Phillip Dale Monkress; phony SEAL in FL

| August 4, 2013

Editor’s Note: From some reason the original post wasn’t showing up at the original spot so I’m reposting it.

Editor’s Note: Monkress needed a bump up to the top. His lawyer is sending threatening letters to our friends and I guess she decided after a phone call with me, that her threats would only be a day’s welcomed distraction. Someone is walking the halls of Congress with Monkress’ DD214 today asking questions. I’ve added some more evidence that Monkress called himself a Navy SEAL, which seems to be their defense these days, that he never said he was a SEAL. So Lori Benton of Ford & Harrison, Attorneys at Law, you know our number.

Someone sent us some information on Phillip Dale Monkress who was outed late last year by POW Network as a phony SEAL, but he’s still rockin’ the lie, so it’s time to call out the pitchfork brigade. Here’s picture of him in his motorcycle club, the US Military Veterans’ Motorcycle Club;

Notice the Trident peaking out from his vest? Well, here are his records;

Aside from the fact that Captain Larry Bailey, a real SEAL, says there’s no record of Monkress in the system, his records don’t mention BUD/S, well, unless a Computer System Maintenance Technician is the same as a SEAL in Navy talk. Here are his assignments;

He’s the CEO and president of “All-Points Logistics” in Titusville, FL, and according to the screenshots at POW Network, he works with US government contracts and claims he’s a Native-American. I wonder if that is even true, as well, since clearly, he wasn’t a SEAL. Someone at the DVA OIG ought to check on his claims of being a 100% disabled veteran, too.

ADDED: It seems the lawyers are trying to make the point that Monkress never called himself a SEAL, but here’s a page from the Brevard Business News which reprints a slide presentation in their publication;

Monkress APL ad
And an alert reader found a Florida Today article behind a pay wall. Scroll down and you’ll see where the article calls Monkress a Navy SEAL. Where’d the reporter get that idea?

Florida Today Monkress article
Here’s an ad that BBN ran in their publication about a business conference. But Monkress never claimed to be a SEAL, right?


Category: Phony soldiers

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Paul (of the Ballsack) takes it in the ass.


Should I say something about his dear sainted mother again?

I miss Psul screaming about de-nuttifying me and assuming that he’s going to make me choke and die on my own testes.
(Of which he has NONE!)

Frankly Opinionated

Paul K. Wickre known far and wide as “The MEGA CLASS PATHETIC LOSER”, should look into getting fitted with a pair of Neuticles. My veterinarian was describing them to one of his customers for his nutless male poodle. I saw the photos, and they do look quite real, and truly elitist.
Whatcha think Pauli Boi? How about it Phillip Dale Monkress? Wouldn’t it do All Points Logistics some good if it were perceived that it’s male employees “had a pair”?


A 2013 update to the carton classic Scooby Doo. Jonn, Green Thumb, Ex-PH2 and not julie wEir crusie around in their Mystery MRAP, when they come upon a haunted corporate park in Reston, VA. After 22 minutes of high jinks (including commercials), they finally trap the ghost causing all of the havoc. As they rip of his mask, they all gasp as Jonn says “It’s old Man Wickre!” As Federal Marshalls perp walk Phil and Paul, Phil says “And we would have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you meddling veterans!” They gang laughs, high fives each other, then all enjoy a well deserved Scooby MRE.

Green Thumb

The known criminal Phildo Monkress and his sidekick Paul (of the Ballsack).



@ 154 H.S. You went old school Scooby Doo. Well played.

Green Thumb

Phildo and Paul (of the Ballasck)tonguing two-holes and tickling taint.

That’s it, boys.

Go deep.


I wonder if he has a spandex tuxedo for the APL Christmas parties?

Broke Blue Collar, Internet Thugs

NO one cares any more, from our world about your thuggisness, silly posts, denigration of strangers. All of your actions have been turned over to MD State and WV prosecutors. IN my career and industry which you tried to harm, everything has been put right again. Phil will be fine. I am in the corporate leadership circles again, and my wife works for a Congressman making Laws. We are well entitled, live in prestige, and your little game of INternet tricks is over. At the end of the day, little Lilyea lives in an inconsequential state, on a dead end cul de sac with three neighbors, in a yellow brick rancher, on $1400 a month of government payments and $300 a month of Google Ad revenue. Inherently poor, with ill health and a finite lifespan with a fatal disease, he spends the last of his days, lashing out at his betters, attacking strangers in twisted thoughts, bent over his PC. NO one goes to the site and the scandal you tried to make has faded away. Now you are reduced to just base uro-genital comments, and speech about sexual aberrations. No one is interested anymore. The little followers are revealed as old men, with no lives, clacking at keyboards sending messgaes to people they dont even know. The vasr Majority of you 25-30 year old punks spend your life flailing away at people you also do not know and don’t run in the social circles of. Doug Collet sent us most of your identities and we will think long and hard about all of your catloged comments, designed to offend, and what shall be done with each speaker, as to retribution. Doug sent me social profiles and I was shocked to see the amount of vets back at home in Mom’s basement or in apartments. Spending your time on the this web site, rather than working, making money interacting with real human beings. TAH has a fine collection of youthful miscreants, and old men on the Federal dole. On the side of minor criminals, your words and wrongs will just… Read more »

