Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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How’s that photoshopping job coming, bernastypants?

You know — the one you’re working on that is supposed to make all of us look like criminals?

Have you checked that pimple on your ass lately?

Joe A

Perhaps TAH will be the subject of little video gem like the one he made re his crazy man’s view of the interactions with SSA Judge Hyatt:



Women’s “underware.” A law school grad?


Looks like he’s been singing the Monty Python Lumberjack Song…


@173: Hizonr08, the more resourceful commenters here discovered you quite a bit earlier into the deconstruction of Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath. You are certainly one of the antagonists that Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath has had the most bile to spew about – but you are not the first. If I recall correctly, you have a reputation for insisting that attorneys in your courtroom be prepared, and upbraiding them when they are not; also that (by his own twisted testimony) you refused to authorize payment to Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath because you believed his fee schedules were unwarranted. Holding the Phony Chief accountable for his professional sloppiness, and refusing to give him money he did not really earn, may make you a righteous man in our books, but undoubtedly made you his enemy for life. He has lived his life free of accountability for his bad actions, excepted only when he runs into honest people while running his scummy scams. You may join PH1(AC) John Sheppard, Jonn Lilyea and Hondo the site admins here, and Master Chief NYC, Ex-PH2, and Sparky on this thread (among others) in a small but excellent company of those who (to put it inelegantly) refuse to let Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath get away with his stupid shit.

Finally – thank you for your services and sacrifices fighting for all of us. Here, your real service is honored.


Oh Dannyee Boyee …

Oh Dannyee Boyee …

Oh Dannyee Boyee …

Oh Dannyee Boyee …

Dan Hyatt

Ex Hack: thank you for your kind comments. You have put me in honored company. When Bernath first put me on the web in a KKK robe, he sent me an e-mail ( which I still have) indicating that he would remove the offending material from the web if I approved $10,000 in fees that I had disapproved on two of his cases . That was a no brainer and he never got those fees. More offensive to me than that even was the way he treated his clients and their cases. He knew nothing about social security law and blustered thru every proceeding, responding to admonishment with outrage and (unjustified) indignation. I cannot tell you how offensive he became, but the point was reached where an armed guard had to be in the hearing room for his cases to protect others from his angry outbursts. Of course, I didn’t have to deal with him anymore, but his web attacks on me intensified. I came to the point where I felt I could understand why that great mustang, Admiral Boorda, took his own life when his integrity, his most valuable possession, was challenged. Fortunately, I have a wonderful wife and children who would have suffered greatly, had I let Bernath dictate who I am. I must admit that I still wonder every day how it would feel to wake up and not have to worry about whether others who have known me have seen the online slander. Many have asked me about it, and I always try to laugh it off. Bernath apparently was a TSA screener for a brief period before he became an office clerk in our office. Of course, be assured that any letters he claims to have received as a “bomb detector” bear all of the hallmarks of his own creation. I love what you guys are doing on this website! I tried to get thru the book “Stolen Valor” but threw it across the room halfway through it and never picked it up again. I would love to support you guys somehow without having to… Read more »


dandan the bernastypantsman, whatchup to now, crap weasel?

Hey, is it real name time? Okay: my name is Helen Wait. If you need anything or you have something to complain about, go to Helen Wait.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

Helen Wait? Did you lie?
Helen Wait? Are you afraid of me?
Helen Wait? Do you stand by what you say or are you going to hide?
Helen Wait? What is your address for service of process or your lawyers name and address, the lawyer that you authorize to accept service of summons and complaint.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

Unlike these internet cowards, here is my phone number 503 367 4204.

Ex PH2 AND PHC (Hon) my new handle?

Daniel A. Bernath, you refuse to stand by your own accomplishments. Instead, you stole someone else’s photo, replaced his face with your mug, made some idiotic adjustments, then rolled with it.

Why couldn’t you simply used a real picture of you with your actual rank?

What are you? Chicken?

Your actions, shown in that laughable photo above, makes you the coward.



How’s it going?

Are you feeling the walls close in on you yet? They’re really not.

That pressure you’re feeling is the ghosts of honorable people that have smelled your stink and have come to see what’s causing it.

You may think that by being quiet that they will all go away.

They won’t.

They’ll be there.

Just around the corner.

Where it’s dark.


Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you


Thanks for your post. I know this guy has caused you allot of frustration and anguish. He is a fraud, you saw that years ago and called him on it.

The problem with these guys is they hate themselves for what they are. He has to wake up everyday and see the real him. He lies because to tell the truth would expose him as the failure at life he is.

He has a jaded view of what the words honor and integrity really are. When he runs into a real man of honor and principle such as yourself he sees how awful he is and reacts.

You stood up to a bully. Sometimes in doing so one gets a bloody nose. Wear it as a badge of honor. I am sure your family and friends only admire you more for your convictions.

Thanks for your service and for the Job you do.

Open Channel D

Judge Hyatt,
There are sheepdogs on this site. They confront the wolf, first nipping at its heels, then, one after another, rip at its throat. In the end, the sheepdogs always win, because they are ready, relentless, and resilient.

The phony Chief has never faced the sheepdogs. It will be the end of him.

Open Channel D sends…


daniel a bernath, you’re six levels lower in the social structure than an asshole.

A cockroach has more dignity than you do.

You’re that sludge the streets and sanitation crews find when they’re clearing out the gutters at the end of winter.

You aren’t fit to breathe the same air as PH1(AC)Sheppard.

Just An Old Dog

Judge Hyatt,
That Daniel A Bernath is such a maliciuos piece of shit that he went after your reputation, family and your well-being with hatefull attacks just gives us more fuel to stoke the funeral pyre of his reptutation.
Anyone with two brain cells to rub together could see his personal attacks against you have zero credibility, even way before his ugly mug was exposed on here.
Pieces of shit like him are like onions, the more you peel back, the more it reeks and even more layers are exposed. The folks on this site are pretty good at peeling back those layers.


That Video of the alleged Hyatt-Bernath incident was just so absurd that if this was Daniel Bernath testimony…he is one sick man.


Video referring to was the Hyatt the Kid garbage. Which was comcial. I mean if pieces of that video was part of Bernath Bernath claiming he was the victim.


Daniel Bernath is lower than worm slime and uglier than a goblins ass.


Judge Hyatt

Congrats to you for your stand against the POS bedwetter, Daniel A. Bernath… Well done, and thanks for your input here on TAH. Much appreciated.


Your Honor: what Enigma4You said. You stood up to a bully and a fool (and, sounds like, one that was taking clients’ hard-earned money and providing ineffective and indifferent assistance, save the bombast). And you paid the price. However, you (like PH1(AC) Shep) can look in the mirror every day and know exactly what kind of man you are. That has to be pretty damned satisfying.

On the other hand, Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath ALSO has to look in the mirror each day, at his “squat and gobble,” and know exactly what kind of creature he is. We’re all still trying to figure out precisely what he is, but we’ve developed a general idea … and what he is, isn’t a man.


Hondo, are there scfreen caps of bernutsless’s lies, especially that one where he admits to lying about his age when he first tried to enlist?

All of that shit needs to be archived some place, if it isn’t already.

Echoing Green Thub again: turdbird and turd polisher


No, I am not going away or giving this up, bernutsless.

No one is going to let it fade away.


I bet that this gets to 2000.

1776….Twas a good year.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I still meme it

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Good one, E4Y!

Little less text over his ugly face (smaller text or bigger photo). We need to see the Phony Chief in all his awfulness.

Toasty Coastie

Here’s some google love for you Danny, just in case you were feeling lonely..

Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face Daniel A. Bernath has santorum all over his face and needs a tissue…


Definitely not letting this trail grow cold.


NO indeed.

Army ATC

Every time I see a pic of Burnedass with that scraggly, mangy beard, I fully expect to see “blue meanies” crawling around in it.

Toasty Coastie

Smurf Eater….

A Proud Infidel

NO, Smurf AND Care Bear Molester!!

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I have the picture of him in the robe and wig,

Its caption time.Any ideas?

I was thinking sucke fucke $5


The good times are coming, and they’ll be here soon.

And I’m not just pitching pennies at the moon.

Oh, dandan the bernastypantsman, it’s true. You are a bona fide crap weasel, smurf eater, gasbag bad attorney, and general all-around blowhard Stolen Valor asshole.

Your history speaks for itself.

Ciao bella!


And like all villains in B-movies, Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath is going to come to a BAD END.

