Obama blows off Medal of Honor recipients [Jonn]

| January 21, 2009

According to TSO who was at the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball”, this newly sworn-in President for the first time in 56 years blew off the ball (that’s 14 Inaugurations).

Some background on the ball;

The American Legion sponsors the ball, which recognizes recipients of Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award. It started in 1953 for President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first inauguration.

Event co-sponsors include 13 other veterans service organizations, among them the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

So where was our new President instead of honoring Medal of Honor recipients who by some miracle are still alive? According to Huffington Post, this was his schedule for Inaugural celebrations;

Later that day, the Presidential Inaugural Committee will host 10 official inaugural balls:

_ Neighborhood Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Obama Home States (Illinois and Hawaii) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Biden Home States (Pennsylvania and Delaware) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Midwest Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Western Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Commander in Chief’s Ball at the National Building Museum.

_ Southern Inaugural Ball at the National Guard Armory.

_ Eastern Inaugural Ball at Union Station.

_ Youth Inaugural Ball at the Washington Hilton.

Unofficial balls include:

_ Congressional Black Caucus Inaugural Ball at the Capitol Hilton.

_ Creative Coalition Inaugural Ball at the Harman Center for the Arts.

_ Recording Industry Association of America’s ball for Feeding America.

_ BET’s Inaugural Ball at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

_ Africa on the Potomac inaugural celebration at Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va.

_ American Music Inaugural Ball at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.

_ Inaugural Purple Ball at the Fairmont Hotel.

_ Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Ball at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel.

_ Inaugural Peace Ball at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

_ Impact Film Fund ball.

Mr. Wolf from Blackfive sends along this link to which Inaugural Balls Obama actually attended last night.

Category: Politics

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Thank God I never voted for Obama!!
I never trusted him and never will.
What a loser to not attend the MOH ball.

Those of you who support this man and his
beliefs are are all losers in my book.
That’s my opinion and that is how I stand,
like it or not. And if you DON’T like it…
oh well.


Say what? I checked out that bitches site and she is all about Sexy!!! I would be on that right Now!


Hit it Anon. They have shots for everything nowadays.


Naw you some bitches #552 had it straight! and from how it reads you were playin to bust her out the game way b4 she started gettin down. Yall boys just can’t take a punch w/o pullin out some bitch talk!
She is a Fine Ass girl!! Too bad she made that profile private.
But you still had to start talkin shit about Ga.
Don’t show face out here is what you need to remember.


A lot of you are so quick to attack anyone who disagrees with you that you don’t even sound patriotic! We are supposed to have different views and opinions! I personally think that a few of the believers in “the ball” have taken all of it too far. So what if there was a ball, and someone else isn’t willing to believe it!
That doesn’t give you the right to start stalking people!
You might not like liberals but Thank God You aren’t our King!
These guys here seem to think that this Blog is EVERYTHING!!
This is a Blah blah BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOG!


you are king of your tiny mole hill, don’t try to over compensate for the things your gene pool didn’t provide.


Actually I did read about those victims from the ice storm. It was horrible. I was completely ashamed and appalled by what was allowed to happen. People were found in blocks of ice! And that is the kind of thing that could bring tears to my eyes. It was a tragedy. And it has made me look him differently. I am disappointed.
say what ever about me. I don’t care, but I can’t and WON’T take what happened to those people lightly.


Why are you wasting time on such a topic? Did you not learn from George Bush’s Eight Years of stupidity? Get over it and MOVE ON! Go Obama! and Laura too…!

Joe Momma

Keep it up fools. I can’t believe I read your petty arguments. Laura, keep on keeping on… Obama ROCKS!


Thanks and Love go out to Grunt, Joe Momma and Anon.


Oh! And Tone too LoL… what you said was pretty nice, although kinda hard to read sometimes :O) its cool tho thanks!

Dr N

Obama rocks! Wow – great saying. He appoints tax cheats to high level positions. They only pay up just before it goes public. He mandates that anyone he appoints (prior to the ceremony) must contribute funds to the inauguaral balls(this extortion was pointed out by the Wall Street Journal). He goes after Rush Limbaugh in a precurser to completely eliminating anyone who objects to his ways, his wants. He closes GITMO and has no plan on what to do with the Prisoners of War. Yes, these are POWs until the war is officially over – and by the Geneva Convention they should remain in the care of military keepers – not the general public. Yet, here we are – still at war – and closing down our own POW camp. Yes, I agree … rocks for Obama.

