Shane Ladner; invades Panama from high school
Shane Ladner and his wife Meg, from Holly Springs, GA, were in that tragic accident in Midland, Texas last November when a train crashed into a parade float and meg lost her leg. But apparently, her husband lied about his military service and placed his wife in that danger needlessly. He claims that he was wounded in Operation Just Cause in Panama in 1989 – but he was still in high school at the time.
Our buddy, Randy Travis, at Fox 5, Atlanta reports;
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The statement from Ladner’s lawyer is at the link above. Ladner is still trying to rock the lie;
The discrepancy about when and where Shane’s injuries occurred has led to questions about the validity of Shane’s Purple Heart. This has been complicated by the fact that the Army records in St. Louis are apparently incomplete, and did not contain the DD 214 issued by Ft. Benning which does reflect the Purple Heart. We have requested Shane Ladner’s service records from Ft. Benning, Georgia where the Purple Heart award should be found in their base records. We have also requested Shane’s medical records from the hospital in Panama where he was treated following the grenade attack.
Yeah, there are no records at Fort Benning that aren’t in the National Personnel Records Center in St Louis, MO. All of our records are stored in St Louis. And, oh, by the way, the hospital in Panama no longer exists – they closed when the US withdrew from the Canal Zone in 1999. I’ve been by Gorgas Hospital a few times over the past several years and can attest that it’s not there, so anyone waiting for hospital records from Gorgas is going to waiting a long time.
So, of course, Ladner hides behind the “secret mission” excuse that we’ve heard so many times from other phonies. He was an MP, for crying out loud…how many MPs go on secret missions? They can’t even be original anymore.
Category: Phony soldiers
This is a sad case. His wife paid for his lies. He is guilty of fraud for at least having a PH license plate and I imagine many other things. He was an F’n cop, for Christ sake. Anyways, whoever he is suing over all this will have a field day with this, I am sure. We should get in contact with the other party’s lawyers and advise them on how to handle this. Dumbass
I just wish I had the gall to claim I was the only superduper secret combat supply clerk…
Here’ a link to a pic of him with quite an impressive rack for an E-5. Kind of blurry, so it’s hard to tell what the medals are.
Whoa. Sliced and diced. The TV station was well prepped and made mincemeat out of this clown. Top secret drug interdiction? Bwahahahahaha. As for his attorney, the attorney will maintain his client’s story UNTIL the records come in. Then, IF the attorney continues to represent SGT. Fraud in this matter, the attorney will couch every statement in, “My client asserts…” or “My client’s position is…” or words like that. Once the attorney has proof his client is a lying sack of shit, there will be no more assertions w/o that qualification. That’s the way the game is played.
“He was an MP, for crying out loud…how many MPs go on secret missions?”
Well, they did in the movie “The Dirty Dozen”!!!
Geez, I can’t believe you haven’t been paying attention!
@Don – I thought that I was the only superduper secret combat supply clerk….
Piece of Shit…………………..
Caught that on the news last night. I bet a wife, inlaws, family and a few friends are more than a little upset. We shall see.
Wow! Even when his lies are exposed he still clings to them.
#5: If I was the MP SGT in that movie (played by Richard Jaeckel), and the MAJ ordered me to go on a secret commando mission with him, I would have informed the MAJ that MPs are not rangers/OSS, and for him to go politely pound sand…
As for Ladner, he is just digging the hole deeper, and now creating a phony DD214 to back up a phony PH. He needs to stop digging, and take his medicine like a man…
Oh Snap !! Its a bitch when math comes into play hehehe
I posted a ton of links on the original story about him. THis guy is an idiot. Like Bustamante, math caught up with him. Also like Bustamante, he tried changing his story to fit his narrative- though he went full stupid about it.
It would have been alot easier if he would have put the effort in thanking our warriors,as he did trying to be one…..Good post – keep it up! Maj Pain
If Ladner actually ginned up a phony DD214 and is passing out copies, “digging the hole deeper” doesn’t begin to describe what the youngster has done. I’m pretty sure falsifying a DD214 violates 18 USC 1001; that’s a felony. Using such a forged document to gain something of value (like, say, employment, tax breaks, or free trips) quite well could qualify as fraud under various state and (if it involves crossing state lines) Federal statutes.
This guy best come clean PDQ, or it’s possible he could end up doing time. And I understand ex-cops don’t tend to do so well in prison.
If it’s April, does that make it’extra fakers month’?
Man. you could build an entire regiment out of these numbskulls, arm them with every weapon on earth and send them right to the front… and they’d all run the other way!
Keep up the good work, you guys.
@5 I know of an MP that went on a “secret mission” with us. Believe me it wasn’t as sexy as it sounds. Think blocking position while the real secret squirrel dudes did their thing.
Now the coppers are looking into him… Should be a fun time for him
What we need is a counter-phony unit…people who claim to have served with these phonies and make up absurd stories about their exploits. Sort of like a cross between Jason Bourne and Larry The Cable Guy.
The wife had to know he was lying. If the bullet supposedly entered in his back and out the front, there would be scarring. It’s reasonable to believe his wife saw him without his shirt a time or two. Wouldn’t it have occurred to her to look? She might, maybe, didn’t lie for him, but she stood by and let him lie.
He probably went with “It hurts to talk about it” or some other BS.
Did some more digging and it turns out 18 USC 1001 probably isn’t in play unless Ladner used the forged DD214 to apply for Federal benefits. However, making or knowingly possessing a forged or altered military discharge certificate is indeed a crime (a misdemeanor) under 18 USC 498.
Sure, but if such a scar isn’t even there?
Is he going to say “Oh…that mission was so secret my body wasn’t allowed to generate scar tissue”?
