Wanted; Dennis Chevalier

| March 14, 2014

Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard).


Category: Phony soldiers

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This just in from the “evidence” blog:

The attorney for This Aint Hell is pending a suspension for misconduct. This is indicative of the cadre of TAH being they are all convicted felons and immoral people of bad character.
Below is a screen shot of the Indiana roll of Attorneys.

So the PI idiot with access to databases that most PD’s would be jealous of couldn’t do a 5 second google search to find out what the cause of the pending suspension is all about. GO MESNA! You’re a pathetic waste of skin Chubbyliar and dumber than a bag of hammers.

And this:

DEMONSTRATED BEHAVIORS The etiology of bully’s on social media is to make …

It is spelled “BULLIES”, dumbass.

And this:

More hacking by jerks of the cadre

Yeah, we’ve been busted by Kim Komando, or whatever. You’re a fucking idiot. Too bad your PA career got cut off so early with “The Guard”. You had such potential.


DEMONSTRATED BEHAVIORS The etiology of bully’s on social media is to make …

He wrote this same lame line about Scotty a few months ago. I don’t think he even knows what it means.

I still see Dennis does not know how to use a blog properly.

HS Sophomore

Please, please, please tell me the blobfish didn’t reproduce with any of those women he conned into marrying him. Please…


Check out his blog for a picture of him and his boy flipping people off.

HS Sophomore

It appears the apple has made contact with the ground. The preliminary is that it did not fall far from the tree.


Yeah someone else said that too lol. Poor kid doesn’t buy what Dennis is selling though.

Just an Old Dog

I believe Denny has at two children. He happened to get one of his girlfriends pregnant while his wife was pregnant with his first son.
His one son called him out for being an absentee piece of shit via an email that was on here earlier.
I wouldnt put anyweight on a photo of his son doing anything. Deny probably had him pose throwing the bird and he has no idea what cheeseeater did with it.


Congratulations TAH cadre you had a follower of your site last night at 2130 hrs. on Hwy 121N take action on your damn wanted poster for me and now he is in huge trouble.

I warned you to take them down so now they will be seeking retaliation against you and yours!


Anyone know what Dennis is trying to say here. This guy is a moron.


Who knows. With delusions as great as his, he may be trying to say that he blames his visit from space aliens last night on TAH. Maybe he’s mad because they did not offer him any cheese?

Or, maybe he got pulled over and was unable to talk himself out of a speeding ticket.

He also seems to say that a wanted poster is coming after somebody. For something. Ya know, since he is in control of the actions of all wanted posters. And they are now going to retaliate. Or something.


It means last night at 2130 hours his bush quivered.

Shortly after that, a desk sergeant at NRHPD was heard to say “Hey guys, I just got off the phone with a real genuine fucking moron. Any of you guys ever heard of “The Cadre”?”

Just an Old Dog

Maybe a clerk at a gas station refused to sell Dennis any cheese and called him a fromage fucker.

Just an Old Dog

“Congratulations TAH cadre you had a follower of your site last night at 2130 hrs. on Hwy 121N take action on your damn wanted poster for me and now he is in huge trouble.”

It sounds like he found a transient sleeping by the dumpster of the parking lot he pulls security on.
Of course the guy was really an undercover agent of the TAH Cadre.


It wasn’t me! I was having cocktails with Rummy on Titan!

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe ‘ol cheesenoramus was abducted by aliens and he got pissed when he didn’t get an anal probe?

Mr. Blue

I bet it was dUlLaSs41, checking up on his new boyfriend.

Pineywoods NCO

Um…Dennis…how about a 10-digit grid coordinate to that location you claim happened alongside the highway? Else, we call more bullshit on you.

Green Thumb

There was some action.

In his two-hole.

A very large grid coordinate, indeed.

Dennis - not chevy

Maybe he’s trying to warn The Cadre space aliens are behind the recent cheese shortages.

Green Thumb

Chevy sucks ass.


Note how Denny boy tried to use military time.

Old CAP Gal

What does this mean?
(from his blog)

“Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Congratulations TAH cadre you had a follower of your site last night at 2130 hrs. on Hwy 121N take action on your damn wanted poster for me and now he is in huge trouble.

I warned you to take them down so now they will be seeking retaliation against you and yours!


Along with something about an attorney.
Crazy and more crazy.
How is everyone in “big trouble” yet he never provides details??

Oh, I’m sure you are ALL running scared now!
Why shouldn’t you be? Super Sleuth knows where you are and he’s coming to get you!
In his mini van with his drone.
Or the 1990’s model Buick in one of his pictures.


Shouldn’t we all be doing some?!?!


Last month he was saying there was going to be mass arrests of some cadre folks on Tuesday. Many Tuesdays have passed and the same cadre members are here.


