LTC Ernst emerges as front runner in Iowa Senate race

| April 17, 2014


Country Singer sends us a link to the Free Beacon which claims that Iraq War veteran and current battalion commander of the Iowa National Guard’s 185th CSSB, Lieutenant Colonel Joni Ernst has emerged as the front runner for the seat of phony Vietnam veteran Senator Tom Harkin;

Ernst has 25 percent support among likely primary goers, followed closely by wealthy businessman Mark Jacobs with 23 percent. The other three candidates received less than 10 percent, while 40 percent are still undecided for the June 3 primary.


Ernst told the Washington Free Beacon in an interview that a strong military “is a must in order to remain a world player.” Defense budget cuts known as sequestration could drain almost $1 trillion from the Pentagon in the next decade if they remain in place.

“It’s especially important as we look at Syria, Iran, what has happened in Egypt, and North Korea, that we have a strong stamp whether it’s foreign policy or national defense,” she said.

So, if you’re in Iowa, things might be looking up for your representation in the Senate after decades of being represented by a proven liar. By the way, according to AKO she’s branched as an LG officer – Logistics.

Category: Veterans in politics

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She acquired some fame recently as the “Hog castrator”-sounds like just what we need in D.C.


Here in Tucson, Ron Barber’s peeps are running their attack ads against Col. (Ret) Martha McSally.


Only cautiously optimistic here. Let’s hope she castrates her Dempig opponent. What I’ve noticed about Rs and Ds is that when Ds don’t get their guy in the primary, they universally support the primary winner. Come hell or high water, they support the Democrat, even if their guy doesn’t win the primary. The Rs are much likely to just stay home if their candidate of choice doesn’t win the primary. :-\


Nicki, this attitude amongst Republicans is partially to blame for our current Commander in Chief being re-elected.

Romney did not pass some sort of conservative “purity” test in the eyes of many Republicans so they stayed home rather than win the election.

Unless there is a change of mindset nationally, Democrats will continue to win elections that they should by all rights lose.


Yeah the problem with many conservatives is they are very passionate about many issues and a lot will take their ball and leave than to vote for someone who isn’t the perfect candidate.

Liberals usually are the opposite focusing on a singular issue no matter how trivial it is which allows democratic politicians to support policies targeted directly to a specific group to obtain their vote.


Yeah, that is why I have only slightly less contempt for Reps than I have for Dems. At least on the national level. And completely agree that it is those idiots who stayed home because their perfect candidate was not on the ticket. As if there is EVER a perfect candidate on any ballot. Do these fools actually expect there to be? If so, then they are just as delusional as the lefties.

FC, I would reverse your hypothesis. Dems & lefties have always been much better at building coalitions than have righties. The righties tend to get all hung up on their single issue to the exclusion of everything else. Lefties come together to elect their candidate this cycle, someone else’s candidate next cycle, etc, and have for decades now. Their focus is to cooperate over the long term with very effective results.


A good article showcasing some of the fresh female faces battling for political seats this season.


A common sense lady with military experience and a pro-military stance. Man do we need more like her running and winning!

Ranger Pat

Super! She will be a welcome counterpoint to Jim Bridenstine, R-OK, the pudgy USNR pilot who served as a “beard” for earlier Republican vet benefit cut proposals.

We need Republican veterans who aren’t going to throw us under the bus. Good for her!



Might consider sending her some bucks, she is being outspent 100 – 1 by the Rino businessman.


Then CPT- now LTC Ernst was my truck company commander when I deployed in 2003, and recently was my son’s battalion CO. I am going to vote for her in the primary, and know many other former soldiers of hers that will do so also. Do I agree with her on everything? No, but I don’t agree with anyone on everything.