Bernath; Phone calls from the edge

| April 17, 2014

One of you got this phone call on his answering machine yesterday. It’s Danny Bernath pretending he’s a lawyer or something. Let me make this clear in case you get calls like this; no one will call you before they serve papers for some legal proceeding. They just come to your house. Period. So don’t worry about his idiot ramblings. He’s just trying to bully you into leaving the blog, like that would work anyway. I’ve edited out the subject’s name and address for obvious reasons, even though Bernath had it wrong anyway.

I think it’s cute that he still refers to himself as a lawyer. But let this be an instructive moment. Bullying bullies bully. Lying liars lie.

Ed Note: Sorry I put the wrong video in at first. It’s fixed now.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Ah sh!t! I just ruined a perfectly tied and creased red and yellow 100 % Italian silk tie! And wasted a mouthful of perfectly ground and brewed Columbian coffee!

BTW: Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO.

Just sayin’.


He’s a chode

Green Thumb

Bernath is a moron. As is Phildo, Bill Blake, Matt Beck, et al. The list goes on and on.


as to, as to, as to


OVER! No, I say OVER!


AS TO is always in upper case.



I think you posted the Chris Douchnozzle Dookie video in error again but it’s always worth a third or forth watching!!

Green Thumb

When I think of Bernath, I think of Dina Boyer’s plastic vagina.


When I think of Bernath. I think of a yeast infection inside of Dina Boyer’s plastic vagina.


When I think of Bernath two words come to mind…dripping smegma.


Bernath probably saves the dick cheese for Chevyliar.


Dullass Whipitnflogit, not Chevy. Dullass is his down-low hookup for man love. Please, let’s keep track properly. You need a scorecard? I’ve got one lying around here somewhere.


When I think of Bernath (which I rarely do) I think that he depends on Depends. Why? ‘Cause the freak is a BEDWETTER!

A Proud Infidel®

A BOOGER-EATING Bedwetter, to be precise!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Human urine is also used as a part of the leather tanning process, making it useful. As I see it, that makes Daniel A. Bernath THE PHONY CPO more worthless then b bucket of warm piss!


A-fucking-mazing. This guy has hit rock bottom and has now begun to dig.


So, he goes to the sheriff’s office to swear out a complaint knowing only vaguely the name and a phone number of the person he is filling against, with the plan that he’d call the person once he started filling out the paperwork at the sheriff’s office, hoping that the person would just pony up the information?

Honestly, his thinking that that would be successful is proof enough that he has spent little to no time around folks in uniform. Any of us who answered that call would tell him to get hot on doing the heavy lifting himself, with a few FUs thrown in for good measure.



“Bernath? Yeah you wanted me to call back, so what can I do for you?”

“My name? It’s Haywood. Haywood Jablowme. That’s J-A-B-L-O-W-M-E. Yeah, no problem.”

“Address? Sure. It’s 101 Eatadick lane, East Eatshit, Georgia. yeah, no problem Bernath, glad to be of help.”


No, no. He got my entire name right, and my address, but Jonn edited it out to protect the innocent and slut-shame the stupid.




It’s like watching someone slowly drown with this guy.

I understand he carefully cultivated the lies surrounding his service, and now he is reaping what he sowed, and I also understand that he is defending those lies, but really? You got caught Mr. Bernath, why are you still fighting it? The more you fight, the worse it will be on your family who you have deceived for all these years.

One would think as a lawyer, he would understand that a losing case is a losing case and distance himself from it by not responding to it. But he is dumb, just like all the other pathological liars and frauds out there and will defend it to try and mitigate the disaster.



I’ll tell you why.

Because he’s an idiot, that’s why.

Becaues he’s stupid, that’s why.

Because he’s a bully, that’s why.

Because he thinks he can win his ‘mind games’, that’s why.

Because he’s hooked up with the enabler, dUlLasS WhiPitNfLogit, that’s wy.

There are so many ‘that’s why’ reasons, and I could go on, but you get the drift.


Since this worked so well on the Joe Twinkletoes Tee-Tee thread, I’ll just whip this out again….


Go Forthwith and fornicate your own orifices.

JarHead Pat

hahahahahahahah,fis that fucking shit epic bro.


I will fully admit that it was left on my voicemail. My wife was going to pick it up, but she decided not to. Thankfully. I really need a personal phone recorder for when I decide to poke the monkey with a stick through the bars and actually talk to him.

Oh, as for his claim, I checked with the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, and got this reply:


Mr. [Flagwaver],

I checked the Sheriff’s Civil System and did not see any civil paperwork for you. This does not mean there is not a complaint out there. This only means that the documents have not been given to the Sheriff for service. You should contact the courts to find out if anything has been filled against you.

