Heidi Czerwiec, professor, calls 911 on ROTC drills

So, this woman, Heidi Czerwiec, who is an English professor at the University of North Dakota, was at work in her office and she saw two people crossing the sidewalk below in camouflaged uniforms and carrying what looks like a gun. Here, let her tell the story;
I look up from my office computer to see two figures in camo with guns outside my window. My first thought is for my students’ and my safety: I grab my phone, crawl under my desk and call 911. The dispatcher keeps me on the line until someone can see if ROTC is doing maneuvers.
I can barely talk—first, with fear, and then with rage when the dispatcher reports back that yes, in fact, I’ve probably just seen ROTC cadets, though they’re going to send an officer to check because no one has cleared it with them. They thank me for reporting it.
Of course, it’s not going to end there, you know because of triggers and microagressions;
[A university officer] also tells me that ROTC will be doing these exercises for the next couple weeks.
So I reply that I guess I’ll be calling 911 for the next couple weeks—and I will. Every time.
It’s not my job to decide whether people carrying guns at school are an actual threat. It’s my job to teach and to get home to my family.
It’s already highly inappropriate to conduct unnecessary military maneuvers in the middle of the quad. But with school shootings on the increase and tensions at UND running high, it’s especially irresponsible.
I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the first time ever that Czerwiec had seen ROTC cadets on campus. She studied at UNC-Greensboro and at the University of Utah, so I’m sure she’s aware of ROTC, even if she didn’t join in the fun.
According to Campus Reform, UND is going to make a point of telling everyone about the drills on campus, making it a point to personally warn the good professor, but that doesn’t seem to calm her much.
When I taught ROTC, the only things close to weapons that we had were rubber ducks (an inoperable completely rubber M16-looking training aid) for our rope bridge training and some demilitarized M1903s which could not be loaded or fired and were just used for drill and ceremony training.
I hope the University keeps a supply of Depends on hand for the professor.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
NSFW and i apologize in advance to the delicate ladies of TAH.
Chip, this one is FAR more offensive 🙂
Heads up: She’s into BDSM. Dropping the C Bomb on her is a mating call. Got latex?
Brain Bleach. Right now, ET PRONTO!!! ???
Agreed out Pacino am with you 100%
Delicate ladies? Ohhh you mean that one guy whose name must not be mentioned!
Making false calls to 911 is a punishable offense. She has stated intent and should be held responsible for her actions.
Bingo. A substantial fine and 48 hrs or so in jail might get her attention.
Yep. File criminal charges, as often as she engages in criminal behavior, and throw her crazy sensibilities into the slammer for a while.
Got no problem making a martyr of her. Just for her, the saying should be altered slightly to, “Play crazy games, win crazy prizes.”
Libtards NEVER take responsibility for their own actions. It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault.
Oh, wow… a special snowflake that needs a woobie and a “safe space” from those big, bad people carrying those black, phallic shaped items around!!!
Here’s all you want to know about her at the University of North Dakota:
1st Sgt Moerk probably has an extra woobie. She like to give them to people who need one.
Well, I wouldn’t want from her. Rumor has it that her woobies have been impregnated with PV8 Moerk Syndrome (PMS) and once you wrap yourself in it, the PMS kicks in and you start trolling the interwebz looking for offensive language.
But if you do take one from her, expect to be knee deep in ARCOMs in short order.
You may need some brain bleach when you check out her site. Here is one of her specialties listed:
“Body issues (the corpse, deformity, bondage/discipline)”
Pass the brain bleach when you’re done with it please.
judging from her picture, I am thinking any bondage is gonna require extra long ropes.
In case you’re even mildly interested, here’s a gem from her personal website:
“My new collection, Self-Portrait as Bettie Page (Barefoot Muse, 2013), is a sonnet sequence that negotiates the relationship between formal poetics, bondage/discipline, and female identity through the figure of elusive 1950s pinup Bettie Page, whose own identity was a series of costumes.”
She’s teaching English, and she uses ‘negotiates’ incorrectly? What else is she doing that clashes that way?
Oh, dear. I don’t mean to be hard on people who mean well, but she comes of as just — well, MEAN.
I need to go make cookies.
Yeah, as a former English major (went back and got my degree with agricultural science and math, woo?) I cringed a bit at this. It’s weird. I know several women about her age (and approximate shape) who have this strange emotional relationship in their heads with the Bettie Page myth.
All of them seem to have very similarly screwy ideas as to how the world should work, too, and very emotional ideas as to – well, practically everything. Oddly (or maybe not) all of them are also single.
Oh, I know the source of that now. Mommy and Daddy didn’t smack their butts enough when they were still in diapers or got their Big Girl panties to wear. They’re just DARING someone to punish them for defying The Rules.
It’s much more clear now. It does not, however, excuse sloppiness.
Navigate, negotiate they’re both n words…
I had a syllabus two semesters ago (doctoral program) in which the professor said she would grade us hard on APA style and grammer.
I read that and just thought, yeah, I’m in hell.