Lifer in the AF

You people are just looking for something to complain about regarding Obama. Did you also complain about George W. dodging his National Guard service by transferring to an out-of-state unit where he never attended any of the drills???? Man, give it a rest. Let’s try bringing this country together for a change. We’re in deep trouble and need to pull together to dig ourselves out of this hole!! Just FYI, here’s a list of the inaugural balls– a little hard to make them all. And he did attend the Commander in Chief Ball. BTW, the American Legion responded that they were NOT offended. They posted a response saying that if you check out Snopes. Joe Biden did attend their event & they were happy with that. A Celebration of Change Gala A Time For Hope Inaugural Jazz Gala All American Ball Ambassadors of Goodwill Inaugural Ball American Music – Legends Ball American Music – Urban Ball American Scholars Ball Arizona Presidential Inaugural Ball Arkansas State Society Ball Believers Ball Biden Home States Inaugural Ball (official) Black Tie and Boots Ball California Bash Inaugural Celebration Change Has Come Inaugural Gala Commander-In-Chief Ball (official) Delaware State Society Ball Eastern Inaugural Ball (official) Garden State Inaugural Gala George Washington University Ball Georgetown Inaugural Gala Georgia Inaugural Gala Hawaii State Society Inaugural Ball HBCU Inaugural Gala Ball Hey, America Feels Cool Again Inaugural Gala Historic Inaugural Ball History in the Making Inaugural Ball Illinois Presidential Inaugural Gala Indiana State Society Inaugural Gala International Conservation Caucus Foundation Gala Kentucky Bluegrass Ball Land of Enchantment Inaugural Ball Latino Inaugural Gala Lincoln 2.0 Inaugural Ball Maryland Inaugural Gala Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball (official) Midwest Inaugural Ball (official) Neighborhood Inaugural Ball (official) North Carolina Society Inaugural Gala Obama Home States Inaugural Ball (official) Ohio Inaugural Celebration Pearl Presidential Inaugural Gala Pennsylvania Inaugural Gala Servant Forge Humanitarian Ball South Carolina Inaugural Ball Southern Inaugural Ball (official) Spirit of Hope Inaugural Ball Sunshine and Stars Florida Ball The Change Has Come Presidential Inaugural Gala The Inaugural Purple Ball The Presidents Ball Unity in Service Inaugural Ball We the People Inaugural Ball… Read more »

Lifer in the AF
airborne injun

AF Lifer…You must have spent so much time in the clouds that your eyeballs rusted.If you get bored,feel free to go to the begining of this blog and READ ALL of the blogs.If that dosent answer any questions you have then there just aint no hope for you. If you are still unconvenced please feel free to Depart The Fix Outbound.


Lifer in the AF,

You Lied, Troops Died.

You didn’t supply the link to a Snopes page that disproved anything. That second link is a Kool Aid Freebaser like yourself.

BOTTOM LINE: Obama FAILED to attend the ball for MOH winners that every other President except President-Reject Obama attended. That’s 54 years of tradition, 14 inaugurals were the President got it right where Huessen got it wrong.

And note that last inaugural, Bush and Cheney made it the FIRST stop on their agenda. It shows the priorities of the Bush White House veresus the al_Qaeda Interests Section now located at 1600 Penn Ave NW.

And guess what, all yout lying liberal friends who hung their hat on the lack of a Legion web page mentioning the ball now have to eat crap and die because such a page exists.

Sucks to be you dude…

BTW, your career, Lybian AF or Syrian AF?


Obama rocks = Rocks that Obama smokes. Crack rocks.


“There wasn’t a Ball… There was a Ball but it’s no big deal… why are you talking about this? Blah blah blah blah blah.”

There was a Salute to Heroes Ball held this year on January 20th. It was attended by many people including 47 MOH recipients and the new VP. That has been concieded by everyone but Laura who is still on that river in Egypt. De Nile.

Obama did not attend. The first President to miss the Ball in 54 years. AF lifer, if you’re not bothered by that fine. If the MOH recipients are not bothered by that fine. I am. Disagree? fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

If you aren’t interested in the conversation feel free to leave or start your own blog and discuss the things YOU think are important.


Hi there:

I am an American Legion Post Commander and a district chaplain. As such, I receive online update from the Legion. The link posted below is from one usch update with a story about the disputed ball. It did happen. In the article you will read a line that states that Pres. Obama was unable to attend. (Why he was unable it does not say. Frankly, I don’t know if the Legion was giving him the benefit of the doubt or simply being kind.)

MOH recipients are certainly worthy of our gratitude and respect. Anyone lucky enough to spend even a few moments talking with one comes away with a sense of being in the presence of greatness–though a MOHr would never say so. I am sorry they were not honored by President Obama’s attendance.




“Frankly, I don’t know if the Legion was giving him the benefit of the doubt or simply being kind.”

Both. Plus they hope to work with him on political things, so there’s a third element at work here.

All of which works to mitigate their response to Obama’s slight…so all of the Moonbat “The Legion isn’t pissed” comments are VERY suspect and virtually worthless.