Have a good day,

Sgt. Rod Edwards
Civil Unit


A telephone call to Multnomah County Circuit Court turned up no filings of any kind against me in the Oregon Legal Filings Database. So, again, he’s just blowing smoke out his ass.


But in Crash and Bernath’s mind, you should have a complaint sworn against you. That’s enough to make it real for him. In the same way that he thinks he should be an honorary CPO, then that’s enough for him to believe he’s an honorary CPO.


Lebben, he actually tried that bullshit on the WSJ journal reporter I interviewed with last week. He claims he has petitioned for a restraining order on me and Jonn. But then when it is pointed out that it isn’t in effect because he hasn’t served anything, he claims he is waiting for fear that the server would get killed.

Sure. I’d welcome the server. I suspect when I go to serve him though he’ll hide behind the drapes or his wifes skirts like he usually does.

But, to (mis)quote America’s greatest hero from the PaSt 4o0o YeArS, “The lawsuit cometh!”


“…he claims he is waiting for fear that the server would get killed.”

Because everybody knows you’re blood-thirsty PTSD time bomb waiting to explode on some innocent process server.

(That’s sarcasm, just in case somebody wants to misconstrue.)


Obviously you’ve not heard how he deals with Orcs! Brutal stuff! Scary!


Wait, so your name isn’t “Sparky”? I thought it was. Tunisian name isn’t it?


Is that you on the bags?


Man, meth is a hell of a drug …


Disphit and Wittlessone think this is some grand RICO conspiracy involving all of us taking orders from the Pentagon etc. I don’t even read his emails anymore. I get a chuckle from the titles but that is it.

He can’t point out anything criminal or civil, so he just resorts to being an asshat making phone calls. A real lawyer doesn’t do all the posturing and bullshit that he does, they just file the damn suit and perfect service.

Bernath can’t even get that right.

HS Sophomore

Even looking at ShOrTbUsRiDeR41’s facebook page gives me brain damage now, it makes so little sense. I did have many lulz, though, about when he linked something over from Project Camelot to try to prove you guys were really a bunch of secret squirrels illegally taking money to build rocket ships for the government so they can take us all over and complete our transformation into an illuminati-rules oligarchy. What stolen valor has to do with any of this, I’m not sure. But Witlessone has opened my eyes to just how much undiagnosed mental illness there is in this country. So, there’s that.


Please post a link. I need a good laugh today.


My God! How did he find out? Well, I guess I’d better come clean. Yes, I am the President and Grand Poobah of the Illuminati (Southern Region), and my rocket is almost ready to be launched.

There! I said it! Now I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.


Ha! My rocket was ready and launched a week ago. It’s code name is “pocket rocket”. Shhh… Keep this just between us secret beavers.

He doesn’t even have our code name right.

A Proud Infidel®

Rockets are SO yesterday, y’all oughtta see my flying saucer, AWWWW, CRAP, where’s my tinfoil hat,… *PZZZZT!*


HS Sophomore

Urrgh, his Facebook ranting screed won’t open for me; I keep getting redirected to my Facebook homepage. If it opens for you, google Dallas “LRP 41” Wittgenfeld and click on it; it should be there (among other things, he also seems to think TSO is posing as a four star general). Note: he has two facebooks, one he uses for roughly the same stuff as a normal person and another specifically directed at bashing “the stolen valor reich”. The one for his personal use is “Dallas Wittgenfeld”; the one with the lulz is “Dallas “LRP 41″ Wittgenfeld”. If you don’t have the energy to hunt it down, feel free to spew coffee at his nonsensical Google+ ramblings here:

Among other things, he makes references to a “shadow government” that supposedly rules all of us in secret and details how the “stolen valor reich” is really run from the US Pentagon, and is a secret-illuminati-esque organization devoted to bashing Vietnam veterans and cyberbullying them in to suicide.

TL; DR; this man is batshit fucking crazy.


I had to block him on facebook and google. Though not sure how that works there, because I hardly ever even go on google. Just saw a bunch of e-mails that Dillwad had tagged me in a bunch of his nonsense.
The man is absolutely batshit crazy and I am shocked he has not be Section 12’d to the VA Psych Unit yet.


No, it’s (cue theme music)DA MAN that is leading this vast, right wing, commie, pinko conspiracy against them in there fight for their right to go to the WHITE PARTY in PDX!!!


TSO … Please don’t tip my hand.

Use reverse code order CBA 321 when talking about our government conspiracy that he believes to be true!

We can’t do it if he knows about it. And if he knows about it … the code system will help us in our quest for the final deployment of the TACTICAL SREYWAL RESPONSE UNIT. They are on site in Portland Oregon AOR.


A Proud Infidel®

The flaming squirrel is primed. SP Time?



See, the problem with him is that he done screwed up. Come after me and I will laugh my arse off. Come after my wife, and ding-ding it is on like Donkey Kong.