Seriously though, I would like a woobie if anyone is handing them out.
Here ya go, cheap.
No PT, no digging foxholes, no deployments, no reenlisting and sucking a Supply Sergeant’s dick, after yours is lost or stolen.
Excuse me, ChipNASA, but your statement is not clear. Just what DO you mean by ‘sucking a Supply Sergeant’s dick, after yours is lost or stolen’?
I have never heard of anyone losing his parts quite that way.
(For anyone who is offended, including Betty BoopdeBoop the perfesser in the pitcher up there, stuff it. I don’t care what you think, especially if you have cheez-whiz for brains.)
I’m assuming he meant that figuratively, Ex-PH2, as in “ingratiating oneself with the supply sergeant via flattery or some form of ‘quid pro quo’ deal”. The supply sergeants I knew when on active duty didn’t seem gay.
Then again, there HAVE been some changes recently. So I could well be wrong. (smile)
Were they black guns? They are the worst.
Black guns matter.
Watch yourself around her. That nose could be a serious threat in close quarters, hand to hand combat. You could put an eye out with that thing!
Yep, that nose.
Where are the flying monkeys?
I get the feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.
A typical, Liberal, Anti-military, Douche.
Calling 911 because ROTC is conducting their regular drills is absolutely the mark of an idiot.
If anything does happen on her campus, she will be praying those ROTC guys step up to save her ass.
For some reason, my brain got ahead of the reading of the words (maybe it was wishful thinking) and I read that as “Shove it up her ass.”
Either way, WINNING.
I really hope she is not perament staff. I cannot bring myself to call her a Professor or teacher. Joe
From here website:
I love language: I love the flexibility of it, the sounds, the way it feels in my mouth. I love poetry for all these reasons, and for how it manages to compress itself on the page, and yet moves in multiple directions – across lines, rhythms, meanings, history – simultaneously. I read it, write it, teach it, review it, and translate it. Poetry is how I make sense of things; its patterning gives form and structure to my world. It is the perfect small (or large) machine. It takes the top of my head off.
I would describe myself as a High Modernist, in that my work (even the free verse) pays strong attention to form and narrative, and I tend to research and write about topics outside my personal experience. But I also use a postmodern sense of identity slippage, since so many of my projects play with narrative authority.
My inspirations are the works of Eliot, George Herbert, and Greg Williamson for form; Bishop and Stevens for their cagey playfulness; Hölderlin, Hopkins and Brock-Broido for language; Pegeen Kelly, Fairchild, and Frost for story; and though their aesthetics are very different from mine, I’ve found the work of Sze, Bang, and Fulton to be very challenging and helpful. I’m also inspired by bizarre interests that include late-night Discovery Channel shows, medical oddities, ’50s pin-ups, gardening, the desert, and love.”
You are inspired by medical oddities? Like say uh… your face in general?
High Modernist? Good grief what a bitch!
her website
You know what the really sick, sad, disgusting and unbelievable thing is (according to her website)…
She has at some point, married, and reproduced.
Damn you… I was eating lunch at my work desk when I read that. I managed not to hurl, but I lost my appetite and dry heaved a few times at the thought of a man having to breed this lady.
Just possibly (hopefully), she was artificially inseminated by something else…
Did you notice her oral fixation?…
“I love the way it feels in my mouth.”
Too bad she wasn’t referring to a large muzzle!
OldManchu, I’m pretty sure IDC SARC would do her…… 😉
Oh, hell, he’d do a keyhole if he could fit into it.
Hell, I bet he’d even boink “Wicked Wanda” in a broom closet at a bowling alley! ? ?
He’d do a woodpile if he thought a snake was in it.
He’d do the snake if you hold it still
If you’re talking “Wicked Wanda” from the old men’s mag comic (Penthouse?) . . . can’t say I’d blame him. She was a bit kinky, but was also hot.
Thanks all of you for these comments. I laughed my a** off. I only wish IDC SARC was here to comment. that would be the icing on the cake.
I’d hit it.
Hellz yea!
More idiotic Libtard psycho-babble. I realize that’s SUPPOSED to be English, I see the words, and individually, I recognize them as. . . .words. BUt the way “it” has them strung together, they make little to no sense whatsoever at all, just strung together to attempt to impress the impressionable.
Color me intensely NOT impressed.
This is my not-impressed face. Really. See?
“High Modernist” sounds like a medical procedure for constipation (which it appears by her face that she has).
“Doc, I’d like a “High Modernist” please. I haven’t been to the bathroom for a week. I keep trying, but. . . .”
She’s not remotely in High Modernism. I don’t think she truly understands what it means. I doubt that she has read any of Scott’s work, recent or dated. She’s misused terminology repeatedly in that way. If she truly understood it, she would not refer to herself as having that mindset.
Wow. She really does know how to write unimpressive gobbledygook, doesn’t she?
Pretentious is a mild word for her inflated egocentricity.
