it out guys!
Don’t worry about virus!
Someone with a brain looked at the content and turned the “ON/OFF” switch to the “OFF” position.
Master Chief Thanks for the info and heads up.
And the heat has not even gotten hot yet!
I am going to sit back and watch you fantastic contributers do your magic.
My iron is in a cold bed of coals right now … If ya know what I am talkin’ about!
Just let people know when it’s time to kick the tires and light the fires, Master Chief.
Trust me … I will.
Page is gone. Im sure that enough people capped and documented its content.
Maybe Birdbath had a moment of clarity and realized he had fucked up beyond redemption with this and pulled it. Either that or he figured he got his poke in and decided to cut-n-run. Or he’s going to post even more outlandish shit.
Well Birdbath, you’ve crossed the Rubicon buddy, full tilt Wicktard. You have all but sewn up the Ballduster McSoulpatch award. That and your upcoming destruction in court will be the cherry on the top of this year for you.
Well I missed the updated pages that DanDan posted, and from all the descriptions of his updated pages that he was posting “child pornography”,,,,, let’s just say I am glad I missed it. Sounds like DanDan has finally crossed the line to now have brought criminal charges against his sorry ass. Could not happen to a nicer guy like you DanDan, but hey, you will reap what you have sown, and it would be even nicer if you were to drag two more low life dumb asses just as stupid as you down with you.
Good riddance dick head and you now have secured my vote for you as the top tourney winner this year. See, I thought that Nate Fornwalt was as low as anyone could go for this years top contender, but DanDan, you have him beat by a very long country mile.
OIF ’06-’07-’08
Look at my earlier post regarding Bernath’s web page in question. I was upset by the content but careful to not out and out accuse. I used the term “possible” “child pornography” and left it open to interpretation. Be it that or be it not, it was still, highly, inappropriate by an order of magnitude in my book to each person attacked. People I honor, respect and hold in the highest esteem as fellow veterans and people I know to be of truth and integrity. (Mess with one of my friends and you mess with me!) Even be it NOT that, it was still beyond the pale of decency to accuse these good people of what he did.
I will then correct my self and say “possible child pornography”.
It does not matter.
Young boys in undergarments is off the table.
Bernath might be playing a game, but hopefully the US Government will not.
An “internet child crime” Law Enforcement Unit in my area is looking at the images as well.
Checking the site at 4:25 Mountain time, I got:
The connection has timed out
The server at is taking too long to respond.
Links are live again…I still can’t screenie…So please some one grab these.
There’s also this page (note the slight spelling difference – sealey vs seavey)
Settled down there shallow water Sailor. Check your cookie box.
I believe one of two things are going on here.
1. Web site police.
2. He is refreshing.
Let’s see.
As of 5:29 Mountain time, the site is back up.
The connection has timed out
They are offline again: 5:52 PDT
Links live again 2110 est…Pages have been updated again..still trying to screenie themm..ugg!
Listen to the Master Chief.
The pages are down at this moment in time. The birdbraindandan bernutsless is attempting to sneak past the web police. He will not do so. They are ever-vigilant.
Master Chief, smoke signals coming your way.
Ya know what? I was doing my nightly perusal of the Bernath comedy show. I’d just like to point out that Bernath certainly likes to throw the phrase “man up” and “coward” around. But as soon as someone takes one step towards him he’s all boo-hooing and saying things like “I feared”.
Screw him and his sick page. One thing that sticks out, that entire “A Special Day Photography” site was supposed to be a site for a fledgling photograpy business set up by him for a female relative of his (granddaughter?)
That he now uses the site for his petty bullshit, lies and sick images.
Class act there Birdbath.
I believe I was successful in getting all screen captures of the links TC posted for us. Saved in JPEG and PNF. We’ll see when I show them to others interested in them.
Thanks Sparks :}
Anything true or same rhetoric? I am still ghey? A little black has told me his work has been provided to a Gay Rights group in Portland … And they are not amused!
