Stolen Valor, UK Police Edition

| June 22, 2024

Former Chief Constable Nick Adderley

British newspaper The Guardian is reporting on this fella, the former chief constable for Northamptonshire in Great Britain. Turns out the guy as only 15 when the Falklands War happened, but he was presenting himself as a veteran of the conflict.

From The Guardian;

A police chief constable who wore a Falklands war medal despite being 15 at the time of the conflict has been dismissed without notice and placed on the police barred list after being found guilty of gross misconduct.

Nick Adderley, the chief constable at Northamptonshire police, exaggerated his military rank, length of service and naval achievements, including implying that he served in the Falklands war, the hearing heard.

A panel on Friday found Adderley, who had already been suspended, guilty of gross misconduct. He has 10 days to appeal against the decision.

The panel, chaired by Callum Cowx, who served in the navy, the army and the police, found all allegations against Adderley proven, saying they found “his audacity to be quite staggering”, adding that he had lied over many years with “arrogant temerity”.

“By wearing medals he was not entitled to wear, he stole their richly deserved valour and recognition, and his explanation was risible,” Cowx said.

John Beggs KC, representing the office of the Northamptonshire police, fire and crime commissioner, said Adderley had carried out “a long-term, sustained, mendacious deceit”, and had lied on his CV and application form.

He claimed he had served in the Royal Navy for 10 years, when he had served for only two; had attended the prestigious Britannia Royal Naval College, despite his application being rejected; and had been a military negotiator in Haiti, when he had never been to the country.

Adderley had previously claimed that the South Atlantic medal he has been pictured wearing since at least 2012 was given to him by his brother Richard when he emigrated to Australia in 2008.

The medal was awarded to British military personnel and civilians for service in the Falklands conflict, but Richard Adderley did not embark for the Falklands until 2 July 1982, three weeks after hostilities ended on 14 June, the hearing heard.

He applied for the medal – under a change in criteria for applicants put in place in 2015 – on 12 October 2023, 10 days after Nick Adderley received a notice of investigation from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).

Adderley did not attend the hearing on Friday, despite being directed to by Cowx. In a statement read out on his behalf, he offered a “heartfelt apology” to the officers he had worked with during his 32-year career.

“Today’s determination showed I have failed you, something I deeply regret. I regret I will no longer be part of your future,” he said.

Cowx said the panel would not give full reasons for its decisions on Friday, but this would follow in a written report within five days. He agreed that the allegations against Adderley amounted to breaches of honesty and integrity and discreditable conduct.

He also raised concerns that none of the incorrect dates were noticed during the vetting procedure, saying “alarm bells should have rung” for those scrutinising Adderley’s application.

Danielle Stone, the police, fire and crime commissioner for Northamptonshire since May, said she did not know how Adderley’s falsehoods had gone undetected, and she would be speaking to the next home secretary about improving vetting procedures.

“This case has put Northamptonshire police in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons,” she said. “We now need to set out how to restore a reputation for honesty and integrity, which are fundamental values.”

In April, the IOPC referred an evidential file to the Crown Prosecution Service for it to consider any potential criminal charges. It has not been confirmed if any will follow.

The IOPC regional director, Emily Barry, said: “The panel’s findings show that Mr Adderley’s conduct had fallen well below the professional standards of any police officer, never mind a chief constable.”

Adderley isn’t the first cop to ride the stolen valor train. We’ve previously reported on the complete shit show that was the Callahan County Sheriff’s election a few years back, this fella from Texas, and this guy from Nebraska.

Category: Dick Stepping, Stolen Valor

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Hack Stone

Does All Points Logistics have an office in the UK?


This Walter Mitty (Nick Adderley) runs the UK division. 32 years before someone figured it out. I guess applying for a constables position imparts at least being truthful in your application. So why bother to check!


Standards are “racist” today, you know.


Looks like Mr Bean


Don’t dis Mr. Bean like that.


Could be his brother!


Piece of shit. Hope he gets charged.


Kind of looks like Peter Falk.


Just one more thing….


That math thing is tricky as all hell. Numbers don’t lie, unlike this POS. What else has he lied about? Cue up a review of every case he has ever worked in…


But, but math is racist. The numbers mean whatever we say they mean, say most Progs.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

What an A-Hole, Mr. Holmes and Hyacinth Bucket should look into this matter, Call Blimey love a duck, this is a disscrace to the Monarch. If I were Red Greene, I would cross the pond and have something to say because of our UK bros.


Hyacinth insists it’s pronounced “bouquet”.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I have the whole collectors set of Keeping up Appearances DVD’s, the Red Greene show and the complete set of Rocky & Bullinkle.


<—- Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond,
and the Ultimate Three Stooges Collection
(all 190 shorts, plus 3 DVDs of extras).


I may get my chance in Texas this fall !!!
(from the last paragraph link to Foley and Jowers)

4 years ago, a standing offer for a steak dinner, and a Texas reunion,
with veterans from the city of Clyde, and the county of Callahan,
for my volunteering to get involved on the Book of the Fake,
once MP, then VG,
laid out Clyde policeman Leroy Foley,
then Callahan County Deputy Sheriff Rick Jowers,
as double phony Army Rangers (and much worse),
who BOTH wanted to become the next Sheriff of Callahan County, TX.

It’s a far swing from my planned driving destination
of NAS Corpus Christi (Texas is that large),
but it’s worth the extra 1-2 days for a side trip.

I may just want to bop by the Clyde Police Department,
and introduce myself to the Chief,
who may remember my email, my phone message,
and my comments on the Clyde PD official Book of the Fake.

Perhaps I’ll even visit the Callahan County Sheriff’s office,
meet the new Sheriff,
and let him know that MP, VG,
and readers / fans / volunteers, including myself,
are the reason he won an election, and now has a nice job.


Unlike Pendleton, Indiana,
where the police chief is a good buddy
of the town Stolen Valor phony / Boy Scout leader,
and may likely put me in cuffs if I show up
(to remove the Purple Heart license plate from the truck of
Phony Bronze Star Phony Purple Heart
fake shot in the chest Cole).

Last edited 3 months ago by MarineDad61
A Proud Infidel®™

Well, the BLOODY little WANKER done stepped in it, didn’t he?

Army-Air Force Guy

Wasn’t there a stolen valor cop from Pennsylvania too? Can’t remember his name at all.

Army-Air Force Guy

Found it, our old friend Tim Nease, Deputy Sheriff detective out of Greene County, PA


Army-Air Force Guy,
Holy Crap.
“Capt. Tim Nease” hasn’t taken this down.

Hack Stone

There was a cop in Philly who went by the nickname “Gunny” involved in some Stolen Valor shenanigans and was given the business on this Ain’t Hell. Involved in a lot of shady shit to include illegally transferring confiscated firearms, but his mother was way up the chain of command in the Philly PD, and like Hunter Biden, no one seemed interested in pursuing charges. It was the asshat that had a photo of him riding a supermarket horse. Someone will remember his name.


Hack Stone should check his email.