Last night, a drunk guy plastered his face on Dennis Howard Chevalier’s window, and gave him that ominous look and smile… while being sarcastic. :mrgreen: 😈

Dennis Howard Chevalier, thinking that everything is about him, automatically assumed that the guy was attempting to take his life after seeing a wanted poster. 🙄


That “suspension pending” sounds more like an administrative action that’d happen if the license isn’t renewed. The document that the idiot cheese eating blobfish posted specifically says this:

“This attorney has no disciplinary history.”

Dennis Howard Chevalier is pulling straws in a bid to get attention. 🙄

That Guy

Am I the only one getting the impression that Chevy is incapable of reading? I mean, we all know he’s an idiot. But this…
Well, let me put it this way: he has REPEATEDLY posted things that have nothing to do with what he’s talking about OR that don’t show what he thinks they do. Maybe his method of reading is more like playing a matching game; he sees the words he’s looking for (or word) and that’s a good post.
Doctor my ass.


When your audience is a drawer full of socks, you don’t have to try too hard. Personally, I think he is taking bad advice from his lawer (the one who’s informants read “Dead or Alive” somewhere on the wanted poster). Chubby is trying to establish a pattern of threats and intimidation so that when he saves up $12.50 he can have something to write on his lawsuit filing in four different pens. Unless he makes up unsubstantiated shit that supposedly happened on Hwy 121N, all he really can say is “they made fun of me”. To that, I would say: yeah we did Chevy, and we couldn’t have done it without your help. Thanks Fatboy! How’s your valve? GO MESNA!!


I am getting that too. There some sort of mental problem or disability.


The reason for the suspension pending can be googled up in about 30 seconds. It’s mundane and boring as shit….not even worth the effort of writing about. Chevy is a willful liar claiming that it is due to misconduct and I hope someone yanks his chain in a court of law because of it. Of course, he owns nothing of any value, so why bother I guess….which is exactly what enables him to be such a lying asshole. Him teaming up with “you know who” and the ShOrTbUsWiNdOwLiCkEr44 is not a good thing for him, but it is the logical outcome… a convenient way for him to perpetuate his fantasy world.

Green Thumb

Chevy looks a lot like Butterbean.

But Butterbean is legit, unlike Chevy.

dora lee

I just adopted some guys who are in iraq, and they need our help. Wanted to know if I can get some help from any of ya’ll? They gave me their address and I was hoping I can get some extra help and combine our efforts?

Dennis - not chevy

Could you be more specific?

dora lee

I don’t want cheese ball to know who I adopted get a hold of Jonn, because I will post all the info on my fb and jonn if he would be so kind to pass the info along.. just dont want to give info in this forum.


Can’t speak for anyone else, but would guess that you were being asked to be more specific about what kind of help you were looking for.

Most of us are already pretty involved with the troops. Some of our posters are in Afghanistan right now. Others are posted around the world serving in the military. Most of the rest of us are veterans. With the exception of a few pet trolls who would not assist a member or the military or a veteran in any way, most of the remaining posters here have some other tie to the military as a dependent, spouse, or something.

Green Thumb

Chevy is so fat that he requires two (2) sets of adoptive parents.


Heck, Iraqis probably wouldn’t want Dennis Howard Chevalier to adopt them… something about being afraid to get mistaken for cheese and get eaten. 😮

Green Thumb

This dude will never learn.

Just a oozy, dishonest and fat bullshit artist and loser; plain and simple.



These subjects don’t know when to quit, when it is over and quite frankly when THEY are the subject of scruntity way above our paygarde. The more they act, behave and conduct the more the authorities and various agencies have on THEM.

Watching these goons is like safely watching a train wreck from 300 yards on a hillside with a cold beer in my hand!


A Proud Infidel®™

I see them as perpetual lifetime underachievers that instead of working hard to accomplish something, they do their absolute damnedest to degrade, insult, bemean, and badger those of us who do accomplish things in life hoping they’ll drag others down to their level. BTW, the pic on this week’s Weekend Open Thread, izzat Denny-poo mourning the loss of his favorite gerbil?


Ain’t dat da truff!



Here in my neck of the woods, the police would require evidence that you are harassing him before they would even waste their time on contacting someone.

Of course, if the person wants to fake the evidence or “proof” they give to the police, they would open themselves up to the police knocking on their door instead.


He who shall not be named imagines death threats in every sentence. Now that I’ve said death threat, I’m probably on his list.


You’d think by now that all of the law enforcement agencies in WV would have a flag in their record that says “Check the TAH blog before contacting Jonn”.

Just an Old Dog

I think the cheese-slayer is taking a page from Birdbath’s playbook.
It didnt work for Birdbath, and it wont work for you.