Lilyea Writings

SIck and little Jonn, please restore the writings you had on the wensite as to Little Lord Fauntleroy. Unfortunately we did not get it in screen shots and the States Attny, is just baffled as to why you would buy anothers name and then write criminal fiction.

We think there is a crime here. Luckily you took it down on my order immeadiately. But we need it back for prosecution.

So if you have a shot, repost it, as there are interested people, in law enforcemnt in stalking, whereby you would buy my name and write cruel and devious fiction on my person.

Post away you addled sick man. We need you back in MD Courts, per your transcription of testimony and your perjuriuos declarations to the Magistrate, last month.

The Md Sherriffs will make sure that the WVA trooper who knows Darick Circle can serve you again. powerered by WordPress.

SoftLayer wants a copy too, so put it back up tomorrow, we will screen capture it, and then we will serve you again and you can explain to the man in the black robe why you did it at all.


Really, psul the uncool? You have my license plate number?

Seriously, tiddlywinks, what is it, you double-chinned horse’s ass? Put your invisible money where your drivel is, toots, or shut it.


The little followers are revealed as old men, with no lives, clacking at keyboards sending messgaes to people they dont even know. The vasr Majority of you 25-30 year old punks

So you think 25-30 year olds are “old men”?


So # 159 … You know who I am? I will call that bet.

Man up and meet me in NYC!

At my place of employment for a coffee!

I will introduce you to some people, in law enforcement.

What do you think?

Na … no balls! Neither you or your so called representatives would ever enter the big city to do battle. Although, I would certainly enjoy the comical attempt.

Your discussion and inference of income and social standing suggests that you are neither wealthy or share time with notable citizens. How arrogant … who talks like that?

You see, here in the world I live in, we have solid careers, we are honorable, we work hard, we have credibility … and we don’t talk about things such as income, social standing, political contacts or influence.

In your world … you have drawn a nexus between law enforcement and your political ties … Fatal mistake bucko.

Anyone with half … OK in your case a quarter of a brain would never make that leap in writing let alone on the internet. Nice try.

But in my world we also investigate, gather and develop evidence and eventually all bad guys go to jail.

You and your types need not worry …. the greater world is not interested. You are a POS! But remember bad guys always go to jail!



Little girl, I think My comments were addressed to Hackstone per his driveby and staliking of my families house. I dont know you but think you are on of the younger female Vets in the northeast. Does not really matter.

By the way, since you and your comrades are very repetitive about anal rape on males, can you fill us in on your use of the word “Taint” Is that some lower class, denigrating word as to feamle sexual organs? Really, we do not know and cant figure it out, or why you would repeat it over and over.

WHat is “taint” and what does it mean? We are really clueless, and you have posted it like 100 times. Just curious. Are you a a gynocologist or something? DIes it carry some menaing to invoke some message to another? Clueless, and also tongue it deep” What does that mean, you low life, is it some practice in NewJersey?

not julie wEir (wink)


You are pitiful & I feel sorry for you.


OK … fuck you all!

Just sayin’ …

Look like a bunch of dribble coming here!



Really, psulie-o the uncoolie-o, you do need to take remedial reading.

I have not posted ‘taint’ even once, you dumb, stump-sucking Asian carp. Go ask someone at a local tranny bar what it means, dorkbreath. Green Thumb – whom you still have not outed — uses that word frequently in reference to YOU, idiotstick.

Oh, yeah, your wife? She’s not a ‘princess’ but she IS a bleached blonde.

Would you for Pete’s sake learn to spell? What in the blue-eyed world is ‘annotance’? Didn’t anybody tell you ‘don’t drink and type’?

not julie wEir (wink)

Pauls not even worth the effort…


One other thing, I have to give you credit for the word “thuggisness” the sheer use propels you to singular brilliance status. BZ for that! Now go EFF yourself!

not julie wEir (wink)

He’s just Phil’s puppet


Nor is psulie-o the uncoolie-o even a little amusing any more. Lost that ‘ha-ha’ feeling.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Oh my fucking gawd!!!! BITCH BOI is back. Did you go an buy another cheap used pc and find a Mickey D’s to go online to bypass all of John’s cyber blocks? Well psul of the ballsack, it has been awhile.


