Right on cue

| December 17, 2009

The other day, I wrote about political leadership, or rather the lack thereof, in the Democrat Party – particular the so-called leaders of the party. Right on cue, they provide us some examples. Pelosi announces, as reported in the Washington Post that she won’t stump for a troop surge in Afghanistan;

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday, adding that she is finished asking her colleagues to back wars that they do not support.

“The president’s going to have to make his case,” Pelosi told reporters at a year-end briefing on the legislative session.

You can see the yellow streak running right down her back. Cowardice pure and simple – Pelosi is scared of Code Pink yelling in her hallway and outside her house. We’re supposed to be at war, and she’s hiding behind politics.

Here’s another example of cowardice; Fox News reports that John Conyers doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to admit that the reason the health care bill is failing is because it’s unpopular among regular Americans who don’t live in the Beltway;

“The insurance lobby is taking over,” Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich., was quoted as saying in Roll Call.

No, the American voters are taking over you imbecile. And Mitch McConnel explains why voters are so angry;

this bill has become a political nightmare for them.

“They know Americans overwhelmingly oppose it, so they want to get it over with.

“Americans are already outraged at the fact that Democrat leaders took their eyes off the ball. Rushing the process on a partisan line makes the situation even worse.

“Americans were told the purpose of reform was to reduce the cost of health care.

“Instead, Democrat leaders produced a $2.5 trillion, 2,074-page monstrosity that vastly expands government, raises taxes, raises premiums, and wrecks Medicare.

“And they want to rush this bill through by Christmas — one of the most significant, far-reaching pieces of legislation in U.S. history. They want to rush it.

“And here’s the most outrageous part: at the end of this rush, they want us to vote on a bill that no one outside the Majority Leader’s conference room has even seen.

“That’s right. The final bill we’ll vote on isn’t even the one we’ve had on the floor. It’s the deal Democrat leaders have been trying to work out in private. “

Oh, while health care and the war were popular, Democrats bent over backwards to take credit – and now that they face an angry crowd, it’s “rush, rush, rush” and hand responsibility and culpability off to someone else. McConnell quotes Olympia Snowe’s disappointment with the Democrats’ process, too. I hope she summons the courage to admit her fault in this, too.

But more than likely, she’ll just collapse into the Democrat camp and sell us down the river to prove that spinelessness isn’t a partisan condition.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Health Care debate, Terror War

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Yes it is the people rallying all summer at Tea Parties and in DC that is a major reason that this Albatross HC Bill may go down. The Code Red Rally on the Senate Hill Dec 15 was another success. Thousands went into visit the Senators before and fter the rally.

See one of the best video’s from OP here.


When insurance companies spend over $100,000,000 on fear-mongering advertising campaigns targeting frightened, misinformed, gullible people, what do you expect? You guys sure bought into it…..


should read “over $100,000,000 on fear-mongering advertising and lobbying campaigns”


That’s right, those supporting the bill have not engaged in fear tactics at all. Love how it okay to use those tactics if you agree with the issue, yet if you are on the opposition side it is fear-mongering.

And why does no one on the left ever address the fact that the majority of Americans do not want this spending juggernaut of a bill. Most Americans agree some changes do need to happen with health care, just not socialization of medicine and definitely not something that in the long run will take even more money from our pockets.


I dunno… may have been two separate posts?

I’m tickled that ANY Congresscritter is upset with the health care crap. At this point I don’t much care about their motives.

As to Pelosi? This scrag is just doing what her ilk does.

This is a BOHICA moment. Sadly, there’s history here. I do believe that Congress pulled the plug at least once before.

Army Sergeant

I’d have a lot more sympathy if 2,074 pages were actually a lot of reading material.

Everyone says it like it’s so fucking hard. What’s so fucking hard about getting a hard copy, pulling an all-nighter with a highlighter, and raising your concerns? These people get paid for this shit.

I might have issues with the bill itself, but I’m not crying because the poor little congresspeople actually have to omfg, read.


The problem is it needs more than a overnight read. It requires an in-depth review.


The problem is you need ACCESS to the 2,074 pages BEFORE you can read it and that’s being denied to everyone except the “Democratic Leaders” (now THERE’S an oxymoron). An all nighter with a highlighter will not cut is A.S. That’s bovine scathology and you know it. Gary is absolutely right.


So A.S. thinks one night with a high lighter will give someone the opportunity to make a well informed, rational decision about a huge issue/bill thats on the table and will change the way we get health care and are taxed?
One night to know enough to know what youre talking about…hmm

Please remove all soldiers that fall under her command…Im worried she’s spent one night training to do her job.


I read the first bill, hr3200. I needed a lawyer friend of mine to decipher some of the language and it took me damn near four days.

Harry Reid doesn’t have a fucking bill and Obama is pedaling that medicare as it IS…is unsustainable. hahaha. Really? When did the Pied Piper get that info, because most of us here already know that it’s a done deal that Medicare is fucked, no matter what is done about the current bill.

And the rest of us will be fucked, too. If, as a productive member of society, I can only garner a 40k salary, and my health insurance mandated bill will be 15k, then I will need to actually make 10k more to cover that new expense. In an economy where I cannot get a job, how will our family actually make it? BTW…I am one of the middle class earners that *isn’t* getting their taxes raised!!! Yeah, you gotta love that Pied Piper hope and change, don’t cha?