Not sure if any of you have checked out his website, but at the top there…

Let’s just say, he has awakened the dragon.


Hmmm. Isn’t impersonating a LEO illegal in all jurisdictions?


Better than his normal profession…

Impersonating a human.

Brent Glines

If you haven’t passed the bar (and I presume he hasn’t) is it fraud to represent yourself as a lawyer?


Bernath passed the CA state bar. The state of Oregon has not passed him.


The state of Oregon told him to go f*ck himself, but in more legally viable words.


Someone else is about to tell him as well!

OIF '06-'07-'08

He has passed the bar, but he could not receive his license in Oregon due to moral reasons, and his license in California is currently under suspension.


Thanks for the clarification, Bro.


Actually, I think his CA license was reinstated. It appears his license was suspended for a bit over a year in 1995-1996, but has been toggling between inactive and active since. It currently is active – and he seems to be claiming an address in Florida vice Oregon:

Joe A

Being “inactive” just means the lawyer didn’t pay his annual bar dues of about $400.

Toasty Coastie

Just checked the Florida Bar..he’s not listed here so pretty sure he can’t practice here either.

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.
Thanks 🙂

OIF '06-'07-'08

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Rod Serling

Imagine, if you will, an attorney so inept, so flawed in his thinking, so unable to perform; that he cannot even conjur up an effective suit with himself as the plaintiff. An attorney so lacking in basic morals and good judgement that the bar finds him unfit for membership. An attorney so unable to conduct himself with proper decorum that the sitting judge requires additional bailiff staff in the courtroom for protection. Imagine, if you will, a total moron.

Kinda old ET1



Well played.

You are entering … THE DUMBASS ZONE!



I am not sure why you are trying to deal with Bernath. If the pictures are yours then contact Bernath’s ISP with a DMCA take down notice and demand they be taken down.

According to Network Solutions, Bernath’s site is currently being hosted by a company called “” They have a legal department and one that is willing to comply with copyright notices.

DMCA notices are easy to find (such as here: ) and will take you about 5-10 minutes to complete a form letter.

I do these things all the time because people steal my graphic work. Just because it is on the internet doesn’t mean it is not copyrighted to you.

NR Pax

Best. Train wreck. Ever.


Is this something new from our hero or have just completely missed it? (I do have moments of cluelessness, btw).

I appears that Danny doesn’t like Jonn…


The specifics appear new. The asshattery, not so much.

Old Trooper

Oh shit. I just went to his website and there is a whole lotta crazy packed in that mofo.


Dude, here’s the brain bleach and 14 SOS pads to scrub the smell of that website off of you…

Old Trooper

Thanks, Chief (a real Chief), but, somehow I don’t think that 14 will be enough.

A Proud Infidel®™

HERE, have another dozen on me!!


That’s kind of the problem with me, too. He decided to include my wife in his little rantings. The thing he doesn’t know is that she is actually a better show than I am with a pistol. Though, I have more experience with a rifle.


I was home when the call came in yesterday. I saw the name on the caller ID and no way in hell was I gonna pick it up. Then when I heard the message I just started laughing at the level of crazy coming out of my phone. As for his website, he should just go eat a fucking bag of rancid donkey dicks, since you know they’ll fit in that lying face of his.


Once again, this is where I would +1 or “Like” on Aysel’s comment.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Sorry about the excessive link guys, Dullass is just as crazy as DanDan


Dullass really thins that DA MAN has it out for him….


Just, wow! That site is so full of the stooped and crazy, I don’t even begin to know where to start. Looks like little bitch boy really has his panties in a twist though.


I got a chuckle about how we are supposed to be all pissed at the Captain Obvious commercial.



That is industrial grade crazy stupid. What an embarrassment he is to all who knows him.


Why in the blue-eyed world does he have AOPA wings on his website? Those have nothing to do with the military, so that can’t support his phony baloney claims.


Well, he does claim to be in the Top Gun movie still photo ‘Light Sport Pilot Bernath in background between “Goose” and “Iceman” I think he means ‘Goose’ and ‘Hollywood’

Yeah, like NAS Miramar or any NAS for that matter would allow a private pilot to wander around a flightline of Naval Aircraft. Actually the person WAYYYY back there in the photo appears to be a Plane Captain.

Also seems odd that he would claim he was a private pilot back in 1985, when he shows a photo of himself seemingly after achieving his private pilot’s license or first solo with a Oregon Ducks sweatshirt on and appearing to be around 55-60 years of age.


I don’t even… OMG… that site…

Weapons grade crazy!

I’ve never seen anything like this!


Originally posted by Daniel Bernath on his blog:

New Award to Valor Terrorists~~

So, how are you valor thieves going to decide the winner of the, “Vietnam War Band of Bastards” ring award? Are you fakers/embellishers going to hold a vote around the same time we vote for you clowns in the Stolen Valor tournaments?

