Oathkeepers feel the heat

| April 5, 2010

Apparently, I have spies inside Oathkeepers about which I know nothing. One of them sent me this missive from Stuart Rhodes, the founder of Oathkeepers and a former Ron Paul stafferl

[S]elf identified IVAW members are NOT allowed to post on our forums, period. I simply don’t want them in this org. That is why Eric [Orseske] has been given the boot. They are just too divisive, and also have too many links to radical leftists and outright Marxists. Marxists are just as much enemies of our Constitution as Fascists. I’m not saying ALL IVAW are Marxists, because I know for a fact not all are. But they have some among them, and I just don’t have time to try to separate them out. And they have certainly gotten into bed with some high profile, self-identified far leftists who I consider Marxists. And, as Eric shows, they tend to be one issue people who can’t resist getting in the face of active duty with their opposition to the war. So, until a person resigns from and renounces membership in IVAW, I don’t want them here.

Oath Keepers is neutral on the issues of the constitutionality of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars because we are focused on what is happening here at home. Yes, the constitutionality of a war certainly matters, but this org is focused on the rapid destruction of our Republic here at home. I want to reach ALL current serving, whatever their opinion of the war. I want to reach the ones in the sandbox as well as those who are here at home, most of whom support the war and are obviously emotionally invested in it. Whatever your opinion on it, how will it help to beat them over the head on it? The main point of Oath Keepers is to keep them from being used as tools of force and oppression against our people, not to debate foreign policy. So, it is counterproductive to have people here who don’t know how to leave those topics alone

That’s 180 degrees from last September when I first posted about Oathkeepers. After that post, Rhodes and other Oathkeepers not only defended IVAW, they quoted Ron Paul’s endorsement of Adam Kokesh as justification for allowing IVAW members to broadcast their propaganda on Oathkeepers’ website. From some of the comments left here at TAH, it appears that Oathkeepers has been hemorrhaging membership as a result of their brief foray into the Left side of the political spectrum.

It also appears that when their true thoughts about US foreign policy is known, it hurts their organization, why else would they forbid discussion of the subject? In fact, I’m sure the more we discover about the oathkeepers the less we’ll like them. Not at level of the SPLC or Mark Potok, though.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Oath Keepers, Ron Paul, SPLC

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John of Argghhh!

As I noted elsehwere and elsewhen… I don’t need a support group to help me keep my word and bond. Still oath-bound after 30 years.

AW1 Tim

Jonn (and John)…

When I first discovered this organization, I was considering signing up. My initial thoughts on them were positive, but I wanted to know more. The more I read, the more I became concerned, especially by the influence the Ronulans have there, and I finally let the whole issue drop.

I’m with John of argghhh; I don’t consider myself as have be released from my oath, and I don’t need a 12-step program to keep me going.

Toothless Dawg



Oh, goody. Joe’s here to set us all straight with Mother Jones! What’s next, Joe? More mainstream goodness from Kos, Crooks and Liars, and Fire Dog Lake?

Elvin C. Lindsay

I sent in my $30.00 to Oathkeepers over three months ago and
never received one word from them even though i inquired several times. I believe there is a law called using the mail to steal.I have been in business for 40 years and I never treated a customer this way. ELVIN c. LINDSAY