More Gun Rights Violations On the Ticket

| February 14, 2021

Well, this video should annoy you gun nutz enough to go out and buy more gunz or ammo (if you can find any).

This is a Legally Armed America video on Sheila Jackson Lee’s HR127 bill to require a federal firearms license, never mind restrict usage and how much ammo you can own. I like to keep you all informed about something besides cooking.

Those people like Shelia really do know how to piss people off, don’t they?

Since the British crown tried, in 1775, to seize legally owned firearms belonging to the colonists, there is a reason for the inclusion of the “right to bear arms” portion of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

As the author of that article points out, these things are no longer being taught in school, so kids grow up not knowing about their own civil rights.

Seems to me that this completely violates the 2nd Amendment part about the right to bear arms, and also that other part about how all other powers are reserved to the states – or some such thing that fat cow missed.

The bill HR127 is unconstitutional, whether she likes it or not. But I’m sure Sheila won’t let that stand in her way. If it passes (and I’m not saying it will/won’t), it will face the usual tests.

I guess Sheila didn’t have to pass a test on the US Constitution when she “graduated” from high school or junior high school…. or maybe she never did graduate at all.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", 2020 Election, Congress sucks, Guns

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This fugly cow is exhibit A that the IQ’s of some Congress-rats barely reach 85.


Think you’re being a little generous with a number that high, rgr769. Maybe 65?

Y’all getting sick of this sh^t yet? Skrunt!


I was giving her an extra 10 points for being Black and purportedly female. Hank Johnson is definitely in 65 territory, though.


She-Jack! The SHAME of Texas.


She went to YALE.

Let that shit sink in.

Sgt K

Those darn boat accidents where everyone seems to be losing all their firearms. DO NOT transport all your firearms on a boat or canoe all at once. You could lose all your firearms. I know, because this happened to me. Forewarned is forearmed. Trust me!

Retired Grunt

Mine were all oxidized and rusted away after I left them in a moldy closet. To be honest. I only need one. I’ll use that to get anything else I may need from those untrained unknowing individuals who, when tasked with it probably couldn’t pull the trigger anyway. Hopefully from those who love to be victims as a career choice.

Retired Grunt

There’s a lot of talkers in the world. Believe it or not, it IS hard to pull that trigger especially the first few times. I have this thing I believe are morals and the value of human that made it so damn hard for me.


“I have this thing I believe are morals and the value of human that made it so damn hard for me.”

And THAT is what makes you different from these scum RG.. look at the feral thugs in Shitcago and other places, they have no problem shooting indiscriminately, killing kids etc. This is the goal of the left, completely devalue human life, dehumanize those who don’t follow the party line, and destroy our Republic (same as in every other communist revolution in history)..


Dammit, Ex, do I have to tell you again? It’s “firearms aficionados” not “gun

MI Ranger

I prefer “Chemical Reaction Induced by Mechanical Articulation” aficionado! I love to view the rapid acceleration of non-ferrous metals from a meticulously engineered compilation of parts whether they be metallic or chemical compound components!


I feel a Charlton Heston quote is needed here.

AW1 Rod

Sheila Jackson Lee is dumber than a bag of hammers, and far less useful.


Charleston Heston said that?


I believe that those who are inclined to believe in the rights we are born with should send Rep Sheila Jacks-hnnn Lee a bag of dicks.

RGR 4-78

This is more proof that they consider us “subjects” not “citizens”.


You can’t fix stupid. But you can numb it with a 2×4.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist

Partial quote:
“Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people……..who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.”
John Locke
From Mike V’s “Absolved”


I’m not overly concerned with HR127. This is something like the second or third time that the dizzy bint has tried to get some traction on this very same legislation. And just like last time, she has zero cosponsors. I doubt this will go anywhere, but it still bears watching.

I’m more concerned with “common sense” gun regulation that may be coming down the pike and has a far better chance of being passed with the current makeup of Congress. These would be things like permanent “assault weapons” and “high capacity magazine” bans and “universal background checks.” As stand-alone bills, they have a better chance of passing.

I’m not saying don’t be concerned with HR127, just don’t be overly concerned about it. Keep an eye on it, like the scantily clad assistant on stage, but watch the magician shuffling the deck of cards.


Ahh, but Gropey Joe aka JoBama wants legislation that outlaws ownership of any semi-auto centerfire magazine fed rifle and all magazines of greater than ten round capacity, unless we register them like full-auto firearms under the 1934 NFA, which requires a $200.00 annual fee for each weapon. So buckle up, we are going to have a rough ride the next four years unless the Republicans take back the House in 2022. As we used to say in the Civil War re-enactor cavalry units I rode with, “you better cinch up that girth to fightin’ tight instead of ridin’ tight.”


Could be why he wants to keep the National Guard protecting the Capitol thru the fall.