Cats cough up hairballs that are more interesting than psul the uncool.

Just An Old Dog

Damn, and here I was thinking you were freeze-dried in a morgue or doing time. Welcome back, shit-stain.

By the way your one idiotic query had me cracking up..

“What is taint?”

Now I have that song “What is love?” stuck in my head, but I picture you and Monkey-boy cruising around in your shitty Jag head -banging..

“What is taint?…. don’t hurt me,,, don’t hurt me,,, no mo'”


#159 amen brother, these trolls have no idea what they’re up against…IP check please…..morons, these 20-25 trolls will soon disperse when ALS passes, his days are numbered


Oh, he’s back, he’s back!!!

And Jonn – his genes are just fresh-off-the-boat prole anyway. Why he keeps bragging on them, who knows, who cares, too bad, so sad.

Just An Old Dog

* Yawn*,
Come on Psul, get drunk and go on another idiotic rant like a monkey throwing shit in a cage. It’s already been proven that you have no LEOs or attorneys at your beck and call. The ones in your area have restraining orders against you, Phildo’s shysters backed off when all the evidence showing he lied about being a SEAL was provided and your real estate “lawer” failed miserably.
Telling the same lies you told six months ago isn’t working now either. I loved your drunken voice mail, you whiney twat, were you about to break into tears? I guess you better crack open that wallet and call up that security company to post a 24/7 watch over your dearly departed momma’s grave. With your mental instability you are probably driving yourself insane thinking about someone taking a massive shit on it, you paranoid delusional fuck. I wouldn’t sweat it, Psul boi, I’m sure no body would do that as all shit would do would be to seep down to her remains and improve her Euro-mutt DNA. Another reason why its not wise to drop a grumpy off is that a lot of guys like to smoke while they clean out the pipe, Its not an uncommon habit to flick that lit cigarette but over to the next grave where pappa Weekree, with all his cells dried out like a tinker box by the drink will go up like a bbq on fourth of July.


Looks like Paulie NoNuts has visited TAH once again and “posted” his usual banal thoughts and vitriol. Still having your Daddy issue, Paulie? You know, the lawsuit over the radio station in Longview, WA in 1960? All of the embarrassment that it caused the family, stealing from others… remember that, Paulie? And how dear old Daddy had his “breakdown” when the shit was hitting the fan? You’re just a carbon copy of dear old Daddy, even down to the point that you are such a “financial genius”… can’t hide the bankruptcy (or your other civil and criminal activities) can you, Paulie?

I hope that when the shit hits the fan with APL and your old boss and his lies that Jonn is able to post some video of you doing the perp walk when the Feds take you to the hole… maybe you can give Phildo MonkeyBoy some hints on how to perp walk and survive in the Federal lockup when the facts about APL are brought out in court.


Paul K. Wickre (Psul) sleeps on yellow stained sheets, on a stinky yellow stained mattress.


GayBoy clown.


I have massive amounts of dark glee in my deployed soul now that Psul came back. There is no better entertainment to be found that can be held up as a cautionary tale, morality lesson, and horror show all in one such as the woebegone tale of Psul the Wickre man…

Lucky SpermClub is now a permanent part of Afghanistan thanks to him.

Currahee John

Heheheheheheee…..This was GREAT! The only thing Dipstick Wickree left off was that he had 14+ years of investment in his telephone number and he had to be at the gym in 26 minutes.

One question though, who the heck is Doug Collet?


Well, Psulie-boi – since you can’t seem to find a high-school student to pay to help you Google the term “taint” (and obviously can’t figure out how to do so yourself), maybe this will help. Provided for your enlightenment.

No, you weren’t the person for whom that article was written. But apparently you’re just as clueless.


I seem to have rattled the cage of the second person involved in this escapade. To lay his fears to rest, I solemnly swear to no longer journey on Wilson Lane to observe how “the better half lives”. I was unaware that traversing public roads could be so upsetting. It must be hell to have all of those darn Koreans passing his house to attend services a few doors down. I’ll just assume that he will never be able to come up with the $30 and buy a new mailbox, nor find the time to clean all of the leaves out of his gutter.

