Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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When I am sued by Danny Boyee … My first witness will be Mrs. Eberhart and her two fatherless children. Chiledren of a Honorary CPO!


@1205: Hondo and Sparks, I fear you’re wasting breath on Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath, trying to explain it to him. He’ll never get it. In his mind, he’s a better man than this real Honorary Chief, Shep, and all of you combined. He’s entitled to rock the lie. Consequences are all he will ‘get.’


ExHack: you’re almost certainly correct.

Still: “Where there is life, there is hope.”


@ 1206 ExHack … you are spot on.

And the justice will be sweet!

Frankly Opinionated

Re:1188 MCPO NYC USN Ret.: You bastard! How dare you? I consider myself to be a Photoshop “Apprentice”, and my skills are clearly better than this phony asshole, but you have the nerve, the unmitigated gall, to call him an “Expert Photoshop Practitioner”! I am more outraged than Waddlin Willie’s wife is at us calling him out. The nerve.


1209 … I was being porposely fecesious!


@Sparks, no you did not embarrass me. It was an honor.

Master Chief, et al., something is coming up on the side – not what we discussed, something else, but waiting to hear from someone VEWWY interested in hunting wabbits. And I specifically told herhimit that we must not spook the wabbbit out of the bush. S/heit understood.

Have patiences, pwease. Otherwise, I will have to send the Wittle Martian and K-9 after you. 😉


Well done folks!

I stumbled here via a link from the Goat Locker. Impressive to see your team run this fraud into the ground. Words defy me on a manchild of this stature.

There have to be some darker, very ugly issues at play with this Jackwagon. I hope the digging will commence.

I feel bad to the folks at the VFW – Once their embarrassment passes – I’m sure they will show him the door.


Maybe this is why the VFW isn’t getting back to you, they have their own way of dealing with fakes and liars. Better look out Danny Boi they might need a new set of bones now. Anyone from Colorado here?



P 1212 PNCS. We need a few more Chiefs here. Stop by often to TAH! Pass the word about Bernath and this web site in general.


The following is a link to a REAL Honorary Chief. He was my neighbor in base housing when he found out that the Navy had failed to screen his medical tests properly. It will not state that in any news. The result can be seen on the website. He left his wife and kids behind in Japan with practically no notice to get to Pearl Harbor for treatment and they did not know what to do. No one could give them answers, nor even help them pack up their belongings. I will remember what happened to him and his family for the rest of my life. So, yea, fuck you till the day you die. http://www.goatlocker.org/resources/cpo/eberhart.htm


@ JBAR. Chief Eberhart is noted above. Thanks!

Pass the word … Far and wide.


It is a small world. I see that AO1 was already mentioned. Play with fire motherfucker.


@ JBAR and all. I saved the story of Chief Eberhart. He won’t mind. He is on watch now observing all of us.

As a Chief he knows that what Bernath has done requires action.

Bernath is a smug fu@k who will enjoy a long life in hell.

It is our job to prepare his way!

Pass the word about Daniel Bernath!

Action … ROG that Chief Eberhart … On it!


Master Chief, thank you for saving it.


@1188 – Master Chief – technically, Danny Boi has never been disbarred. He has been never-barred (i.e., Oregon wouldn’t let him in) based on not having the requisite moral character to practice law in their state. And, in California, he was once suspended for not paying child support; plus, he allowed his license to go inactive several times. A small distinction, perhaps, but one that a dipstick lawyer who thinks he’s really clever might try to seize upon.

Green Thumb


I’m telling you that this guy is checking all the blocks for APL employment.


GT: we’ve been batting around a corporate counsel job at APL, but I think we’ve thought too small here.

He can be co-EVP for Business Development with Paul (of the Ballsack). Together, their combined genius for frauds and lies can lead APL to a brief but stratospheric renaissance. Like GM, but producing nothing of value.

Green Thumb


I cannot argue with that logic.

Also, I would not foresee any issues with APL granting him an expedited SCI.


@ All. Dis, Mis, Un, Not … Minus a technical error, I am tracking, on target, focussed, with the backing of many, ready, able, without reservation to ensure without any doubt … Daniel Bernath is fully exposed.


Flight is booked … Danny Boyee!

You bring yours … I am bringing mine.

Uniform that is.

Friends … Will be deep!


Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath is a valor stealing, nutsack fondling, jizz pig.


Damn the torpedoes, Master Chief. Full speed ahead!


Master Chief,

Practically salivating. So far, you’ve set a most delectable table of earthly delights – for us, at least. Can’t wait to behold the next masterpiece you’re about to serve us.

The piglike squeals of Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath, resulting from the suffering you inflict, will be exquisite notes, like Beethoven’s Ninth in the hands of von Karajan, or the National Anthem played by one of the services’ bands. Reading the story you and JBar shared – hard on the heels of Shep’s identity and story revealed – really drive home the point of how much pain Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath must experience for his sins to be fully expiated and his filthy soul to be scrubbed clean.


(Of course, I meant the emotional pain of experiencing Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath’s lies exposed to a wide audience, vice any form of physical retaliation. Lest he allege that he is being threatened with bodily harm. Unlike him, we have measures of self-discipline. No one here intends to harm a single scraggly hair on his querulous, truthless head.)


Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath

Assume the position…….Grab ANKLES



Some love for today.

Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath


Careful, Master Chief. Remember, he has those bent-leg crutches. He can whack you with them.


