Gunner! Stuttering jackass at 4! HE!

| November 15, 2012

Just in case anyone is interested, TSO’s favorite take down, Timothy Poe is going to be on the Dr. Phil Show this afternoon and he’s still stuttering;

A little bird tells me that Dr Phil jerked a knot in his ass, but we’ll see. I had to do some research to determine the time and place today, since I’m not a big fan, but since we’ve been talking to producers of the show, I figured I’d better check in. If it helps, here in the DC area it’s on at 4 PM Eastern time on the CBS channel 9.

Links to the Tim Poe saga at TAH, in case you missed it;

Tim Poe: America’s Got Stolen Valor?

“Stolen Dick” Poe and the case of the Phantom CIB….

EXCLUSIVE: TMZ suckered in by Poe

Poe and his pictures

And thus does it end…

Sings the Craven? “Nevermore!”

From NBC News; Lying about your military service? These bloggers have you in their sights

ADDED: Here are some clips of the show, scroll down.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Here’s another link for anyone wanting to comment on the Dr. Phil page:


Now, to find CBS on the old TV. Hmmm.

Zero Ponsdorf

I don’t wanna see the guy any further humiliated. His is a sad case indeed. We should pity his ilk and offer support; not continue to cause him pain.

Screw that! Gonna be some fun if this plays out as advertised.

And there was a cute pix of Jonn at the NBC link to boot.


Jonn: what, no beehive rounds available? (smile)


Geezo pete, he can’t even do a good job of faking stuttering!


I’m normally watching the Speed Network while I’m working out and want to watch this, but I know there will be a few individuals who wouldn’t appreciate my out burst at the gym.


Last clip is good Poe bawling like a little kid while Phil rips him a new one.

Dave Thul

I let his former unit know he will be on. Too bad Dr Phil doesn’t do live phone calls.


Damn looks like it was 3 PM EST. I just tuned in to CBS and it almost over. Ah well I’ll have to wait for them to archive it.


Just starting here, but I don’t know how much of “Dr.” Phulloshit’s eyebrows I can take.


5 minutes into the show and this jackass has me yelling at the TV!


Ear infection, brain infucktion- same, same.


Well, I looked at my bronze globe of the whole world and decided I’ve been to Azerbaijan, because I had a stamp collection with stamps from there when I was nine. I musta been there.

Is anyone going to provide a link so that those of us deprived souls can watch it, too?

OK, my TV died, and I’m not replacing it until I get a book done, so get off my frakkin’ back, willya? Geez!!!!

Dave Thul

So far it looks like it could be a 20 minute segment, but needs the full hour because of his stu-stu-stu-stuttering.


@17 — Please post spew alert ahead of stuff like that. Thanks.

Dave Thul

“I did lots of different impressions”.



“I’m sorry I said the things I said.”

Not, “I’m sorry I lied.”


I wonder if Timmy-poo can “feel the whiskers” yet? (hat tip to Ranger-Up’s “The Damn Few”)


Well if you ask Poe he doesn’t have a mustache. In his mind, as he remembers it, he shaved this morning.


“I want to believe him because I loooove him.”

Seriously, I can’t take this shit.

Dave Thul

This guy just does not know when to stop digging. Even President ‘I never had sex with that woman’ knew when it was time to come clean.

I suppose looking batshit crazy is a better option than being exposed as a horrible liar.


There is a website for Dr. Phil, for anyone who doesn’t mind it in small doses. One of the guys on his team says there was no grenade explosion.


*lip quivering*

Dave Thul

I have to admit, getting a tattoo over the non-existent bullet scar is a clever way of faking it.


Damn, Dr. Phil may have borred his balls for this.



Dave Thul

Just because you have no remorse, thrive on drama and live in a fantasy world, doesn’t mean you are a bad person.


Village idiot!! Wow


Nope, he didn’t. Doc is still a prick.

“Let me help you. Let me send you to the lie-detecting people so you can say in 6 months that you’re cured and couldn’t help being a lying sack of whale shit because you had the lyitis in your vagina.”


Dave Thul: not so sure. I’ve read somewhere that the scar needs to be 10-15 years old before a tattoo will “take”, and that most tattoo shops/artists won’t even attempt to cover a scar any younger than that with a tattoo.


C’mon ROS – it’s the Dr. Phil show, not Ranger-Up. The “good doctor” can’t get too much out of character, or he’ll lose his core audience!

Maybe the lads at Ranger-Up will feature Poe in their next “The Damn Few”. That would be worth watching.

Dave Thul

Hondo: exactly my point, most people wouldn’t know that.

So putting a tattoo over the ‘scar’ is easier than saying the BAS did such a good job sewing it up that it didn’t even leave a scar. I could even see him selling that in a bar-‘I was self conscious about my war wounds but I’m a real man so I covered them with a tattoo rather than plastic surgery’.

2-17 Air Cav

Thanks, Dr. Phil. My theory is that he was impaled on a unicorn and butt raped by an anaconda.


Dave Thul: true – but high risk. All it takes is one guy in the bar who knows the score. And some bars have lots of guys with tattoos hanging out.


My battle scars are covered with tattoos…….hmmmmmm? I wonder where he got that idea? Maybe from this turd!


Well, that kinda pretty much sucked. Another hour I’ll never get back.


Glad I was at work and couldn’t watch it. I’d probably still be swearing enough to peel the paint and de-fur my cats.

2-17 Air Cav

Nik: Not to worry. The next Phil will be even better. It features, according to the commercial, a 2 or 3 ton woman who is spoon fed by her fiance.


That sounds barf-worthy.


Lying is now “Memory Deficit”?



Is it fair to say that most of us here are not in the target audience? Never having had any delusions that I was, that is the first (and presumably last) time I will watch it! Not sure I’d even want to watch the update. There would need to be an update, right?

Nothing incongruous about a silly, lying, con artist appearing on national TV repeatedly, begging for alternately help, big bucks, and sympathy getting a second seating at the trough. My barf meter is pegged.