RSSCongress sucks

Lawmaker wants to strip benefits from veterans involved in January’s attack on Congress

| March 20, 2021 | 30 Comments
Lawmaker wants to strip benefits from veterans involved in January’s attack on Congress

Jeff LPH 3 sends in this tidbit of vindictiveness. Military Times reports; A Marine-turned-congressman wants federal officials to deny veterans benefits to any current or former military members involved with the attack on the U.S. Capitol building earlier this year, saying they “no longer deserve” the payouts. In letters to the Veterans Affairs secretary and […]

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Today is the day!

| March 4, 2021 | 100 Comments
Today is the day!

March 4 has arrived. This was the original day a new president would be inaugurated. The date was changed in 1933 during the Second (and lesser if you ask me) Roosevelt Administration when the extra month and a half travel time to D.C. was no longer necessary. I’ll forgive you if you didn’t know that. […]

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More Gun Rights Violations On the Ticket

| February 14, 2021 | 22 Comments
More Gun Rights Violations On the Ticket

Well, this video should annoy you gun nutz enough to go out and buy more gunz or ammo (if you can find any). This is a Legally Armed America video on Sheila Jackson Lee’s HR127 bill to require a federal firearms license, never mind restrict usage and how much ammo you can own. I like […]

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Job Losses? It’s Already Starting

| January 31, 2021 | 20 Comments
Job Losses? It’s Already Starting

If any of you want to come and shovel out my neighborhood, we’ll all be happy to have your presence. It was supposed to be about 3.5 inches of snow, but turned into 6 inches, and there is more coming later tonight. My neighbor got into the scoop-and-toss mood and piled it up to about […]

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Pelosi Motors

| January 28, 2021 | 23 Comments
Pelosi Motors

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D- CA) AW1 Rod has been hammering my inbox all day with stock market foul play emails, now this. It is a breathtakingly blatant money grab that would put you or me in jail, unless of course we were Congress Critters. Like Nan. David sends. Nancy Pelosi Buys Tesla Calls, Stands To […]

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Washington Post highlights the real heroes of 6 Jan in DC; Democrat politicians.

| January 8, 2021 | 41 Comments
Washington Post highlights the real heroes of 6 Jan in DC; Democrat politicians.

The Washington Post takes a fresh look at the issues in DC this week. Democrat veteran politicians apparently took over when the police failed to protect and lead our nation’s leaders. The real heroes of the day apparently hid and removed identifying marks. Looks like Chinese intelligence source Rep Swalwell (D-CA) also scores some points […]

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This isn’t good

| January 6, 2021 | 358 Comments
This isn’t good

If 2020 was the year of the “fiery, but mostly peaceful” left wing riots, it’s looking like 2021 might be the year of the aggressive right wing riot. Brietbart (and others) are reporting; Protestors entered the United States Capitol building as the House and Senate are voting to certify the 2020 presidential election. Following a […]

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Sens Blumenthal and Gillibrand implore Army to postpone (again) the new PT test

| October 22, 2020 | 31 Comments
Sens Blumenthal and Gillibrand implore Army to postpone (again) the new PT test

Senators Dick with a capital “D” Blumenthal (D-CT), phony Vietnam War Vet, and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) have written a letter to the Army brass asking them to postpone the new Army Combat Fitness Test, scheduled to begin Army-wide in October. This is a fitness program that’s been in development since 2013. The ACFT is based […]

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