Even without graduating he could get a legitimate VA pension. IF you get seriously injured in boot camp, you get the same type of rating that a 30 year Vet would get for the exact same type of injury.
I ran the Seps Platoon at MCRD in San Diego. The vast majority of kids we discharged were fraudulent, erroneous or had pre existing conditions, as well as the Failure to Adapt. I also had a steady population of recruits that were injured to the point that they couldn’t train. They had to hang around 2-6 months waiting for a med board. They ended up with VA percentages just like everyone else.
In this guy’s case probably no way that happened, he went from being in training to completely discharged in about a week. There’s no way he got a med board or VA approval in that short of a time.
He has some ‘splainin to do.
Even without graduating he could get a legitimate VA pension. IF you get seriously injured in boot camp, you get the same type of rating that a 30 year Vet would get for the exact same type of injury.
I ran the Seps Platoon at MCRD in San Diego. The vast majority of kids we discharged were fraudulent, erroneous or had pre existing conditions, as well as the Failure to Adapt. I also had a steady population of recruits that were injured to the point that they couldn’t train. They had to hang around 2-6 months waiting for a med board. They ended up with VA percentages just like everyone else.
In this guy’s case probably no way that happened, he went from being in training to completely discharged in about a week. There’s no way he got a med board or VA approval in that short of a time.
He has some ‘splainin to do.