A sad day (Updated)

| February 25, 2014

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It is my sad and solemn duty to inform you all of the passing of Nickolas “Nick” Androsky, AKA Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich, on Saturday February 22, 2014. His brother emailed to tell us yesterday, along with a request that we remove the post about him. Of course, even if we were so inclined, Nick’s legacy is spread across the internet in a thousand forms, so I’m not disposed or inclined to comply with the family’s wishes.

With my limited resources, I’ve only been able to verify with the funeral home, Penwell-Gabel Funeral Homes & Crematory in Junction City, KS that they cremated his earthly remains and that a memorial service will be scheduled at a later date. So there’s no need to pester them about it.

According to his brother, he died on Fort Riley, one can only imagine why he was there at the time of his demise. But he was treated and died at Irwin Army Community Hospital on Fort Riley. Of course they wouldn’t give me any information.

It was just this last year, that we caught him still clinging to his lies. So it’s a reasonable assumption that he was still playing the roll when he died. By the way, I’m not sure how he died. The internet is such a mess these days that I can’t even find the medical examiner’s website for Junction City. Now you know as much as I know.

UPDATE: I’ve just confirmed with an anonymous, reliable source that poor Nickolas has indeed passed on to his great reward.

Category: Breaking News, Phony soldiers

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Good riddance.

Combat Historian

Perhaps he showed up at Riley posering as an Army E-9 CSM sniper/ranger/SF/sapper/Delta/shuttle door gunner, and died of fright when he was confronted by a REAL Army E-9 SF/Ranger CSM…


He was visiting his step father and committed sucide.


No. Good riddance is inappropriate.

This guy had some serious mental health issues. He was a pathetic creature who made himself into a parody of what he wanted to be. When it ends like this, it means no one gave enough of a damn to confront him in person and put a stop to it. Androsky was annoying and delusional, and except for what went on here, nobody really put a stop to it. NObody got in his face about it. If anyone had, he might not be dead.


Given his extensive drug use (for which he was court martialed and received a Big Chicken Dinner), I’d guess that might have something to do with his early shuffling off of this mortal coil.


So now, just like the Oscars, we can have an, “In Memoriam” section, just like they do. And sorry if I seem to be grave-dancing, which I’m not.

On second thought, no, I’m not sorry. He got his.


@ Dcm, is that for real? It would fit with him being treated there and the CID investigation.

Old Trooper

@3/7: Well, you’re right, it would fit.


Pics or it didn’t happen. I’m calling bullshit

/kidding, but someone had to say it 😉

Currahee John

Found this, in case he starts posting from the beyond: ook.com/nick.androsky.3?fref=browse_search

Currahee John

I heard he died from a swift kick from a MCPO, who was wearing steel toed boondockers, and the kick which was intended for the overboard discharge pipe, went clear past the pipe and punture his heart!

Once we find out cause of death … I vote to clear, AS TO and TO WIT his obvious mental illness!


Autoerotic asphyxiation is a victimless crime.


Off the top of my head this is at least the third poser exposed here that has gone on to meet their demise. C’est la guerre.

Odds on some cry baby coming here to tell us how insensitive we all are within the next few days?


Visiting his step dad on Ft Riley. So I am guessing his step Dad is still in the Military ?? Still lots of questions, but he did take the cowards way out which was fitting.

Old Trooper

Well, Soup Sammich had definitely mad a name for himself around here, but as Ex-PH2 says; the boy had some serious issues in the brain bucket, so I won’t be bagging on the deceased.



Actually, I get what PH-2 is saying here.

We see a lot of fakers who are trying to scam some of the ‘goodwill’ benefits intended for real veterans. We also see quite a few who use their fake credentials for direct financial gain either by pumping themselves up as some kind of super soldier so they can sell their “experience” to paying customers in the form of a book or in the form of “training”, or to bolster the “cred” of their other businesses.

