Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| June 25, 2024

Let’s start with a funny

At least there’s one Biden in the White House actually working


Ok, Groomer

Another funny

It’s Always Sunny makes the city seem more fun

Racism causes tumors

Just evil

My spirit animal

A man can dream…

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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“We’re not gonna make it, are we? Humans, I mean.”

Slow Joe

Terminator 2.
That guy, whatshisname Connor while talking to that Austrian bodybuilding old guy who had sex with the nanny.


But, of course…

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

Cori Bush: The cause of AND cure to cancer!


I’m going to assume that the Chemo/radiation that caused her hair to fall out, is what she passed on to the homeless cancer patient and it cured her!


Re the Philly video:

Were those free range chickens?



In several of the largest cities when eggs went above $5 a dozen many people begin keeping chickens even though it’s against most city ordinance. I’m not sure why, but in Philadelphia chickens are really popular and there have been several measures to overturn the ordinance against them

Chickens are very easy to keep and will eat most kitchen waste, and thrive on it. You do tend to get better looking eggs with grain, but it’s not necessary. Also if they are laying hens they will eat the s*** out of bugs too. They will eat practically any kind of bug including most cockroaches, termites and garden bugs.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

They’re legal in the city in which I reside (hens only, no roosters allowed), but you don’t generally see them just wandering the streets. That seemed very…um…third world-ish to me. Almost as much as the zombies littering the streets.

My yard is too small so I don’t have them, but a friend of mine has a coop with 10 hens. His wife has gotten into hatching mealworms to feed them. Interesting hobby.

“What do you do in your spare time?”

“I raise bugs.”

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Came back from vacay in Hawaii last month. Spent a lot of time in Honolulu (Waikiki Beach). Flocks of wild chickens, pullets, and chicks EVERYWHERE, running in the streets and postage stamp “lawns”. Roosters are a sunrise alarm clock.


Um, so LGBTQ folk claim discrimination because they’d do this with little kids:
comment image


While they claim not to be, the overwhelming majority of pedophiles are gay. In that they have sex with people of the same gender. Verum Agendo.

Dennis - not chevy

I pissed off a bunch of liberals when I said to them, “Back when we had the Dep’t of Health, Education, and Welfare US schools were good; when Carter invented the Dep’t of the Education US schools have declined. Government is not the best solution to every problem.”


Reagan repeatedly tried to kill that monster. But it always sprouted a new head.

Fun fact, we had more shutdowns during the Reagan presidency that any other one in history. The first one, most famously he furloughed a quarter of a million government workers without pay, because he was trying to give a raise to soldiers. This forever made him a hero to the military, that and the three massive pay raise he was able to achieve.

He also wanted to cut the Department of Education said he could spend money fighting communism. He succeeded and and ended up winning the Cold War. The irony of course being that the Department of education is now run by communists..



Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

Maybe the could at least change the title to make it more fitting- The US DEPT of UnEducation!


Jayapal and Joy Reid are just nasty disgusting excuses for human beings, women, Americans and will agree with anything that is a left wing stance, regardless of how ridiculous it is. I’ve noticed that most on the left are that way!!!


Cori Bush cured cancer, motherfuckers! What have you done with your sorry lives?

She’s an ANGEL!!!!

Truly exquisite song to describe her healing powers



80s Metal?????

I knew you were AWSOME!!!!
