Pelosi Motors

| January 28, 2021

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D- CA)

AW1 Rod has been hammering my inbox all day with stock market foul play emails, now this. It is a breathtakingly blatant money grab that would put you or me in jail, unless of course we were Congress Critters. Like Nan.

David sends.

Nancy Pelosi Buys Tesla Calls, Stands To Benefit From New Biden EV Plan

Chris Katje

The ability of members of U.S. Congress to buy and sell stocks has been controversial over the years. One of its most prominent members made some purchases in December that could benefit from the new Biden administration.

What Happened: It was revealed over the weekend that Speaker of the House and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi purchased 25 call options of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA). The purchases could have been done by Pelosi or her husband Paul, who runs a venture capital firm.

The options were bought at a stake price of $500 and expiration of March 18, 2022. Pelosi paid between $500,000 and $1,000,000 for the options, according to the disclosure.

Pelosi also disclosed that she bought 20,000 shares of AllianceBernstein Holdings (NYSE: AB), 100 calls of Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) and 100 calls of Walt Disney Co (NYSE: DIS).

Tesla shares have risen from $640.34 at the time the calls were purchased to over $890 today. The call options were valued at $1.12 million as of Monday.

It just gets better, here: Yahoo News
Thanks, David.

Category: Congress sucks, Guest Link

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Fuck Her. Hard, with an elongated, unidentified, interstellar space object…..
I want to hear her SCREAM, “OUMUAMUA!!!!”, shudder furiously and then shuffle off this mortal coil, never to interact in such a negative way with us evermore.
The End.




That is why we call her Piglosi. These career pols are grifters, especially the D-rats who are frequently married to multi millionaires. They invariably use their influence to make more millions. Exhibit A: Gropey Joe.


I’ll bet that she sees nothing wrong with doing that… she’s a member of the “ruling elite” that has no rules to follow.


A lil bird told me to buy Tesla?


They don’t even care that they are found out.

It is one massive, in-yo’-face, whatcha-gonna-doaboutit FORK YOU! to all of us.


They do it to your face and tell you that it’s OK and to think otherwise is wrong.

While searching for that clip, I came across this 60 Minutes piece from 2006. Pelosi has been doing the same exact schtick for years. She’s a bully and name calls while providing no solutions. It’s sad when you can take any interview or press conference from her over the span of two decades and you wouldn’t be able to tell which terrible, evil Republican she’s shitting on.

The Dead Man

Over and under on her legal defense consisting of, “I was too drunk to remember buying those stocks”?


Inherwebz have been full of this kinda stuff for several days. Sent some to Mason on evening last re some of DiFi’s hubbys nefarious activities. You may recall that the Loeffler Perdue Senate races were eat up with the same type of accusations. In their cases, they were cleared. Whatcha wanna bet, these will be swept away too.

We are so screwed. Instead of looking into all this Pigalousy is wanting to investigate “the enemy is among us” NG and active duty troops.

Pitch Fork? Torch? Rope?


You forgot “tree” and “some assembly required.”


Tar and feathers.


Congress exempted itself from the “insider trading” law, as well as many other laws.


I will never trust a person who became a multimillionaire after getting elected. All this and the stink right now from the Game Stop stock short squeeze should be a wake up that the markets are rigged.


Tesla. I just don’t get it.

In my little corner of the world you can’t even buy one much less get one serviced. Got to go waaaaaay out of town for either. Yet, there is a hotel in the closest city with no less than 6 charging stations specifically marked for Teslas. Makes you go hmmmm. No doubt there was a substantial subsidy and/or other incentive to install them. Nobody seems to care that they may never be used.


Tesla=Elon Musk. People are buying it because of who he is and not what the company produces.

A brilliant (and very weird) individual who connects with younger and older demographics. He’s a guy with vision. And, I believe it is the only way the average person can invest in his projects. Space X isn’t public.

Of course, he is one industrial accident away from being a supervillian.


The company is grossly overvalued. There have been considerable quality control issues and they have trouble filling orders. They’re also being helped with major tax subsidies. Elon Musk certainly isn’t stupid, but he’s no visionary. Nothing he does is new or clever, but he’s got the world convinced he’s a tech messiah.

Tesla stock is overdue for a crash. Unless you’ve got a corrupt White House and Congress that fully buy into the over-priced “green” tech as they try to save the world.


Speaking of the stock market, I’ve been reading with great enjoyment and mirth the game stop fiasco.

A bunch of internet types have figured out how to manipulate the market resulting in fat cat hedge funds that make $$ by shorting stocks getting fusked.

Plot reveal: Turns out the really rich don’t like it when the plebes start manipulating the market without them.

We are now seeing Ted Cruz, AOC and Trump all in agreement on something. 2021 is far weirder than 2020.


In fairness that was T Jr.

But yeah the Game Stop, AMC, Blackberry, fiasco is going to prove to be a game changer in the equity markets. The peasants don’t have to be smart, just well led and organized.

Actual market manipulation such as a pump and dump is illegal. That isn’t what happened. What they did was a classic short squeeze and is 100% legal. There was shit ton of covering yesterday to prevent Randolph and Mortimer from going to the cleaners. Going to be interesting to see how it falls out.

E4 Mafia '83-'87

It may be a comedy, but Eddie Murphy’s ‘The Distinguished Gentleman’ reveals how most politicians don’t walk through the door they ooze underneath.

Slow Joe

Madison Beer got another song!

Madison Beer – Boyshit

USMC Steve

So? Just another bimbo with fake tits and a cool last name. Why should we care?


Because they are getting rich on your dime. There is something radically wrong with a system that sends relatively ordinary income people to the swamp and they manage to acquire great wealth while there.