At this rate, you’re cruising to receive this year’s stolen valor award. 😈 That’d look good with your judge suite. 😀


Looks like a harassing phone call to me…


Oh, sonofabitch! I snorted in the office!

Green Thumb

Just like Phildo.


Baseball players have to go in front of a grand jury and say, “Yeah, I did cocaine. Can you blame me? It’s a slow goddamn game! Come on Jack! Standing out in left field for seven innings, and there’s a long white line going down to home plate! I see the guy putting it out going “Heh heh heh heh!!!!” And that damn organ music too, the whole [does intro to “Charge!”]! Third base coach is always doing this…[wiping nose, fidgeting around]. When he’s doing that, I don’t know whether to slide or do a line! People sliding into home plate head first, umpire goes, “You’re out!” “No, baby, I’m up now! Ha ha ha!”

/thanks Robin Williams


A Classic!


The third base coach line made me laugh. After working with the same people in the Army for a while you start to get some weird hand and arm signals, but sometimes you are like “either he wants me to flank left or he wants me to bunt”.

Even funnier when you can actually see him.


A night at the Met from the 80s. GREAT stuff!


30 years old and he STILL makes me laugh


Ah . . . but did it have his (EXTREMELY NSFW) “Drunk Scotsman Invents Golf” routine? (smile)


Ask and ye shall receive:





Just An Old Dog

Yeah Birdbath,,,, you are going to travel to the local Police Department, stand at a deputies desk and ask them to use the phone to find out the address of someone you want to file papers against,,,
You are one dumb son of a bitch.


Well, dayummm!

I’m spending time this afternoon scanning old photos to digital format to save them for posterity. This is in case the ice age comes back. I sent Jonn an article about that earlier.

So I’m spending my time doing something useful instead of paying attention to dandan the messedhisdidiesman, and this is what I come back to?

Either he needs a new hobby, or he’s so stuck on himself, he’s giving himself a reach around. I don’t know which. But if I hark back to the drunk guy spanking the hood of the parked truck, I may understand better. Can someone find that video? I need a good laugh.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Ask, and you shall receive.


it does look like burnasty!

A Proud Infidel®™



Daniel Bernath, fake Honorary CPO. There’s nothing honorable about that mangy faced turd.


Does the fool not realize that the more we talk about him, the more anyone with half a brain will find this at the top of their interwebs searches?


The arrogant prick thinks that his nearly incomprehensible blog will somehow wash away the truth about his lies and deceit.


The interesting thing about that site is the fact that he posts, over and over, the picture that got him tagged in the first place. It’s kinda like he’s proud of it. Not enough mental health profesionals out there for this fool. BTW, the title of this thread needs to be changed to “Phonecalls from the Ledge”; then maybe once of us could push him off.
Hey Bernath – I think I might have just threatened you. Better add me to your list of who you’re going to sue. We love people like you down here in Texas…..


He’s getting lessons from DuMBaSs WhiPiTnFloGgit. That should tell you something.


Daniel Bernath was NEVER a CPO in any capacity. He was never an honorary CPO, he never was a real CPO.

Daniel Bernath, the gig’s up. Like Frank Visconi and Dennis Chevalier, your “evidence” does more to destroy your argument than help it.


dandan the messedhisdidiesman left the Navy with LESS than 4 years active duty as an E-5. Did not continue working in his Navy rate. In fact, he abandoned it altogether. That should tell you something.


He’s going to be VERY busy trying to sue in each of the states and several countries beyond the USA. But his antics are amusing, until he does things which are illegal, as he has on multiple occasions.

Evidently anyone who thinks ill of him (and how could anyone think otherwise after all the work he has done to make is so?) is somehow a threat to him in his defective mind. Go on, silly excuse for a man, sue us all. That’s a LOT of counties in a lot of states, and more than a few countries who would not consider issuing you a visa. Could some of us volunteer to document it all?


Excellent! Nothing like a father-son blast-a-thon. I have similar plans for when Ranger Lebben the Younger comes home on leave in June.


What brands? Used to own a Belgian Restaurant with 50+ Belgian Bieres. I was the Bier quality control MMFIC. Some of them can knock you under in a hurry like Duvel or Orval.


I love me some Belgian trappist ale. A really good American version is a duvel called Brother Theolonious…Delicious and will eff you up in a heartbeat.

A Proud Infidel®™

Damn, I’ve seen that in some of the craft beer stores in my AO, gotta go get myself some!!


One NEVER has too many AR’s and 1911’s. But it is nice to pass them on.


I know a guy…

Seriously, I know someone out here with a R/R 1911. I’ll ask him if he wants to part with and for how much then let you know.