Somewhere in one of the WV State Police precincts, there might be a phone that’s reeking of cheese.

Looks like Dennis Howard Chevalier is trying hard for the horse’s ass medal… the one that Daniel Alan Bernath, not a CPO in any capacity, is leading the competition on. :mrgreen: 😈

“Someone get the amber lamps” -Chevalier’s credibility

Just an Old Dog

There is a facebook page that might explain the “wanted poster thing, and covers the recent activities of our chubby buddy.



I’ve got a great nickname for our boy: “Limburger”.

“The cheese is especially known for its pungent odor commonly compared to body odor.”



I have nothing new on Chevy. Just bumping him up on “recent comments” so he can be a contender in the tournament. Alas, he’ll be a loser even in this a tournament of losers.


At the rate he’s going, he might not even make the Fecal Four.

How’s that taste, Denny? You even suck at losing.


I’m concerned. Chevy was a top seed. So was Round Ranger. So was the gent out west who doesn’t know you need gas to make an airplane work. And, of course, lurrrrrp idiot.

All of these stellar doofus’es have dropped off the radar.

Stage is being set for a luck luster tournament.

Toasty Coastie

Status…a message to This Ain’t Hell’s blog members Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier:

Wed. July 02, 2014

It looks like TAH has claimed its 6th body.

Someone lost a body? 😈


Maybe his lawer doesn’t take his calls anymore and Denny the Criminloger Profilerist assumes the catheter went up way beyond the prostate.


Does excessive consumption of cheese clog the brain, too?

Just an Old Dog

Who kicked the bucket?


Maybe the facebook page will have an explanation about it?

Green Thumb

Maybe Jim Parker.

Denny should be happy.


Was Linda #5? I lost count and I can’t find my SREYWAL logbook dammit.



A cow named Nellie died today under pressure to produce cheese for immediate shipment to Texas. Sources can not confirm the cheese shipment delay has any nexus with the death of any human.



Nice usage of the word “nexus”. Not one you see often.


VERMONT UPDATE “Nellie’s Last Words”:

He … He … He … Is not, never was nor will he ever be … Eh ……………



Toasty Coastie

Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: introduction of my situation UPDATE 20JUNE2014 The claims by This Ain’t hell are this: Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard). Their original claims are continually changed as proof kept coming in along with people that disproved their bullshit. Let’s look at this shall we? 1. 1. Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. I have never pretended any such thing or made any claim. This was manufactured by TAH and Scotty Hughes for exposing him as a convicted thief for two felony theft by check offenses and his military service in the USMC. 2. 2. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser I am a licensed Private Investigator and do investigations of all type including stolen valor. The fact that I do not do it in the form of a three-year-old child with taunts and lies like they do is what they are referring to. 3. 3. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard). Yes that’s right (the only thing they got right on over 6,000 blog entries they made, all containing the words “FUCK” in darn-near every other sentence, and including cartoons, photo-shopped images of me in uniform with a fish head and altered documents to protect their buddy Hughes and discredit me. In-between those, they threw in straw-men accusations from fake persons claiming to be ex-girlfriends and ex-wives claiming outrageous criminal accusations ranging from abuse to assaults. I have three federal licenses and state licenses that check my backgrounds every 6 months and have provisos that prohibit ANY claims from domestic issues and abuse. I couldn’t have the licenses I have and have their claims be true. They also claimed my police… Read more »

Delilah T.

Can I get cheese fries with that?

A Proud Infidel®™

A sound effect went through my mind while I read that:

Toasty Coastie

Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: May2014 My name is Dennis Howard Chevalier. I am a former police Lieutenant SWAT member and academy instructor and is currently a licensed private investigator working at my own agency. We perform the usual routine investigations but include services for veterans and active-serving members for free. These services include weapons sales, concealed handgun training and investigations to aid service members should they need services as a result of their service-related deployments. I have been a serving Lt. Col. in the United State Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol for 23.5 years. I was a command mission pilot serving on DEA and Drug customs interdiction flights. I retired for the second time in December 2013. I entered the Texas State Guard Army division on February 23, 2012 and was sworn in on March 17, 2012. I served as a Military Emergency Management Specialist, weapons instructor and honor guard team member for 2 years. My dilemma started back at the end of December 2013. I discovered a very unstable angry man posting on my Facebook page late last year (2013). His name was Scotty Hughes. He runs a blog about stolen valor. I read a few stories on it and was amused. I copied three links from his site and posted them on my Facebook page for others to enjoy. A month or so later I remember receiving posts on my page (not in a private message or email) by him cursing demanding to remove those links claiming I stole his work. That was ludicrous I thought and blocked him for his incensed profanity on my page and thought no more about it until February 17 of 2014. On that day I saw links to a site called “This Ain’t hell but you can see it from here”; another site that goes after stolen valor offenders. Those links were in reference to me claiming I was a fake Lt.Col in the Civil Air Patrol and a fake Lt.Col. in the USAF. I was incensed. The last time someone made that kind of remark was in early 2000… Read more »


That darn cadre!


