Burris’ T’was The Night Before Christmess

| December 22, 2009

Tankerbabe sent us this link from Democrats.com starring one of this year’s best walking punchlines, Roland Burris, as he recites his staff’s version of Twas the Night Before Christmas;

I guess his staff had to do something while they worked so hard to avoid reading the health care bill – this poem is the result of idle hands. This is how Democrats “remain civil“.

Category: Congress sucks, Health Care debate

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What more can you expect out of Roland “I bought my senate Seat” Burris. Between his appointment and Mass. changing the rules of how they are represented whenever they want, I am surprised we aren’t all living on collective farms or working factories located in Alsaka.


Indeed, no integrity left at all. Bought at any price, because principles have no place in the world of the power grab.

The page that wrote that will get tossed under the bus, and *then* be given a new government job for more money. Stupid fuc*ers.

B Woodman

The Burro has spoken! Hee Haw! I’d like to hear his definition of “mandate”, since he used it twice in the “poem.” Whatever it it, I’ll bet it doesn’t match mine.
President Obeyme was elected by a very slim margin. Hardly a “mandate”. But all the DemonRats and RINOs will find out what a “mandate” is in November 2010.
And of course, he and all his Kongress Kritter pals, along with the unions (SEIU, et al), don’t have to worry about THEIR HELLthKare plans, they’re exempt from this 2,000+ page abomination.
I just wish that there had been ONE, just ONE RINO who had the fire in their belly to get up and make a loud, unapologetic, vocal fuss over all this. And had proposed, LOUDLY, a “good enough for them, good enough for us” amendment. It would have gone down in flames, but it might have woken SOMEONE up from their lethargy.


Chicago’s new poet laureate isn’t done yet.


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