IOW, a lot of the fakers we see are straight up con artists who use the “fake vet” gig as just another type of con job.

Androsky seems to be of a different type, though. From what I’ve seen of him, he’s basically just a sad, pathetic loser who’s failed at everything in life, including military service, and who simply, desperately wants to BELONG and to receive the “warm fuzzies” that come with being a decorated “hero.”

It’s one thing to sit back on the block in Hooterville, where only one guy out of ten has ever worn a uniform, and say “yeah, I was a Navy SEAL Marine Recon Space Shuttle Doorgunner Green Beret Ranger, and a Master Sniper Ninja Assasin” to his admiring loser buddies (who may just be humoring him, anyway.)

But to walk into an OSUT graduation ceremony at Fort Benning, GA, home of the Infantry and the Rangers (which is to say, home of people who know EXACTLY what a military uniform is supposed to look like)with a uniform jacket that looks like a Clothing Sales Store catalog threw up all over it? That either takes brass balls or a serious mental disorder, and I’m betting on the latter more than the former.


@15: If you read back to the genesis of MSG S. Sandwich, he was “discovered” when he showed up at his stepdad’s graduation from Basic Training/OSUT at Fort Benning.

IIRC the story is that Androsky’s mom married a guy who was just a year or two older than Androsky, and the “stepdad” joined the Army shortly thereafter.


While I’m not going to sit shiva for this cat, Ex-PH2 makes sense to me on this one. People that were close to him should have intervened before it went this far.

It goes to show, SV almost always straddles some other pathology…this guy was so blatantly absurd that he stuck out even to those who didn’t know. It evinces far more pity from me than if, for instance, if certain genetically wholesome Nordictrack riders suck-started a shotgun. There are guys like Monkress, who clearly do it for gain, and then there are guys like this, with some kind of hole in their soul. I pray to G-d to fix the next one before it goes this far.

A Proud Infidel

I also think Mental Illness had a lot to do with his drug use and demise. Like a lot of people say “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”


You people are so heartless!!!! So mean!!!

Wait for it …

Yes you forgot to point while you were laughing … where are your manners 😛

Seriously, is sad that he kept going and sad that nobody stopped him, I’m pretty sure his family will come here soon, so let me get the pop corn, it’ll be a good one.

That guy

I lol’d at the ‘will you take down the post’.


I agree with Martinjmpr…more of a nut job than anything else. However…all phony phucks have certain levels and degrees of craziness.

That guy

Yeah, I can’t imagine that his family just now realized that he had issues. Most families realize that when the drug abuse starts.


It should never have gone this far. If some random people on the internet could spot that this dud had issues, then there is no reason why the family couldn’t spot it and do something about it.


I meant to say dude not dud.


@19: Again, if you go back, I think you’ll see that his mom, who was circa 54 yeaars old, married a 28 year old (and now I stand corrected because I think the “Stepdad” was actually YOUNGER than Androsky when the stepdad married Androsky’s mom.)

Armed only with that little fact-oid, I’d be willing to guess the rest of Androsky’s family is as crazy/screwed up as he was, so I’m not sure how much ‘help’ they would have been.


@26, no, you were right the first time. 😉

A Proud Infidel

Here’s my entry for the “People it’s IMPOSSIBLE to feel sorry for” category:


Wish THAT would just hurry up and CROAK!

That guy

Yeah, I wish I could send that to his family. Because this shit is up FOREVER.


@30…no shit. When that bitch croaks, she better hope she’s buried 6 feet ABOVE ground. Either way, we’ll be sure to pay our respects. First keg is on me.


Guys, as Bush said I the passing of Arafat, may God have mercy on his soul. Let’s leave it at that since he seems to have put himself out of his misery and ours.


Damn the autocorrect. That should be on the passing.


He was obviously mentally ill.

If he won’t take meds, no one can really do much about it. That’s why so many of them off themselves. You can’t lock them up until they try to suicide first.


