Opening the flood gates

| March 13, 2014

trans SEAL

The photo is a verified phony SEAL

Too many of you folks to name each of you have sent us a link to an article from CBS in San Francisco which reports that some unnamed commission led by masturbation queen and pediatrics doctor who was fired as the Surgeon general by the Clinton Administration, Minnie Jocelyn Elders recommends that the Pentagon can admit transsexuals to the military with no discernible damage to the welfare and good order of the military establishment;

The report said Department of Defense regulations designed to keep transgender people from joining or remaining in the military on the grounds of psychological and physical unfitness are based on outdated beliefs that require thousands of current service members either to leave the service or to forego the medical procedures and other changes that could align their bodies and gender identities.

“We determined not only that there is no compelling medical reason for the ban, but also that the ban itself is an expensive, damaging and unfair barrier to health care access for the approximately 15,450 transgender personnel who serve currently in the active, Guard and reserve components,” said the commission led by Dr. Joycelyn Elders, who served as surgeon general during Bill Clinton’s first term as president, and Rear Adm. Alan Steinman, a former chief health and safety director for the Coast Guard.

Yeah, well, the problem I see right at the front of the whole line of problems is folks signing up for the military to get their treatment, have their “reassignment” surgery and then beating feet for the exits. You know, they do that now with their signing bonuses, so what’s to stop folks from doing the same for their turn at the scalpel?

The commission argued that facilitating gender transitions “would place almost no burden on the military,” adding that a relatively small number of active and reserve service members would elect to undergo transition-related surgeries and that only a fraction might suffer complications that would prevent them from serving. It estimated that 230 transgender people a year would seek such surgery at an average cost of about $30,000.

Yeah, well, I see a bigger cost because the military would pay for their training which would be money down a dark hole after they go AWOL, or claim they were mistreated, or whatever excuse of the day they used to get out of the remainder of their service. Yeah, I know this unnamed Commission says that it’s all about service, but that’s what they said about repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, but then it became all about what people could get out of their service without actually serving.

“When you closet someone, you create a security risk, and we don’t need another Chelsea Manning,” [Retired Brigadier General Thomas Kolditz, a former Army commander and West Point professor] said, referring to the soldier formerly known as Bradley Manning who came out as transgender after being sentenced for leaking classified documents to the website WikiLeaks.

Yeah, well, [insert current first name here] Manning wasn’t treasonous because he was gay or transgendered, it was because he was a scummy piece of shit, but nice try, Gen-gen, screwing the Army now that you’re out. I hope the Pentagon isn’t so stupid in this day and age that they’d attach their little red policy wagon to this band of morons led by Minnie Elders.

Category: Military issues

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Let’s see, Congress is already trying to figure out how to hack into medical costs for service members, but someone is willing to pony up the cost for the surgery plus the post surgical hormone treatments? If I get the surgery while on active duty, do I now have a chronic medical condition incurred in government service that will provide me with a VA rating?

Someone has already worked out some of the costs. I’ll add the link here as a public service.


Thanks Bobo. I hadn’t seen REAL numbers. Just the Bizarro world numbers in the article. Talk about misleading math. You brought up some good points to and I guarantee they would be on VA disability for life. If the clowns in Congress and the Pentagon ever approved this, they would HAVE to buy into that as well. Just runs hand in hand with their bad science and bad logic on the whole issue. Things are getting more upside down and backwards every day!


The only person I can think of who out stupids Sheila Jackson Lee has to be Minnie Jocelyn Elders, hands down. Some of the dumbest comments ever to exit a human orifice have come from her.

You can change plumbing all day long but then there’s that whole X-Y, X-X chromosome business which never changes. So then after the plumbing work you have all the expense of hormone therapy to pay for. If John becomes Jane, does the new and improved Jane have to meet the minimum standards for a male or a female?

I believe anyone so emotionally upset and out of sync with who they are that they want a sex change is by definition, emotionally unfit to serve. In any capacity.

So Retired Brigadier General Thomas Kolditz believes if we had given Manning a sex change it would not have committed treason? Really?

By the way Dr. Jocelyn Elders is a specialist in pediatrics. Would you take your kid to be treated by her? I wouldn’t let her try to change my tire, much less treat me for anything. Another dumb ass, liberal dip shit talking out of her ass which is the only orifice she has at her disposal.


I don’t know about tires, but I would not let her near my cats, never mind my children.


The Dems and the social engineers are not going to be happy until the Military is just like every other Federal Service job, and they can require that not just gay/trans people be allowed to serve, but that the physically and mentally handicapped will also get to serve, national defense be damned.
I wont begrudge a person that wants to change their sexual orientation, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit back and let someone try to feed me this line about it not impacting national defense and units.


Gender Dysmorphia is still considered a psychological disorder in DSM5 as it is not simply a physical reassignment of parts involved. This is psychological in nature, forget all the cost of counseling, hormones, and the actual surgeries required…
I have worked with an individual going through this “transformation” and sorry, but the Active Duty Military is no place for a person who is going through this.
There are too many real and legitimate reasons why it is and should remain an automatic Bar to Enlistment.


Maybe a bit off the mark but I do wonder. What must Putin be thinking when he reads this crap about these American leaders and their attitudes and considerations regarding changing our military this way? Just makes me feel sort of embarrassed sometimes even thinking about this stuff in regards to other world leaders opinions of us.


