Bite Me in 2007

| August 31, 2013

Joe Bite Me in 2007 talking about then-President Bush; Bite Me claims that attacking a country that hasn’t attacked us or is not about to attack us is an impeachable offense.

At about 6 minutes into the video, Bite Me says that he assembled a bunch of constitutional scholars who agreed with him and wrote him a statement to read to the Senate. I wonder what he thinks now. Where are those scholars?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Combat Historian

I’m sure idiot joe’s solution for Syria is for every Syrian to buy a double-barrelled shotgun and fire through the door when they think they are threatened…


I guess drunk uncle joey changes his mind with whoever signs his paycheck, eh?


Since he’s next in line to be POTUS (shudder), he just might still agree with that statement.


Whenever Uncle Joe says “and I know this,” you know something utterly stupid and false is about to come out of his mouth.

“Attacking a country that has not, or is not planning to attack us” is NOT an impeachable offense. Attacking a country without authorization for war from Congress IS an impeachable offense.

While the erosion of Congressional roles and responsibilities has taken more than a century to get to this point, the last 6 years, with an acceleration of that in the last 3, has seen a near complete usurpation of the Constitution, and the balance of powers it put in place.


Those scholars are in the same place as his brain cells… non existent.


Where’s Feinstein on all this? Surely we could just ban WMDs and put up some “chemical weapon free zone” signs and fix this whole Syria mess?

2/17 Air Cav

I think Joe “The Moron” Biden ought to jump into Syria with a shotgun and start blasting away. That will show the Syrians he means business–w/o anyone getting hurt. As for Joey’s contradictory stances, he’s a liar, a cheat, and a plagiarist. Such folks rarely recall their own lies and often contradict themselves.


@7 Air Cav – Yep.


Wow-the “watchdog” media is sure to jump right on this obvious hypocrisy and obvious partisan double-talk.

Yep, any minute now…

Going to be hard for them to resist…

Can’t hardly wait to hear how they skewer him…

Boy, it sure is a mystery how they can be missing this-huh.


Silly proles, consistency isn’t a liberal trait!


Dimwitrats can “evolve” & “recalibrate” away from almost any foot in mouth declarations/pledges. Bush 41 was relentlessly skewered for his “read my lips” no new taxes flip flop (Why? Bush felt taxes needed to be raised…Dems/MSM should have been estatic).

Roger in Republic

Impeaching the President works for me. Even if he is not convicted, the Congress needs to teach him some humility. They need to reassert the rule of law. The power to make war is firmly reserved for the congress. It’s time this jackass is yanked back to reality. He is not a King, he is a servant of the people. There is no National Security Emergency that would require an act of war in Syria. Chemical attacks are war crimes and Assad should be hauled into the World Court and tried for his crimes. Obama is on an ego trip and I, for one, don’t feel the deaths of 1000 out of 80,000 is enough to justify our intervention. This raid could result in a real shooting war.

A Proud Infidel

Obama has called for the UN to do things on American soil, so I say he ought to go to the UN and get their approval first! Didn’t Hairplugs” Biden call for the same when Bush was President?

vietnam war protestor

greetings fellow syrian war protesters, looks like obama is listening to the jane fonda wing of the republican party that attacking syria is against the constitution with out congressional advise and consent! And now all of the jane fondas in the republican party will have to stop shooting at obama, get off the anti-aircraft gun and vote on WAR! This should be an interesting vote as mr.spock sez! Now you will have get on the anti-aircraft gun and shoot at republicans who vote for war as republican will then own war! If republicans vote for war please don’t pull a benedict arnold and start supporting the war. See you at the demonstration in front of your republican congressional office demanding NO vote on war! And don’t forget your peace sign! Dont let boner pull a boner! PEACE!


Hey, looky here, looky here!!! That shithole phony calling itself vietnam war protestor is over here, people, waiting for another ass pounding.

Yeah, we all know you’re nothing but a fucking phony-ass liar, you insignificant bubblegum wrapper. Find some other place to play.


@14 If you’re trying to be offensive, you should express yourself clearly.
That link may be useful to you.


#4 TN: Your statement “[a]ttacking a country without authorization for war from Congress IS an impeachable offense” is incorrect.

POTUS is allowed to attack a country without authorization for war – one example was Reagan’s ordering USN pilots to take shoot down Libyan air force planes – and to keep military forces engaged for 60 to 90 days. The POTUS must go to Congress for authorization to keep troops in combat before the 91st day.

Obama did violate the War Powers Act in his adventurism in Libya a few years ago. No Constitutional scholars needed on that one. No debate possible. When a dictator comes to power in America, the Prognazis, including the troll at #14. will have zero integrity to protest war.


#17, DaveO: The War Powers Act does not authorize the executive branch to start or conduct a war, or acts of war. It authorizes ONLY necessary defensive measures taken to protect the US, the military, and its citizens.

It REQUIRES the executive to report to the Speaker and Senate Pro Tempe within 48 hrs, the circumstances and reasons for escalations that are leading to hostilities.

It is NOT a Constitutional Amendment, and hence does NOT supersede the requirement of Article 1 of the Constitution that ONLY Congress can declare war. In fact, it supports the Constitutional Authorities, by clarifying that the Executive can NOT unilaterally get us involved in wars, even if they have otherwise funded it.


[…] Ain’t Hell has quite a few good posts up today including this one by Jonn on “Bite Me in 2007″. Yeah. You know who it’s […]


The current resident of the WH, the idiot on the video, and the idiot who posted in #14 are clueless.

Biden, the “Constitutional scholar” and his president, fail to realize the way they interpret the law, and especially the laws they try to pass, annihilates the justice that law is supposed to maintain in terms of how the Constitution is actually written.

The fact they fail to understand that is beyond my understanding.

Common Sense

I can’t wait for the Uncle Joe vs Hillary Clinton primary show.

The Dead Man

#21 She’ll have another aneurysm just before any hardball questions, Joe will drunkenly ramble on and then she’ll be just fine for a book signing tour the next morning. Might be good enough comedy to actually turn my TV on again for.


The Community-Organizer-in-Chief tried to cash a check has ass couldn’t cover. He continues to think that a speech will solve all issues and that allies will flock to him because of his affirmative action heritage.

We’re sure lucky we got rid of that clueless cowboy from Texas.