Holy Crap It’s Wednesday (formerly Tuesday Tidbits)
Gotta lead off with this one…Daily Wire is coming out with a movie about a former men’s basketball team that reunites – and says they identify as female to compete as a women’s team. Check out the trailer at Trailer Looks to be politically incorrect as all get-out…gonna have to watch. Will it have the same ‘juice’ as Blazing Saddles? Probably not, but nowadays, you get what you can.
You may recall this “woman” – the confused man transgender female who wants to compete with ‘her’ fellow women despite having gone through male puberty and having a huge strength advantage therefore. Half the women’s team quit in protest when Becky Lee Birtwhistle Hodges was selected to the team again.
Sports like rugby, athletics, swimming and cycling have also ruled over the past 18 months that transgender women cannot compete in the women’s category if they have gone through male puberty.
“This is an extremely emotive subject and one we have seen a number of other sport struggle with,” said Jamie Cook, the chief executive of the Angling Trust. “Angling has a strong heritage of open events and both our national and world championships are already universal (open) categories allowing the best anglers to compete regardless of gender.
“The evidence generated through our review process established that strength, stamina and physical attributes have the potential to offer competitors a significant advantage and in doing so impact fairness. Telegraph
Happy for the lady anglers…note one new factoid: There is ALREADY an open division where confused drama queens transgenders can compete – but he ‘Becky’ chooses to compete against the girls.
An unfortunate fact of life for dog lovers is that many Koreans eat dog. The current government wants to phase that out:
According to a bill which aims to end South Korea’s dog meat trade by 2027, announced by the ruling People Power Party on Nov. 17, businesses—such as dog farms, butchers, retailers, and restaurants—will have to submit to local authorities their plans to phase out dog meat. They would also be given a three-year grace period, as well as financial aid from the government, to transition out of the trade.
The bill is the result of rare bipartisan support, after 44 lawmakers from both the ruling party and the opposition Democratic Party of Korea formed a group last month to discuss the issue. But among the most prominent advocates for the ban is first lady Kim Keon-hee, with whom South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol shares five cats and six dogs. (Yoon had previously drawn criticism, even from fellow party members, for proposing that the anti-dog meat bill be named after his wife.)
So your next Korea tour may no longer offer the opportunity to masticate Fido, only fornicate him.
Authorities say there are over 1,000 breeding farms and 34 slaughterhouses in South Korea, as well as some 1,600 restaurants that serve dog meat. Industry representatives say the numbers are far bigger, with an estimated 3,500 farms and 3,000 restaurants that face risks of shutting down should a ban be implemented. Time
In return, the Dog Meat Farmers Association is threatening to release two MILLION dogs near government landmarks and lawmakers’ homes. Gotta admit, they are more entertaining to watch than BLM.
Category: Diversity, General Whackos, Get woke
Given the [alleged] lesbian claims by such transgender stalwarts as Mulvaney, Manning, Thomas and Clymer, I love bringing up the term “autogynephilia”. Keep the hot dog, date some freaky girls, and you have a victim card to pull as well. Heterosexual White Male? Oh hell no. Lesbian Transwoman? You go, girl!
In other words, there’re some tangible benefits to suddenly deciding that you’re female. Whether it’s gratification of the intimate sort or, in the case of almost decent or even mediocre athletes, simply manipulating the current situation to compete in a sports division where you are virtually guaranteed to dominate. From the movie trailer, “So I can be a woman on the court, and a man in the bedroom?” Win-win!
It’s Bizarro World, where people seem to have forgotten what it takes to continue on as a species. Can you be a parent without conceiving or giving birth to a child? In my opinion, yes. Unfortunately, some of the best parents out there are actually grandparents or foster parents. Can you be a same-sex couple and lay claim to having children of your own? Not unless there’s a third party involved, and even then, the child is the result of only one partner’s fling. You might be good parents, but from what I recall you need both an XX and an XY to create life.
If one were to fancy themselves a liberal progressive, identifying as trans offers immediate street cred.
Just look at today’s US Military when in my day we were asked “Are you a Homosexual?” to which a “Yes” reply was immediate disqualification to nowadays if Private Joe Snuffy decides to show up in formation wearing female attire, it gets him put ahead of others because he is now “transgender” and it gives HIM DEI points, GOD HELP America.
Don’t worry about maintaining the future of the species. AI will take care of it for us.
It just dawned on me why AI has become so popular lately. There is no longer much natural intelligence out there!
Lesbian trapped in a man’s body? Used to be a joke, but now it’s a serious thing. (Now, you’re “racist” to question it.)
‘Lady Ballers’
Its not the comedy we wanted….
Its the comedy we NEEDED!!!
“Who are you to question how I choose to identify?” Classic!
I read a little bit about this – the reason it is streaming on the Daily Mail is theaters refused to carry it due to objectionable content – that’s how you know it’s good, if Hollywood refuses to endorse it.
It’s the comedy we DESERVE!
Might be room here for a lady’s auxilliary team on the Oakland Ballers.
It’s no joke about the Ballers, heard it on NPR this morning while driving to work. Since the Oakland A’s will be moving to Vegas, the Oakland B’s are kicking up:
“Lady Ballers” – Somehow, somewhere… feelings will be hurt.
