General Whackos
Natl Guard Chief says NG troops defending border is a waste of time
The Chief of the National Guard Bureau, General Daniel Hokanson, testified to Congress that the NG troops deployed to protect the southern border isn’t a militarily relevant mission. The quote is that it has “no military training value”, which seems pretty dense to me. He’d rather instead of deploying to defend the nation, they instead […]
USAF to court martial another general for sex assault
The Air Force is, for the second time in three years, sending a general officer to a court martial. This time it’s Major General Phillip Stewart. He’s going up on a long list of charges, even one of which would be considered career ending if not worthy of Leavenworth. Sounds like the general was living […]
Holy Crap It’s Wednesday (formerly Tuesday Tidbits)
Gotta lead off with this one…Daily Wire is coming out with a movie about a former men’s basketball team that reunites – and says they identify as female to compete as a women’s team. Check out the trailer at Trailer Looks to be politically incorrect as all get-out…gonna have to watch. Will it have the same […]
Guess who is protesting Israel? 10/10 PM update
Yep, big bad Israel is oppressing Gaza and Hamas. You didn’t know that? This is all Israel’s fault. Reminds me of a five-year-old or a wife abuser saying “you made me do that!” Just like always, those few million Jews keep oppressing those twenty-some million Arabs. The narrative is that nasty old Israel is in […]
The insanity of the liberal mind
Have seen a couple of articles recently which illustrate those thought processes… and it ain’t pretty. Let’s start with Nithya Raman, who blames the car manufacturers for making catalytic convertors so easy to steal that folks just nat’r’lly cain’t resist it. When LA tried to enact an ordinance on criminal possession of stolen convertors, she […]
Interesting Supreme rejection
The city of Ocala, FL has been at the center of a lawsuit in which an atheist claimed she suffered “damages” due to a prayer vigil held to support victims of a shooting. One can probably assume the prayer vigil was not conducted by gun-controllers, it ain’t their style to support victims – just dance […]
Joe, Sheila… and then there’s SanFran sans Nan
Been a good day for political stupid. In the first item, Mr. Gun Expert Joe Biden weighed in on police shootings, questioning why they don’t just shoot for the leg or some such. “Instead of anybody coming at you and the first thing you do is shoot to kill, you shoot them in the leg,” […]
Art history prof Mohammed firing update
Some of you may remember this from last month – art history professor Erika Lopez Prater was fired from Hamline U. after showing the above painting of Mohammed in her art history class. Erika López Prater said she took many precautions before showing a 14th-century painting of the prophet to a global art history class, […]
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