Mark Potok violated my First Amendment Rights

| May 10, 2010

Well, he didn’t really (only the government can violate my rights), but if I did the same thing to him, he’d accuse me of it. Potok has commented on posts about him here over the years and I’ve let him have his say – usually because he heightens the hilarity with his Godless hyperbole. So the other day I was cruising through his “Hate Watch” (mostly looking for my name, because I hate a lot and I’m somewhat disappointed I haven’t been recognized yet).

But anyway, I ran across this REALLY stupid article by Sonia Scherr, one of Potok’s main bomb throwers, entitled “Fox Uses Dubious Stats to Demonize Undocumented Immigrants“. I didn’t even read it – the irony of the SPLC charging anyone with using dubious statistics (like calling a PO Box in Romney, WV a hate group) was just too much to bear. So, I left a comment, politely worded, to that effect. I checked this morning and the comment is deleted.

Now, in Hate Watch world, if I had deleted one of Potok’s comments, I’d be accused of burning him at the stake and any number of things which would make me out to be a right wing nut job. I won’t do that to Potok and his fragile ego, though.

Category: SPLC, Usual Suspects

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That guy totally has a whole pedo vibe going on. I think it’s the hair and beard.

AW1 Tim

All he’s missing is a lime-green lounge suit and some gold chains. He’d make the perfect lounge lizard.


Back in my younger day when I was working on the old Collins Plantation in the rural Black Belt of Alabama, an older white haired and dark skinned man named Tom once told me about a man named Potok who had been caught trying to make love to a Jack Ass. Old Tom told that the man got stung by a big old yellow jacket and just about the time the sheriff drove up. What a sight to behold that supposedly was. Anyway, Tom ended that story that Potok was probably pretty lucky with just getting 30 days in jail and run out of the county because he could have ended up with a half-assed son or something. Come to think of it maybe he did impregnate that jack ass afterall and the result is now named Mike Potok. Mike must have been dodging around his old man’s balls trying to keep from getting shot up a jack ass’ ass those many years ago.

Junior AG

Your tale sounds plausible,IMHO the SPLC wants to be a legal firm version of STASI.