Oh – was I clear in my statement? I NEED FEEDBACK, PEOPLE!!!! If I was not clear, please tell me so that I may retreat to my uncushioned corner, suck on Tootsie Rolls and bemoan the ungrateful little twerps who don’t understand my shit.
Will “ignorance gone to seed” work?
Good start. Yes. Yes, it will suffice.
No doubt about it, this woman is the end result of a trust fund baby going the Full Monty and ending up as a spoiled rotten incoherent maze of questions pushing her shit on young skulls full of mush…
Think Gen next & what will happen to them as they attempt to assimilate into the rest of the world…
I’m glad I’m old and will be dead when they start running the country…
Thunderstixx, are you implying that the they are all functionally illiterate?
Either she was a trust fund baby OR she conned enough financial aid by playing the gender and professional victim cards.
Take heart, Old Manchu. What she’s saying, boiled down to a few words, is that she’s fond of making statements compiled of hot air and short pasta.
One commenter that attends the school indicated a college wide email had been sent well prior to the exercise….
So everyone else should adjust their behavior because she can’t be bothered to read her email? Sounds about right for an intolerant lefty.
Here’s a clue, oh crazy one: What YOU want is insufficient reason for any of us to do anything.
When the campus police contacted her, she probably dove under the desk and called 911 again because she saw even more guns.
Because of the age we live in, I suspect that the change here is that the ROTC will have a police officer with them in the future. Heck, they may already have had one, he just may not have been standing right outside her window at the time.
She is a professional victim. I’m sure she had advance notice of the event, but thought she could earn some points with other professional victims in the country. Here’s hoping she doesn’t have tenure. Or, maybe she should be given an office without windows. That way she wouldn’t be horrified by the black guns.
‘I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the first time ever that Czerwiec had seen ROTC cadets on campus.’
No, but you see when someone WANTS to be a victim, there is always a way. She should post that as part of the extra credit she’ll give for attending her winter break Interim Studies class on “Being a Compleat Asshole In Five Easy Steps”.
Off topic here but what is an Army pizza party? The reason I ask is because of this link. I can figure out it is not pleasant but I never heard the term as a career airman. This is actually a three part story but only the first link here: http://injo.com/2016/03/565737-army-mom-son-texts/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=entry-meta&utm_campaign=Sharing
From Urban Dictionary:
pizza party
(n.) any unusually difficult workout for a sport; often the coach’s only means of palliation to his or her team is to provide pizza afterward.
Coach- “Get some good sleep tonight, boys. You’ll need it for tomorrow.”
Guy 1- “Oh shit, looks like Coach is planning a pizza party for us.”
Guy 2- “Fuck a duck man, I can’t run any more laps!”
i.e. in the Military, he’s going to get “Smoked”, Push The Earth until you change it’s rotation, “I’ll PT you all until you fucking die, I’ll PT you until your ass sucks buttermilk” , you can do PT until I’M tired.
etc. etc. etc.
Oh…(sigh) Don’tcha just want to squeeze Gunny Ermy?
*SNIFF!*. OH, the love and warm fuzziness of R. Lee Ermey!!! ?
I read that Facebook thing last night, all 3 episodes, and laughed so much that my house dog wanted to go out, knowing that shit was getting real. As I read them, I wished that I had a way to get them over here to the Openwebz.
WOW !! where do they come from, some of the most stupidest people I have met in my life ….are professor’s of higher education and unfortunately of my generation(boomer)…..unbelievable!!
I have a doctorate(DD 214) from the “School of Hard Knoxs & Durty Socks” & want to teach a class on “common sense” , cause if it comes from a book maybe they’ll get it and we can change America 1 student at a time to our former pinnacles of excellence (sarc)
In other news of similar importance…
How about the one where a guy tried to purchase a BMW with a food stamp card. He’s told “No.” He returns to steal the BMW:
Makes me wonder if the University will have the nutsack to start a file on her to ensure she won’t attain tenure.
Nah…WTF was I thinking?
Atkron, it’s North Dakota. It’s not La-La-Land, CA.
Point taken…but what if this University is like an embassy or consulate of the People’s Republic of California?
Spreading the stoopid one village at a time.
She is in the department that led the charge to get rid of “Fighting Sioux” as the school’s mascot. The hard sciences, aviation, and agricultural parts of the school wanted to disavow them when I lived in Grand Forks.
Welcome to North Dakota. Please set your watches back 20 years.
Oh, no! Don’t say such things! The infestation must be stopped! Stopped, I tell you! Stopped!
Then we have to nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Get Trump to build a wall!!
Which is WHY everyone needs to be humane and have all of their local libtards spayed or neutered! Maybe we could have them reinhabit Pripyat, Ukriane in hopes that the residual radiation from Chernobyl could do that for us?
Back in 2012-2014 during my time with ROTC in Saint Louis we received blue rubber “duck” M4s and 240s to do our STX and patrolling lanes at the local city park.
It was my understanding that this was a Cadet Command-wide issuance in order to prevent misinterpretations like these from occurring.