I got my 1911 in a very unusual way. I met a supply guy whe said he was in in Corpes and was in the battle of Ho Le Fuc. After dropping his 1911 he was order on a helo that no one knew about (BLACK OP) … A little Benny Boy from the PI who was lost found it and sold it to me in 1986 in exchange for a promise that I never disclose the truth about Bernath. You see the Benny Boy had esp and could read the future. He said, “Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO”.

Just An Old Dog

My first impression of the 1911 Colt 45 was not a good one.
A year or so before we got the Beretta I got a chance to Qualify with the 45.
They were on the way out and the “raggedy ass Marines” had some real worn out relics in the fleet.
In my week of qualification I went through three pistols.
The first ones front sight fell off on the second day. The next one they gave me lasted through prequal… the last two stages of fire I was all over the place,,, Just before the last string of fire I looked down and realized the rear sight was loose and was sliding side to side with every shot. I shot with a different pistol the next day for qual and ended up with a damn pizza box.
Later on I had the chance to shoot some better maintained ones and they were awesome.

3/17 Air Cav

Jonn…….I just replaced my S&W 38 that I carried with the Air Cav. Also found a Vietnam era Cowboy holster very similar to the one I wore.

I have the holster next to my flight helmet on. My I. Love me wall. What memories!

3/17 Air Cav

Also, anniversary coming up for my 1911 colt. David meyer. Collinville Ill. KIA Vietnam, May 7th1971.

Shot down in Cambodia. Don’t ask how I got his 45 home.

Rest in piece Mr. Meyer

3/17 Air Cav

Damn spellcheck meant peace!

Roger in Republic

That reminds me, I had a 1911 that I got from my father with the proviso that it must be passed down to a family member. I promised my nephew that he could have it upon my death. He almost got it, but I pulled through. I surprised him and presented it to him on the day he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the US Army. That gun was built in 1914 according to Colt. It was rebuilt several times and it will out shoot a new Gold Cup at age 100. Recently the kid had it in for a tune up and the armorer was amazed at the workmanship and the parts fit. I once took it to drill to qualify with and the rangemaster wouldn’t let me use it. He said that it was not “loose enough” and that I had to shoot one of his ‘service pistols” I pointed out to him that this gun had seen service in three wars dating back to 1914 with the british Navy. When he saw my score he accused me of using my gun. I had to show him that mine was in a bag on a rear table. Shooting is a skill and most guns are better shooters than the man holding them. My brother calls that old Colt ‘the cheater’, but he is only half right.


My Dad (B-33, 5th SFG) brought back a Browning Hi-Power with a C-Broad Arrow Canadian army proof mark [C->]. He recovered two during one ambush; Maj. Phong, his counterpart, wanted the one that had a grenade fragment lodged in the slide.

Dad brought his back to Bragg and the armorer jewelled the barrel, reblued the frame, and made custom walnut grips for it.

I had it for my tenure in the army, and I reckon I’ll pass it to my nephew who is a USAF combat controller, forward deployed…. when I’m ready.

Its a nice pistol and shoots a tight shot group; but gee-whiz, fellers! I sure love the M1911A1. Just glad we didn’t have the Beretta when I was in.

Can you say “The Wild Bunch”???

Cheers and RLTW,


My 1911 is like Johnny Cash’s “I got it one piece at a time” song. Dad had collected 1911 parts over the years and had a butt load of them. When he passed my Bro (also Army) took them to a gunsmith who and had him build me a 1911 that is sweet and tight. I doubt if there is one piece that is made by the same manufacturer.

In the Army White Name tape era it was not unheard of for troopers to take their weapons into the shower after being in the field and clean them there. Parts got interchanged.


The first semi-auto I ever shot was my great uncle’s 1911A1 that he brought back from The War. His is an Ithaca. My first issue 1911 was also in Division, a Colt’s that had seen at least four or five re-builds.


Ok so Jonn gave a few sweet tools to his son … That is cool.

However, he still has enough to arm atleast a Platoon or a DA team.

Old Trooper

You got that right, Master Chief!!

I, myself, don’t have any at all. None. Not one. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Old Trooper

Also, Don’t ask Jonn, TSO, or Mr. Wolf, because they don’t know, either.


OT – damn, the thief that got all mine must get around!


Sounds like a terroristic threat to me.

Sounds like an counter terrorism operation should be planned. I’m sure there is no lack of US Navy SEALS that that would volunteer for such an op.


OK I can hardly contain myself … I just received word from my TACTICAL SREYWAL TEAM UNIT SQUADRON CORPS (CIA, NSA, DIA) IN THE PORTLAND AOR … That Bernath is quite the crafty individual and he has applied some skills … Well WE are not concerned abouts his impressive 007 abilities … We want to see his legal genious in action. So we will wait and see.

