My thoughts on the Inaugural Ball kerfluffle

| January 21, 2009

The reactions to this have ranged from REALLY mad, to the just bizarre.  “Curious” seems to think it didn’t even take place, or that it had 100 people.  There was a banquet with a meal, with at least 120 tables, each with 10 folks, and a head table with probably another 30.  So that portion had at a minimum 1230 people.  After that they cleared the hall and the “Ball” portion began, with many more folks.  I don’t know the numbers, I didn’t count.


Obama did not show.  I have no real opinion on it as much as everyone else.  Marg Helgerberger from CSI was there, Buzz Aldrin, a bunch of important folks.  All I know was I had dinner with a SGT from the 3ID that had been injured in Iraq.  He was preparing for a potential deployment to A-stan.  I was happier spending my time talking to him than listening to the comely Marg, or Buzz, or the President or anyone else.  I like the MoH guys, and that’s also who I talked to.


Now, I think the President should have come.  The tradition I think is a good one.  He didn’t come, so be it.  The event was wonderful, and no finer group of people (excepting me) could be found inside the Beltway.  But look, if Obama follows through on all his promises under his veterans portion of his website, then I will forgive the man for not coming.  I’ll take action over symbolism.  But I totally get people being pissed.  I don’t get the “it never happened” stuff, but I chalk it up to the same mentality as the faked moon landings.  For my part, I just hope Obama comes through.  I’m not bad mouthing him in saying he didn’t come.  He didn’t.  It’s up to you guys to decide what that means to you.  


All I know was I got to meet my heroes.  You couldn’t pay me enough to go to the MTV ball, but that floats some peoples boats.  For my part, I was happier spending time with the bus loads of guys that came in from Walter Reed, and the MoH guys that flew in across the country.  The President’s presence or lack thereof didn’t ruin our time in the slightest.  I just hope he won’t forget us when budget time comes.


PS: In case anyone gets the wrong story and runs with it (saving you here Curious) this was a different ball that was cancelled.


PPS: Oh, and I totally applaud the President for going to the CinC ball.  But, just so everyone knows the difference, that Ball is for active military, this one is for veterans, so they ARE NOT the same bodies.  There is some overlap, since you can be active and a veteran, but largely the bodies are different, with different needs.  Hearken back to the WRAMC debacle, and everyone blaming the VA.  WRAMC is military, not VA.  Same applies here.

And lastly, I saw this comment over at LGF:

a Coyote 1/21/09 1:53:50 pm
Can’t blame him. I’d feel very small in a room full of my superiors. He doesn’t qualify to be a dustball in that room with heroes.

Dude, that’s how I felt sitting there. My buddy Superbowl6Romeo and I even discussed why we weren’t wearing our CIB pins. Having a CIB is great, but when next to the MOH…. It’s like showing up to a monster truck rally in a pimped out Yugo.

Category: Politics

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Dave Thul

I’m tempted to give the One a pass on this, since there re so many ‘traditions’ during the inauguration that you can’t possibly make everyone happy.
But the fact is he could have sent someone in his stead to show his respect for the group assembled, and he should have said he wouldn’t attend in advance.
But hey, at least he figured out how to salute correctly!


Man. I had NO idea that something like this Ball existed. I envy you. Was Mr. Bill Crawford (re:Blackfive) there?
Who ya got to know to get an invite to the next one? I am dead serious.
As for POTUS, I think he shot himself in the foot … with a Barrett M82A1. Like you, I’m hoping for the best. I guess we’ll find out if he really is all that intelligent and balanced, eh?


The “race” through the Inaugural balls started one hour late…however, I heard that it finished one hour earlier than scheduled… there was time to make the Ball.

Folks, he’s an empty suit.

Not enough people attending Heroes Ball to fit into his publicity plans.


I might also add that this wasn’t exactly his “crowd”…which is a sad commentary considering the man is CinC. Bad form at best…I fear this is the state of things to come.

Brown Neck Gaitor

I want to know why S6R went and your best buddy (and huge Marg fan) didn’t?


Kerfluffle ??? Did you mean to say “Cluster F___” Empty suit MaggieMama is being to kind. He’s a disaster waiting to happen or already happening is a better term. It will take years if not decades to clean up the mess if ever.


S6R was pretty much command dictated that “we aer going to a Ball” by Sergeant Major, Home Station-Mrs. S6R.

Also, to address Dave Thul’s concern-he DID in fact send Vice President Joe Biden to talk to us.

While I agree that it would have been nice to honor the tradition of the CinC recognizing MoH recipients, I share TSO’s recognition that the attendees alone were enough to awe me and make it an extrememly positive experience. Kind of like the idea that the Mona Lisa doesn’t need anything else, it is what it is…which is something unique and timeless.



Man, I’m jealous. (I left D.C. in 2006) You and Jonn still get close enough to the action in D.C. and get to meet some of the best folks on the planet. (MOH vets)

Coyote’s comments says it all.


On the MoH/”Salute To Heroes” Inaugural Ball Kerfluffle…

Which is easier to believe?:

That a Ball that has been held every inauguration since 1953 was suddenly canceled & or rolled into one of the other balls – and no one is talking about it – especially when proving the ball didn’t happen get the Thetans off Barry’s back and Clear him…


That the Chicagoan In Chief failed to attend an event that Bush specifically said (in 2005) was the Traditional FIRST and Most Important Ball to attend – and the MSM is studiously spiking the story?

Which is more believable?

I’m voting TSO… 😉