So Tri-Care will pay for an addadicktomy (HT Rush)?

James in Gulf Breeze

Bravo! Came here to say this. +1

Powerpoint Ranger

Can’t forget the opposite procedure, a choppadicoffomy.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe a Peckersnipandtuckomy, “Snip and Tuck” for short?

HS Sophomore

That top photo…ACH!!! That which is seen cannot be unseen! Get the eye bleach, and a needle so I can puncture my corneas!


Okay, I’m just plain tired of this crap. I truly am. These people aren’t happy with themselves, with who they are, and all the surgery in the world, including cosmetic surgery, will not change that.

If you are not happy with who you are as an individual, you do something about that, first and foremost. If you can’t solve the problem that way, you will never solve it with surgery or cross-dressing or anything else.

And if you do have the surgery and you still aren’t happy, what then?

This is exactly like a gay couple getting married, the state doesn’t recognize it as a legal marriage, but six months later they want a divorce and can’t get one because the state doesn’t recognize their marriage.


So let me see if I’ve got this straight (so to speak)-he is a LCDR and she is a CDR? This individual doesn’t just have gender dysphoria, shim also suffers from rank dysphoria.


Don’t know how old “it” is in the above photo but “it” is sporting Vietnam era campaign and service awards. Just doesn’t look old enough to me.


Does the former Surgeon General realize what complications can result post mastectomy? I mean any woman that goes under the knife can live with a lifetime of complications of an even successful surgical course. Reduced strength, range of motion, lymphedema, neurological deficits. That’s just off the top of my head. I can guess what the ramifications would be with hormone therapy and, much more, surgery on genitals. Do we just issue every recruit a permanent profile at MEPS?



“Good order and discipline” is soon going to be an extinct reference in the military. Once they allow these shenanigans you can’t make the case for any other restriction on behavior, attire, or standards.

Can’t have tattoos, can have medically created vagina paid for by your command. At least then sandy vaginas will be a legit reason to go to BAS.

Green Thumb


Common Sense

I’ve known two men who had gender reassignment surgery. There is no doubt that some people are unfortunate enough to not feel comfortable with the body they were born with, but that doesn’t mean taxpayers should pay for their treatments nor does it mean that they can continue to function in the military.

It’s also a long process, many years, to make sure that it’s really what the person wants, since it’s permanent.

One man was a medical researcher, married with adult children. It was devastating to his family.

The other man was single, one of 5 brothers. I’ve run into him/her several times since, we work in the same industry, and he is still not a happy person. There have been lots of issues finding a significant other of course, and it was hard finding real acceptance among his siblings.

As for the military, what if a man is in a career field not open to women? Is he an exception or is he reassigned? What if a woman wants to be in a career field that wasn’t open to her before, does she now qualify? As others have noted, it requires life-long drug therapy, how does that work with long deployments in places like some distant outpost in Afghanistan?

As a taxpayer and mother of two airmen, I vote no.


Thank you Common Sense for your “Common Sense” post and thoughts. Please tell your young Airmen I thank for serving, from an old veteran brother.

Just An Old Dog

I’m pretty accepting that a small percentage of people are born with extra chromosones, etc. But like its been said, its going to be nothing but a revolving door for folks looking to get free surgery.
Its hypocrisy of the highest order by the liberals,,, first saying that its a phsycological/ physical issue that requires surgery than claiming that it’s NOT an Issue if it means barring enlistment…

A Proud Infidel®™



Toasty Coastie©™

Are you effing kidding me?

“Retired Brigadier General Thomas Kolditz, a former Army commander and West Point professor on the commission, said he thinks allowing transgender people to serve openly would reduce gender-based harassment, assaults and suicides while enhancing national security.”

These assholes can not even stop rapes of “Cis-Gendered” people in Service! How can you honestly believe that by allowing Trans-people in it would REDUCE gender-based harassment, assaults and suicides while enhancing national security? REALLY!?!?!!!!!


Are you not reading the news lately? That at last count 5 of your so-called Special Investigators of Rape claims have themselves been charged and some found guilty of Raping Comrades and Shipmates?

Not to mention every time we turn around this Government is trying to screw us out of our pensions and benefits, but somehow will have 30k+ for every gendered misidentified person to have reassignment surgery and treatment?
Yeah right no harm to the Military and Vets…

You sorry pieces of excrement…Go fry in hell…

Toasty Coastie©™

My apologies everyone…

I did not mean to come across as a bigot or homophobe.

I am not…I could care less who sleeps with who or how you want to dress or live your life..

I do care when you start screwing with my pension and benefits.

If the Government doesn’t have the money to give us proper Cola increases, keep our TriCare costs down and keep all the benefits that we have sacrificed for and earned, then there is no money for sex re-assignment surgery and all the medical care/treatment needed to accomplish this.


Rocket science time turn the women into men than send him off to male only combat arms unit our dear leaders followers have it out for the military


The military isn’t a test-bed for your social engineering, and definitely not a place for people to “find themselves” and discover that they were assigned the wrong gender at birth (ha!). The purpose of the United States military is to defend our country by winning wars. That’s it.

Seriously, I’d give anything for a leader who understood that basic principle.


Sometimes it’s slow getting real medical treatment in the military without starting another line to have real things loped off or added.