Arrest in MLK Day bombing attempt

| March 9, 2011 | 6 Comments
Arrest in MLK Day bombing attempt

Apparently, Spokane police have arrested a man in connection with that attempted bombing in Spokane on Martin Luther King, Jr Day. It was a backpack bomb placed near a parade route. The arrest was a 36-year-old “ex-soldier” named Kevin William Harpham. Of course the media jumps on the phone and calls Mark Potok; Potok said […]

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SPLC wants your $$$ to protect Morris Dees

| October 20, 2010 | 10 Comments
SPLC wants your $$$ to protect Morris Dees

TSO sent me this fund raising letter from the Southern Poverty Law Center panty waists; Scary right wingers are pounding at the door…send us money! Now! They’re disguised as children in witches masks and dressed in mummy bandages! Oh, scary. What are they going to do…stuff the cash in sandbags and build a bunker? In […]

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Potok: None of what I say is true, but I’ll say it anyway

| September 14, 2010 | 6 Comments
Potok: None of what I say is true, but I’ll say it anyway

In a CNN interview, Mark Potok tells CNN that even there’s no data to support his contention that violence against Islamic adherents is on the rise; Surprisingly, he gives President Bush credit for tamping down anti-Islamic incidents in the years following the 9-11 attacks. But then he believes in Big Government solutions. Without saying President […]

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ADL Announces Opposition to Mosque Near Ground Zero

| August 1, 2010 | 7 Comments
ADL Announces Opposition to Mosque Near Ground Zero

This admittedly surprised me. The ADL isn’t exactly a red-blooded conservative and while they do criticize some of the opponents of the Mosque for “bigoted” speech, they do use some of the talking points that the conservative blogosphere has been using for awhile in regards to this mosque: In recommending that a different location be […]

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Paying lip service to Hate

| July 20, 2010 | 3 Comments
Paying lip service to Hate

Mark Potok’s Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hate Watch is hot on the trail of that hateful group at Fox News this week with an article that charges “Another Long, Hot Black Nationalist Summer at Fox News“. Of course, twisting the story completely around, the story’s author, Alexander Zaitchik, exonerates two thugs outside a polling place […]

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Mark Potok violated my First Amendment Rights

| May 10, 2010 | 4 Comments
Mark Potok violated my First Amendment Rights

Well, he didn’t really (only the government can violate my rights), but if I did the same thing to him, he’d accuse me of it. Potok has commented on posts about him here over the years and I’ve let him have his say – usually because he heightens the hilarity with his Godless hyperbole. So […]

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Hutarees released

| May 4, 2010 | 6 Comments
Hutarees released

There’s another reason for Mark Potok to be angry this morning – a judge released the Hutarees while they await trial; “The United States is correct that it need not wait until people are killed before it arrests conspirators,” US District Judge Victoria Roberts said in her ruling. “But, the defendants are also correct: Their […]

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Hey, Hate Watch, wake up

| April 28, 2010 | 0 Comments
Hey, Hate Watch, wake up

There’s an article on Mark Potok’s Hate Watch today that reports on the hate that staffer Larry Keller discovered on Facebook towards President Obama; “Dear Lord, this year you took my favorite actor, Patrick Swazie [sic],” the site’s creator wrote. “You took my favorite actress, Farah [sic] Fawcett. You took my favorite singer, Michael Jackson. […]

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