Robert Danny Hay; shortest USMC career in history

| August 31, 2013

Scotty sends us his research on Robert Danny Hay of Helena, Montana who rides around with his Marine Corps career on the back of his pickup;

Robert Danny Hay truck

The word on the street is that he’s picking up a large VA check every month for his injuries in Vietnam that go along with all of those stickers. However, that’s not what the USMC says about his career;

Robert Danny Hay FOIA

Robert Danny Hay assignments

According to Scotty, there’s going to be a knock at his door this morning.

Category: Phony soldiers

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OIF '06-'07-'08

@143, listen you little cock sucker, just like a poser to accuse every one here of not serving. I have three thick binders of paper work regarding my pre-mobilization, mobilization, and post-mobilization procedures for my tour of duty in Iraq. So Robert Danny Hay(GOOGLE HIT Bobbi Boi) what do you have to prove your service. Opp’s my bad, your record’s are sealed, which in turn would put you in direct violation of all your Non Discloser Agreements that you would have definitely have signed stating that you would keep your mouth shut about your secret squirrel service, and all you do when you come back here is to prove that you are as smart as a box of rocks dumb ass.

OIF '06-'07-'08

@146, yep they are all related.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Actually, I wonder if ol’ Robert Danny Hay(GOOGLE HIT Bobbi Boi)is seeking gainful employment, and when any prospective employer does a Google search of his name, guess what pops up?


Robert Danny Hay,

Come here, a little closer now, closer … That is it … I’ll whisper it in you ear …

“FU@K YOU … YOU are a disgrace and your time is up!”


Why are you backing your truck into your driveway now B.D. Hay ? You do realize that if you don’t have the award orders for the medals that you have in the back window, You are facing criminal prosecution under the 2013 Stolen Valor Act.You need to post some truth that you earned those medals old man.Prison Orange isn’t your color.


Bobby–any fuckstick can claim awards they didn’t earn. People can even buy the stickers. Few if any KNOW what it takes to EARN the accolades and praise of their fellow vets.

And FWIW, most of us don’t seek that kind of adulation. Never have, never will.

Finally, I got more time on the shitter at test depth answering a backing bell than you had in the Corps. Suck a fat one, you fat lying phony fuck.

Just An Old Dog

Wow, this thread blew up… took a bit of reading to put these pieces together. Another piece of shit poser rezzes a dead thread, tries to threaten people and just gets put on full blast again.
Fascinating thing about posers. They are so fugging stupid they don’t know they are stupid.
They get away with posing out in bumphuck, Montana because a lot of people simply don’t know about the military. Anyone with a basic knowledge of the military and an urge to put on a show can do a little research and preset a decent fascade. You can buy citations, medals and uniforms and fool people.
But there is a huge difference in snowing civilians and bringing your bullshit on this page, Robert Danny Hay (google hit, you sack of shit). We know about records, event timelines and awards.
A good parable would be if some dumbass through on a white coat and a nametag with Doctor Smith on it and bullshit chicks in Starbucks to impress them with some terms he picked up from the internet. Take the same ass-whistler and have him try to pass himself off in an operating room and he would be outted in seconds.
Go to Jersey and play in traffic with Gunny Driveway Ron Mailhan, you dinkleberry rancher.


Bottom line, Bobby-boi, you just went full retard.


Has anyone notified the police department in Helena, MT, that this guy is claiming to be a cop?

I don’t think they’d like that very much.

A Proud Infidel

Robert Danny Hay, (GOOGLE HIT!!)What part of the Holy Bible states “Thou shalt not bear false witness…”, c’mon, you’re the self-proclaimed expert!!


#160 Ex-PH2, They are tuned into this blog & well aware of Secret squirrel Hay.

Just An Old Dog

This shit bag has pegged the fuckhead-o-meter. Especially if he is collecting a VA check based on a false claim
That he is sporting three medals my brother earned for real gets under my skin.
I have a Marine friend who served recently that earned two purple hearts serving in 2/4, who almost ended up going over the edge because it took so long for the VA to help him.
That a fuck face like Robert Danny Hay is taking up space in the VA system while people like my friend get neglected just makes me boil.


Scotty, thanks for the heads up. Hay needs to be taught a lesson.

If he’s got a service-connected disability, what is it? Is he getting compensation that should go to someone who really needs it?

I’m getting VERY tired of these creepazoids. They’re like that oily film that a garbag scow leaves behind. You know it’s there, but eeeewwww!


Hey Bob (for cock) @143,

Its Marine Corps you dumb fuck. Marine Corps, not Marine Corp.

Poser shitbird Gunnery Sausage.

Just An Old Dog

If he got jacked up in boot camp he could rate a service related pension. Its not uncommon for recruits to get injured to the point of being disabled to a certain extent.Usually these are pretty low percentage ratings.
On the other hand it doesn’t allow for someone to claim service rank and awards.
I’m laying odds that fuck-noodle forged documents to get into the VA system.
Special place in hell for you fucker.


Bobo the wonder turd… couldn’t make it out of basic, but have the burning desire to call yourself a Marine. There is a special place in Hell for turds like you that disgrace real Marines.

I wounder if the local I&I staff would be interested in making a house call on Bobo the wonder turd?


BoBo the Wonder Turd…

I like it! I think it fits.


Bobo the Wonder Turd. I think we’ve found his TAH nick name for next year’s tourney!


Wait a minute, people. We have a REAL Bobo who is a good guy. Don’t insult him by using HIS moniker on this doofus.