New words need to be invented to describe just how large of a dirt bag loser this lady is.
This has to be an outlier- every person I’ve ever met from North Dakota has been a patriot.
Oh, no. I beg to differ, good Sir Holdfast. The Bard himself went to a great deal of trouble to do just that when (at the time) there was no dictionary available to which he could refer for scathing repartee.
In the case of this particularly self-important twat-clenching strumpet, I will give you a few to use as you do see fit, e.g., spleeny, yeasty, reeky, pox-marked, rump-fed, sheep-biting, swag-bellied moldwarped malcontent.
If that is insufficient, please let me know. Plenty more where that came from. I frequently concoct my own, as well.
Actually, I thought Loki described her perfectly in a recent Avengers movie using two Middle or Old English words.
Yep. I was just reading something about upright hominids (I refuse to call “it” a “people”) of the militant FemiNazi ilk and persuasion.
She fits the stereotype precisely.
And there was something else in there about this whole (bowel) movement being created so that ugly (body, mind & soul) wymen could demand attention too.
It looks like Lena Dunham’s sisty ugler.
On her school web page, under the “Awards” tab:
“2011 Distinguished Thesis Award, given to Lisa Linrud for the collection of poetry In Grain, submitted for her thesis (for which I was the Thesis Adviser)”
Taking credit for a student’s thesis award??
I think we have a poser under construction…..
Just when you thought the special snowflakes couldn’t get any more butthurt….
Sorry, clicked the ‘report’ button UNINTENTIONALLY!!!! My bad.
SWEET BABY JESUS wrapped in C4, det cord, duct tape and Claymore Mines on a rudderless broke-dick bamboo raft stuck up Shit Creek without a paddle, do today’s college candyasses TRY to be this wussed-out or does it come to them naturally? HO-LEE SHEEP SHIT, I bet a green PV2 fresh out of Basic & AIT is tougher than the majority of non-prior service cherry 2LTs these days.
NPS cherry 2LTs are tougher than this poor excuse for a professor. (I should know–I was a NPS cherry 2LT once. . .)
It sounds like you were one of the toughest of your bunch. GOD, Jesus, Joseph, Mary and all the Saints, the war stories I could tell about cherry 2LT’s…
College education seems to have started a new curriculum titled “Leave Your Nuts and Guts at the Door”.
I keep saying ‘This, too, shall pass.’ But then, so does last week’s turkey and stuffing, eventually.
My instant reaction to their demands is to wanna get a bunch of Trump signs printed, then take them to Emory and conduct a continuous demonstration against the intolerance of liberalsim until some time after the election.
A bunch of paper signs, a paintbrush, and a heavy duty zip lock baggie of condensed milk. All you need to put up midnight signs that will be nigh impossible to remove.
Those stories appear to be somewhat inaccurate. See here: http://www.snopes.com/emory-students-trump-graffiti/
If you believe snopes is accurate on anything regarding politics, religion, or medicine, you are a fool.
They (the 911 dispatcher) should have just told her to lock the door and stay put. She strikes me as probably starving until someone gives her more instruction to come out again. Then again, just leave her there. Problem solved on tis end.
I bet she would not have any issues jacking her box with a rubber duck.
I like academia, I do. But people like this ruin it for those who want an education, not indoctrination.
Here’s a poem Professor Knickers Twist might want to consider the next time she’s scared and offended by the sight of ROTC cadets. It’s by the American poet Randall Jarrell who served in World War II:
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner
From my mother’s sleep I fell into the State,
And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze.
Six miles from earth, loosed from its dream of life,
I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters.
When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose.
Why did I not know about him before this?
Thanks for that, Perry.
Probably because he died relatively young, in 1965. He was hit by a car in Nashville, TN.
She may not like this one, either.
What prayers can women ever pray, O War,
What joyous songs can their lips ever sing,
Who watch, day after day, the vultures soar
Toward crimson fields that you are harvesting?
What suffering distorts the face caressed
So recently with love’s exquisite bliss?
Does there now lie on lips we warmly pressed
Your ruthless, brutal chilling, final kiss?
What summer shall we ever know again
Who know the winter of this endless hour?
Shall we raise up another race of men
For other wars to blight and to devour?
Or have you widowed and sealed up our wombs,
Enclosed our children in their living tombs? — Bathsheba, Sonnet 52
I expected better from someone who shares a name (sort of) with Rodney Dangerfield’s character from Caddy Shack.
“…lovely lady. Hey baby, you must’ve been something before electricity.”
“The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it!”
Hey baby, how’d you like to make 14 dollars–the HARD way?
Don’t need no stinkin’ guns to cause unrest at our distinguished institutions of higher learning.
Chalk will work just fine….
I thought that trump was a move in the game of Bridge. Or was it Whist, instead?
