DHS calls out potential terrorists

| June 25, 2024

Well, some of ya seem to be a triple threat.

A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advisory board suggested that supporters of former President Donald Trump – as well as those who served in the military or are religious – have a greater possibility of posing domestic terrorism risks, according to internal files obtained by America First Legal (AFL).

Named the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” the now-disbanded board was created in September 2023 to provide DHS with “expert” analysis on subjects like terrorism and the trafficking of certain controlled substances like fentanyl.

Burn down [part of a city protesting the death of a fentanyl junkie,  free pass. Riot against supposed fascists, good to go.

Serve your country? Go to church? To paraphrase Mr. Foxworthy, you just might be a terrorist.

The panel, according to the conservative legal nonprofit’s findings, included former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan, both of whom signed onto an October 2020 letter falsely dismissing Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop as Russian disinformation.

The documents revealed that the board suggested “supporters of the former president” accounted for “most of the Domestic Terrorism threat” in the U.S.

“If you ask researchers to dive into indicators of extremists and terrorism, they might indicate being in the military or religious,” the board said. “This being identified as an indicator suggests we should be more worried about those. We need the space to talk about it honestly.”

Certain efforts outlined in the files released Thursday showed how the board hoped to enhance its ability to collect information about Americans.

The group of “experts” said the “See Something, Say Something” campaign following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City fell short because “Americans have an ambivalent feeling of telling on each other.”

“Mommy! Mommy! That man has a medal – quick, tell the police!”

The Homeland Intelligence Experts Group was announced by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas last year. The group was a collection of figures from the private sector to provide perspectives on the government’s intelligence and national security efforts.

“The security of the American people depends on our capacity to collect, generate, and disseminate actionable intelligence to our federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, campus, and private sector partners,” Mayorkas said in a statement at the time.

Wonder what their thoughts were on DAs like Gascon. The Squad. Antifa. The list goes on and on…

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", 2024 Election, Democrats

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A few typos, might want to look at that.


Hey, it’s probably early. The coffee hasn’t kicked in yet.

That or Joe Biden is ghost writing the columns

Last edited 3 months ago by ChipNASA

Religion is definitely under attack in ways it hasn’t been since the Democrats were in charge of the deep South back during the Jim Crow days.

Synagogues are being blocked off by protesters on holy days to prevent Jews from worshipping. This is a clear violation of civil rights and will likely soon escalate into lawsuits. At least one person was brought into the United States who was on the terrorist watch list in the UK, and then attack a synagogue in Texas in 2022.


I will point out the irony that the people doing and backing the protests violating civil rights, for the most part are also religious.

You can bet if it were an abortion clinics being blocked the FEEBs would be down there in no time shuting the protesters down. It’s only a matter of time before they start blowing up synagogues again.

But if you think things are bad here… Well just check this out in the UK where your religious thoughts are not only offensive but can get you arrested.


Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

I’ll bet they have hidden cameras and mics in the confessional.
Back in the day we would all go to confession on Saturday
afternoon and the knee pad had a switch that would turn on a
light outside the booth to show occupancy plus alert the priest.
I used to make the light flash when it was my turn and could
hear the others waiting outside giggle.
If that’s not a threat to democracy then what is?


Please say kneeler …. “knee pads” just sounds wrong in so many ways [these days].

“Benedic mihi, Pater, quia peccavi.”


Bless me father for I have sinned.

“kneeler” yes, that was the word I was looking for in
my old feeble mind.


When you think about it in the context of self-preservation, they’re not wrong.

Trump supporters, military vets and religious people are the most likely to adamantly oppose their “one world order”, socialist, statist, anti-American agenda.

Not only do we oppose their agenda, we’re the most likely to have the skills, ability and fortitude to resist them.

So, of course they see us as a threat.


I’m OK with that.




I’m happy to be on their list of unapproved citizens.


I’m pretty sure I know about a shitload of the people on it. We’re in good company.

Hack Stone

It’s a pyramid scheme. You recruit two Deplorables, and they recruit two Deplorables, and before you know it, America is great again.


I have multiple photo id’s on the list er..lists.


Guilty as charged…and proud of it…on all three (3) counts!

comment image?w=520&ssl=1

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I see the guy in front of the tunnel so how about
Linda Laurie singing Ambrose part 5 1959 on the Glory label.
Any of you New York City Greasers and Poodle skirt Chicks remember this novelty song. Boss tune. Am sure Beans will look it up.


I once believed I was an Intelligence professional, but the more they espouse their ideas and sign documents, the more I realize I was never part of their clique.

  • I signed up for their club but never got my coin and membership card
  • I did my time and learned my craft, but when recognition was handed out for contributions they felt it more poignant to recognize those who passed on others work as theirs and continued to espouse the party line, rather than those who walked a different path and moved the knowledge base into the future
  • When I retired I very neatly wrote down all the contributions to their club that I had done over the years, and not been given credit for, placing myself on a level that was above my peers. Instead of accepting it and acknowledging it they chose to rewrite it and reiterate what had already been acknowledged.

Yeah, Clapper and Brennan can continue to make fools of themselves in public, my dagger is sharp and though I never chose to play Judas with my peers I will remain vigilant sub rosa.


My job supports the Intel school. From my view, they ain’t that intelligent and they ain’t that professional.


But Antifa is okay…

Forest Bondurant

“…as well as those who served in the military or are religious – have a greater possibility of posing domestic terrorism risks…”

Translates to:

“…those serving in the military who swore to uphold the Constitution, against all enemies – foreign and domestic – have a greater possibility of posing a threat to undermining ongoing efforts of destroying the country and the Constitution which the laws of the country are predicated on…”

Hack Stone

Maybe that is why the US Military is not meeting their recruiting goals. These young people do not want become radicalized by swearing to defend the US Constitution.


They can always join the Navy instead.



Just sayin’:

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous
Hack Stone

I, for one, welcome our Democrat overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted Director of Media Relations I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground cobalt mines.


Well darn. Since I never personally served in the military (JrROTC don’t count in the real world) I guess I get to skip being On The List.
But we homeschooled our kids, who are homeschooling our grandkids, and the curriculum includes the safe use of sundry firearms and a number of how to live comfortably in the wild lessons (what used to be taught in the Boy Scouts of America – RIP), as well as being proud of my family who has served, so maybe I get to join as an auxiliary member?

“I give you my word as an [expert].”

“No good, I’ve known too many [experts].”


Boy Scouts? That’s a paramilitary organization… JUNIOR terrorists!