Daniel A. Bernath, hey man it looks like you may get to meet a REAL Master Chief Petty Officer! How fun! Isn’t that exciting? I mean I would be honored to meet him. How ’bout you? No? Not so excited huh. Well, shit happens and guess what…it’s happening to you!

Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath


Oh Dannyee Boyee … Come out to playeeeeeeeeeee!

Movie: “Warriors”


@1233 Master Chief, I don’t think Danny wants come out and play with us. Well, shucks…we can take our ball and bat and glove and go play down the street with Mikey. Naa, let’s thrown rocks at his windows till he comes out!


Hey, I hit 1-2-3-4! That’s got to be some kind of Irish luck or something.


What Daniel A. Bernath, no love today? Well let me help.

Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath

Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath

Joe A

Here’s a link to a website containing a transcript and original audio from a 2006 interview of Mr. Bernath by Veterans History Project:


Joe A

Also of interest is airplane manufacturer Flight Design’s letter to airplane owners regarding Bernath’s lawsuit and his invitation to participate in a class action suit:



Oh Dannyee Boyee … Come out to playeeeeeeeeeee!

Movie: “Warriors”


He’s hiding in his closet with his thumb stuck in his mouthg, mubmbling about the ‘mean’ kids in the neighborhood.

Well, dandan the badbadman bernath, the meanest little s.o.b. on the block is you. ‘Cause you’re so mean, you give wharf rats a bad name.


Ex, calling him “mean” in the archaic sense – limited, bereft, poor (in character, spirit, morals, etc.) is accurate, but in the modern sense, it gives him too much credit. “Mean” suggests his wrath has teeth, whence he’s repeatedly proven he’s just a whiny little bitch. Who likes to frivolously sue for nuisance value and just enough gelt to fund his pretentiously mediocre lifestyle.


Notice also, Joe A., that one of the Sport Pilot posters helpfully linked right back here. Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath’s antics are coming full circle on him.

As an aside, no one there seems to care much for him either.

Just An Old Dog

Joe A,
If you read through the thread, you would see we already know about his pompous interview and know about how the idiot made a crater with his plane, Do you like this asshole or something?

Joe A

Not at all. I think he’s an arrogant self indulgent douche-nozzle. I did not see the interview mentioned above and apologize if it was discussed. I figured you fine folks with military experience would read that interview and find more examples of his lying ways. I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread and hope it leads to his unmasking. Carry on.


Any word on VFW actions against asshat? I see that VFW post 3452 is still carrying on the lies through their website.


Bobo: see comments 1071 and 1183. It’s very possible Bernath has effective control of the Post’s web site. If so, he may also be their e-mail administrator.


In my limited time working with the Navy folks after I was welcomed into the “Top Three” I learned that the Air Force and the Navy have their senior enlisted rank designations swapped….
AF is Master Sergeant, Senior Master Sergeant and Chief Master Sergeant whereas the Navy is opposite…you make Chief Petty Officer, Senior Chief and then Master Chief.
This little douchnozzle is only claiming honorary E-7.
Hell MSgt in the AF is not too hard to pull if you’re a Med speed Med Drag career guy.
And then CPO for you Navy folks refers to all of your Top Three and goat locker and all that is for your C, S and M Chiefs? Or only Master Chief?


A Chief in the Navy (and USCG) is:

Chief Petty Officer – CPO (E-7)

Senior Chief Petty Officer – SCPO (E-8) One Star Above Anchor

Master Chief Petty Officer – MCPO (E-9) Two Stars Above Anchor

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy – MCPON (only E-10) Three Stars Above the Anchor

Honorary Designation is Chief Petty Officer only – HCPO


ExHack, note that I qualified ‘mean’ with ‘little’, the pejorative ‘s.o.b.’ and ‘on the block’, all of which are references to ‘little kid’, school bully, and brattiness. You unconsciously did the same thing by the use of ‘little’.

There’s a wide difference between ‘meanest mofo’ and ‘mean little kid’.

Were you the one who sent Shep a card with a challenge coin? He said he can’t read the return address on the envelope, but it’s the ONLY ‘thank you’ he’s ever received for his service. Jonn (who is busy retiring for the 2nd time) has Shep’s info, and Shep would like to thank you for the card, if it was from you.

@1244 JoeA, bernutsky has been unmasked. See this link http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=38816&cpage=25#comment-1110592 which is where Sparks found the real PH1’s retirement portrait.

This is my comment after viewing it.

And Jonn posted the side-by-side images for comparison in the top as well as in the thread here: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=38816&cpage=25#comment-1110752

Just making easier for people to see how things progressed.


I am the guy in the car playing the beer bottles!

Bernath is all the Warrior dumbasses rolled up into one!



EMERGENT REQUEST (for VM Era Dickweed):

I need someone to complete the list of Shep’s awards:

Navy Air Crew Wings
5 Gold Service Stripes = Over 20 Years Good Conduct Service
Navy Good Conduct Medal (with multiple awards)
Navy Expeditionary Medal
National Defence Service Medal

I need this yesterday!

Sorry been busy protecting the world and SB48!


Hello … Hondo … Jonn … Frankfurters and Opinions … someone help me here!

Any qualified dickweed will do!

I need help with 1251


From Shep’s image; I see:

Navy Air Crew Wings,
Navy Good Conduct Medal,
Navy Expedition Medal,
National Defense Service Medal,
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal,
Vietnam Service Medal,
Humanitarian Service Medal, &
Vietnam Campaign Medal.

Over twenty years of service through gold-colored service stripes.


Unfortunately, I cannot clearly see what unit citations Shep is wearing on his right from the above image.

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