Howsabout Bobble, instead? Bobble the Wonder Turd. You can get the bobblehead version at the nearest gas pumping station.


Ex-PH2: RE the name you suggested, I think I found a photo:


We have a bobblehead or two among us as well, PH!

Virtual Insanity

I was kind of entertained by “gunnery sausage” above, too, from ByrdMan.


Robert Danny Hay (Google hit again) – congratulations! You’ve ensured that you will be competitive for next year’s TAH Stolen Valor tournament. Way to go!


Virtual Insanity: I kinda liked “gunnery sausage” too. Wonder who this photo might be?

Green Thumb

This guy is a piece of shit.

People know who is and what he is not.

Word has it that he is laying low and avoiding his haunts because people know the truth.



Robert Danny Hay. You need to read the new Stolen Valor Act of 2013 and take it as a very serous hint. Eyes are upon you old man And they don’t like what they see. Read this link & take heed BoBo Dingleberry Hay !


Ex-PH2: OWB makes a good point – we do have a couple of commenters who (1) use either bobblehead or something very close (“bubblehead”) in their screen name and (2) seem to have their head screwed on straight. This guy is a complete LSoS prick.

Might I suggest we call him “Bobbi-boi the Wonder Turd” instead?


How about Bobbie the Wonderturd Butthead?


Hondo at @ 171,

Are those Mr. Potato Head face parts on a poop for our new embellisher?


Ex-PH2: wouldn’t that kinda be an insult to Butthead of “Beavis and Butthead” fame? (smile)


Naw, I think Butthead would understand.

Why do you have a photo of a man in a thong with a butane lighter? Is that a prison scene?


@Hondo and Ex-PH2 – excellent ideas. I’d suggest one small modification – how about “boobie” instead?


Ex-PH2: nah, I found that while looking for a photo of “Sergeant Sausage” and thought it kinda was apropos while discussing the other nickname suggested (“Gunnery Sausage”, AKA “Gunny Sausage”).

Kinda looks like it was taken in an old-style open bay barracks, circa 1970 or so.

Hay Hey, you don’t suppose the tool in the thong is anyone we know, do ya? (smile)


Brownwolf: no, it’s actually a photo of an Austrailian roadside attraction – the “Big Spud” in Robertson, NSW, Australia – onto which someone hung Mr. Potato Head-styled facial features (non-destructively) as a joke. But it does look kinda like a huge piece of . . . sculpted, brown-painted concrete, doesn’t it? (smile)

I saw that and thought it worked for an icon of for “Bobbi-boi the Wonder Turd”. (smile)


MrBill: ‘fraid I can’t go for that. Boobies are two of my favorite things in life. (smile)

Green Thumb


How about just “Fucking Maggot”?


[…] page. Every jackwagon with a bone to pick with us calls and tries to threaten me. Case in point; Robert Danny Hay called to tell me that his local police chief is going to “file charges” against […]


@187 GT: should probably drop the “fucking” part. Heaven forbid that he has a sex life. We sure don’t need any more of his kind around.


45-5-220. Stalking — exemption — penalty. (1) A person commits the offense of stalking if the person purposely or knowingly causes another person substantial emotional distress or reasonable apprehension of bodily injury or death by repeatedly:
(a) following the stalked person; or
(b) harassing, threatening, or intimidating the stalked person, in person or by mail, electronic communication, as defined in 45-8-213, or any other action, device, or method.


Hey, it looks like Bobbi-boi is back. Hi, Bobbi.

OIF '06-'07-'08

@190, Do we have another Paul K. Wickre amongst us?

OIF '06-'07-'08

Yup, Hondo, it’s Bobbi-boi. Hey Bobbi, how does it feel to be exposed as a liar in your town of Helena?


He got tossed from boot before they got to the day they taught the correct spelling of Marine Corps..week 6 I think


For the first offense, a person convicted of stalking shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a term not to exceed 1 year or fined an amount not to exceed $1,000, or both. For a second or subsequent offense or for a first offense against a victim who was under the protection of a restraining order directed at the offender, the offender shall be imprisoned in the state prison for a term not to exceed 5 years or fined an amount not to exceed $10,000, or both. A person convicted of stalking may be sentenced to pay all medical, counseling, and other costs incurred by or on behalf of the victim as a result of the offense.

Just An Old Dog

If you publicly state you are a combat veteran with multiple awards when you never finished boot camp and someone calls bullshit in a public forum its not stalking you twat waffle.
No one is flooding you with harassing emails, following you in your truck, phoning you etc.
The best defense against lies is the truth. You are a fucking liar so you are unarmed.

OIF '06-'07-'08

@195, a Paul K. Wickre Jr.


Is this shitpile not off the sidewalk yet? Is he still making asinine threats?

I had SO hoped that he would be snowed in during that blizzard over the weekend.

I have always lived in hope.


People who have been there and done that will not talk or brag. My dad for example retired out of the Rangers, was in that wonderful fight on Oct 3 1993. Good luck trying to get him to say anything other than he lost three friends that day. So Bob burn in hell you poser.


Bobby, you old roadside attraction (turd) it AIN’T stalking if YOU COME HERE looking for abuse. lol. Next time wear the thong and fishnet stockings, mkkay?


Celebrities are not protected in most situations, since they have voluntarily placed themselves already within the public eye, and their activities are considered newsworthy. However, an otherwise non-public individual has a right to privacy from: a) intrusion on one’s solitude or into one’s private affairs; b) public disclosure of embarrassing private information; c) publicity which puts him/her in a false light to the public; d) appropriation of one’s name or picture for personal or commercial advantage.