Desecrating the flag as art
AssaultingThru sends us a link from Todd Starnes at Fox News in regards to a story about an art teacher in Peducah, Kentucky who urged students to write thier “reflections” on how it felt to stand on the US flag;
Local residents filled social networking sites with their outrage over the flag desecration with many calling for the art teacher to be fired.
“The teacher should be fired and run out of town,” wrote one outraged Paducah resident. “I have a son serving to protect this flag at this very moment.”
“It is a sad day when the symbol of this great nation is relegated to occupy the floor,” a reader wrote. “It is a truly sorrowful day when the one who placed it there has the nerve to ask, ‘How does it make you feel?’”
The art teacher, Shand Stamper, has since apologized, so, you know, it’s all good now.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
It happened in Kentucky, I hope plenty of local folks around the Paducah area let that pathetic maggot and sorry excuse of a Teacher know how they feel about that shitty stunt of his to his face very soon!! Shit like that really irks me, that’s the Flag I’ve served under overseas three times, it’s the Flag that was draped over the coffins of my Grandfather, past mentors, Buddies I lost overseas as well as all the others, and it’ll be draped over my casket when my time comes, too!! If someone were to give that Jane Fonda-loving hippie maggot a wall-to-wall counseling over that, his next shot and a beer would be on me as soon as I discovered who did it!
Yeah…Looks like “Art” to me, too.
Maybe someone should lay the art teacher out and stand on him and tell him how it feels.
See that little glimmer in the corner of your eye, Shand? That’s your career dissipation line, and it just kicked into high gear.
Shand Stamper? That’s the teacher’s name? Oh, wait…it’s a Word Jumble…Douche Bag!
I can’t believe none of the students or other teachers and/or staff didn’t pick it up immediately.
Sustainer: well, the letters do rearrange to form “Hand Terp Ass”. What to make of that, I dunno.
Same thing happened at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, the MOST famous art school in the midwest, in the late 1980s. Some student decided it was just a piece of cloth and did exactly the same thing. I just wonder if it’s the same person.
It caused quite an uproar and a bunch of in-country Vietnam vets staged a protest at the entrance to the Art Institute.
Here’s a link to that story from 1989. The art student was Scott Tyler.
If this teacher is the same person, it’s about time he had his ass kicked good and hard.
It’s just a symbol, I think they should make it a monthly event with various symbols. Next month can be Koran month. The month after that a big poster of Chicago Jesus.
Ex-PH2,I think I remember watching a story about that on the evening news one night. They showed the “exhibit” first, followed by video of Vets protesting it, most of them looked to be WWII era, and followed by video of two of them properly folding the Flag after they picked it up off the floor. Another part of the story was the “(f)artist” wearing a half-assed disguise and sunglasses bawling about how he felt unjustly threatened, and like I said, most of the Vets they showed protesting looked to be WWII & Korea Vets, and they calmly and politely said why they were there and voiced their side politely as well. I’m beginning to wonder if this act is little more than a publicity stunt by this little liberal candy-assed maggot of a teacher that he plans on using for his agenda. Next, we could be hearing liberal media hacks screeching about “art-hating, intolerant Conservatives trampling on this poor teacher’s First Amendment Rights”. Yeah, it’s OK for some so-called “artist” to display photos of homoerotica along with pics of a Crucifix in a cup of human urine or an icon portrait of the Virgin Mary smeared with animal excreta, but ANY cartoon of Mohammed is NOT to be tolerated, just like any cartoon caricature of B. Hussein 0bama is “racist”.
Anyway, I’m done for now, just finished another night shift, and it’s time for me to snooze.
Liberalism is TRULY a Mental Disorder!!
@11 – They were Vietnam vets. I knew some of them.
*OOP!* #11 was me, I forgot to retype my info after a power outage KO’d our computer last night!!
#10, If that’s such a great idea, then let’s start by replicating that fleabag hippie’s exhibit first with a gay pride flag, then an 0bama logo flag, followed by a Greenpiss (*OOP!* Greenpeace!), then an Al Quaeda flag,….. Better yet, any of those flags on one week with big portraits of Nanny Lugosi. “Hairplugs” Biden,… on other weeks!!
No one wrote in the paper most likely because teacher is so hot on damning America he couldn’t be bothered teaching his students to read and write block print or cursive.
JUST MAKE YOUR X KIDS We liberals will do the rest.
Last night I attended a football game in Virginia. The line was long at the gate and it was nearing game time. The National Anthem began to play and my wife and I stopped, placed hands over heart, and moved not an inch as those in front of us shuffled forward. That meant that the ticket sellers were still selling during the Anthem and, of course, fans were paying, moving, and chatting. I want to wring each of their necks. Do they never think about the players over the years who served, some of whom returned broken, some of whom never returned? But I suppose when the First Lady of the US is comfortable saying, “All this for a flag?” I should not be at all surprised.
Ironically the fact that this man can do this and not be bifurcated by the government is an excellent illustration of what that flag means.
Yeah, we get that Kenneth but do you think he would do the same thing to, say, a Crescent-mooned flag or a Koran? Our first amendment protects that speech too, right? And how about the horrific Jesus and Blessed Mother artwork of several years ago? It’s always Old Glory and the Bible that takes the demonstrator’s or artsy-fartsy beating, isn’t it?
Shand Stamper is a ‘she’, and here is her facebook page:
AirCav, they do it for what they think is shock value, like little kids who just found out about swearing.
@AirCav That is the point that I am making. You can’t do it to a Koran because a Koran is not a symbol of freedom. If they tried stomping on a Koran then Muslims would be rioting in the streets over it because the Koran is a tool of slavery and oppression.
@9 “The display re-created ‘Dread’ Scott Tyler’s 1989 installation titled ‘The Proper Way to Display an American Flag,’ which was part of a student exhibition at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago”
I want her to write her impressions of what it feels like to stand on a trapdoor with a hemp rope around her neck. That flag is the only thing standing between her and that rope. I’d like her to try that with a Koran in Riyadh, or Tehran.
Liberals have exactly zero fucking excuses for saying they don’t understand why people are pissed off at them. Its not like the years 1975-2000 where with few exceptions we weren’nt involved in conflicts.
The news constantly has articles and pictures of our service members coming home in flag-draped caskets. She knew exactly what she was doing.
Liberals, especially ones in the mess media would be up in arms if she had done that with a queer pride flag, liberalism is truly a mental disorder!
This may be one of those very rare times when it would be ok to burn the American Flag…wrap the dumbass teacher in it first, the light it while give a proper salute.
I am a U.S. History teacher, and I reasonably certain that if this had happened at my place of employment, I would have completely flipped my shit.
Derp. “I’m”
People, don’t name your son “Shand” unless you hope that he will be an “art” (in the ass) teacher.
If I were to have seen this in person, the “art display” would have been dismantled and the music stand would have been shoved sideways up the teachers ass. Of course it is all good now that he apologised, and shall we all hold hands now andsing kumbayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah….. nahh, I don’t thinks so.
Sick and tired of these pathetic idiots.
I just can’t wait to hear about how some local in Paducah, KY “counseled” that twat
about proper respect and display of the American Flag! I’m certain that there are plenty of Women there that would do it without a second thought, have any sniveling leftist media pukes tried to do a sympathy piece on her yet? I wouldn’t put it past them!