And, upon contemplation, I have concluded that he may be right. He is superior to me in financial security, genetics, job security, intelligence and personal hygiene. He has managed to accomplish so much more in his life than I can ever dream of. I can honestly say that at this point in my life I have never been arrested; I have never been sued, certainly never been sued by a relative; I have never had a restraining order served against me; I have never been placed in handcuffs; I have never had to undergo psychiatric evaluation, court ordered or otherwise (except for the standard enlistment screening); I have never been legally barred from a public place of commerce; I have never been out of work for an extended period of time; my sperm, and as far as I know, my father’s sperm, have never been designated “lucky”; and although I have been to Paradise, I’ve never been to me.


You know, at the end of the day, a phony is still a phony. And Mr Monkress is indeed a phony. While he may have served honorably as a computer guy or something along those lines, he has not lived his post service life honorably. It matters not what he has or where he lives, he is still a fake, a liar and a poseur. And those who empower and enable him to be a douche are just as guilty as he is.


He thinks I live in New Jersey. Then he mumbles something about ‘northeast’. Apparently, he doesn’t know the difference between mid-Atlantic and northeast, but then he probably can’t read a simply map, never mind spell simple words correctly or create a coherent sentence.

Oh, yeah, while I’m at it: that vaunted Wickre Fmily Trust is IMO, a generation-skipping trust, which means that the principal does not go to the children or spouse of the deceased. It goes to the designated generations after those. Has to do with tax structures. I’d bet money it has a serious spendthrift clause in it, too, and very possibly an exclusionary clause.

So much for ‘superior’ genes.


As to, as to, as to, you fat motherfucker.

I ain’t going anywhere, shitdick. Again, I-95 north to Portsmouth, NH, turn left. I’m right here. Send the ninja dickweed death squads, send your shitty 10-year old Jagoff car, and you’ll find out the comfort of your world is very thin and small, indeed.

And I don’t need Tor to post here, twatwaffle.

Old Trooper

Geebus; I thought Paulie’s liver exploded and we would no longer have to read his booze induced diatribes. He’s still babbling on about State’s Attorneys and shit, too? Talk about someone with dementia and alzheimers brought on by destroying what little brain cells he had left by boozing it up all the time.

@162: No, he thinks the 25-30 year old types are punks. I fall into the old man section, along with Jonn and a few others.


I guess Psul Wickre has been back ranting and raving again… someone should lock that asswipe up in a rubber room and throw away the key. Guess he is one of those hard of learning types.


You’d think a guy who has spent several months in jail who was facing the potential of several YEARS in some very unpleasant place like Jessup (Google it, Psulie-boi) would think twice before the cases he still has open against him go through the process.

Then again, lucky sperm doesn’t necessarily mean smart sperm.


BTW Paulie… in your case it isn’t “lucky sperm club”… it’s lucky smegma club.

Deal with it… your next residence is a jail with three “roomies”… Bubba, Julio and Tiny…


Does anyone here think psulie-o the very uncoolie-o will ever get it into that alcohol-soaked sponge he has for a brain that he is as boring as watching water in a Mason jar?


Hi Psul.
Nice to see you back if only for the entertainment value.

Why don’t you sen your goon death testicle squad down to Cocoa Beach for a visit. I’d love to meet them.

Oh and next time I’m up your way, I’ll drop by and visit your Mom at Parklawn up in Twinbrook. I’ll probably stop by the Rockville American Legion for a beer or two beforehand to “load up”.


Tranny Sucker? Twatwaffle? I am writing these

Green Thumb

What a clown.

Guess I was right about the taint and the two-holes.

These guys are thieves and scum.

Green Thumb

These turds kill me.

Paul (of the Ballsack), who has no real dog in the fight, just shows up and runs his suck. And the irony lies in the fact that he complains about everyone else’s behavior and words when his are the exact same if not worse.

And the whole time the Phildo avoids calls seeking clarification. So much so that APL employees are just saying what they want, both good and bad, Phildo, you might want to remember that and probably addresses it in your next meeting. Especially the profanity and racial slurs.

Also, Phildo, are you in charge? If I had to guess, I would say your just rolling along and keeping your fingers crossed. Still buying the drinks for your fellow poser bikers?

Snarkasaurus the First

Yeah, how’s that $5.5 billion contract workin’ for you, phildo?


#176 ALS boy, we’ll play your game all day long like donkey kong…..FBI pffffft please, cyber crimes? Are you going to run and whine like the bitch you are, Mr I moderate what comments suit me and let my dreg followers openly spew vile crap. IP check please, perhaps I’m in Germany, or maybe in Africa…..nah Canada sounds good about now

Green Thumb

I want to work for APL.

Maybe an internship in their Executive Management Program.

Alas, I have asked and I was rebuffed with a litany of colorful metaphors.
