Military issues
Woke military leadership
The military has a job, its leadership should focus on ensuring that the military could do that job when called to do so. Unfortunately, even the military has been bit by the “woke” bug. Fox News interviewed three veterans to get their views on the wokeness that has taken root at the Pentagon and across […]
Troops deployed to southern border do deployed troop shenanigans
Jeff LPH 3 sends in a Army Times article about all the crap soldiers are getting in to that are deployed on the southern border. This does not include the Texas National Guard soldiers there on that state’s mission. This is about the troops the federal government have deployed down there (with no equipment, no […]
WH veteran suicide prevention plan pushes gun “safety”
Resident Biden’s administration will be releasing their plan to combat veteran suicides. No surprise, they’re coming for your guns. Jeff LPH 3 sends in the Military Times article on the topic; White House officials on Tuesday will unveil their new plan to end veteran and military suicide, with an increased focus on firearm safety and […]
General Milley defends China calls as “perfectly acceptable”
General Milley described his calls to his Chinese phone counterpart as well within the duties and responsibilities of his job. These calls, according to the general, were needed to ensure strategic stability. He is due to testify before Congress regarding these phone calls. Milley stated that he will be more detailed during his interactions with […]
Female draft placed into latest Senate defense bill
Democrats managed to get a requirement for a female draft into the Senate’s version of the defense bill. If passed and signed into law, women 18-25 will also be required to register for the draft. The Republicans attempted a similar measure, in the same bill, to ban Critical Race Theory from the military. This measure […]
Army proposal for Arlington may remove qualification for burial at Arlington for retired service members
Based on estimates, Arlington National Cemetery will run out of space in the near future. According to the article, by 2025. If this proposal is approved, those who retired from the military will no longer be eligible for burial there. However, there is a suggestion to modify this proposal. Those receiving military retirement pay, effective […]
Secretary of Defense Memorandum declaring intent to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory
The Secretary of Defense released a memorandum to the military. It informs the troops that a request will be forwarded to Joe Biden for the vaccines to be mandatory to all Service Members. The target mandatory date will be the middle of September, or sooner the moment one of the vaccines gets full FDA approval. […]
Defense Secretary wants to mandate COVID-19 Vaccinations
Lloyd Austin, Defense Secretary, is going to ask for authorization to make COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for those on active duty. This request is expected to come this week. Normally, these kinds of orders do not happen until the Food and Drug Administration fully approves the vaccine. However, Joe Biden can waive this requirement, paving the […]
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