What’s the TO&E for this Cadre? Do we have rank? Uniforms/TA50? Equipment? Are we like the TX State Guard? I guess Jonn is the MMFIC.

BTW “Hollywood” says: “I have filed criminal charges of harassment and stalking…”. Are these the ones that were supposed to bring smoke on the Cadre many Tuesdays ago? What happened to that?

That Guy

Can I be part of the cadre? Can I learn the super secret handshake and all that?

Toasty Coastie

Eeks..I got caught in the Mod loop…the next post is an edited version from his first “Introduction to his situation”

Good thing the first time it was saved as were these ones as screenies 😈

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: Co-workers and friends come forward and ok the release of reference letters for use here Below are some more references from LinkedIn… 22 people have recommended Dennis 1. “I have known Dennis for over 15 years. He is honest, ethical, honorable, and reliable. I trust him completely. He does a good job at anything he agrees to do. I will continue to rely on him. E. S. Tex Collins” — Tex Collins, was Dennis’s client 2. “Dennis is a dedicated and knowledgeable instructor and investigator with a mastery of skills spanning the gamut from criminal research to firearms instruction.” — Pliny Gale, Graphic Designer & Art Director, ProPac Marketing, was with another company when working with Dennis at Chevalier and Associates 3. “” — Harry “Rip” Ratliff PMP, was Dennis’s client 4. “Highly recommend Dennis to anyone looking to carry a concealed handgun. Very Knowledgeable” — Linda Keas, was Dennis’s client 5. “Extremely professional and knowledgeable in his field. You will find view with his extensive expertise and thoroughness.” — Kimberly Johnson, was Dennis’s client 6. “Dennis is a very detailed oriented person who is very knowledgeable about his field, and is also very passionate about his work and subject matter. He is a fantastic man and also feels strongly about the work he does, and I am totally impressed with the job he does. I would always recommend his for the job!” — Connie Hedrick, RETIRED, METRO PD LAS VEGAS NEVADA, was with another company when working with Dennis 7. “Dennis Chevalier is an old-fashioned honorable, honest individual who always strives to his best and what is right. I am happy to recommend him.” — Tex Collins, President/Owner, Collins Computer Technology, was with another company when working with Dennis 8. “CPL Chevalier is an exemplary soldier. He regularly went above and beyond his expected duties to aid others in his battalion. Providing expertise in the MEMS program, and providing free CHL licensing to fellow soldiers, he gave of himself consistently during my service alongside him.” — Ryan Stephens, Public Affairs Representative, 2nd BN, 4th… Read more »

Just an Old Dog

22 recomendations,,, 6 of them from members of the TSG who shit-canned him.
There are 2 from “Staff Sergeant Hiraklis Hercules Sifonas” (Numbers 12 and 16), an individual who resides in Greece and has only known Chubby from internet conversation. He since has cyt bait with cheese-slayer.
6 of them mention studying with Dickhead at Colorado Technical University,,, which is an online school ( and one that has more than a few critics for being a rip off diploma mill).
I see he left off the quilting lady.

That Guy

That and the Hellenic military doesn’t have Staff Sergeants as a rank, last I checked.

That Guy

1 and 7 are from the same guy.
Anyone wanna do the work on running down these people to see if they exist?


“His prior military experience seamlessly transitions to his civilian capabilities as a private investigator and weapons trainer.”

Prior military experience? You mean his two or three National Guard drills? That military experience?


Originally posted by MrBill: You mean his two or three National Guard drills? That military experience?

With his 20 days in the National Guard? He may have done one drill with them… or got shit canned before he could even do his first drill. :mrgreen:


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

A issue that could be cleared up in two seconds if they got off their fat, lazy asses to call or write the people writing the references.

BWAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAAA! 😈 Maybe he could show us a demo on how a fat guy could get off his fat lazy ass. :mrgreen:

A Proud Infidel®™
Toasty Coastie

Wuv you Proud <3<3<3 😈

A Proud Infidel®™

You too, TC. Feeling any better?

