Robert Danny Hay; shortest USMC career in history

| August 31, 2013

Scotty sends us his research on Robert Danny Hay of Helena, Montana who rides around with his Marine Corps career on the back of his pickup;

Robert Danny Hay truck

The word on the street is that he’s picking up a large VA check every month for his injuries in Vietnam that go along with all of those stickers. However, that’s not what the USMC says about his career;

Robert Danny Hay FOIA

Robert Danny Hay assignments

According to Scotty, there’s going to be a knock at his door this morning.

Category: Phony soldiers

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CC Senor

@39 And which side were you on at Hastings, Joe?


I have only a ribbon bow-shaped magnet on the back side of my POV with ‘Adopt your best friend’ and little pawprints on it.

I never saw a need to make a display.

Just an Old Dog

@51, Ha I saw what you did there…

Green Thumb

This guy is a true pile of shit.

Word has it that he is not happy with people calling….


For hour to hour he spent in the Corps, I have more time in the barber chair.

Joe Williams

CC are you asking about Operation Hasting ? I was one of the crazy Marine c rew chiefs flying and of there. You know these loud large green targets. I only had hippie situations in LAX.My HOR was Arlington Texas.When I came back (3 times,2 six months extendtions . TRuthfully, I do not remember the names and dates of the Ops. If you checking me out,go to USMC Helo Pilots and Crew. In the KIA ,Look UP John Mooney. Jan 17,1967 and read who the c/c is. I am also lifetime member. Joe

Just an Old Dog

Joe, I think CCSenor was making a jibe at your earlier Typo. It looks like you meant to type 1966, but typed 1066 instead, which is when the battle of Hastings was fought in England with William The Conquerer.


He should put his Battles of Hoth and Endor ribbons on there, too. Death Star Destruction Medal, also.


@56 – Joe thanks for for your service. My family had two marines, twins in Operation Hastings. We lost one in that fight against the 324B Div…..Lost one more, Ranger Tabbed Capt a year later.
Never Forget, Always Faithful…..


For the life of me, I just can’t fathom FT Harrison letting this get past them. Now that he’s been outed maybe some hard core Marine vet’s will pay him a visit.

Joe Williams

As long as the Fallen Warriors are remembered, they are not gone. In Nam,! corps area there was Op hasting 1&2. My apologtlies CC. Joe


The only military decals I have, are an expired gate pass and a Retired U.S. Army sticker. There’s a Miskatonic University sticker and a few 2nd Amendment decals on the rear window. Don’t think NDSM, ARCOM, and AAM decals are particularly worth displaying.

CC Senor

@61 As has already been pointed out, Joe, I was just having fun with your typo. All my tours were down around Saigon and the only USMC operations I was really aware of at the time were Con Thien, Hue and Khe Sanh. I always assumed we were all on the same side, but did have cause to wonder about the Chinook units from time to time. A sling load of tank track dropped on you can really sour your disposition.

Just an Old Dog

I just noticed he didn’t throw a CAR on his truck window. Probably because it’s just a ribbon doesn’t look as cool as a medal.

3/17 air cav

Might want to contact good ole Danny via email and tell him your thinking of him.

3/17 air cav

It appears that Danny’s bride worked or works at the ft. Harrison va . Hmm wonder if that’s how they met. Married dec. 2012 bet she thinks she married a war hero. Stay tuned I think things could get ugly.


@65 – Good suggestion. I did exactly that.

3/17 air cav

@67- any response?



3/17 – Nothing yet, if ever…


I will be selling “KMRIA” bumper stickers in the future!

3/17 air cav

I was going thru ait at ft. Lewis when this guy was drummed out. Being 11b I kind of knew where I was going. Anyway, life as this guy knows it is over. No VA disability;shame maybe;wife knows he’s a lying piece of shit;kids if he has any will know;possible jail time;restitution. It seems like. All these posers want to be hero’s I think most of us just wanted to make it home in one piece if we were serving in a war zone do the job assigned to us. I just don’t get it.


Just an Old Dog, (@40)

I met this guy at church when I was in recruit training at PI. He had been on the Island for 6 months because of a badly broken leg and hip he received on the O course. Last I heard of him he had his med-board and was a medically retired veteran with about 9 months of service.


Oh, This guy deserves to have his truck bed shat in.


Truck bed? Naw, that’s easy to clean out.

Start with downstream of his air filter. Hilarity will ensue.

Just an Old Dog

Byrdman, I was CDI/SNCOIC of seps for about 6 months. I saw a few guys who had been there so long they got med boarded as Lance Corporals. One guy had gotten hurt three times, he didn’t want to quit. One guy got his eye socket fractured in combat hitting skills and was told he could never risk bumped his head again.