My best guess would be that he’ll be convicted of something that will end what’s left of his lawering career, and he will be sentenced to community service. 500 hours of emptying bedpans at a veterans’ home sounds about right for the Phony Chief. If that were to happen, I would take annual leave, fly out, and make a week’s worth of healthy, tasty, bean-rich vegetarian CHILI for the residents.

A Proud Infidel

Judge Dan Hyatt,
I stand alongside everyone else here in my admiration of your taking a stand against Bernath the lowlife. I wonder if his Internet stunt couldn’t lead to slander and blackmail charges? Just a thought. You did the right thing, you showed courage, integrity, and dignity, three things that Daniel A. Bernath has NEVER had and obviously never will. Right now it looks to me like he/it is hiding like a cockroach under a refrigerator, but he’ll surface sometime, and we’re already on him like Sheepdogs cornering a coyote! Our feeding frenzy on him has only started, and we won’t relent or back off on him. My Dad is a retired State Judge, and I can imagine the heartburn his harassment has given them. I look forward to hearing from you again here, too, don’t be a stranger!

Dan Hyatt

Thank you. You guys are the best! Suit filed and served. I will share all the good info as I develops. I told Jonn that the next step should be to get the VA to investigate his claimed 100% disability for PTSD. The support of all of you has cheered me immensely!


Ooh, good thought. An individual who would steal a man’s valor is probably the kind of individual who would opportunistically “catch the PTSD.” You’ve probably seen a lot of similar stuff in your courtroom over the years.


Judge Hyatt, he was stationed on the Yorktown. He was NEVER ONCE in country in Vietnam. He has a lifetime history of being a compulsive liar. If he has PTSD, he probably got it by osmosis.

Green Thumb

So when is this maggot going to be on the news?


I want to know, too.

Green Thumb

Any updates?




Soon. Very soon.

Combat Historian

Judge Dan, my utmost respect to you, and thank you for your service in Vietnam…

Combat Historian

@1790 was meant for Judge Dan Hyatt…

danni boy the bernastypants can go fuck himself…

Frankly Opinionated

Daniel A. Bernath: I spent yesterday evening in the company of Greater Men and Women than you. Career military people who are above photoshopping their heads onto the photo of another, above inflating their military service, above plagarizing someone else’s intellectual material, and especially above trying to throw responsibility for their shortcomings onto someone else.
In a comment above, it was suggested that you be given the duty of emptying bedpans for veterans in a hospital. You are not person enough to do that. I would cringe seeing you at the bedside of men greater than you could ever be.
In short, you are just plain slimy, the poster boy for what bad lawyers look like. You, your career, and your future are pathetic.
You are officially one of my MEGA CLASS PATHETIC LOSERS


Bernath claims in his easydayquide web site to have been the first journalist to interview Richard Nixon after he left the White House. Not according to the Nixon Library, which has stated that the first was British journalist David Frost. Note that the teletype “report” posted on Bernath’s site has no author listed and no date.


@1792: Uh oh, Frankly, you’ve bestowed the MEGA CLASS PATHETIC LOSER title on the Phony Chief! Now he’s in for it!

You make a good point that Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath, MEGA CLASS PATHETIC LOSER (I just love typing those two phrases in combo together!), is not fit to stand at the bedside of men and women with real honor. Perhaps the bedpans can be fetched for him to empty in a remote garret, and then clean … with a toothbrush.


I wanted to say “with HIS toothbrush” but I doubt the loser owns one or any teeth of his own. Hehe!


Yeah, bernastypantsman, you can run but there is no place on Earth you can hide. Even the people at the nearest Navy base will know about you.


Why no numbers on the posts?


Testing the reply button just to see what happens! And where it posts.


Too many “post whores”???




And for the record, bernutsless, it’s been confirmed more than once by NANP that they have never given you the title of honorary anything.

We have it in writing.

Oh, yeah – you’re an asshole, too.


Danial A. Bernath aka old fart flaps.

Mr. Blue

You know, when a small child plays ‘make believe’, it’s kind of cute.

Turkey necked old geezers playing make believe, such as Daniel Bernath, are just sad and pathetic.


Not going away any time soon, bernutsless.

You never should have done your dirty deed.

I told some friends about you. They have kids in the Middle East. They didn’t have enough nasty names for a skanky cankersore like you, and their vocabulary is definitely not limited to prissy classroom English.