Pineywoods NCO

Ok, Dennis, I tried being nice and cordial, professional, respectful and Christian in my beliefs. Now the gloves come off. You think for one minute here that we caused the deaths of six former soldiers? You think a severe illness and being on medication is an excuse for doing something incorrectly? You think that because you were removed from the Texas State Guard due to us and what we had to say? You think that you want to blame others for the fact you have been caught on multiple occasions in lies and deceit? You think that your son claims he was hacked and by us? You think some of us are too stupid to notice that claimed to be something on rallypoint.com and were going to get away with it? (more to this in a moment) You think that we are stupid enough to believe that you know where KTHT is on channel 11? KCEN on channel 6?? And both local to the DFW area. (more to this in a moment) You think 22 letters supposedly from 22 different people is going to make an ounce of difference to allow you to lie and deceive others? Well, these are just a few things. Now here’s a few more, Dennis. One) We don’t cause people to commit suicide. Two) You had 14 years to fix that signature block and acknowledge you incorrectly posted it. You never did. Three) We tested your “flooding caused my papers to be ruined” theory. It failed and it failed miserably. Four) Who in the blue hell would want to hack into your son’s email account? Maybe you do. We sure have no desire or intent. Five) You were removed from the Texas State Guard based on your own lies, your own actions and most of all, your ability to lie and deceive everyone around you. Six) You were caught claiming to be some part of the National Guard (NOT Texas State Guard) on Rallypoint.com. Guess what?? I contacted the admin and alerted them to this attempt at deceit. Want to know why you were downgraded… Read more »

Just an Old Dog

Well said.
The people who get exposed often carry lots of baggage. As far as I know not a single person who has ended up dying has ever came on this board.
Far from being honorable veterans many were outright fakes with no service at all or embellishers.
They had drug, mental or physical problems to begin with, and its doubtful that many of them even knew this blog existed.
Dennis is a loser looking to blame any future idiocy on his part on someone else.
His ex already pointed out how he loved to fake illnesses and injury to get attention.
He is an attention whore who looks for pity and loves to be the “victim” when he is called out.
Dennis is nothing more than a fat cockroach that got the lights turned on on his pathetic ass.
He is blinded by the light scurry about to get his fat ass back into the obscurity so he can weave his lies to clients and try to pick up women.
He wants it all to stop, yet his ego is too big for him to stop his blustering.
He doubled down on the stupid, now he can deal with getting his idiocy exposed everytime he makes some stupid claim.


Chevy is playing this well. He’s holding his best buffoonery to the approach of tournament time. With west coast no-gas flake on the sidelines, ole “Hollywood” is making a run for the (fool’s) Gold.


Yup, we’re approaching the 5 month mensiversary of his beat down here, let’s keep this rolling. :mrgreen:


Ah … Sorry! The tourny is OVER. I have already engraved the plague with the “real” winner’s name.


A Proud Infidel®™

MCPO, I’m very tempted to purchase one of those “Horse’s Ass” medallions, cut in in two, and re-mount it on the ribbon after dressing it back up. Then we’ll have two runner-up medals letting them know they’re “half-asses” as well, quite fitting for Chevy McBlobfish, ain’t it?


How can “HE” win when “HE” is not to be named? “HE” would be able to say “HE” got it for classified missions (in which “HE” ran out of fuel).

I’m betting “Hollywood” comes on strong at the finish as he sees that he is going to lose, yet again. Hell, Round Ranger might even pop up again from obscurity as the day draws nigh.

But then, none of my losers ever win. And, more important, I learned long ago to not get cross wise with Senior NCO’s of any Service.


BREAK, BREAK: none of this is a threat to you know who.


BREAK BREAK: this was really just an excuse to bump Hollywood back on the radar in “Recent Comments”.



I’d tell Dennis Howard Chevalier that his one brain celled activity is lost, and that he’d need to go out to look for it. But, with his consistently moaning, “BRRRRRAAAAIIINNNNN,” while drooling, while he looks for his one brain celled activity, might give someone the wrong idea… can’t have that… he needs to keep entertaining us with his rain deer games. :mrgreen:

HMCS(FMF) ret.

But he’s a MENSA… and has a pee H dee!!! And he’s comin’ for us!!!

/sarc off

BTW, Chevy… how many times did you use your non-accredited pee H dee to gain employment in the great state of Texas? And are you running an unlicensed business in Texas? I’m sure the local authorities would love to talk with you about that an a few other issues…


Re: “HMCS(FMF) ret. says: July 6, 2014 at 12:06 pm But he’s a MENSA”

Correction: actually he said he was a “MESNA”. But maybe his AF type pilot helmet with “Hollywood” on it made him misspell it.

Have another bite of cheese Hollywood.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Damn, he just does not know when to quit.

Now, I refuse to go to his blog due to the fact that the first and last time I was there caused quite a few of my brain cells to explode trying to figure out his buffoonery.

I just have to wonder how many negative happen stances have occured because of TAH exposing him for what he is. A good example is when he tries to date someone, the woman simply Google’s his name and learns all about the true cheesflake and what he has done. Also have to wonder how many prospective employer’s have also placed his application straight in the 90 day drawer to be shredded and recycled after they Google his name.