Just an Old Dog,

If you were down there within the last 10 years or so we probably have some common buddies.

3/17 air cav

@74 sparky sparky sparky …. Your taking this way too personal. I’m sure war hero Danny has a perfectly rational explanation for all his bullshit stories. Probably delayed PTSD from those five weeks as a recruit with the big bad di.

Just an Old Dog

Byrdman, I was there from 92-95 then 98-2000, then I retired.


AirCav–I’ve got more time on the shitter at test depth answering a backing bell than this fucker had in the Corps.

And NO, he isn’t a Marine.

3/17 air cav

@79 sparky I agree with you 100 percent. Of course he isn’t a marine;he isn’t a vet he isn’t anything but a posing piece of shit. I was just pulling your leg. Now he gets to pay the price.

Just an Old Dog

Speaking of crazy shit, I just heard Si Robertson of “Duck Dynasty” talking to a bunch of Elementary School kids about Vietnam. He was telling them a Medic had bandaged a guy and a Begal Tiger came up and grabbed the guy and started pulling him off so they had to kill the tiger. His Wiki page said he “retired from the Army in 1993” probably meant he got out in 1973. theres a picture of him as a Spec3 looks like he has the 2 Vietnam ribbons. Can’t make out the unit patch. I Think there was a statement that he was a heavy equipment operator in country. He told this story on the show… He didnt come right out and say he witnessed it but its just wacky.

Joe Williams

CC, Inver liked those shithooks. The only redeeming thing was that 46s had MaDuces for the crew chief and gunner. I was a Dog chief,UH34D (Cochaw ) the ones you army types gave to to us Marines. PS I missed my typo and there was 2 ops Hasting. Joe

3/17 air cav

@74 ….. Sparky I love your passion, it’s been a long day you take good care…….steve

Joe Williams

I have decals on my POVs and I wear Marine ballcaps . Sometimes I wear a Marine Tee shirt with the cap. So why do I do this. To meet other Brother Marines and answer any questions from the younguns that want to know the services and are thinking about joining our Brotherhood. Joe

Green Thumb

The MT VA is a joke.

No surprise here.


It is my understanding that his truck is well known in the Helena area.

It is not a very big place.

I think if I was him, I would switch vehicles.

just wondering

#81 – Silas has 24 yrs service.69-93


Our source did the knock knock on Robert Hay’s door. He has it on camera of the guy claiming the Silver Star & Bronze Star on camera before it went dead on him then. But Hay’s invited him inside & showed him his wall of Fame ( Shame ). Had cert’s of the SS, BSM, PH. He also stated that he retired in 1983 as an E-8. Claimed of being shot & bayoneted several times. All after 1973. Claims that Agent Orange is making him go blind.

Green Thumb




Woo hoo–My pick em up truck has my awesome NDSM plate and my Good Cookie sticker and my MUC’s with star…..oh wait. It don’t but I do sport a very small but proudly earned EGA sticker.

This douches truck is no where near as classy as mine….

Donny Everson

Instead of all the fake Repo and Pawn shows on Tru-TV i don’t know why anybody hasn’t come up with a reality show showing these phonies being exposed. Would be #1 show of any network guaranteed. Public exposure, humiliation would be better then the slap on the wrists they get from the courts.


I see federal agents in his near future.


I understand about the fire wiping out a lot of records, but how are so many people able to get VA benefits without and proof of service?


A phony SEAL who rides dolphins? He’d be great on television!


Stolen Valor T.V. show? Hell yeah, I’d watch it.

My son and I watch Stan Lee’s “Superhumans”, where they profile different people with special abilities over a course of about 1 hour, allowing about 10 minutes per person (sorta like “America’s Most Wanted”).

The SV show should be like that, so America can see how many shit-bags are across the country.


@95 Jonn

I’m all in for that TV show.

Retired Master

How do I subscribe?


I have to tell whoever posted this on the Internet is an ignorant person! As a police officer I can tell you, that I know you can send in a small fee and fill out a questionnaire and get this privileged information, but this does not give you the right to publish it on the Internet, this falls under the privacy act. By contacting the state, the paper that you had to fill out to get this information, also has your name, address, and etc. I can promise you, that you will be found, and you are in the process of being tracked down by law enforcement agencies. At this point you are guilty of two felonies, number one, posting private information on the Internet which falls under the privacy act, number two, sending a threat through the United States mail.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if I were you, which thank God I’m not,,,,,,,,,,,, I would be the one looking are waiting for a knock on the door with two felony arrest warrants! Even Yahoo, Hotmail, or whoever else you may use keeps records and can pinpoint exactly where this came from, and I can promise you,,YOU ARE BEING TRACKED DOWN!,,,,, good luck in your stupidity.

Green Thumb


Maggot riddled clown.