“How to Make Friends and Influence People”
that is … little black bird
so sorry
I use the Firefox web browser. I found an add on for Firefox that will download a webpage to PDF. That’s on the plus side. On the negative side, DAMN those PDF’s file sizes can get big depending on on how large a web page is.
DB still is not, has never been nor will he never be a Genuine or Honorary CPO.
As per me, MCPON, all CPO Messes of the free world and the NANP.
Note: This is and has been the truth. The truth will not change.
Any questions?
Very well!
Carry out the plan of the day!
MCPO, Im sure Birdbath might redeem himself and attain that status someday,,,
This is the part where the late George Peppard would lean back with a lit stogie and utter to nobody in particular:
“I love it when a plan comes together.”
I had forgotten just how beautiful the scenery is in the Northern Sierras, around Susanville Cal. Beautiful place and such a departure from Sea Level, coastal living. Mountain sunrises are so much different than those in the Southeast.
I have observed that while we have followed the SCOTUS direction and responded to lies with the truth, that Daniel A. Bernath and his ilk, choose to respond to truth with lies. But then, lies are all they can muster in their fight against us.
Even the address that he claimed in Ft. Myers Florida is non-existant; a lie.
Its links are back up. 😛
I hope a bird shits on Greedy Fat Bastard’s face this morning.
My word of life or my word of death.
You are the Gray Rider.
I am honored.
You guys kick ass.
I reckon so.
Phildo’s new Native American name is “Ten Turds”.
His sidekick, Paul (of the Ballsack) is now known as the “Gay Rider”..
I wonder if “Ten Turds” still reads this blog.
My guess is yes.
It’d only be an improvement. He already had a muskrat burrow into his chin and die.
*Joke Spew Alert*
A Bear and Dan Bernath were taking a shit in the woods.
The Bear turned to Dan and said,
“Hey Dan, do you ever have any problem with shit sticking to any of the remaining hair you have on that little dome of yours?”
Dan, said “No….Why do you ask?”
So the Bear wiped his ass with Dan Bernath.
ChipNASA makes Ten Bears laugh.
ChipNASA gets thanks for Eddie Murphy video. Heh.
He’s ChipNASA folks! He’ll be here all week!
*Try the Veal*
/”Don’t forget to tip your waitress and waiters”
// “Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered.”
///” Well, folks, it’s time to call it a night.
But do what you feel, and keep both feet on the wheel.
You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here.”
Oh dear God…at least I appreciate the warning…now to clean off my second monitor.
Looks like dandan the bernastypantsman has been doing a little excavating and came up with this shit.
“little Lilyea lives in an inconsequential state, on a dead end cul de sac with three neighbors, in a yellow brick rancher,
on $1400 a month of government payments and $300 a month of Google Ad revenue.
Inherently poor, with ill health and a finite lifespan with a fatal disease, he spends the last of his days, lashing out at his betters, attacking strangers in twisted thoughts, bent over his PC.”
Now, I know that we all have a great fondness for the author of this particular piece of epithetical verbiage. I do think that the author should know that we have NOT forgotten this particularly eloquent and vibrant bit of shitwriting.
Any guesses?
That is the rantings of one (1) Psul ( of the ballsack) Wickre
And Old Dog gets the trip to the Bahamas, the shiny new Mustang and a year’s worth of beer and brats.
The catch is Birdbath will fly me there, with the cheeseslayer as co-pilot
Two Words- “Bermuda Triangle.”
Does this mean he has finally, in the figurative and literal sense of the phrase, gone full Wickre?
I don’t know, Flagwaver. I think he’s doing what he always does, stealing what someone else did (in this case it’s Wickre)and claiming that he came up with it.
That might be interpreted as going full wickre on us, but if it’s stealing wickre’s work, is it really going wickre?
Wait… are you saying that he might now be guilty of Stolen Valor and Stolen Wickre?