Ghost Rider

Why is everyone so surprised!? YOU knew what you were getting into when you voted for this ultra-leftist liberal fool! YOU asked for it, YOU got it!!
YOU idiots wanted change, well…there you go!


Debra, you’re correct, mostly. Obama would have been honored to have been amongst 47 MOH recipients, not the other way around. His “accomplishments” ie. running 3 successful election campaigns including the one where he had all competition removed from the ballot pales in comparison to the actions these men took at their own peril to save the lives of others and defend this Nation, its freedoms, and its rights.


Obama is the first president since Eisenhower to miss the American Legion’s Salute to Heroes ball. A Legion spokesman says it “does not feel offended or ‘snubbed,'” and Medal of Honor recipients were invited to the Commander in Chief’s ball, which Obama did attend. It is true that Obama did not attend the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball, and that his absence broke a 14-inauguration streak. Vice President Joe Biden did attend the ball, showing up around 11:30. American Legion spokesperson Craig Roberts told FactCheck.org that the president, vice president and first lady have all traditionally attended. The American Legion released two statements on the matter, saying that “The Legion does not feel offended or ‘snubbed’ by the President’s failure to appear,” expressing gratitude for Biden’s appearance, and adding that “there are much more important issues to dwell on.” We reproduce both statements here, just as they were e-mailed to us from the Legion: Original statement from American Legion National Adjutant Dan Wheeler: The American Legion, as it has on every inauguration evening since 1953, hosted the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Banquet & Ball on January 20th . The quadrennial event is co-sponsored by fourteen veterans service and military service organizations and honors recipients of the Medal of Honor. Forty-seven of these heroes attended this year’s event. President Obama was invited but did not attend. Vice-President Joe Biden did appear, however, and was very warmly received. From The American Legion’s point of view, the new President’s absence was understandable considering the unprecedented logistical challenges presented by the vastly increased number of visitors to this inauguration and the necessary attendant security measures. The National Adjutant of The American Legion states that, as an organization, The Legion does not feel offended or “snubbed” by the President’s failure to appear. Second statement from Mr. Wheeler, Jan. 26, 2009: We extended an invitation as we always do. There are numerous Balls and we know he can’t attend them all. Of course, we would have loved for him to make an appearance, but he didn’t. It’s a logistical nightmare. He did meet with the troops… Read more »



Only a loser like you would have a problem with the the word “winners”.

Go polish your soccer trophies for attendence.



Lots of smoke, lots of words to cover up the fact that Bush and every other President for 54 years got the job done and Obama didn’t.

Chew on the fact that Bush and Cheney made this ball Obama blew off their FIRST priority in 2005. Even told the audience of MOH winners that that’s the way things oaught to be.

Bush 2, Obama 0.



BTW, Bush did everything that O-Loser did AND made it to the American Legion Ball.

O-Loser tried but can’t fill Bush’s shoes.


Lifer in the Iranian AF,

Bush vs Obama = Obama came in second. Bush made the CIC Ball too, both years and the Legion Ball both years.

Obama’s job performance isn’t as good as Bush’s…

Maybe Obama should quit and let Bush fill out his term since he’s not up to the job.


Six Medal of Honor recipients skipped the Salute to Heroes event in favor of the Commander in Chief’s Ball, though they had attended weekend events sponsored by Salute to Heroes co-hosts. One of their number – and perhaps their leader – was Paul W. Bucha, a highly placed Obama election campaign advisor. Forty-two MoH brethren elected to continue to enjoy the hospitality of The American Legion, VFW, DAV and colleague veterans service and military service organizations, even though it meant missing a photo-op wioth the new President.


What a bunch of far-right “dis”-intended whiney crap! Gimme a break….



“It’s a Patriot thing”, you wouldn’t understand.

Retired USAF

Retired and I have yet to see from Mr. Obama what he has to offer. The bailouts (under Bush and upcoming) do not convince me they will help anyone in my salary range. skipping the Medal of Honor Winners is like skipping Retreat at the end of the day, of which I am proud to stand.


All politics aside. This arguement is very simply put to rest.
He is the Commander In Chief, he should have gone to that party. He is the person whom all military personel call “BOSS.” Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines all have to put aside their political and personal opinions and serve honorably to every Commander and Chief. It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican, you would want your country’s military to serve any president that is in office. You would not want a military that chooses when to serve and protect this country. Therefore it was and OBLIGATION that he should have been at that Ball. He is not the president of BET or any other leader of the organizations that he attended. He is however, I say again, the COMMANDER IN CHIEF. And if he did not want that position than he should not have run for president. It is a two way street. He cannot ignore the military and then ask them to do his bidding and he will ask.

