Monkeypox Fail? Release the Super Pigs!

| February 27, 2023

Canada, eh?

Population Explosion of Canadian “Super Pigs” Could Spread Into the Northern U.S.

A cross between wild boars and domestic pigs, these feral swine can survive cold climates and could create a whole new pig problem for northern states


The U.S. may soon have a new wild pig problem. Until now, the invasive species has largely proliferated in warm places like the southeast, Texas, and California. But in recent years, invasive pigs have started thriving in Canada and may spread into North Dakota, Montana, Michigan, and Minnesota.

How Did Wild Pigs Invade Canada?
According to Dr. Ryan Brook, who leads the University of Saskatchewan’s Canadian Wild Pig Research Project, Canada’s wild pig problem is relatively new. “The U.S. has a 400-plus year history with invasive wild pigs, but we didn’t have any here until the early 1980s,” he says. “There was a big push to diversify agriculture with species like wild boards and ostriches. Wild boars were brought in from Europe to be raised on farms across Canada.”

Most of those pigs were kept on meat farms, but some were used on high-fence hunting preserves. Many farmers and ranchers soon crossbred the wild boars with domestic pigs. According to Brook, the hybridization resulted in bigger “super pigs” that could survive in cold climates.

Field and Stream

Can’t really blame the pigs for fleeing Trudeau’s Socialist Paradise. I’ll even step up and invite some to my home.

Carolina Clear Sauce

  • 2 cups apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt

Combine ingredients and mix well, let rest. A halved habo pepper falls into mine, YMMV. Hat tip to AW1 Rod for the inspiration.

Category: Humor, Op-Ed

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