So now it looks like the precious little candyassed college snowflakes will have to stop any Bridge Game and go suck their thumbs in a “safe space” anytime someone Trumps a play, ditto with anyone hearing it. Don’t let me anywhere near that campus because now I wouldn’t even think of stepping foot on it without wearing a Trump t-shirt and my “Afghanistan Veteran” ball cap. Don’t get me that wrong, I’d be friendly and civil while there, but I’d want to see just how many of the snowflakes would “be offended” enough to go cry and suck their thumbs in a “safe space”.
I think I’ll mail them a box of Trump bumper stickers. They’ll probably call in the Bomb Squad to blow it up though. ..
Next thing you know, the brass section won’t be able to call their horns trumpets any more.
Oh no, this could mean the end of college strumpets!
Not quite. See here: http://www.snopes.com/emory-students-trump-graffiti/
I’m going to be the dissenting voice this time, I’m afraid. First of all, she’s a TEACHER, and she made a good point: it’s not her job to know which guns are safe on campus. (I do agree that she’s being a turd to call for future sightings now that she knows what they are, but still.) And I also don’t agree with maneuvers of any kind being done on the main campus. The ROTC cadets WONT be called for any kind of defense of that campus under any normal criteria — law enforcement would be called, so the idea that those cadets need to train around the main buildings and areas is wrong. To my mind, it’s exactly the same thing as long guns in Walmart. Wrong environment.
I’m going to point out something that should be painfully obvious: not all people are like the folks here, with developed situational awareness. To someone like this woman, yes, the mere sight of guns would cause panic. Sad, but true. That needs to be taken into account when the sheep and the sheepdogs are mixed together, because unfortunately, the human sheep are more than capable of KENNELING the sheepdogs.
PN, a campus-wide email was sent. From what I could gather from her rant, it was the mere sight of two ROTC students walking across campus that set her off. She is not clear on where the ROTC was doing their training, perhaps the students were walking to wherever they were doing close-order drill?
In her letter and in a very short article in the Grand Forks Herald, whatever is being conducted is referred to as “drills” and “practice”.
The college I attended (briefly, with a spectacular failure) had the “Department of Military Science” among the main buildings. It was not unusual to see cadets drilling with simulated rifles or decommissioned ’03 Springfields in front of their building. Are you saying that ROTC should be set off in a corner of the campus for the convenience of a select ignorant few?
“Are you saying that ROTC should be set off in a corner of the campus for the convenience of a select ignorant few?”
I attended a liberal arts college for four years, one with an ROTC program. There were no ‘select ignorant few’ there — they were the majority. I saw cadets in uniform ordered out of classrooms by instructors because of their uniform; I heard an instructor threaten to give cadets a failing grade for that class if they missed class because of drill; I saw the cadets harassed while drilling by other students (with tacit approval of their instructor); all of this and more I witnessed on this campus. It’s not ignorance — it’s a very specific and virulent form of hostility, and it is currently rampant on our college and university campuses.
I had an English instructor (speech class) who bragged that he was a communist and that he was a cousin of Bill Buckley.
I used to take great pride in wearing my AFROTC uniform to class (ROTC was the following period, so I had to as there was no time between classes to change). I even did a speech advocating bombing Haiphong harbor as a method of squeezing off the supplies coming in through the port.
To his credit, he didn’t hold any of this against me and gave me a fair grade for both the speech and the course. But I did enjoy tweaking him as often as I could.
Somehow, I don’t think this particular ‘professor’ would react the same way.
I see your point, PN, but as Jonn says above ‘I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the first time ever that Czerwiec had seen ROTC cadets on campus.’
My response to her behavior is that she over-reacted to something on a campus that has a ROTC program. As an instructor there, she should know about it.
I see her behavior as more attention-seeking than anything else, and this is based on what she posted as a follow-up. She kicked up a fuss, and latched onto it.
That article says she’s “already stressed”. Perhaps she should seek employment in an environment where no ROTC program exists.
Probably not, but it is possible this was the first time they conducted drills, with weapons, across from her office.
Calling police upon seeing uncommon actions and people with weapons? Understandable.
Continuing to call without new good reason after it’s been explained to you what is going on is utter foolishness.
It’s also a violation of the law. Frivolous 911 calls and all that. . .
If she would have read her email; she would have known what was going on in the first place. Her ignorance of events isn’t a defense.
I love it when you use that dissenting voice.
ROTC is a part of campus life. It is part of the educational process. “Maneuvers” are part of the process. Having a weapon while doing “maneuvers” is part of the process.
Cadets most probably will not be called into the fight initially. Some of them will most probably jump into the fight to protect others before any police arrive.
Insofar as KENNELING the sheepdogs goes; the sheep must rely on other sheepdogs to do it. Their bark has no bite without it being enforced by sheepdogs.
Hannibal marched into Rome because of people like her. When a society becomes so civilized they will not kill to protect their way of life, they will be conquered by those who are not.
“Those who hammer their guns into plow shares will end up plowing for those who didn’t.” – Thomas Jefferson
Sorry – but there is no evidence that Jefferson ever said that.
(And by accident, I hit the report button. My apologies for that.)
That’s OK, I report him all the time.