So Cheeseflake, you have brought this all on yourself and you have nobody to blame but yourself, but your deep narcissism will never allow you to see that.

A Proud Infidel®™

Dennis “The Blobfish” Chevalier is a lifetime underachiever that does all he can to project his self-inflicted misery on others. He’ll never be any more that that.

Le Blobfish, it there are any Lifetime Underachievement Awards out there to be had, YOU definitely qualify!!

Green Thumb

This man is a disease.

Nothing more.

Just an Old Dog

Denny Cheese-fuck is pissed off because we put al of hi shit-baggery in one place for people to see.
His lies and bullhit were spread out over decades and in different places.
Anyone who he ever tried to bullshit could google and investigate his claims about his “vast” education, “military service” and LEO “Heroics” and come up with the exact same conclusion.
Not to mention any female he tries to con could look up his 6 divorces.

Pineywoods NCO

Here is the daily question for Dennis Chevalier:

First off, let’s file an immediate disclaimer. We are not saying you were not a part of the Civil Air Patrol. But we must ask, how long were you actually a part of it.

There are various statements and reports from you that state your time in CAP is anywhere from 15 to 33 years. We don’t know what is the truth here. So, we ask you tonight, if you can please give an exact answer. Proof of this answer is required. Honest proof. 3rd party presented proof, which means not from us and not from you.

No answer without proof will be considered.

And yes, once again, in the words of Damien Sandow, WWE professional entertainer, “You’re welcome.”

Have a good night and please let us know the right answer.


Cryptic and creepy thought. But could Dennis have been talking about himself with that July 2nd dumb message?


Dumbass is the kind of idiot that would publish a note full of misspellings and illogic trying for the final sympathy play. He’d also send it to every PD and media outlet in the northern hemisphere. I’m no cereal dumbass profiler (I don’t wear glasses or lab coats), so I might be wrong. If Topgolf advertises for a new ball washer, that will be a substantive clue.


LOL Classic stuff from you GDC.

Yeah true, I decided to check if there have been any news articles on Denny boy’s demise. None yet. I could see him pulling a Densmore and blaming TAH and the owners on his downfall.


Also, don’t discount Denny’s narcissism. Let’s just say that he would want his remains to be found quickly and in the most photogenic condition possible. I’m sure that is a primary concern for him, but he’s the real profiler. I’m just a MESNA reject, from Sweaden, with a penchant for purgery.


He is setting up for something. Deleting his facebook account. Looks like he is finally going into hiding.


Just trying to help LtCol(not) Hollywood by bumping his name in the “recent comments”. The Tournament is nigh and I have high hopes that he will win by an asshole and defeat Esq-No-Gas (NB: this is not a threat to Esq-No-Gas). MCPO can easily modify the already engraved trophy.


Just an Old Dog

This is where cheese-slayer got his coveted “CCI” title from.


Just an Old Dog

From their site: Certified Criminal Investigator, CCI® Program How versatile are your investigative skills? Investigating criminal behavior involves many different facets. Investigators have to identify the crime scene, identify evidence (including trace evidence), conduct interviews, properly handle evidence, make out different wound types, and testify in court. Being efficient in these areas attests to your knowledge as an investigator. Why should you choose the CCI credential? The Certified Criminal Investigator, CCI® program measures and assesses knowledge and competency of investigators in both the public and private sectors. Providing a foundation of forensics basics, this program creates a measure of standardization in the field of investigation. As the National Academy of Sciences’ report on the Forensic Sciences reflects, certification for investigators is more crucial than ever before to fill the gaps in the field. Benefits of becoming a Certified Criminal Investigator, CCI® Grants recognition of knowledge and skills by a third party Supports continued professional DEVELOPMENT Demonstrates a high level of commitment to the field Serves as a differentiator in a competitive job market Credential Content The topics covered in the CCI credential are: History of forensic science Crime scene investigation Evidence Digital forensics Investigations Trials Homicide Cyber predators Death investigation Psychological autopsy How do I maintain the CCI credential? Individuals are expected to maintain membership and complete 15 hours of forensic-related continuing education credits per year to maintain their CCI status. The initial CCI course provides 15 CE credits, fulfilling this requirement. Future CEs may be earned through ACFEI’s Executive Summits and/or completing tests for the CONTINUING EDUCATION articles located in The Forensic Examiner®, provided in our online course catalog. Steps to becoming a Certified Criminal Investigator, CCI® Meet the eligibility requirements These requirements must be met in order to APPLY for the CCI program. Become a member of the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute® or be a member in good standing No felony CONVICTIONS Recommended: 2 years of work experience; or an Associate’s degree with 1 year of experience; or A BACHELOR’S DEGREE. Complete the applicationby one of the following methods: Click – Apply Online Call – 800.423.9737… Read more »

That Guy

Sounds like a diploma mill to me. You’re taking an exam administered by an organization for a certification that I’ve never even heard of at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.
Just sayin, scam.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Just like Chevy’s pee H dee from a non-accredited school that went belly up a while back.