Robin Marable

I was deeply hurt over this, I am a Vet and female to boot, but we have to remember we are a forgotten group of people when the job is done, how could he forget the reason he can sit at the White House a free man the mothers of this United States gave there sons and daughters to them to put them in War how in the world can he forget that, take a trip Commander in Chief to a Veteran Cem and see the row after row of white crosses and know that is some mothers son or daughter, you would think twice if it was your daughter and you would stop worrying about the peanut butter.   I could care less if he showed up, but the hurt the Vets felt is what I am mad about, he should have showed some respect for them, because they are the ones that keep this United States safe, and my heart and love goes out to all Vets I salute you.  


Lifer in the AF Says:
February 1st, 2009 at 5:31 pm

Obama has terrorists, despots, and communist radicals for supporters, friends and mentors. Complaints aren’t much of a stretch. His snub is par for his anti-military course. Between his destructive socialist economic ideas and his desire to ‘negotiate without preconditions’ with rogue states like Iran, the hole he’ll dig will be a fucking abyss. Give us a break.


This post is like the living dead.

Someone grab me a wooden stake and some holy water.


Sorry TSO, but this is the record. This is the hard proof and will continue to be referenced as such, in infamy.

You can expect the hits to continue all the way through Jan 21, 2013

‘ell, I have two trackbacks set to hit this weekend.

jonny chepe

what a joke…i just hope the USA makes it for 4 years with this conceited SOB at the helm….i took two ak-47 rounds in nam for this country….arrogant bastard….



Dear Leader’s Begleit-Commandos have their tasking.

Marshall Hill

For the Troops at the VAAA that chose to display OBAMA

stickers on vehicles! (You got your Change)


Incredible! There are still folks disputing whether this ball even occurred or not?! Not surprised.

Even though Obama supposedly knew enough about what was going on in Gitmo that he could promise to close it during the campaign he wasn’t informed enough to have a plan, just a promise. His idea of leadership is to get on TV and make speeches and do the easy work of Presidential Orders. The real leadership where you get in a room with everyone and slug it out seems to scare the guy. The law professor stops the trial of a bunch of terrorists so their status can be reviewed? Has their status changed since he joined the Senate? Or since he condemned President Bush for how he handled terrorists? No, but now he’s on the hot seat and has to deliver instead of talking.

He probably got his first intel brief that he actually paid attention to after the election and started demanding the recount, hoping that McCain actually won. The guy is a mile wide and an inch deep.

In only fourteen days he’s appointed a bunch of tax cheats and lobbyists, stopped the trials of terrorists who will be released if we follow his standards, and tried to scare the American people like Chicken Little over the economy just so he doesn’t look combat ineffective. He’s moved the Census Bureau from the Commerce Dept into the White House, thus controlling the information that decides representation in the United States. He’s moving rapidly to consolidate all the power in the White House before the public says WTF and he’s got a bunch of congressman going, “Oh, yup yup yo, yup yup yo.”

Even those rabid Obama supporters have to be getting a little concerned. Unless of course they’re blinded by their love of Obama over their love of this country.


How dare this egotistical SOB snub those that have served our country, Medal Of Honor recipients or not they are all heros.

For the first time in my life I am ashamed of my countrymen, I believe we are ready for a Black President but knowing that the only reason the majority voted this poor excuse of a man in for president was because he is black is insanity. If any of them had not been so lazy and had taken the time to really listen to him, get on the internet to investigate him, his backers, friends and what he stands for, they never would have voted for him. By the way, how is it everyone thinks of him as an “Afro American”?

He disgusts me, president or not, I have no respect for him or his bitch of a wife and after all these years I now know what “BB” means. No offense intended to all the beautiful, intellegent, honest, hard working black americans in our country. I am proud to know many and I believe there are many that are a lot more capable then O to run our country.

Unfortunately, for the next four years you are now going to find out why you were always warned to “Be careful of what you wish for”. May God have mercy on the USA.


What do you mean, Mail (will not be published)?


The e-mail address that you provide to TAH will not be published… unless you are dumb enough to put it in the “website” box which creates a link. You’re all good.



VAAA = ???


Medal of Honor: What kind of Man Earns It?…

Who are the men that have earned it? The men who have lived to receive it? Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients Part 1 – watch more videos They are modest men who honor those that served with them, that would……


Medal of Honor – 2: The Living Heroes…

What drove them, in their words to greatness: Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients Part 2 – watch more videos Never give up, not on yourself, not on your comrades. “When things get really rough… No One is exempt from fear”……


Well, president opumpo will not get my respect any more, since he didn’t want to respect THE MEDAL HONOR WINNERS”

Joe Momma

GET OVER IT You PUSSYS ! ! ! Obama is your President for now so get ready to bow.


Seems he took his lead from the anti-military Clintons.


airborne injun

Joe Bomma….IT’S BETTER TO DIE ON YOUR FEET THAN LIVE ON YOUR KNEES!!!! Get a life you scrote sack!!!