“Hannibal marched into Rome because of people like her. When a society becomes so civilized they will not kill to protect their way of life, they will be conquered by those who are not.”
^^^ Precisely ^^^
I’m glad to see one dissent here – I concur, on all accounts. See some people you don’t recognize walking around with guns when that’s not common? Calling the police is a fair response.
Insisting you’re going to continue to call the police every day for the duration of the expected exercises now that you actually have a reasonable sense of what’s going on is just being an asshole.
‘Insisting you’re going to continue to call the police every day for the duration of the expected exercises now that you actually have a reasonable sense of what’s going on is just being an asshole.’ – LC’s post
I rest my case.
She’s an attention whore. She may not like what she gets.
Bingo. She got a pass on the first call due to “ignorance” – whether feigned or actual, don’t know. She now knows this is not an emergency situation requiring a call to 911. If she persists in endangering others via wasting 911 operators’ time via frivolous calls concerning this matter, she needs to be hammered criminally. Hard.
Depends on the campus. On the campus I’m most familiar with, ROTC cadets running around with (disabled but very real) guns is very common (as in, several times per week). In fact, their “Quad Assault” usually draws quite the crowd of spectators.
I am going to dissent with Pinto Nag here. In this day and age, you just don’t know.
But once you do know, and once you have been informed what is happening, shut up. If you choose to break the law and repeatedly call 911, please pack a toothbrush when you go to jail.
You would know if you bothered to read your email. THAT is the key to this. Show should have, and would have, known what the fuck was going on if she read her fucking email. Ignorance isn’t a defense.
The University has now said that the email wasn’t a sufficient notice. This could be one of those things that the header was worded badly, didn’t seem important or whatever.
We have all skipped or not read an email that later turned out to have be important.
(It’s also interesting that the campus 911 center wasn’t aware of the training. I guess they didn’t read their emails either.)
Things happen.
People make mistakes.
To me the point is not that she called 911 or thought something was going on, but rather now that she does know, she is still threatening to do the same thing over and over.
That’s just saying to the school and the administration that “you aren’t the boss of me!”
(I also want to say that while looking around to find out where “the Quad” is on campus, I came upon a webpage of “Meet the UND Admissions reps!” where one of the UND Admissions people responds to the question “what is your favorite spot on campus?” with “The courtyard behind the Chester Fritz Library. Mainly because no matter what time of year, you’ll never know what you’ll see. You could see ROTC students getting the full military experience, slackliners balancing between the trees, or students working on their tans between classes.”
That Courtyard is commonly referred to as “The Quad,” so it appears that these exercises have been going on regularly for some time.
Like I said, I can forgive a mistake due to whatever reason. But she is “on the clock” now and anything she does beyond this point is on her.
I have no problem with that. She’s a special snowflake that has very delicate sensibilities.
Look at this example of what’s teaching our children and young adults, and we still wonder why our country is in the toilet.
Which toilet?
Male, Female, or Other?
We can’t even figure that one out…
Heidi Czerwiec needs to chin up, and I mean BOTH OF THEM! I see that monster-nosed blubbering intolerant liberal chickenshit as a typical example of what passes for College Instructors and “Teachers” these days on most kolledje kampusses. It SUCKS that so many young minds full of moosh take what they say as real life knowledge and others that have been places buy their shit too, look at the snot-headed poodle shit that Lars the poodle dick spouts!
Curious as to what she’d do if she saw a Muslim student with a black box with a clock attached to it…
She’d ignore it, of course. Doing anything else would show intolerance and bigotry.
Invite him to the faculty lounge for a snack…and then call the president to arrange a formal meeting.
NO, reacting to that would be *GASP!*, profiling!
Scary ROTC people.
“I’m also inspired by bizarre interests that include late-night Discovery Channel shows, medical oddities, ’50s pin-ups, gardening, the desert, and love.” She thinks interests in gardening, the desert, and love are bizarre? She’s bizarre. In her breathless account of her imagined brush with sudden death she writes, “It’s not my job to decide whether people carrying guns at school are an actual threat.” Give me a freakin’ break, lady. It’s not your job? How about you just look, listen, and apply what little common sense you still possess? You know, like a sentient human being does. And I love this line: “It’s already highly inappropriate to conduct unnecessary military maneuvers in the middle of the quad.” Military maneuvers? Cripes. She’s just playing Leftard games. That’s all. Dr. Asshole, PhD
Jonn, I guess it depends on the school, but when I took ROTC in 2008 at Norwich University we did in fact have real M16s. Granted, they were only ever issued for the duration of FTXs (with blank fire adapters) and rifle qualification, but it is possible the rifles she saw could have been real. But that’s beside the point. As Pinto Nag already points out, how was she supposed to know whether or not they were using rubber duckies from inside her office or even that they were cadets? All she sees is someone in camo with a gun. Would you rather she had not called the police at all in that situation? Imagine what would have happened if it hadn’t been cadets, but the next set of school shooters. I think if anyone is to blame, it’s the ROTC chain of command for conducting drills in the middle of campus instead of nearby woods or a field.
