Bernath; Phone calls from the edge
One of you got this phone call on his answering machine yesterday. It’s Danny Bernath pretending he’s a lawyer or something. Let me make this clear in case you get calls like this; no one will call you before they serve papers for some legal proceeding. They just come to your house. Period. So don’t worry about his idiot ramblings. He’s just trying to bully you into leaving the blog, like that would work anyway. I’ve edited out the subject’s name and address for obvious reasons, even though Bernath had it wrong anyway.
I think it’s cute that he still refers to himself as a lawyer. But let this be an instructive moment. Bullying bullies bully. Lying liars lie.
Ed Note: Sorry I put the wrong video in at first. It’s fixed now.
Category: Phony soldiers
Hey everyone! *spew warning* Check out the FB comment at the top.
Dear SLURP41, dang spell check, I meant SLURP41, dammit S.L.U.R.P41 ok, I give up, spell check wins.
Look, the only tearing up here is from laughter.
It is so much fun watching the money try to fling poo while in their glass enclosure. It’s even more fun to watch the poo fling back and land on his face.
What an overflowing pot of concentrated stupidity.
Then again, Bernath, Wickre, and DullASS all deserve each other. A triumvirate of fucktardery.
Maybe they’ll all wander in front of a bus.
What the hell is LRP41 suppose to be? Lying Repugnant Pussy who sucked 41 dicks in one night?
Dullass spewed here again… must be hitting the T-bird hard today.
What’s the word? Thunderbird!
That, or his usual mixture of T-Bird, Night train, Wild Irish Rose, MD 20/20, Cisco, or any other bottom shelf vintage preferred by Skid Row Winos!!
Wonder who’s shrubbery he passed out in this time?
Sounds more like a rubbing alcohol induced rant to me. I should tell you guys about a story regarding some dudes, tequila, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol sometime.
Once again, ShOrtBuSwInDoWliCkEr41 proudly displays his mega-stupidity for all of us to see!
A rare photo of the Berneathtybeast on the prowl.
DUDE, you forgot *SPEW ALERT*!
dude, a little warning next time would be appreciated, now I need eye bleach
Good Lord! My eyes! My eyes!
Oh, posting that with no warning was just mean.
RM3(SS) Love the pic! Can I use it? Lot’s of phonies here would appreciate it.
Well, well, well. Looks like the other drama queens are getting too much attention these days so the HALO clown inserts himself into the conversation.
Daniel Bernath, Honorary Glider Pilot. We could believe that claim.
Message to Witless; the comments didn’t “disappear”, you’re just too stupid to figure out the new blog layout. By the way for a f’n trail assassin, you sure can’t read a damn map. Anyone following your stupid directions to my house is going to be surprised.
None of you pinheads, not you, Bernath or Wickre have a case against us or you would have filed it already. F’ing bunch of brainless pussies.
Someone make me a graphic of those three in a clown car, each with a steering wheel and heading towards a cliff.
Oh, noes! He got my IP address!
Holy fucking Google-Fu, Batman! What ever will I do?
Oh, and Jonn, might be dating myself, but there was an SNL skit called, “Toonces the Driving Cat” where invariably the cat driving 1–couldn’t drive, 2–the people in the car hurtled over the cliff.
I saw your comment and thought putting them in the passenger seats with Toonces driving would be totally appropriate.
Hey, DullASS! You read lips?
“It’s Toonces the Driving Cat!”
Yes, he can drive, just not very well. Good times, good times.
I’ll just leave this here.
Someone recycled a whole lot of crap Wittlessone tried selling to my employer about me as well. The e-mail was shall we say nucking futs… ot at least written by a nut.
See Dullass tried getting me fired a couple of years back, and failed miserably. So now the same bogus claims are being made again by Bernastypants in cahoots with Dullass.
Already did a pre-emptive strike by contacting my current supervisor, brief explanation of the situation and volunteered for a full audit of all my activities related to this attempted harassment of me at my place of employment.
Whitless is paranoid because “DA MAN” is comin’ after his ass×300.gif
Hey Brothers and Sisters … Today is Easter … He is Risen and Bernath is not, has never been nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO!
He may claim to walk on water … But only Jesus can do that … So on this most holy day and since lent is over … Bernath you can KMRIA!
BTW: The bushes are shaking because of the TACTICAL SREYWAL TEAM UNIT CORPS SQUADRON has had you in their sights for months!
Better be careful, Master Chief. DullASS might post something about you and threaten to sue you for, well, SOMETHING.
Yeah, I still haven’t stopped laughing either.
DW last post about me caught the attention of Federal Law Enforcement. If he wants to dance with and wishes to cross that line … Well it is pretty much out of my hands at this point.
I am a spectator now … The actions of the few will amaze the masses monitoring, readying for action and witnessing the future train wreck.
He dun fuked up now.
Kinda sounds like Burnutsless didn’t dance up to the line, but did the valor thieves version of the Knievel Snake River Canyon jump over it.
If a dumbass such as knows enough to ask if he has fuel, what’s that say about Crash?
Oh….Oh God…JibJab is still around.
Witless, you Moron. I couldn’t write a word about Wickre’s crackwhore-looking, lying-ass wife. Not Wickre. So if you and your clowncar ride-alongs are filing a suit against me for that website go the f ahead, you dipshit. Between the four of you I don’t think you have two brain cells to rub together. Two total retards, one guy who cant read a fuel gauge, and one Moron journalist who can’t read. No I’m screwed. Fucknut.
Ah … Jonn … Two brain cells max!
I’m beginning to think that dUlLaSs actually enjoys getting arrested- the cavity search is the only way he gets any loving these days.
If stupidity was money, DullASS Whipinflogit would make Bill Gates look like a pauper!
One thing is for sure, and it’s that Dallas Wittgenfeld ALWAYS does his damnedest to prove what a snot-drooling IDIOT he is!!
Hey…..That’s my line!
I thought it was mine!
Just curious about something. Who the hell is Randy Ryde?
Lookee here,
The person who he signed his Vans RV-12 over to suddenly changed their address to Fort Myers too.
Has the FAA contacted you yet re: piloting an aircraft while having suicidal ideations…
Guess who ELSE was just given an honor you will NEVER HAVE?!?!?
MCPON Names Gary Sinise Honorary Chief
I can’t think of any civilian more deserving.
Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!
Any questions?
See you in court!
Extra shitbag.