You are not, never have been, and never will be a chief of anything but your own failure.


It’s March 3rd. Just don’t want you to think you’re forgotten.

Daniel A. Bernath
Daniel A. Bernath
Daniel A. Bernath
Daniel A. Bernath
Daniel A. Bernath
Daniel A. Bernath
Daniel A. Bernath
Daniel A. Bernath
Daniel A. Bernath
Daniel A. Bernath

Joe A

Nice changes to the website. However, since the embedded replies establish “threads,” any way to make each such thread float to the top based on the date of the latest reply?

Dan Hyatt

Although I try never to look at his self serving fictional websites, I checked for his chief’s fake photo on “yorktownsailor.com” and it is gone. Also, access denied to all of his blogging with guys who liked to call him “chief”. Another of his sites “aspecialdayguide.com” has a new picture of him all dressed up with eight (8) ribbons, two medals and what appears to be officer aircrew wings. WTH??? This guy has absolutely NO shame!


Judge Hyatt, that is the portrait of PH1(AC) Ret John Sheppard, which bernastypantsman stole out of the NANP member photos and photoshopped his own head onto.

I have forwarded to TAH information that confirms that NANP does not grant honorary CPO status to anyone and never has.

What he did was an act of petty revenge against PH1 Sheppard, when PH1 Sheppard was informed that bernutsless had lifted PH1 Sheppard’s copyrighted work out of an internet site and claimed that it was his.

When PH1 Sheppard called him out on it, informed him of copyright violation, bernutsless removed the photos and stole the portrait and altered it.

It is the act of a base, disgusting coward, and it is also one of the sloppiest jobs of photoshopping something I’ve ever seen. Kindergarten kids could do a better job.


Any updates on your case against him Sir?

Joe A

Judge Hyatt – The current yorktownsailor.com domain appears to link to some Asian sex site. However, here’s an archive from 2007:


The link labeled “Chief Petty Officer Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) PH2” leads to this archived “resume”:


Right below that is a self-aggrandizing reference to himself as “Chief Dan”.


What a lying sack of rancid dirty cat litter. Chief Dan. Gag.

Dan Hyatt

Oh, I get it! He’s just dressed up in his movie star persona. Stupid me, assuming he would wear unauthorized decorations!!

A Proud Infidel

Sir, digging through Daniel A. Bernath the fake CPO’s past is not unlike watching the guy from the plumbing company pump out your septic tank. Just when you think he’s finally reached the bottom, NOPE, there’s another layer of even more foul *BLEEP!*.


Hello Your Honor.

Dannyee Boyee will be Banks famous …



1 …


Counting you EX-PH2 … We have it in writing four times from the current President of the NANP CDR White, USN (Ret.).

But we did not need those four confirmations. I said he wasn’t, the current MCPON put it in writing, two former MCPON so it was not possible and MCPON Campa, who was MCPON when Dannyee Boyee claimed he was made an HCPO in 2006, only conferred one HCPO during his tenure. That HCPO was a dying Sailor!

So GFY Bernath!

You have no idea of the power of the CPO Mess.


Well, that settles it, then, Master Chief.

dandan bernastypantsman is definitely and definitively not an honorary CPO of anything.

However, he most definitely is a Stolen Valor POSer and a thief of the intellectual property of other people, among other things. But that’s all documented elsewhere. Just like reminding people.


Absolutely. He is that and much more!


The remindings will continue until behavior improves!

Bernastyass, the world knows you’re a big fat phony. The only parade you’ll ever get is this page on the very top of the GOOOOOOGLE rankings. And there’s not a damned thing you can do about it. Now go rummage in a trash can for your breakfast and wash it down with the dregs of last night’s 6-pack of Steel Reserve, you lazy loser.


And Master Chief, although it’s been said over and over, it deserves to be said again: that one Honorary Chief who was frocked during the time period of Bernutless’ imaginary award, had more honor in one of his cancer-raddled cells than Bernutless will ever even comprehend, let alone possess. I still have Chief Eberhart’s story up on a browser tab, and it continues to leave a lump in my throat. Another good man Bernastyass has tried (and failed) to steal honor from.


And for the record, we do know what group actually was doing those honorariums for their members, and when.

And we have pictures, too.