Just my $0.02
1. She was informed of it via email.
2. She’s a confirmed 1st class attention whore that loves to play the liberal victim card.
3. She openly said she’ll do it again every time.
I don’t think she’ll even remotely back off from her “OH, POOR ME!!!” attention-whoring campaign, and I’m sure she’ll try to convince her minion students to do like her while bawling for a “safe space”.
Norwich is a military college. I was up the road at UVM. Comparing Norwich to the rest of ROTC is a bit of a stretch.
Just more proof that some guys will tap anything.1
Careful there fella, some of us resemble that remark!
“In war, any hole is a trench”… The Greaseman.
And never forget, “Doggy style makes most of them look pretty much the same….”
Plus this one appears to like being slapped on the ass while you’re back there giving it the old college try…
This mope puts the “unhinged” in “unhinged moonbat”. I’m sure her antics please the taxpayers of North Dakota.
I knew damn well she looked familiar.
What the hecK? How did we end up with two Wicked Witches? I swear I saw the ROTC clip but no witch. Man, I thought I was confused in the Brooks thread but that has nothing on this. Anyways, I’m thinking of going back to college for another degree. UND’s (that’s North Dakota, not Notre Dame) catalog of courses is intriguing and I’ve narrowed the field down to two majors: Peace Studies and Woman and Gender Studies. Any advice?
Yes. Stay out of anything that has ‘women’ in the course title. Take universal statistics or cooking instead. Should you decide to take a course in religious mysticism, read Greg Matloff’s ‘Starlight, Starbright’ first, so that you can accurately argue the existence of unexplained phenomena versus the hysterics of religious extremism.
You might also consider classes in homesteading and raising chickens, just in case you feel the need to leave civilization behind.
OK, now I have to share this.
When I was in college (art school- computer animation) I took a class in mythology. The professor at the beginning of the class said that all religions would be examined as mythology since it is the study of stories – myths – and not an attempt to validate religions.
So, at the end of the class we had to do an art project, art school – remember, that compared or contrasted myths from different religions.
My particular presentation was done in the style of a newspaper article in which Dionysus was suing Jesus over copyright infringement on his life story with the last paragraph being that the paper had contacted Gods spokesman St. Peter for comment and was told that they were still trying to find a lawyer in heaven to look over the lawsuit.
I was told later by the Professor, who was shaking her head over it, that one person in the class told her that my project was blasphemous and that I should be flunked for it.
I responded that since I had offended someone that proved what I did was art and I should get an A. I got an A.
HAHAHAHA that is priceless. You are definitely going to hell.
God is a comedian playing to a crowd too afraid to laugh…Voltaire
I’d love to read that. Any chance of a copy?
Yeah, sharing is caring. Where’s the article?
Neil De Grasse Tyson does a good job of explaining the relationship of god to unexplained phenomena as well, most folks don’t like his approach though.
He ends up by saying if that’s how you want to define god, as a series of unexplained phenomena then it’s going to be difficult to remain religious, because by definition that would be mean as learn to explain that which was previously unexplainable god becomes nothing more than a receding pocket of scientific ignorance….
Only if you assume all knowledge is a realizable finite pool. Lots of folks do that, by the way, saying “we now know everything worthwhile and know what the remaining questions are.” They are inevitably mistaken.
What. A. Cunt.
Authorities not charging her with false reporting only encourage her. God damn, where are all the adults at?!
“Where are all the adults at?!” Apparently, not at college.
Well, I’d prefer to give this gal a chance, so I did find a couple of spots where her poetry is published, including one from her Betty Page project. Her free verse is yanked around, phrases cut at the wrong places (which is common in free verse) and for some inexplicable reason, she insists on repeatedly returning to the whole bondo trashy stuff in whatever she creates. She seems overly concerned that her message is getting lost, but it’s in your face so much that, like a blister, it’s hard to miss. I did find one sonnet from her Betty Page book, read it, and tried to figure out which sonnet form she was using, Shakespearean or Petrarchan, because there is a distinct difference in them. And then I realized that she has this need to spit on the classic forms, period. There is no explanation for this, but if you read the sonnet I posted above at this spot http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=64959#comment-2820432 you’ll see that it is written in the Shakespearean form. My suggestion would be that she not try to write sonnets, period, but use blank verse instead. Foot and meter are important in specific poetry forms. I’m surprised that she’s this clumsy. I can’t tell if her failure to follow form was intentional or owing to a lack of understanding the sonnet form. I have no issues with her imagery, but I do find it to be a strange disconnect that a latter-day ‘feminist’ (using that term loosely) finds it appropriate to try to immerse herself in the myth of a long-dead pinup girl from the 1950s, and whose opinion of sex was certainly not that of either a prude or a whore. She misunderstands Page completely, thus her take on it does not work. Further, I am getting VERY tired of this generation of know-it-all little girls who think that feminism means being a self-serving attention whore who gets butthurt if she isn’t praised for showing up. I don’t know what’s going on with her issues about a campus with ROTC, nor do I care. I do care… Read more »
You ought to post your critique of her writing on her blog. That was brilliant!