I hope it makes people cry. Ugly, mascara-streaming Tammy Faye Baker crying. And that’s just the male women.
I recall the ROK’s saying that kaegogi was made illegal just before the 1988 Olympics. They’ve made their decision, now let’s see them enforce it.
I was newly assigned to Cheju Island right after the Olympics (at 2ID during the Olympics) and was walking along the beach. Saw some people there running after a dog and thought they were just having fun with a pet. Later, while returning to the Training Center, I saw a the dead dog in a fire — they were in the process of burning the hair off of the carcass before cooking it.
I was at Humphreys (229th SIG) during the Olympics. I spent a week at Cheju, right around thanksgiving ’88. Most fun I ever had in Korea with my clothes on. Still got my certificate of training from Cheju. One seriously long rappel!
Remember this?
That’s the one!
Who signed yours? Initials GP or GHP?
I can’t remember and I’m not really sure where the certificate is. A lotta shit got packed up when I left the ex and it’s still packed.
I attended the rappelling training there back in 93, had a blast. We may have been a bunch of POG’s, but we came within 15 seconds of the best time, and that was put up by a squad from Camp Casey, all infantry. Wish I could do it again, or at least get another of the T Shirts.
The entire cadre loved each and every rotation! Great fun.
I recognize the CO and the guy on the far left, second row from the front. All the local orphans came for thanksgiving, the cadre had a parachute harness rigged on a zip line. I have a lot of pictures, but alas, they’re somewhere in the ex-wife’s house.
Oooohhhh … this handsome feller? The NCO on the far left was SSG Donald Hunt. GREAT NCO.
The orphans always have a great time. I’ve a photo somewhere of me playing on the zip line.
IIRC, he had a hours of “headbangers ball” on videotape running in the club.
Wok the dog
Not to “dog” on our very own David, but is he as confused as the people(?) that are confused about the equipment they were born with? Tuesday Tidbits? Maybe the title should be “Wednesday Weirdness”? Did it start out as Monday Musings but the glick on the site from Monday push it out? I long for the return of the days when the term “tranny” referred to a piece of equipment that connected an engine to a drive shaft.
Taco Tuesday?
Franks & Beans Wednesday?
Throw Up Thursday?
All I know is that after Taco Tuesday and Frank and Beans Wednesday when they are sitting on the toilet later they aren’t having a miscarriage (or even if they took RU 486) an abortion. It is a good old fashioned Big Duke 6. Doesn’t matter how much they holler because they covered with too much hot sauce.
Pepto Friday
Wrote it on Tuesday and got confused. Wait – I’m trans (well, I eat trans fats) and need sympathy? I’m black and deserve reparations? Which card to throw… decisions, decisions.
Throw them all, see which one sticks.
Easier just to change the title. The one that REALLY works, though, is that once you retire, every day is pretty much whatever you decide it is. Yesterday, today was Tuesday despite yesterday being the day after Monday.
Hell, I didn’t even notice what the discrepancy was.
All I know is that it’s 5 O’clock somewhere.

Don’t tell the people in uniform the wrong day. They might haul you off thinking you need “medical care”. Easier to tell them you day drink and don’t keep with the days of the week anymore.
I know. It kinda sucks being retired (giant sarc emoji goes here).
6 day weeks broken up by a Sunday.
Yep. Being retired has a a feature that is sorta like a tour in the Viet of the Nam. Every day is the same and one doesn’t know what day of the week it is. As a friend said who retired before me: “Being retired, you never know when your days off are.”
Variation on that
If horse racing is the “sport of kings”, is drag racing the “sport of queens”?
This was drag racing in the ‘70’s.
Pam “Jungle Pam” Hardy wasn’t a driver, but she got a lot of attention on the track.
Don’t forget Shirley Muldowney
Or Linda Vaughn https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRf4Hbspnr_RGgx2v9jLDsAhEmXgCnxgFLNAA&usqp=CAU
Make “blowing a tranny” car trouble and not diversity and/or a porn genre again!
If a guy has a business and says he wants to identify as a woman, then he applies for minority owned business status, but still wants to dress and act like a man. Could he sue the guvment if they deny him, even though they have a freak show parade working as “wimmens” in DC?
When the government wants to prosecute him for filing a false loan application, would they then be forced to admit what a man or a woman is?
Many Koreans do NOT eat dogs. It’s a fringe thing.
1989 team spirit, going through the market place in Pohang. Drinking some beers and shopping we came upon a place that had dogs in wooden cages. My buddy was “oh look a pet store” I pulled back a curtain and told him “ nope you ain’t been eating beef” dogs hanging like deer with cut throats and bleeding out. Right in the open is not a fringe thing. They eat dogs, period.
Less than they used-to, but yes they do. More than you’d think. Still.
“Dog is a fine meal”
Movie- The Patriot
THEY TRIED to get rid of the Korean tradition of eating Dogs before the Olympics were held there and IT FAILED.
KFC coming to Korea put more of dent in the dog industry there after that.
If only to be rid of the kagogi jokes, it’s worth it to Korea.