We haven’t seen Aryan Sock Puppets from Europe drunkposting yet, so not quite.
AS TO what constitutes the Full Wickre, I would maintain that one needs to get pissed drunk to the point of posting “warrablegarble warrabagable!” while thinking it is a proper argument.
Not worried. We would probably run out of gas over the Florida Panhandle. I could use cheeseslayer’s T shirt as a parachute.
Hey guys. I am out of this fight as you or some of you KNOW.
On the issue of child por… I don’t know.
On the issue of child exploitation … Considering his purpose and the content … DB has cooked his own goose in full view of the world.
Now there is something to look in to …
Just sitting here and watching …
Carry on!
No I am not!
Yes you are!
Master Chief, you forgot to say:
Ok … You got me!
BTW: Bernath is not, was never nor will he ever be a Genuine and or Honorary CPO.
This is the TRUTH. The TRUTH will never change nor will the efforts of those who seek out and expose VALOR THIEVES. We do it knowing there is risk but … “WE DO IT BECAUSE IT MATTERS”.
Bernath … KMRIA!
I take that ‘asshole’ back. It was aimed at someone else.
That still cracks me up.
The OVER story is a “no shitter” it actually happened. In fact, if you don’t believe me … Just listen to the “Agent Dan” radio interview. Bernath probably instituted the “you can’t speak ’till I have said OVER” rule after that interview.
Just sayin’!
I suggest you respond to my e-mail NOW.
Or else.
I owe you a beer!
Let me know when it’s on ice.
As I have said before, I have NOT lit fires in 1A or 1B Boilers yet, the beers have been on ice for a long time!
Out of the fight? Really?
Give me a break, turdburglar
Bernaths arrogance is only exceeded by his stupidity.
The Five Most Dangerous Things in the U. S. Navy
A Seaman saying, “I learned this in Boot Camp…”
A Petty Officer saying, “Trust me, sir…”
A Lieutenant JG saying, “Based on my experience…”
A Lieutenant saying, “I was just thinking…”
A Chief Petty Officer chuckling, “Watch this shit…”
Here is one is used in front of the George Ensign, “don’t be afraid, it won’t explode unless you do this” as I picked up an 8 pound hammer and began to swing it he took off running screaming … “No, please don’t do it”.
It was an inert blue 5 in 54 training round!
MCPO NYC USN Ret.; when I was in, (Airborne Infantry), a guy wanted a discharge, any flavor would suit him, so he painted a practice grenade OD, walked past the company clerk, into the Company Commander’s office, set it on the desk and pulled the pin. I think the company commander wet himself before the 4 second point. Guy got his discharge right after he got out of the stockade.
I’m only trying to be *helpful here*.
Repeat after me: ( Learn it, know it, LIVE it. )
“Jelly or Syrup?”
“Jelly or Syrup?”
“Jelly or Syrup?”
“Jelly or Syrup?”
I’ve stayed out of this show because of a lot of family drama going on plus people much better than I are handling it very nicely. With that said can someone please explain to me why my picture is posted on that sick fucktard’s psycho page? I really don’t have the time to deal with pure crazy right now, but if I’m invited… I can out crazy with the best and worst of them.
It’s because Bernath’s cheese has slipped off his cracker, fell through a passing black hole, and is now in that dimension known as the Bernath Zone.
*cue twilight zone music*
As requested.
You rock, Hondo!
It’s because he thinks that all the women who post on TAH are me, especially if you can stand up for yourself. But then, all of us do, so that means we’re all in good company.
He thinks there is only one intelligent, take no shit, sexy beast on here? Well if it had to be only one of us females he picked to crush on, I’m kinda glad that (happy for me but sad for you) it’s you. You can represent us wimmon folk and take out the trash in one fell swoop.
I’m going to get you a cape. You can wear it to all those “lesbo” parties you GPS all the time. Heh!
Just kidding! Don’t kill me!
Kill you? NEVER!!!!