The Junction City Daily Union is obviously state of the art – for maybe 1820. The latest obit they show on their website is February 5th.

Roger in Republic

Suicide is the sincerest form of self criticism.

I wonder if the family will drape his coffin/urn with the flag. I don’t think a BCD rates one. I won’t be at the service so I’ll never know if they do or not. Send him off, but leave Honorable Service out of it.


30 & 32: Have been saving a bottle of fine scotch for when Hanoi Jane croaks. Hope it is painful and long.


You can’t really blame the family in not wanting reminders of him at his worst being up forever for all to see. They didn’t see Stolen Valor; they saw a severely mentally ill loved one destroying himself.

I’m writing this because I have mentally ill relations that have changed my life and you don’t realize just how little power you have of changing that person. The person has to have a core of lucidity and clarity that allows the person to realise they actually are mentally ill and they have to then follow through on treatment forever or risk going back to crazytown.

CSM Sandwich obviously didn’t have much of that core.

Them’s the breaks. FIDO.


They have to present the DD214 to get a Funeral Service Detail. He won’t get one.


Coroners in Kansas are private doctors not government employees — here is the info for the 27th District (Junction City):



In no way am I condoning what this guy was doing, but keep in mind he still has a family that’s grieving the loss of a loved one. With that in mind my opinion leans toward taking his shit down of the site.


another scumbag down! stolen valor should be met with death!


@30, 32, 38

Too bad Hanoi Jane never got to come to terms with her own mortality sitting on that Commie AA gun.

The whiskey and beer I drink when that bitch dies is gonna be for every Joe that ever served in Vietnam. Especially for those POWs that were tortured directly because of her betraying them to her Commie BFFs.

It’s when I piss it out into the toilet that it becomes MY salute to that traitor bitch. She’s only worth the piss.

Just An Old Dog

“What we do in life echoes through eternity” In this case, the internet.
He did what he did. He got caught. He passed away. As far as I know criminal records arent expunged upon the death of the offender. No reason to pull down this guy’s threads on here.


Why does death allow him to get the pass??? He was a major cluster fuck who went out of his way to degrade the honor of the individuals who serve honorably even after being outed by the good folks from this website and others. His death doesn’t erase his misdeeds and certainly serves as a potential deterrent to others who think about attempting to do the same. His family’s pain I am sure is nothing to joke about but those who honorably serve deserve the credit during this lifetime and the next just as the poser deserves his earned fame and credit for his actions.


Maybe he should have a fake honor guard at his memorial service.
William the Fucktard Ranger…
Mark H Smith
Purple Jumpsuit Wittingless
Non CPO Hon Birdbath
Greggy “I’m-about-to-get-it-in-the-ass” Banks
Tina Fatass Kersten
Kenneth Crotchrot
and top it off with Steven Shitbird Burton

Farflung Wanderer

It’s a little sad that he died probably living out the same fantasy as he did every other day of his life. I side with PH-2: This man deserves some sympathy in the fact that, to him, everything he did was rational, and no one tried hard enough to snap him back to reality.


At first I thought take it down. Guy is gone so he is no longer a threat. He was clearly mentally ill, take it down. Then it came to me. There are also thousands of men and women who honestly earned what he claimed to be in some fashion or part. While he was home, stealing what they earned, they were out there dying and not coming home so they could have the chance to wear what they deserved, worked and died for. Leave it as a reminder.


Im sorry but why would this be removed? His grieving family? What about the thousands of families of legit service members? What about the honor of THEIR lost one? This slime has no excuse, he deserves everything he gets having his shit up here. Should we remove from the history books the actions of people like Hitler because he is dead and has a family that is grieving? What about Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer? What you do in life doesn’t just stop being the case because you die.

His maker can forgive him for his actions, we can forgive him for his actions – but leaving documentation OF his actions as proof to others that stealing valor is a stain on your identity that won’t be erased is what has to remain.

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