Oh … One other thing: Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO.


Is his legal genius more than “Don’t sue me because when you whip my dumb ass in court you will be standing in line behind a whole bunch of other people who have whipped my dumb ass before you.” ?


this gave me a good giggle, thank you ^_^


No, that’s pretty much it. He basically told me so after slandering me. Told me I could spend thousands taking him to court and wouldn’t get a thing. So the fuckstick thinks he’s immune.


But is he a double-naught spy?


But is he a double-naught spy?
If’n yew mean a’la Jethro? Naw; he ain’t.

But if you meant in the German way, then YES!

In Germany and in Austria [at least on the Sonnenspitz — first hand knowledge] a sign with “00” means “Toilette”. Dunno why, it just is.

So he must be a “00” toilet spy.



I think the “00” is local to Austria. I’ve never seen it anywhere else.

Open Channel D

“00” is the international sign for “two-hole”.


Green Thumb’s future posts just got even less verbose.


I think the “00″ is local to Austria. I’ve never seen it anywhere else.

Could be, LebbenB. Garmisch is just right on the border, so perhaps the “00” is local to “Tyrol”.

But I could have sworn I saw it in the Rheinland-Pfalz area. Ah, well — that was close to 40 years ago. (Arrrgghh… it sounds so long ago when I write it out like that!)



Loved going to the AFRC at Garmisch-Partenkirtchen. Big fun!

Toasty Coastie

Love, love, love Garmisch.

Zugspitze is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been…well there and Berchtesgaden. Ice cold bier and brats with sauerkraut at the top of each mountain..breathtaking and yummy 🙂


Or going under the mountain – the salt mine tour in Berchtesgarten was pretty cool, too.

Toasty Coastie

We weren’t able to go through the salt mines there. Just through that huge tunnel, up the elevator to the top and then a peek in to the restaurant there. The views were spectacular. we’re planning to go back late summer this year, so hopefully will be able to see it then.


The salt mine tour is actually on the way to Berchtesgarden, not in town. Maybe 30km west? Great tour, well worth taking.
I seem to recall seeing the “nul nul” 00 mostly in public buildings like train stations… but I’m old and have forgotten a lot.


Just got back from Garmisch last week. Spent three days there. Six weeks last fall for a language refresher class. Love it there!!


I remember seeing the OO for the latrines in Fulda. As far as if bernath is a ‘double-naught” spy, I think it’s more along the lines of a “double-nut” spy. He’s the one you’ll see peeking under the bathroom stall walls looking for nuts (he is a squirrel, right?)

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that Bernath is a “toe-tapper” as well!


When the Grunion make a beach landing, it causes him fear.

Mr. Blue

Never forget, when one’s view of the world is from the inside of one’s own rectum ala Daniel ‘Crash’ Bernath, then posting streams of crazy make perfect legal sense.


Being on the left coast, I realized a pattern today. All you east coast folks have dinner and/or start drinking about the same time. 😀


Anytime is a good time for beer.

A Proud Infidel®™


Old Trooper

It’s noon somewhere!


Sparks … We just have 3 hour jump on you!


So you need to get after it and catch up, LOLZ.

3/17 Air Cav

Damit Sparks, I told you try the Pendleton Blend and start early. I’m on the west coast like you. Just set your clock three hours ahead and your good to go!

It’s the only way to keep up with the East Coasters.


3/17 Air Cav…that’s the ticket! Now you’re talking.




“Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO”?

yea got that, he’s a lying sack of steaming shit that needs to get pressure washed down the drain

A Proud Infidel®™

Next he’ll be telling us that Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, and Jim Morrison are dead!

Toasty Coastie

Ahem…You ALL forgot something…



your right, I knew I was forgetting something!


No, they’re “honorary alive”.

A Proud Infidel®

Cool, ROCK ON!!! *Air guitar impression *


Actually funny you mention that. Someone I know just got a call from a process server days before service to confirm they would be home to sign for the subpoena.


Would hoping that Bernasty be Dullass’ pilot for his next foray into the skies be too much to ask for?


Maybe they can both hammer down a bottle of Annie Green Springs before flying.

Well, we know DullASS can, at least.


Must be a regional thing because for all the booze I’ve ever drank over the years or seen, I’ve never heard of Annie Green Springs. I had to google it. *yuck* Boons Farm. Yucky too.


Or Ripple, Old Abbey, Robin Hood, or…


Red Lady 21, the wine of the 21st century – NO natural ingredients.

I am NOT making that up.

Pinto Nag

Moose Drool, anyone?


Don’t forget the (in)famous “Mad Dog 20-20”.

Or “Thunderbird” – whose label literally said to “serve very cold”.

A Proud Infidel®™

Meh, you forgot about Wild Irish Rose, Boone’s Farm, or Ripple Blanc if they’re on a spending binge!!