Just an Old Dog

Cheese-dick was bought in as a “resident expert” in a case where an insurance company was taking some shitbucket lawyer who worked for a firm to court because she lamied she hag heard her back and could not peform her job.
She had been traveling all over the world ans apparently a spurned lover turned over all the email she sent with tracvel plans etc.
Dennis job was to put dount ing the judges mind they could have been forged or hacked. Of course the fact that she was seen leaving and purchased items all over shot dumb ass out of the water.


Dr. Formage LeTwat ………

Pineywoods NCO

Well, hmmm….49 hours and no answer from “the man”…I think he’s full of holes again…and we’re not talking the swiss.

Again, I am not doubting the fact he was in CAP, but just exactly how long was he in CAP?? There are conflicting statements all over.

We will just keep on waiting on the answer….next to Sir Guy of Gisborne. Sir? Sir…OH MY GOD, HE’S A SKELETON!!!

Just an Old Dog

He claim to have retired twice from CAP.
As far as how many years he was in it,thats a moot point.
CAP is what it is, a volunteer group that can get all kinds of people in it. Denny’s last “Squadron” was a JROTC unit with a dozen or so kids in it.
It’s apparent that Shit-heel Denny’s motive in CAP was to get to wear a uniform with all the shiny baubles and widgets he got for doing coorespondence courses.
If Old Cap Gal is to be believed he was using his position as a CAP NCO to hit on underaged girls way back in the day.
I find that to be credible, the guy is a sleaze-ball.
Denny’s CAP service, regardless of it’s tenure is probably like all his other failures. He checked the blocks, collected certificates and used then to try to impress people.


Retiring from CAP is like retiring from “Lunch Mothers Duty”.

It does not happen.


Yep, all this led the demise of Denny boy. What a piece of shit…

Denny might be setting himself up for failure as we speak with his latest entry…

Old CAP Gal

Well, I don’t know how I could prove credibility without compromising myself. It’s a story I’m terribly embarrassed by, but keep in mind I was 18 at the time and for lack of a better phrase “didn’t know better.” Long story short- came from a crappy background. CAP gave me tools and knowledge about myself that I didn’t know I had – leadership skills, self-confidence, etc. Was already signed to go in to the AF at the time I met him and was waiting for my departure date (which ended up being February the following year). Had busted my arse to pass a flight physical so I could be an in flight re-fueling specialist. KC-10 or KC-135. Ended up sent home from Basic because I had knee surgery on both knees while in high school and “technically” did not meet the physical requirements because of the pounding on my knees while running. ANYWAY, met him at NCO leadership school the summer of ’88. I came across a photo of him from old high school stuff and decided to Google him out of curiosity. (disclaimer- I am VERY happily married. I was NOT searching for anything except a “where are they now” kind of thing. I was so damaged then and sometimes we have to look back to understand how far we’ve come.) Subsequently I ended up here. So summer of ’88, fresh out of high school and waiting on my orders I was still very active in CAP. Was a Cadet Chief Master Sargent at the time. Met him at NCO Leadership School and ALL of the younger girls ooohed and aahed over him. On another side-note, because of my background I had very low self-esteem and self-confidence. Even though that increased with CAP it was no where near where it needed to be. I was prime material for the right person to say the right things because all I wanted was to be the center of someone’s world. Please- do not bother telling me how wrong I was for being naive and stupid- I’m well aware, thank you. So… Read more »


Thanks for sharing, Old CAP Gal. Your experiences fit the pattern we’ve come to recognize from Denny the Cheese Slayer.

Just an Old Dog

Old CAP girl, I for sure am not going to blame you for being taken in by the piece of garbage that is Dennis Howard Chevalier. His life has been all about conning people. A young impressionable woman like you were would be mere child’s play to a grease ball like him.
One of the sayings I really like is “The best revenge is living well”. You have made something of yourself and have loyal loving family, which is something that shithead couldn’t do in six tries.


Just a bump for Ole “Hollywood”. He must be feeling lonely with no mentions for almost 24 hours by the Cadre. Wonder if his former TSG “team” is deployed on the border and he’s missing all the action.


He might finally be going into hiding. Deleted that shitty little facebook page. His little dark July 2nd mention of a “victim”…He is setting up for something.


