Who speaks for you?

| April 19, 2010 | 3 Comments
Who speaks for you?

This will be my last post for a few days. I am getting more pissed off by the second, which usually heralds my getting sick, and Caro just had some problems on an airplane, so that theory is working to betray my (already well seeded) hypochondriacal nature. But, before I leave, this is the latest […]

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Pentagon to chase tail for Potok

| April 15, 2010 | 12 Comments
Pentagon to chase tail for Potok

The Pentagon is about to conduct a witch hunt for “extremists” based on information they were handed by the left wing extremist hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the organization of Grand Flea Eagle Arbiter of Hate Mark Potok. This according to Stars & Stripes; The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights group […]

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Potok disproves his own report

| April 6, 2010 | 12 Comments
Potok disproves his own report

We’ve been hearing for years from Mark Potok and the Southern Poverty Law Center about the rise of “hate groups” in the country. So in his “Hate Watch” column today we find Potok asking the question “What if They Gave a Klan Rally and Nobody Came?” This Saturday, the Church of the National Knights of […]

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Oathkeepers feel the heat

| April 5, 2010 | 6 Comments
Oathkeepers feel the heat

Apparently, I have spies inside Oathkeepers about which I know nothing. One of them sent me this missive from Stuart Rhodes, the founder of Oathkeepers and a former Ron Paul stafferl [S]elf identified IVAW members are NOT allowed to post on our forums, period. I simply don’t want them in this org. That is why […]

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Hutaree’s party preference

| April 2, 2010 | 9 Comments
Hutaree’s party preference

Everyone has been emailing me to say that the sole registered voter of the Hutaree militia group is a Democrat. Yes, it’s ironic, especially given Mark Potok’s unfortunate (for him) comments earlier this week. This is from the Toledo Blade by way of Ace of Spades; Jacob J. Ward, 33, of Huron, Ohio, voted as […]

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Mark Potok targets American Legion…again

| March 31, 2010 | 16 Comments
Mark Potok targets American Legion…again

Potok was on Keith Olbermann’s failing TV show and in defending the Homeland Security Department’s report on right wing terrorist groups Potok calls the American Legion “a right wing group”. It comes at about 3:15 in this video; Potok goes on to equate the Hutarees with the Tea Party movement. He calls them “nutty groups” […]

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Potok endorses DHS report

| March 31, 2010 | 23 Comments
Potok endorses DHS report

Mark Potok, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s lead bomb-thrower was on Anderson Cooper the other night and he endorsed the report from the Department of Homeland Security which claimed there was a rise in the number of right-wing terror groups. That’s really not surprising since most of the research from the DHS report was lifted […]

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Militia Raids by Feds in three states

| March 29, 2010 | 10 Comments
Militia Raids by Feds in three states

Fox News reports that the FBI raided several enclaves of militia groups in three states this weekend, resulting in several arrests; Federal warrants were sealed, but FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said there had been activity in two southwest Michigan counties near the Ohio state line. She wouldn’t say whether they were tied to the raids […]

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