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Zombie Kennedy wants his Senate seat back

| January 14, 2010 | 11 Comments
Zombie Kennedy wants his Senate seat back

The ghoulish Democrat Party has disinterred the rotting corpse of Ted Kennedy to defeat Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown. Apparently, Kennedy’s widow is complicit in the macabre plot to seat Zombie Kennedy in the Senate once again; A radical right wing plot to prevent Kennedy from taking his seat back has come to the attention of […]

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Whose activism is this?

| January 13, 2010 | 4 Comments
Whose activism is this?

The Washington Post writes this morning that Republican activists are battling for “Ted Kennedy’s seat” in Massachusetts. I don’t know how they figure that seat belongs to the late Kennedy unless his fat ass is still stuck to the damn chair; Fueled by the energy of conservative activists, a solid debate performance and a 24-hour, […]

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Burris’ T’was The Night Before Christmess

| December 22, 2009 | 4 Comments
Burris’ T’was The Night Before Christmess

Tankerbabe sent us this link from starring one of this year’s best walking punchlines, Roland Burris, as he recites his staff’s version of Twas the Night Before Christmas; I guess his staff had to do something while they worked so hard to avoid reading the health care bill – this poem is the result […]

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Biden in the New York Times

| December 20, 2009 | 2 Comments
Biden in the New York Times

Joe “Mad Bomber” Biden, who has been consistently wrong on every piece of legislation for which he ever voted while he occupied his dunce seat in the Senate, tries to convince his former fellows to vote for the dubious health care bill before them this week from the pages of the New York Times. His […]

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VoteVets: Medicare buy in helps veterans

| December 18, 2009 | 5 Comments
VoteVets: Medicare buy in helps veterans

I hate to keep harping on the folks at VoteVets (who am I kidding?), but the other day, dicksmith made the most absurd assumption I’ve ever read. In his article he claims that unless there’s a medicare buy-in provision in the health care bill, veterans will suffer. Another group that this will hurt greatly is […]

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Fear mongering

| December 17, 2009 | 27 Comments
Fear mongering

I’ve heard the President and Democrat Congressional leaders charge the Right with fear mongering among the citzenry. Well, I got this in an email yesterday from Organizing For America and I forgot about it until I read Gary’s comment in the preceding post. If that’s not fear mongering, I don’t know fear mongering.

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Right on cue

| December 17, 2009 | 10 Comments
Right on cue

The other day, I wrote about political leadership, or rather the lack thereof, in the Democrat Party – particular the so-called leaders of the party. Right on cue, they provide us some examples. Pelosi announces, as reported in the Washington Post that she won’t stump for a troop surge in Afghanistan; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi […]

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Leadership, and the lack thereof

| December 15, 2009 | 4 Comments
Leadership, and the lack thereof

John Aravosis at AMERICAblog News, a Left-of-center blog, writes, if he’ll allow me to boil it down to it’s simplest elements, that the Democrats are spineless wienies. Aravosis compares what Bush was able to accomplish with only 55 Republican Senators as compared to what the Democrats can’t deliver with their 60 pledged seats. While I […]

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