Ah, he’s probably just out test driving a black Tahoe… like this guy did:
Denny’s had a huge chip on his shoulder ever since his EC130-H Compass Call was shot out from under him. Healing is a process, not a destination.

Or he might be down on the border looking for love. He likes ’em young, and he speaks 18 languages or some shit. He didn’t have enough box tops for the round trip flight to China. I wonder if corresponding with the Chinese “love you longtime” chicks would raise any flags with his TS Clearance, if it is still active?


Wouldn’t surprise me if Denny rocked that lie about being cop and pulled someone over using his wilmer PD badge as a crux long after they fired him.

Also explains his hunger for the young. Going after little chinese women. That Oregon guy, what a dumbass LOL.

Just an Old Dog

Apparently in spite of all the grief caused Denny by the Cadre he still has supporters that chipped in to get him a date for an evening.


Hack Stone

That is some serious funny as shit comments on that Facebook page.

Green Thumb

57 Ton Turd Chevy.


Turd deleted his July 2nd entry. Amazing that this 52 yr old reject does not know how a blog actually works.

Just an Old Dog

That “6th body” comment was him trying to get a pity party thrown for him.
Sad thing is no one gave a fuck, on the plus side he gets to eat all the cake.
probably cheesecake.



C2…it is believed cheese-slayer is already acting on that “victim” situation…fedupexwife has shared her living environs have been broken into and cheeseboi is her prime suspect for the act. Just another tool to off-balance and terrorize as she has no clue when the next act will happen. She and I had discussed that he is acting just like the perps he claims to be ‘busting’, and his “research” in to profiling serial rapists is a cover for his own pursuits. Mind you, I’m not accusing, but the thought is there.


That is a conclusion impossible NOT to draw from his antics. Proof of anything? No, but it certainly makes sense to protect oneself from what appears to be a sociopath.


I hope fedupexwife carries a gun and knows how to use it. I wouldn’t put it past the fromage fucker to eventually attempt to physically harm her. But then again, he is a coward…Still, better safe than sorry.


He’s posted some FOIA info. in which he claims someone named Scotty was AWOL in the UK for over a year….blah blah blah…. captured, returned to the US, and kicked out of the USMC. I wonder which one of his newfound friends put him up to posting that shit.

Shitheel. Someone needs to request a FOIA on Howard Louis Chevlier DOB 9/14/1931 as I really have my doubts that Cheeslayer’s adopted Dad was a Lt. Col. USAF. Dumbass said, “The Korean War project entry was in search of the records of Howard Chevalier, USAF my father”. Um… I’m thinking not.

Pineywoods NCO


Once again, we are assuming something that is not in all likelihood really happening…and I am not going to get started there.

Anyway, this smells like dirty socked cheese. You know the kind of cheese that sits in dirty socks and is stored in dirty socks, making both a hazard to humanity.

Looks like to me he is grasping for string cheese straws again.


Wonder if scotty saw this mess already


What is that stuff he posted? Most, and the, supposedly, important part, is impossible to read. Would think an ace investigator could do better than that. But, alas, Hollywood has the Midas touch except that in his case everything he touches turns to shit. Recall, he’s a “CPL” that got shit canned by the TSG, a volunteer org. That’s hard to do.


It was probably readable before the mold got to it. What a dumbass. He might have been a CPL, but I will always think of him as a LT. CPL!

Just an Old Dog

Figured out why he pulled the 6yh body post,


Just an Old Dog

“I wonder if corresponding with the Chinese “love you longtime” chicks would raise any flags with his TS Clearance, if it is still active?”

I seriuosly have doubt that the Shit-stain known as Denny Chubbyliar would have ever had a need to have a “Top Secret” clearance.
TS is generally reserved for Federal Law Enforcement or Military. There is absolutely no reason why someone who was a volunteer CAP guy working with JROTC or someone with the TSG would need a TS clearance.
I’m sure that cock-mole has a bunch of bullshit “top secret” stamps laying around his office.

OIF '06-'07-'08

I can just see Dennis trying to fill out a SF-86 form required for a TS rating. The cheeseflake could not get past the first page.


The only reason I mentioned it is because he claimed to have TS when he was an airfield security guard in Grand Prarie ,TX. Of course the way he told it, he was a commissioned something another for the State of Texas Adjutant General!!!! I won’t swear to it, but I think some of his moldy documents had indications of his clearance status. If the serial liar and embellisher did actually have a clearance it doesn’t speak well for the vetting process, but I had a low opinion of that before I even knew of Cheeslayer’s existence.

Just an Old Dog

While they may do a criminal background check on security guards there is no way in hell they would waste assets researching everyone that stands watch at a gate a “TS” clearance.
He simply wouldnt be privy to anything that was that high speed.