Nik: it’s possible the guy had an old-style (non-laparoscopic) appendectomy or other abdominal surgery before he met his wife and told her that scar was the result of being “injured in combat”. Since he claimed the shrapnel went “through-and-through” without hitting any “major organs” (I’d love to see that in real life – how in the hell does something going through the abdomen miss the intestines?), it’s also possible he could have claimed it only left a very small scar and passed off a smaller scar as the result, too.
If he married his wife well after the early 1990s, she might actually have bought that kind of BS story. People check their judgement at the door and believe all sorts of BS when they’re either in love or horny as hell. (smile)
If that’s true, and I’m not so sure it is. There should be a scar in the back as well as in the front.
But if that’s true, that she just accepted it, she sure as shit is paying for her willful ignorance now.
I find it far more likely that he lied to her, over time she figured it out even if she didn’t say something, because she liked being Mrs Seekit-Squirrel Purple Heart.
Nik: I’m only pointing out a plausible scenario. Might or might not have happened.
I’m guessing he had some kind of abdominal scar. She’d have to be an absolute moron to accept that kind of BS story otherwise.
But yeah, it’s entirely possible she might have come to suspect or believe the guy was lying over time and chose to tolerate it. Or she might have known he was lying all along and covered for him anyway.
If she was duped, I have sympathy for her. If she was a willing participant (active or passive) – not so much.
The louder they shout their military accomplishments, the phonier they are. I have a friend whom I have known for over 2 years, an active duty Army Ranger Major. Until a couple of days ago, while in discussion with his wife I learned that he was “Real Deal” Delta force during the Mogu disaster, and also a Ranger in the Panama invasion. He has never suggested it, and knowing his character, wouldn’t.
I would love to hear that someone kneed Ladner in the gonads and left him laying in the fecal position, crying like a baby.
What is really sad is the comments on Fox5’s story. I about threw my computer across the room. People just don’t get it.
Lawyer –> Disbar!
Holy Crap!
POS extraordinare!
I know it’s human nature, but damn, how far has our country fallen?
You have people who have been lied to, been taken advantage of. Instead of those people being mad at the liars, they’re taking it out on the ones on their side, the ones who exposed those lies.
So many of these people end up in law enforcement and get away with it until or unless they are exposed.
Police officers are supposed to provide evidence under oath. If they lie about their military service, how can they be trusted not to lie under oath?
Am I the only person on earth who has thought about that angle? I think it’s a rather serious subject.
What she knew and when she knew it are significant IF we wish to use the wife as the poster child for how lying about one’s military service can hurt other people. Bottom line is that she is paying a huge price for his lies whether she knew or did not know, suspected or was clueless.
Yeah, PH, he is in a world of hurt with the former employer. Every case with which he was involved will be questioned.
OWB: no question that she’s paying a huge price. Losing a leg is a seriously bad deal no matter how you look at it.
Still, the amount of sympathy she’ll get from me is inversely proportional to the degree she suspected or knew her husband was a fraud. At some point, she becomes an accomplice and is no longer an innocent victim.
Damn, I was in seriously disgusted mode after the election, and absolutely stayed away from the news/MSM/media. It was not until today that I finally googled the Midland Vet Day disaster and discovered that four real combat vets from OIF/OEF were killed in that crash. Sad…really sad… 🙁
Hondo, no argument from here. However, that (legitimate) sentiment simply adds to the potential harm she must endure through all of this.
More crooked MPs? Go figure…
^^^^ lmao. Was waiting for someone to say that.
The wife is innocent until proven guilty, of assisting in promoting her husbands stolen valor. She’s in a medically induced coma, and has been since the accident, if the reports are correct. Until she wakes up, and can answer some questions, she’s to be considered a victim, not a perpetrator.
I thought I saw him pushing her around in a wheelchair in that video.
He’s certainly pushing some lady in a wheelchair who’s missing a leg at about 2:05 in that video. The lady doesn’t appear to be in a coma. And the lady certainly looks quite a lot like the (presumably) Ms. Ladner shown at the beginning of the video.
@24: Hondo…of course the shrapnel went through without hitting any intestines…it’s cuz he’s gutless.
Marine_7002: not sure about that. Hard to be as full of it as this guy apparently is without having a really big large intestine.
#6 – GunzRunner, quiet. So far only one douchenozzel that I’ve seen here has claimed to be Quartermaster Corps. Don’t let them know about our security clearances or the weapons and gear we regularly use. They might decide to claim 92D as their MOS… that’s got to be supply for like Delta Force and stuff, right?
You know, I can understand civilian pukes claiming shit they didn’t do or even think about earning, but why the hell do actual serving and/or veterans do this shit?
@40, and #41: I did some searching and can’t find the article I read yesterday, and you are correct about the lady in the wheelchair. I’m wrong on this.
@32 – I’ve thought the same thing. Even though some folks who served as MP’s while in uniform, few are cut out to be cops when they get out. As you know, departments have different hiring criteria. Some will take prior MP/military experience as a given, while others will scrutinize more.
I wonder if this guy ever took a polygraph? I can’t help but wonder if LEO pre-employment polygraph questions include things like “Have you ever falsified a document?” or “Have you accurately represented your military service?”
If not, perhaps those questions SHOULD be asked.
@32 & 46 I’m with you on that one!
#5 and #44: I’m still waiting for a poser to claim he was a combat historian with a 5-X-Ray additional specialty designator; hasn’t happened yet, though 🙂
Hmmm. Is what you guys are saying that civilian law enforcement agencies seldom now hire prior service MP types? Not questioning that assertion because I am not in a position to know. If that is true, however, things have really changed. It was not that long ago that most departments and agencies were mostly prior service cops of one variety or another.
OWB, I’m not sure if it is the same anymore, but my brother who is a State Policeman once told me they don’t like to hire former MPs. They actually prefer to hire Infantrymen.