Stir the pot?
Oh! Bitch-slapping contest!!! I think I could take her.
Are her bushes rustling?
It is her job to show up, teach, and then go home. That kind of dedication to your career will take you places.
She will keep this nonsense up until there actually is an issue on campus one day. She will then cry victim because nobody responded.
Is it me, or if she as self-important, smug, arrogant, narciccistic ans long-winded as Commissar when he decides to use ten words when one would do,
No, it’s where the Poodle gets his ideas. We should get them together. She could have a harem, or something.
well, if she’s butthurt, maybe more lube…
May their kids all be Republicans.
[…] Heidi Czierwic, an English professor at the University of North Dakota, was in her office when she saw two individuals walking near her office wearing camouflage and toting what appeared to her to be guns. […]
I object to several of you referring to this “person” as a lady. That is soooo offensive.
She is definitely no lady.
I read a poem this morning that Dr A Hole, PhD, would no doubt tear to shreds, maybe chuckle about and lampoon. The poem lacks the “postmodern sense of identity slippage” that Dr A Hole so appreciates. It was penned about 60 years ago by a woman named Pearl Dunaway of Kentucky. Her son, Joe, went off to war and she never saw him again. He was lost on The Hump in 1945. You can read the poem, “Where is My Son?” at the link that follows. If you do, watch the dust.
Some of that dust just blew into my eye. Dang old drafty house.
Jeffro. Thanks for reading it. We recall the men who Fell but too rarely get a glimpse into the pain felt by the families of those whose fate remains unknown. When people ask, “Where do we get such men?” the answer is…”From Mom’s such as Pearl Dunaway.”
‘Post-modern sense of identity slippage’?
(Translation: I’m not getting enough ATTENTION!!!!!!!)
Here is the new college diploma being handed out to our precious cherubs:
Considering the trauma caused to her from the ROTC, and Hill Clinton’s trauma from running the sniper gauntlet in Bosnia, maybe they can have a “bitches only” group PTSD therapy session!
I wonder if she will now take indefinite sick leave for ROTC-induced PTSD and then, of course, file suit against UND for the emotional trauma.
Don’t give her any ideas.
Here is a real poem, written by a fine young poet named Keith Douglas who died in his tank near Bayeux, Normandy on 9 June 1944.
Aristocrats: “I Think I Am Becoming A God”
The noble horse with courage in his eye,
clean in the bone, looks up at a shellburst:
away fly the images of the shires
but he puts the pipe back in his mouth.
Peter was unfortunately killed by an 88;
it took his leg away, he died in the ambulance.
I saw him crawling on the sand, he said
It’s most unfair, they’ve shot my foot off.
How can I live among this gentle
obsolescent breed of heroes, and not weep?
Unicorns, almost,
for they are fading into two legends
in which their stupidity and chivalry
are celebrated. Each, fool and hero, will be an immortal.
These plains were their cricket pitch
and in the mountains the tremendous drop fences
brought down some of the runners. Here then
under the stones and earth they dispose themselves,
I think with their famous unconcern.
It is not gunfire I hear, but a hunting horn.
This is for you, Jeffro, and all who want to learn about a true warrior poet, a man who accomplished more by the time of his combat death at age 24 than most can imagine.
I used to carried it around for years through my deployments. Now that I’m retired it sits in a frame by my desk and reminds me(among many other things)that I am a lucky man. Thanks for the posting!
[…] College professor claims she panicked at sight of ROTC cadets, maybe carrying guns. She called 911. Promises to call 911 every time ROTC drills with weapons. She didn’t really panic; she’s just trying to harass the cadets, the ROTC department, and “the right” in general. Picked this up by way of Instapundit, from another blog. […]
Somebody sent her a link to TAH. Wonder if she’ll show up?
I think this silly broad needs to read a helluva a lot of Henry Miller and Dylan Thomas, and get the fuck over herself.
She’s going to call the cops every time the ROTC drills, huh? At some point, they’ll stop answering her calls, assuming that she’s desperately in need of psychotherapy and a good smack on her silly ass.
She’s an attention whore and a drama queen.
Here’s a link to Henry’s ‘Sunday After the War’, a collection of his essay.
I really prefer hard copy over Kindle, because I like the weight of the printed book in my hands, and the lineup of titles on my bookshelves. If there is ever a tornado here, I will go outside and yell at it to leave my house alone.
agreed, but there is also the comfort of knowing that in one reader you can carry literally thousands of books and never worry about finishing one book and not having its successor already at hand.(Screw the whiners at Emory, not having another book to read – THAT’S trauma!) Saves a lot of weight on long trips where you would ordinarily pack several.
True, and Kindle is a bonus on a long trip. But at home, with the fire in the fireplace and a big pot of tea, nothing beats the print copy. Nothing.
Or throw her in jail for knowingly making false 911 calls.