Awwww. Richard’s Wild Irish Rose. Mid-60’s. Kinda good, in a warped sorta way.


Boone’s farm strawberry hill, Prom night 1991. I would talk about the memories but I don’t seem to recall any.


What’s the word?


What’s the price?

It’s NICE!


Maker’s Mark or nothing…well maybe three fingers of vodka.


Try some Knob Creek or Woodford Reserve. Best Bourbons EVAH!


Bourbon and ginger ale.

Toasty Coastie

Isn’t that supposed to be “ThunderChickenTwunt:?



No, Thunderbird was a “wine” along the lines of mad dog and Boone’s Farm. The above was from a commercial for it in the 70’s.

Toasty Coastie


Ahhh lol Thanks for the clarification.

Is it like “Riunite on ice?…How nice?”


A Proud Infidel®

Or Night Train, sometimes popular among College Freshmen, or Cisco among E3’s and 4’s!

bernies empty fuel tank

You big meanies are picking on me, so I am going to huff and puff and lie my ass of about you. I have assembled a crack team of lunatics, alcoholics, known liars, and enablers to assist me in these endeavors.
I will fail at it like everything else they and I have tried in life of course….

Toasty Coastie

Updated again…this time with Wickre.

Screenies needed.

HS Sophomore

Well—that stuff is honestly not even wrong. This is because it is so utterly outlandish and incoherent as to transcend the boundaries of what right and wrong can define.


You are a hell of a lot smarter than I was in high school. Hell, you’re smarter than I am now.

(I spelled “smart” wrong all 3 times) hehe!

A Proud Infidel®™

Those monkeys are not only out of their tree, they have fallen out of it time and time again, impacting their heads on each branch as well as the ground, now they show proof they’ve been eating as many leaves off of every Stupid Bush (they leave the shaking ones alone, they’re scared shitless of them!) they can find after they’ve depleted the Stupid Tree of all its leaves and fruit!!


Bernutsless on a Saturday morning.


Bernutsless after losing yet another court case.



They’re done.

Hack Stone

I was just over at the link provided above. He sure is getting a lot of mileage out of that photoshopped picture of him in the CPO uniform. When will he post the restraining ( or is if retraining order?) against Mother Nature? I am quite impressed that he was able to find two people that could substantiate his being awarded honorary CPO. Of course, it is a bit difficult to verify, since their names have been redacted.


Funny, the moron redacted the John White name from that email but next paragraph, he mentions the guy.

Currahee John

You know, that site is just all kinds of screwed up.

Nothing personal, TSO, but I put the profession of law somewhere in the same camp as dog turd polishers, professional pimple poppers and politicians, but it simply amazes me how Beneath here somehow things he rates high enough to be even in THAT lofty a company!

One question about his site (which I understand may be completely unanswerable), who in the world are all those people supposed to be in the random collection of pictures in the middle of the page?


Funny that HE was the one hauled off in handcuffs when they did meet in court. His fucking lying POS wife should have been arrested for perjury for her little fake crying bullshit on the stand.

That should do it! Come out come out where ever you are!


Did I miss something? Who was handcuffed, when, where, why?



Valkyrie is talking about Wickre and his wife.


Ahhhhhhh …. okay, I remember reading about that episode.

Many thanks,


((((((( OUT ))))))

Green Thumb

Paul (of the Ballsack).


Originally posted by Valkyrie:

Funny that HE was the one hauled off in handcuffs when they did meet in court.

Reading Daniel Alan Bernath’s blog, Dallas Wittgenfeld’s blog, Dennis Chevalier’s blog, and Paul Wikcre’s blog, I’m seeing many of the same descriptions and words pop up.

This looks like a case of a long line of blind leading the blind. 😀


I meant Paul Wikcre’s “rant,” not blog. 😀


I noticed that also. They are all using the exact same words and phrases. As if Stolen Valor wasn’t enough, they’ve got to be guilty of Stolen Stupidity also. How drab!


pickwickre peckerwood has a blog?


No, he wrote a letter to Jonn that Crash posted on his site. I got excited for a second there also. Haha!


Wickre was when he took Jonn to court. It was several months ago. If you search for Wickre it should be the last post on him, or near abouts.

Rod Serling

Imagine if you will, an attraction, much like a magnetic force, that pulls only the lowest in mental ability, the dregs of society, the losers in life. And brings them all together in one gelatinous mass, without spines, without functioning brains, with very little cranial hair covering, and totally without direction. Imagine that they pool their IQ, and still cannot muster the minimal requirement of the average human, but yet forge ahead, sort of, trying to somehow seem significant. Imagine a coast to coast cabal of idiocy.


“…a coast to coast cabal of idiocy.”

