Mark Potok targets American Legion…again

| March 31, 2010

Potok was on Keith Olbermann’s failing TV show and in defending the Homeland Security Department’s report on right wing terrorist groups Potok calls the American Legion “a right wing group”. It comes at about 3:15 in this video;

Potok goes on to equate the Hutarees with the Tea Party movement. He calls them “nutty groups” but I think the only nutty group are associated with SPLC if they truly think that the American Legion is a “right wing” group. I guess when you’re to Left of Mao, everyone is Right Wing.

Thanks to TSO for the video. Just for TSO;

Mark Potok the Swamp Monster

Category: General Whackos, SPLC, Usual Suspects

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I’m shocked by this; why? Potok is the biggest paranoid, conspiracy theorist out there. His conclusions and analysis is shoddy at best. He lies constantly and no “expert” on anything to do with anything. He’s a moron. Of course the same could be said about Olberdummy, too.


Potok’s hair is getting worse. He looks like a lego person for some reason.


I was thinking that Potok is starting to look like a really bad George Lucas wax dummy.


I kinda wish the American Legion and the VFW were a little more conservative.


This makes me cannot wait to join AL when I get home today.


That guy desperately needs a barber to take him aside and have a long chat with him.


Can anyone explain to me why this assclown gets ANY face time at all, considering his logic holds up about as well as cotton candy in a monsoon?


Sorry, just couldn’t watch the whole thing.

I have a delicate digestive system, don’t ya know?

At that, I think that’s the most Olbermann I’ve EVER seen.

I’m glad you guys are watching though, someone needs to keep track of the bullshit.


Hmmm, aside from Potok being just another lefty asshat, he seriously needs help. He gives new definition to the term, “helmet hair”. And he needs to get someone to coordinate his different hair colors, otherwise he just looks like what he is, a lefty, bigoted asshat.


Oh yeah, Potok, we’re all right-wing bomb-throwin’ nazis if we don’t vote Democrat and blindly support leftist policies.


A village is missing its idiot.
A zoo has an escaped primate.
Fucking aliens have landed!

Call Olberdork!

Cedo Alteram

SPLC again? Who’s this douche? Isn’t the founder Morris, or Deeds Morris, or what ever his name, is still alive?

I remember years ago Vdare and Peter Brimelow has some kind of report about how their “foundation” raised money. They have an incentive to fight(or accuse) others of hate or racism, no matter how petty(or untrue). Which eventually leads them to political affilaitions/thought policing.

Sorry, to beat to look it up at moment.

Old Tanker

Nice Gel-met dude…..Swamp monster is a douche-nozzle, I can’t wait for the Herculoids to take him out….


Of course, those pics of the swamp monster and Potok kinda remind me of one of those before/after sets of pics from “Faces of Meth”….

Old Trooper

Did anyone notice how Potok said that the DHS report “mirrored our own completely independent report” as though there is no connection between the two reorts. Maybe that line of bullshit works on the spoon fed morons on the left, including Olberdummy, but any thinking person that was paying attention at the time heard it admitted that the DHS report was actually the SPLC report re-packaged. So of course they are going to “mirror” each other. Fucking morons.