A confederacy of dunces, with all due respect to the late John Kennedy Toole.


I’m calling Art Bell!

Hack Stone

I would be willing to bet that Witless is a long time listener/long time caller to the Art Bell radio program. I refer to it as NPR; National Paranoid Radio.

I have only listened to Art Bell a few times, which is a few times too many. One episode, he had a “psychic” on. He asked the psychic what predictions that he made that came true. Psychic replied “I predicted that San Francisco would beat San Diego in the Superbowl.” My thought was shit, me and everyone else in America must be psychic too.


I only listen to him on Halloween, my kids like the “true” ghost stories. He’s a bit out there, and if you knew what a nut I am, you’d understand how crazy that is.

It’s Crash plus Shortbus with a sprinkle of Psul. Heh!


The episodes of his show when the “Area 51 caller” would call in were pretty good.

All that’s needed is “the aliens got me and gave me an anal probe” line to make it a classic.

Danny-boi, Psul, Dullass, Frankie and Chevycheesedick are convinced that “DA MAN” is out to get them all

A Proud Infidel®

Maybe those critters DID get abducted by space aliens and got anal probed so hard it gave them brain damage?



Naw. If that bunch got anal probed by aliens, they never would have left the mothership. The aliens would have eventually thrown them out after tiring of hearing the continual litany of, “Please sir, may I have another?”


Bernath…why haven’t you stepped in front of that bus yet?


Hack Stone

Maybe the bus ran out of fuel, too.

Crash Bernath must be one in a million. How many pilots in the world have crashed their aircraft because they are too stupid to read a fuel gauge?


Bout the same number of people who repeatedly call the cops cause of rustling in the bushes.

And he sure does have an obsession with children and accusing others of child pron. I’d be really curious what da po-po would find if they looked on HIS computers?

Just sayin.


How many people treat an airplane as if it were an automobile, and live?


Damn few, which is why he should have bought a lottery ticket rather than sue the maker of the airplane he forgot to fill with gas.

Again, you can’t fix stupid.


Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!


Daniel Bernath was never an honorary CPO. He never was a CPO in any capacity. He should just announce himself as PO2 instead 😈

…brusshhhhshshs sshhhhsssthishsss:


See, that’s what he and his type will NEVER understand. Had he simply come here, apologized, and promised to go forth and sin no more, that would have been that.

But nooooooo. He had to go full retard, like so many of the others here. It’s like Ron White said, “they just don’t have the ability.”


“I had the right to remain silent, just not the ability.”

Hack Stone

I’ll make this request. As the uncle of a developmentally challenged relative, please refrain from using the term “going full retard”. “Going full Wickre”, however, is perfectably acceptable.


Done. No offense meant of course.

Except to Bernath. GFY with a rusty chainsaw, cocksucker.


Hack Stone…If I have ever used that term and I probably have, please accept my apology. I will surely refrain from it in the future. Best thoughts for you Nephew Sir.


The plan is set in motion. Meeting planned for Monday to deal with this problem. Discussions will be taking place and planned for a final solution to the problem within the month. All I have to do is be patient and it will all go away, soon.


If I may make a suggestion, pause before you speak, instead of just reacting to something said.

It engages the link between your brain and your mouth.


Bernath’s secret Boyfriend.

comment image

Rod Serling

Imagine if you will, an aviator, an airman so inept that he would land his plane, check the fuel, determine that he had less than the FAA minimums, and proceed to take off again. Imagine, the plane, out of fuel, unable to maintain a glide, coming to earth in a pasture, with the aviator refusing an offer for medical evaluation, refusing to cooperate with an investigation lest this same fate await other aviators in the future. And further, imagine that the aviator, of questionable sanity, cannot accept responsibility for his own actions, and attempts to blame it all on an innocent 3rd party, the aircraft manufacturer. Imagine a body, barely warm, totally narcissistic, flailing futily at everyone and everything around him. Imagine an attorney, claiming military honors not due him.


Imagine a guy that claims to be an honorary CPO but who isn’t an honorary CPO. Imagine that he presented phony evidence to support that claim… no… wait… no imagination needed.

Daniel Alan Bernath was never a CPO in any capacity. 😈


You have entered the BERNASTY ZONE!!!

Toasty Coastie

Updated again…he sure is getting a lot of mileage out of his photoshopped head on Po Shep’s head…It is now his “wallpaper” and all references of TAH et al are removed.


I wonder if it’s part of his revamping of his website… or if he has been “legally” ordered to do so?

Delilah T.

He’s changing and rearranging things on daily basis now on all those pages.

Toasty Coastie
Toasty Coastie

Good question Chief..I don’t know….the other pages in my last post seemed to have been updated again as well, but they appear worse from the last time I saw them.


I’ve been taking screenshots everytime I see an update on that crap he calls a website.